Group Melati Article
Group Melati Article
Group Melati Article
Eva Muninggar1), Jenius Adilia Larasati2), Linda Dwi Setyowati3), Yasmin Deviana Edby4)
Universitas Negeri Semarang1,2,3,4
This study investigates the utilization of learning media in English language teaching at
the primary school level in Indonesia. The study was triggered by the need to enhance
English teachers in Indonesian primary schools through the use of diverse learning
media to better engage students. The study used qualitative methods, particularly semi-
structured interviews, the study explores teachers' experiences with various learning
media, including pictures, flashcards, PowerPoint presentations, games, and visual
animation. Findings reveal that teachers integrate a range of media to enhance learning
experiences and engage students effectively. The research underscores the importance
of incorporating diverse learning media, both traditional and technology-based, to cater
to students' needs and foster active participation in English language classes. The study
contributes to the ongoing discourse on innovative teaching methodologies and the
optimization of learning environments in primary education. To improve education in
Indonesia, this study suggests enhancing English teachers' training-related learning
media for a better learning process. In addition, the contribution of schools in improving
school facilities that support the creation of learning media is also highly needed by
English teachers.
In Indonesia, young learners navigating the realm of English language acquisition are
driven by both formal educational objectives and informal communication needs. The
primary school environment, far from being solely focused on academic attainment, is
dedicated to nurturing a child's holistic development, including personality, knowledge,
and skills crucial for lifelong learning. However, in the face of globalization, mastering
English has become not just desirable but imperative, posing challenges compounded by
the natural distractions young learners face (Larsen & Long, 1991).
Teachers play a central role in managing these challenges, employing various learning
media to engage and captivate young minds. These media serve as vital tools,
simplifying complex concepts, encouraging critical thinking, and tailoring learning
experiences to suit the unique needs of students (Puyada et al., 2018).
The spectrum of learning media encompasses auditory, visual, and audio-visual
modalities, ranging from traditional textbooks to modern digital platforms. Each
medium is carefully selected to address specific learning goals, enhancing
comprehension and sustaining student interest. Furthermore, integrating games into
learning media capitalizes on children's natural inclination towards play, bridging the
gap between education and entertainment while deepening engagement with the subject
matter (Pratami et al., 2023).
The introduction of the Merdeka Curriculum in Indonesian primary schools signifies a
significant shift, urging educators to embrace innovative teaching methodologies,
including leveraging learning media strategically. This transition necessitates a
rethinking of instructional approaches, utilizing technology to customize learning
experiences and empower students to explore concepts independently. As English
language education undergoes this transformation, there is a pressing need to evaluate
the effectiveness of diverse learning media, address implementation challenges, and
provide recommendations to enrich the curriculum and enhance educational outcomes
(Kemendikbudristek, 2022).
This research emerges from the existing literature, which predominantly focuses on
examining vocabulary teaching strategies and the utilization of teaching aids in English
language instruction for young learners. While studies such as those by Bedilu &
Degefu (2023), Sanjaya (2019), and Aslan (2011) offer valuable insights into various
aspects of vocabulary instruction, there is a conspicuous absence of comprehensive
exploration into the role and the use of learning media in English language teaching
specifically at the elementary school level. While these studies shed light on the beliefs
and methods of learning media, they do not delve deeply into the broader spectrum of
learning media, including auditory, visual, and audio-visual modalities, and their impact
on English language acquisition among elementary school students in Indonesia.
Consequently, there is a pressing need for research endeavors that systematically
investigate the selection, implementation, and use of diverse learning media in the
elementary school English language curriculum. Such studies would contribute
significantly to our understanding of how learning media can be optimally integrated
into English language education to enhance learning outcomes for young learners.
Research method is procedure and research technique. In this case, this section
discusses about technique of collecting data, data sources, data analyzing, and data of
correlation test. Statistical data calculation usually uses scientific formulation.
Qualitative research is a methodological approach used to explore and understand
people's experiences, perspectives, and social phenomena in depth. It focuses on
gathering rich, detailed data through methods such as interviews, observations, and
document analysis, allowing researchers to delve into the complexities of a particular
subject or phenomenon (Creswell, 2013).
Experts commonly acknowledge qualitative research as a valuable tool for
understanding the intricacies of human behavior and social interactions. As Patton
(2002) notes, qualitative methods are particularly well-suited for uncovering the
subjective experiences, perceptions, and interpretations of individuals, making them
essential in fields such as education where understanding human experiences is
The participant of this study is an English teacher at a private elementary school. The
sampling technique utilized is purposive sampling, specifically choosing an English
teacher with one year of experience teaching in an elementary school. The researcher
adapted the instruments from Habibi et. al. (2017) to collect data through semi-
structured interviews. The reason is that the research has similar objectives to this
present research, which is to identify teachers’ experiences with the use of learning
media in primary school classes. The question instrument contains situational analysis
and needs analysis.
