Curran 1983
Curran 1983
Curran 1983
Assuming that small semiconducting particles retain the same optical and electronic properties as macroscopic
samples, we obtain an expression for the quantum yield of photoelectrolysis. It is shown that small unmodified
particles are in principle capable of efficient photoelectrolysis if surface recombination and the back-reaction
of surface-adsorbed intermediates is suppressed. The case of metal-loaded particles is discussed in this light.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -8
Flgure 1. A plot which shows the criterion for the flat-bands as-
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
- x
Flgure 2. The energy diagram for a small TiO, particle in suspension
sumption, where the potential drop between the center and the surface in H 2 0 of pH 7.
of a particle radius r o is 2 k B T l q . Any given powder can be placed
on this diagram, and will either be in the “field-free’’ zone under the zone of Figure 1 the total absence of electrons in the
curve, where the electric field is too small to affect carrier transport, conduction band and the small value of potential difference
or above it, where the flat-band assumption must be otherwise justified that is possible inside the semiconductor has the important
or abandoned. consequences that under most practical circumstances the
Fermi level is no longer associated with the conduction
depletion layer exists under the entire surface. More im- band (n-type case) but is placed between the bands in line
portantly if the radius of the particle is smaller than the with the solution redox (Fermi) level. Figure 2 shows such
thickness of the space charge layer formed in a macroscopic a diagram for T i 0 2 in H 2 0 a t pH 7.
electrode of the same material the potential drop in the Exactly the same is true of a p-type particle. The initial
semiconductor becomes limited by the size of the particle. doping type for small particles on the lower left of Figure
Under these conditions all the donors (for the n-type case) 1is immaterial to the form of the energy diagram of Figure
are ionized and there are no electrons left in the conduction 2.
band. Under total depletion the potential drop A V be- ( b ) Lack of Effect of Illumination on the Electrical
tween the center and the surface of a spherical particle can Field. It is assumed that illumination of the particle does
be easily calculated by applying Gauss’ theorem.15 If we not affect the “flat-band’’condition discussed above. Since
assume a dielectric constant t and a donor density N there is no reason for either carrier type to accumulate at
the center, only the Dember potential, normally neglected,
can cause a change in the internal field, even if the total
charge on the particle is changed by illumination, as ob-
Hence served by Bard et
( c ) Pseudo-First-Order Bulk Recombination. The
A V = V(r=O) - V(r=ro) = s, E ( r ) GL
r0 qN
dr =
r dr
Shockley-Read-Hall treatment of bulk recombination via
trapping levels gives a general expression for the recom-
bination current per unit volume RE:
AV = -ro2q
The potential difference A V is the largest that may exist
inside the particle, but its value is small for small ro. In where c, and ch are the electron and hole concentrations,
particular if AV < 2 k B T / q , its influence on carrier trans- ci is the intrinsic carrier concentration, and 7, and are
port may be neglected. This inequality is satisfied for the electron and hole lifetimes. For wide bandgap n-type
semiconductors under low injection conditions the ex-
ro( iv)1/2 ~ (12kBT~o)1/2 pression simplifies to
q2 RE = C h / T h = kCh
< 407 where k is a first-order recombination rate constant, since
Figure 1illustrates this criterion graphically, in such a way c, >> c h and c, >> ci.
that a given particle system may be located either in the This situation also prevails in the case of the small
field-free zone under the curve, or in the field-present zone particle under illumination, but for an entirely different
above it. In many cases in the literature the size of the reason. In the dark as described above the particle is
particle is not reported, but Pichat et al.14 state that ro totally depleted, but under illumination the holes and
varies from 0.01 to 0.015 pm. The donor density for TiOz electrons created react at the semiconductor-electrolyte
ranges from about 1015 for undoped material to 10l8 interface a t different rates in the normal case. Thus, for
for material heat treated in hydrogen.16 Metal-loaded example, ce >> ch when k h >> k,, and first-order recombi-
particles are likely to have the latter doping density, unless nation kinetics prevails. We adopt this plausible as-
no heat treatment has been used. With respect to the sumption for which some experimental evidence in the case
energy diagram for a particle which lies in the field-free of CdS particles has recently been reported18 by Rosetti
and Brus, who state that luminescence from radiative re-
(15) W. J. Albery, Keynote Lecture of the 33rd Meeting of the Inter-
national Society of Electrochemistry, Lyon, France, Sept, 1982. (17) M. D.Ward, J. R. White, and A. J. Bard, J.Am. Chem. Soc., 105,
(16) R. H. Wilson, L. A. Harris, and M. E. Gerstner, J.Electrochem. 27 (1983).
