Question 2

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1. What is the default access modifier for a class in Java if none is specified?

 A) Private
 B) Protected
 C) Public
 D) Package-private (default)

2. Which keyword is used to create a new object in Java?

 A) new
 B) create
 C) make
 D) instantiate

3. How does a nested if-else statement work?

 A) The else block is executed first

 B) It allows multiple conditions to be checked sequentially
 C) It executes the outer if block only if the inner if block is true
 D) It runs parallel to other if-else statements

4. Which statement is true about the else block in an if-else statement?

 A) It must be accompanied by an if statement

 B) It can exist without an if statement
 C) It can only be used with if statements in loops
 D) It must be used with the if statement

5. Which loop will always execute its body at least once regardless of the condition?

 A) for loop
 B) while loop
 C) do-while loop
 D) None of the above

6. What is the main difference between while and do-while loops?

 A) while loop checks the condition before execution; do-while loop checks it after
 B) do-while loop checks the condition before execution; while loop checks it after
 C) while loop executes the code block once; do-while loop can execute it multiple
 D) There is no difference between them

7. How do you terminate a loop early in Java?

 A) Using return
 B) Using continue
 C) Using break
 D) Using stop
8. In a for loop, what happens if the increment expression is omitted?

 A) The loop will not terminate

 B) The loop will run indefinitely
 C) The loop will execute only once
 D) The code will not compile

9. Which of the following is true about constructors in Java?

 A) Constructors must have a return type

 B) Constructors can be called explicitly
 C) Constructors are used to initialize objects
 D) Constructors can have the same name as methods but different parameters

10. How does a constructor differ from a method in Java?

 A) A constructor can have a return type

 B) A method can have the same name as the class
 C) A constructor's name must be the same as the class name, and it does not have a
return type
 D) A constructor is invoked explicitly, while methods are not

11. Which keyword is used to call a constructor from another constructor in the
same class?

 A) call
 B) this
 C) super
 D) new

12. Which of the following is true about method overloading?

 A) Method overloading is based on the return type of the method

 B) Method overloading is based on the method name and the parameter list
 C) Method overloading is not allowed in Java
 D) Method overloading is based on the access modifier

13. What does the super() keyword do in a constructor?

 A) It initializes a variable
 B) It calls the parent class’s constructor
 C) It defines a new constructor
 D) It stops the execution of the constructor

14. What does the super() keyword do in a constructor?

 A) It initializes a variable
 B) It calls the parent class’s constructor
 C) It defines a new constructor
 D) It stops the execution of the constructor
15. System.out.println(7 / 2);

 A) 3.5
 B) 3
 C) 3.0
 D) 7

16. What is the purpose of the this keyword in Java?

 A) To refer to the current object

 B) To call a superclass method
 C) To return a value from a method
 D) To declare a variable

17. Why is encapsulation important in object-oriented programming?

 A) It allows for faster execution of programs.

 B) It enables the modification of the class without affecting other classes.
 C) It automatically generates documentation.
 D) It allows any class to access the internal data of an object.

18. Which of the following is a benefit of encapsulation?

 A) Increased memory usage.

 B) Faster compilation time.
 C) Improved security and control over data.
 D) Unlimited access to all class members.

Answer: C) Impved security and control over data.

19. Which of the following statements is true about encapsulation?

 A) Encapsulation is not supported in Java.

 B) Encapsulation can be achieved using only public fields.
 C) Encapsulation prevents a class from having any methods.
 D) Encapsulation helps in data hiding and abstraction.

Answer: D) Encapsulation helps in data hiding and abstraction.

20. Which keyword is used to define a method that does not return a value?

 A) int
 B) void
 C) null
 D) static

21. Which of the following statements about methods is true?

 A) Methods must always have parameters.

 B) Methods can only return primitive data types.
 C) Methods can be overloaded by changing the number or type of parameters.
 D) Methods cannot be called within other methods.

Answer: C) Methods can be overloaded by changing the number or type of parameters.