The data collection process involves first contacting participants via WhatsApp and then
determining a meeting time for the interview. The researcher asked questions according
to those on the instrument sheet and occasionally added them to clarify the answers.
Teachers express various aspects such as problems and struggles while using learning
media to teach English in private primary schools. Interviews were recorded using a
cellphone, with the consent of the participants, so that the results were more accurate.
The audio recording of the interview is then transcribed using the Auris AI and
displayed in the document.
The data was analyzed based on an interactive model of analysis promoted by Miles &
Huberman (1994). There are three steps of this model including data reduction, data
display, and drawing conclusions. In the first step, the researcher simplifies the data by
highlighting answers that match the research question on the transcribed document.
Data reduction is needed to make the data clear and easy to use. The researcher focused
on a research question which is teacher experiences on the use of learning media in
teaching English. The data which is not related to it is set apart. In the second step, the
simplified data is then submitted to the research results document and sorted based on
the questions in the instrument. The data displayed in this research used brief notes and
narrative text. In the analysis section, the data is displayed in column form. The final
step is drawing conclusions which are presented in the findings and discussion section.
Based on the data, teachers stated the use of various kinds of learning media among
students in private primary schools. Teachers use media in the form of pictures,
flashcards, PowerPoint, games, and visual animations to support English language
E1: “Yes, I use some learning media to help me in the teaching process. I use a variety
of learning media and sometimes combine them. Such as pictures, flashcards,
PowerPoint, games, and visual animation.”
3 PowerPoint Preferred over reading books for Provides engaging and clear
lecturing presentations
1. Picture
According to the teacher, using pictures for English learning media will increase
students' learning motivation and they will be very enthusiastic.
E2: “For low or small classes such as grade 2 will be very happy when I use
image media to explain the material, usually I will print from the internet or
display on PowerPoint, try to make the images displayed have many colors that
will make learning more interesting.”
2. Flashcards
E3: “Untuk kelas kecil seperti kelas 2 dan 4 saya sering menggunakan
flashcards untuk menambah kosa kata mereka. Saya menggunakan flashcards
fisik kadang juga menggunakan flashcards yang ada di quizlet, biasanya saya
menggunakan gaya “repeat after me” itu akan saya terapkan secara berulang-
ulang agar mereka mengingatnya, ya tentu saja hal itu efektif menurut saya”
E3: “For small classes like grades 2 and 4 I often use flashcards to increase
their vocabulary. I use physical flashcards. Sometimes I also use flashcards in a
quizlet, usually I use the style of “repeat after me” that I will apply repeatedly
so that they remember it, yes, of course, it is effective in my opinion.”
3. PowerPoint
The teacher prefers using PowerPoint instead of having students read directly
from textbooks. She believes that PowerPoint is more engaging and helps
students understand the material better during lecturing. The teacher prepares
and uses PowerPoint slides to present key information, ensuring that the students
are focused and following along. The content of the PowerPoint slides covers
the essential points, making it easier for students to understand the concepts
being taught.
This method also allows the teacher to highlight and emphasize important
information more effectively than if students were just reading the book on their
own. However, the teacher still sees value in the textbook for specific tasks.
When it comes to exercises and practice problems, the teacher directs students to
return to the textbook. This ensures that students still engage with the textbook
material when it is necessary for reinforcing their learning and completing
assignments. Using PowerPoint for lecturing can help teachers to make the
material more accessible and engaging for students while reserving the textbook
for exercises and in-depth practice.
E4: “Rather than just reading books, I prefer using PowerPoint. So the students
don’t have to read books. Usually, if I’m lecturing, I’ll display it on PowerPoint.
They will go back to the book when I want them to do the exercises there.”
4. Games
Based on the results of interviews, games are one of the learning media that is
often used in learning English in private elementary schools. The teacher
explained how to use games in the classes she taught which were 2, 4, and 6.
Games are created based on the material that will be taught to achieve learning
objectives. Students prefer when learning to use game media because it is fun
and interesting.
One of the media that participants have created is the "Squid" game. The teacher
prepares a media from paper in the shape of a squid, then on the tentacles, there
are questions that students must answer. Because the material at that time was
about food, students were asked to complete the sentence 'I like...' with a choice
of topics such as vegetables, fruit, drinks, and meals. Students who successfully
answer questions correctly get points which are later converted into grades. This
game succeeded in engaging students to be active in class. They compete to get
the highest score so they indirectly try to understand the material to answer
questions correctly.
E5: “Saya beberapa kali menggunakan metode game learning untuk mengajar
kelas 2, 4, dan 6. Secara umum mereka akan tertarik dan lebih senang ketika
pakai game. Kelas 2 adalah yang paling antusias ketika mengimplementasikan
game. Saya pernah membuat game dengan media berbentuk cumi-cumi dimana
di tentakelnya ada exercise yang harus dikerjakan siswa. Mereka diminta
melengkapi kalimat ‘I like..’ dengan topik makanan, seperti vegetables, meals,
and drink”
E5: “I have used the game learning method several times to teach grades 2, 4,
and 6. In general, they are more interested and happier when using games.