SOC.,126, 844 (1979). (18) R. Rosetti and L. Brus, J.Phys. Chem., 88, 4470 (1982).
Photoelectrolysis by Semiconductor Particles in Suspension The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 87, No. 26, 1983 5407
Rosetti and Brus for CdSs as we show in Appendix 11, and Flgure 3. The internal quantum yield 7, of a small semiconductor
the same negative deviation in a plot of photoelectrolysis particle of radius r o = 0.03 p m as a function of the diffusion length
L D (cm). The rate-limiting interfacial rate constant k, is given a value
yield vs. illumination intensity, neither of which have been of 600 cm s-l and two values of the hole diffusion constant are used,
reported. 2.6 X lo-* and 0.39 cm2 s-', corresponding approximateb to TiOz and
Linearity up to 1015 photons cm-2 s-l has recently been CdS.
confirmed for hydrogen evolution from the system Pt/
Ti02/H 2 0/ propanol. l9
( e ) Solution of the Transport Equation. Using the
simplifications explained in parts a-d, we can write an
analytically soluble pair of differential equations for the
steady state on for each carrier type, using the normal
formula for spherical diffusion:
low current densities involved, to remove products rapidly E INHE) CATHODE ANODE NEITHER
4 A T
so that their concentration a t the interface is very low.
The factor vpr can be written by inspection, taking for
example the back-reaction of H2 0.0
vPr - k H
b[ 21 + k6,f[H201 + 1.0
where kb and k i , f are second-order interfacial rate con-
stants (since it is necessary to take account of the con-
centration of the respective reactants). [H2] is estimated + 2.0
by equating the ideal current density J (vi, ~ S R vlab
, = 1.0)
to the diffusion flux in solution; it is thus an overestimate.
If we assume that diffusion takes place over a stagnant
layer of thickness S, beyond which [H,] is virtually zero,
and with a diffusion coefficient D for H2
+ 3.0 4 0.02 prn
J(idea1) = Flgure 5. The energy diagram for metallized TIO, (TiO,/Pt etc.) (a) with
(S - r o h the metal acting as a cathode, (b) with the metal as an anode, and
(c) with the metal acting neither as cathode nor as anode, but as a
It is commonly assumed that S is quite large compared recombination zone. Both (a) and (b) are impossible. V , is the intrinsic
to the ro values we consider in this article. Thus a sim- barrier height between n-TiO, and Pt, estlmated as 0.5 V.,'
plification takes place.
m i c r o s ~ o p $ ~and
~ it is generally assumed that these spots
act as cathodes, the structure behaving like a Schottky
barrier solar cell with efficient hole-electron pair separa-
Iar2 tion by the internal field. However, it is easy to show that
[H21 = 30 this can only be the case under rather restricted thermo-
dynamic conditions. We show that a t least for Ti02/
Inserting appropriate values for Iar, (lo* M cm-2 s-l for P t / H 2 0 the metal spots can neither act as cathodes or as
normal illumination intensities) and ro/D (0.2 cm-l), and anodes.
using [H20] = 0.055 M ~ m - one ~ , finds that vpraturns out Figure 5a shows the energy diagram for this structure,
to be unity unless k , / k , , > los, a condition unlikely to be supposing that the metal spot is a cathode. The quantity
met in practice. Vbi is the barrier height between Ti02 and Pt, calculated
Interim Conclusion. So far we have been able to show to be 0.8 V13 and measured on a single crystal to be 0.5 V.27
that for sufficiently small particles vi and qpr are near to Clearly, the cathode hypothesis is false, since the carriers
unity in theory at least. If such small particles turn out migrate in the wrong direction. Figure 5b shows the same
to be poor at photoelectrolysis it is logical to conclude that diagram supposing the metal acts as an anode. Again it
either surface recombination of intermediate back-reac- is immediately evident that this alternative is false. The
tions are responsible, as long as it can be shown that either only possible conclusion is that no current passes through
the k h or k , reactions are sufficiently downhill to be rea- the metal, that the bands are flat, and that the metal spot
sonably rapid. acts as an inefficient recombination zone. The logical
Theory20and experiments on meta121-23organic crystal24 consequence is that the beneficial effect of the metal must
and semiconductor electrodesz5show that such rate con- be explained by another mechanism, which we propose to
stants reach values of around lo4 cm s-l for one-electron be an increase in k,,f and/or kh,f,and/or a decrease in kSR
transfers for large negative free energy changes (30.5 eV) due to submonolayer coverage of the semiconductor surface
such as could be the case for oxygen evolution steps on by metal atoms. It is known that submonolayer metal
TiOz and similar semiconductors. Oxygen evolution on deposits can lead to dramatic changes of the type pro-
oxides may be a four-electron process26but given the very po~ed.~~,~~
negative values for AGO = -2.0 eV individual steps can also The same arguments applied to the SrTi03/H20case
be expected to be rapid. For the typical case of Ti02/H20 lead to precisely the same conclusion-the bands are flat
we expect from Figure 2 that kh is in the range 102-104 cm for a small particle with a metal deposit.