22. What is the purpose of a method's parameter list in Java?

 A) To specify the return type of the method

 B) To define the variables that can be accessed globally
 C) To accept input values when the method is called
 D) To declare local variables within the method

Answer: C) To accept input values when the method is called

23. Which of the following describes method overloading?

 A) Defining a method inside another method

 B) Using the same method name with different parameter lists
 C) Assigning multiple return types to a method
 D) Declaring a method without a return type

Answer: B) Using the same method name with different parameter lists

24. Which of the following is a library class in Java?

 A) Main
 B) Scanner
 C) Calculator
 D) MyClass

Answer: B) Scaner

25. What is the purpose of the Scanner class in Java?

 A) To create graphical user interfaces

 B) To handle network communication
 C) To read input from the user
 D) To perform mathematical calculations

Answer: C) To read input from the user

26. What does the System.out.println() method do in Java?

 A) Reads input from the user

 B) Writes data to a file
 C) Prints output to the console
 D) Compiles the Java program

Answer: C) Prints output to the console

27. for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {


 A) 4 times
 B) 5 times
 C) 6 times
 D) 0 times
28. int i = 0;
while (i < 3) {

 A) 1 2 3
 B) 0 1 2 3
 C) 0 1 2
 D) 3 2 1 0

29. Which of the following is true about the for-each loop in Java?

 A) It can only be used with arrays.

 B) It can be used to iterate over elements in a collection or array.
 C) It requires a counter variable.
 D) It is the only loop that can iterate backward.

30. What is the role of the else statement in an if-else structure?

 A) To execute code when the if condition is true

 B) To execute code when the if condition is false
 C) To define multiple conditions
 D) To repeat code execution

Answer: B) To execute code when the if condition is false

31 Which of the following is true about nested if statements?

 A) An if statement cannot contain another if statement.

 B) Nested if statements are not allowed in Java.
 C) An if statement can contain multiple if statements inside it.
 D) Nested if statements must have an else block.

32 Which of the following logical operators is used to check if both conditions are true
in an if statement?

 A) ||
 B) &&
 C) !
 D) = =

33. Which of the following statements correctly describes the use of continue in a while

 A) It terminates the loop completely.

 B) It skips the current iteration and exits the loop.
 C) It skips the rest of the current iteration and continues with the next iteration.
 D) It restarts the loop from the beginning.

Answer: C) It skips the rest of the current iteration and continues with the next iteration.
34. int count = 0; while (count < 5) { if (count == 2) { break; } System.out.println(count); count++; }

 A) 0 1
 B) 0 1 2 3 4
 C) 0 1 2

 D) 0 1 3 4

35. What is the purpose of an if statement in Java?

 A) To iterate over a block of code multiple times

 B) To define a class
 C) To execute a block of code based on a condition
 D) To terminate the program

36. What is an object in Java?

 A) A variable that holds multiple values

 B) An instance of a class
 C) A method that performs a specific task
 D) A collection of data and methods

37. Which of the following best describes encapsulation?

 A) The ability to inherit properties from another class

 B) The ability to define multiple methods with the same name
 C) The bundling of data and methods that operate on that data within one unit
 D) The division of a program into separate modules

Answer: C) The bundling of data and methods that operate on that data within one unit

38. What is abstraction in Java?

 A) Hiding the internal implementation details and showing only essential features
 B) The process of defining multiple classes with the same name
 C) The ability to define private variables
 D) The ability to create an instance of a class

Answer: A) Hiding the internal implementation details and showing only essential features

39. What is an abstract method in Java?

 A) A method with a body defined in the abstract class

 B) A method that cannot be overridden
 C) A method without a body that must be implemented by subclasses
 D) A method that is private and final

Answer: C) A method without a body that must be implemented by subclasses

40. Which of the following statements is true about abstract classes?

 A) An abstract class cannot have constructors.

 B) An abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods.
 C) An abstract class must have at least one abstract method.
 D) An abstract class cannot have instance variables.
Answer: B) An abstract class can have both abstract and non-abstract methods.

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