Class 2 is the most enthusiastic when implementing games. I once made a game
using squid-shaped media where in the tentacles there were exercises that
students had to do. They were asked to complete the sentence 'I like..' with food
topics, such as vegetables, meals, and drinks.”
5. Visual Animation
Another learning media used by the teacher is visual animation. When using it
the teacher combines it with games. An example of the implementation of
animation combined with the game is when the teacher makes an animation
about the sea and there is garbage and students are asked to find the garbage like
trash bags, plastic bottles, and slippers. The teacher also mentioned that students'
responses towards this learning media are positive. They are engaged and
excited in the teaching and learning process. It also can increase students'
motivation to learn English.
E6: “Saya pernah bikin animasi di laut, terus ada sampah-sampah. Terus saya
minta mereka untuk menemukan sampah-sampahnya. Plastik botol, trash bag,
sendal, segala macam. Mereka excited sih. Apalagi itu bisa gerak.”
E6: “I once made an animation in the sea, and then there was rubbish. Then I
asked them to find the rubbish. Plastic bottles, trash bags, sandals, all kinds of
things. They were excited. Moreover, it could move.”
The findings show that the teacher used various learning media to engage students'
interest in learning English. Students feel happy when learning using media other than
books because it is not boring. Overall, integrating various media not only alleviates
boredom but also accelerates the learning process by providing dynamic and interactive
learning experiences.
The teacher's strategic use of colorful pictures and visual animations aims to engage
students and accommodate varying learning styles, particularly benefiting those who
grasp information more effectively through visual means. According to Rofiq (2023),
these visuals serve to contextualize English language usage within real-life scenarios,
enhancing students' comprehension and applicability of learned concepts. Furthermore,
as noted by Satyawan and Yulia (2018), the immediate association of words with
relevant visuals expedites the learning process, fostering a deeper understanding of
English language contexts and vocabulary acquisition.
Findings from interviews show that the use of games has had a significant positive
impact on the learning process. Games, as illustrated through the example of the
“Squid” game, are not only a source of fun for primary students but also effectively
integrate learning material into an engaging and interactive context. These findings
support previous research by Madya & Meningsih (2021) which states that games are
suitable for implementation in English language learning in elementary schools.
Through games, students are actively involved in learning, and building their English
language competency while experiencing a fun atmosphere. In the context of English
learning, where student engagement and motivation are critical, the use of games has
proven to be a very effective approach to achieving learning goals. A similar result is
reported by Ningsih (2023) that games greatly impact students by creating a
comfortable learning environment, fostering enjoyment in learning, increasing student
interest, enhancing comprehension, and reducing anxiety. Thus, the integration of
games in learning strategies not only improves the quality of learning but also enriches
students' learning experiences.
The teacher using animation and then asked the students to find the garbage. It shows
that the use of animation in teaching and learning activity can increases the interactivity
between the teacher and the students. It also makes the students become more active and
the learning activity become students centered. The teacher also mentioned that the
students were excited. It shows that animation can increase the motivation of the
students. It is in line with what Laksmi, (2021) found in their research. However,
much research have been done related to the use of animation in teaching and learning
English. Satywan and Yulia (2018) found that the use of animation video can make the
students happy and more passionate in learning. It is just in line with our findings.
Pujiani et al (2022);Satyawan and Yulia (2018);Laksmi et al (2021), they all are suggest
that using animation to teach elementary school students is a great choice.
From the discussion, we can draw the conclusion that the use of various learning media
can increase the students motivation in learning. it also increases the participation of the
students in teaching-learning activities. There are a lot of benefits to using various
media in teaching and learning English. However, the use of media still need to be
adjusted so that the learning media can support the learning objective.
According the findings, it can be concluded that teachers used many kinds of learning
media to teach English in primary school. Based on the results of the interview, the
teacher stated that she used pictures, flashcards, PowerPoint, games, and visual
animation to attract students' interest in learning English. She uses this learning media in
grades 2, 4, and 6. All learning media can be applied, but they need to be adapted to the
material and students' needs. This study implies that learning media can be an
alternative learning method for elementary school children to improve their English
The limitation of this study was that it only interviewed a teacher, did not see directly
how the learning media was used in the classroom, and did not observe the student
responses in detail. Further studies can attempt direct observations in a class regarding
the use of learning media and add data from student responses during the learning
process. In addition, it is necessary to develop learning materials using learning media
to achieve more effective learning.
Pujiani, T., Harsiwi, W., & Almustaflikhah, N. (2022). The Use of Animation
Video as Online Learning Media to Teach English for Young Learners. Acitya:
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Puyada, D., Ganefri, G., Ambiyar, A., Wulansari, R. E., & Hayadi, B. H. (2018).
Effectiveness of Interactive Instructional Media on Electrical Circuits.
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Language and Language Teaching), 2(2), 89.