s-l ( k , is much smaller) and that curves such as in Figures If, as argued above, the bands are flat and the metal spot
3 and 4 can be used. causes recombination, a very simple explanation can be
given for the maximum in the metal quantity-efficiency
Particles Modified by Metallic Deposits curve. On increasing the number of spots, recombination
It is well-known that semiconductor dispersions are must eventually overtake the beneficial electrocatalytic
frequently more effective if they have been submitted to effect, and the yield begins to drop.
treatments which leave small quantities of metals or The thermodynamic condition which must be satisfied
metallike oxides on the surface of the semiconductor if the metal is to act as a cathode for a reduction reaction
particles. Small metal spots can be observed by electron of redox potential E , is easily written:
(20) H. Gerischer, Top. Appl. Phys., 31, 115 (1979).
(21) P. Bindra, H. Gerischer, and L. M. Peter, J.Electroanal. Chem.,
ER > Vdn-type) + v b i + -
57,453 (1974).
(22) C. Bernstein. A. Heindrichs. and W. Vielstich, J. Electroanal.
c h K , 87,81 (197sj. (27) N. Yamamoto, S. Tonomura, and H. Tsubomura,J.Electrochem.
(23) J. Kuta and E. Yeager, J. Electroanal. Chem., 59, 110 (1975). SOC.,129, 444 (1982).
(24) F. Willig, Adu. Electrochem. Eng., 12, 1 (1981). (28) K. W. Frese, M. J. Madou, and S. R. Morrison, J.Electrochem.
(25) R. Memming and F. Mollers, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 76, SOC., 128 1939 (1981).
.. . (1972).
475 \-- -, (29) A. Heller, "Photoeffectsat SemiconductorElectrolyte Interfaces",
(26) S. Trasatti and G. Lodi, in "Electrodes of Conductive Metal American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, ACS Symp. Ser. No. 146,
Oxides", Part B, Elsevier Scientific, Amsterdam, 1981. 1980, p 57.
Photoelectrolysis by Semiconductor Particles in Suspension The Journal of Physical Chemistty, Vol. 87, No. 26, 7983 5409
RE’ = k s“
4rr2ch(r)dr (1-18)
From eq 11-4’ and 11-6 we can see that the integral term
is independent of I (excitation) and thus
Using eq 1-17 we obtain (2) = k’ta x
(Icu 11lol(&
kh constant
’r - ch,$) x
sinh (ro/LD) k - i)H + du = constant
( r o cosh 2 - LD sinh
with k ” = kk’, le,being the detected fraction of the total
Appendix I1
We can write (11-9)
As dkh/dI > 0, F > 0, and SOP04rr2H
dr > 0, hence
and V. Young
Department of Chem;stry, Texas A d M Unlverslty, College Station, Texas 77843 (Received: March 14, 1983)
ESCA studies on Hoz03,HoOOH, Ho(OH)~, and amorphous holmium hydrous oxide are reported. Experimental
results imply that small amounts of 4f covalent bonding exist in these ionic compounds and that electron transfer
from the conduction band to the valence band is possible. The key to understanding the catalytic power of
these compounds may be related to the 4f energy level. The origin of "shake down" at 4d and 3d levels is a
two-electron process which involves the creation of an n-d hole followed by the electron jump from the 5d
conduction band to the 4f energy level. The 4d-4f couplings are ligand sensitive. The el,
photoelectron signals
are identical with the nonequivalent oxygens in these compounds. Using the Doniach-SunjiE line shapes folded
with a Gaussian approximating the resolution of the instrument, one can completely separate the 4f band and
the OZpband. The photoionization energies of the 4f band approximate the theoretical values of the major
spin excitation A-(t) at 8.8 eV and the Hund's rule ground state A(J)at 5.4 eV. The peaks of the OZpband
at 4.5 and 7.6 eV indicate different oxygen sites. An electron flow from OZpto 4f orbitals and the quasi-at-
omic-model calculation indicate a covalent effect in these ionic compounds.