KYC Corporate 2019
KYC Corporate 2019
KYC Corporate 2019
Are any of the Direct/Indirect owners of the Company involved in any of the business types listed above?
Yes No
Less than 100k per annum Less than 50k per annum
More than 100k per annum More than 50k per annum
e) An immediate family member of a person mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d) meaning the spouse, parents, siblings
or children of that person and the parents, siblings and additional children of the person’s spouse; and Yes No
Details (If Yes)
f) Publicly known or actually known to the relevant financial institution to be a close personal or professional
associate of the person mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d) Yes No
Details (If Yes)
Transaction Information
I/We hereby declare and confirm that the information given by me/us
in this application is true and correct and I/We further declare that I/We am/are not engaged in money
laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or other illegal activities.
I/We release and forever discharge all such persons and entities from all liabilities connected with such
disclaimer whosoever and howsoever arising.
Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
Note: This section is to be signed if the customer is acting on behalf of a third party in a fiduciary capacity. (E.g. Attorney at law, Notary Public,
Trustee, Accountant, etc.)
I/We have made inquiry to the best of my/our knowledge and believe the funds were not derived from or are
being employed in any illegal transaction by the Person/Company for whom/which I am acting.
Authorised Signatory
Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
Verified against the Financial Action Task Force list of high risk and Non-Cooperative Countries and
Territories, the ISIL and Al Qaida Sanctions list, UN 1718 on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Sanctioned list, UN2231 on the Islamic Republic of Iran and Trinidad and Tobago list of Court Orders
Name: Name:
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