Non-Linear Filter For Digital Image De-Noising: Abstract
Non-Linear Filter For Digital Image De-Noising: Abstract
Non-Linear Filter For Digital Image De-Noising: Abstract
Ranjeet Kaur et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (6), 1761-1767
is determined by the bandwidth requirements for the particular application. De-noising -based coding is used extensively in image processing systems. In low bit rate applications, this scheme gives rise to blocking artifacts which strictly reduce the visual quality of the image. Reducing blocking artifacts is essential to render the compressed visual data acceptable to the viewer. Various de-noising methods have been proposed in the literature to reduce blurring effects. Many of these methods are based on the post-processing idea. In other words, Noise introduced in an image is usually classified as substitutive (impulsive noise: e.g., salt & pepper noise, random-valued impulse noise, etc.) and additive (e.g., additive white Gaussian noise) noise. The impulsive noise of low and moderate noise densities can be removed easily by simple de-noising schemes. The simple median filter [4] works very nicely for suppressing impulsive noise of low density. However, many efficient filters have been developed for removal of impulsive noise of moderate and high noise densities.
I. Introduction
As a cost efficient rotate, image processing methods have been exploited through the years to improve the quality of digital images. Uncompressed pictures or video require very high data rates [1] [2]. The transmission or storage of this data may be impractical, or even impossible for many applications. However, there is significant redundancy both in video and pictures, allowing compression of data. Yet, compression ratios above a certain level are achieved at the outlay of some loss of detail in the image or video. The amount of compression
Ranjeet Kaur et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (6), 1761-1767
noise that may cause an image to be blurring and degrade. A. Salt & peepers noise Salt and pepper noise is a form of noise typically seen on images. It represents itself as randomly occurring white and black pixels. An effective noise reduction method for this type of noise involves the usage of a median filter or a contra harmonic mean filter. Salt and pepper noise creeps into images in situations where quick transients, such as faulty switching, take place [21]. B. Gaussian noise Gaussian noise is statistical noise that has its probability density function equal to that of the normal distribution, which is also known as the Gaussian distribution. In other words, the values that the noise can take on are Gaussian-distributed. A special case is white Gaussian noise [20], in which the values at any pairs of times are statistically independent (and uncorrelated). In applications, Gaussian noise is most commonly used as additive white noise to yield additive white Gaussian noise.
the edges in pictures invisible. In recent years, a variety of nonlinear median type filters such as weighted median [5], rank conditioned rank selection [6], and relaxed median [14] have been developed to overcome this drawback.
2. Linear Filters: A mean filter is the optimal linear filter for Gaussian noise in the sense of mean square error. Linear filters too tend to blur sharp edges, destroy lines and other fine image details, and perform poorly in the presence of signal-dependent noise. The wiener filtering method requires the information about the spectra of the noise and the original signal and it works well only if the underlying signal is smooth. Wiener method implements spatial smoothing and its model complexity control correspond to choosing the window size. To overcome the weakness of the Wiener filtering, and Johnstone proposed the wavelet based denoising scheme in [12]. B. Transform Filtering The transform domain filtering methods can be subdivided according to the choice of the basic functions. The basic functions can be further classified as data adaptive and non-adaptive. Non-adaptive transforms are discussed first since they are more popular. Efficient suppression of noise in an image is a very important issue. De-noising finds extensive applications in many fields of image processing. Image de-noising is usually required to be performed before display or further processing like texture analysis [10] [12], object recognition [13] [18], image segmentation [9], etc. Conventional techniques of image de-noising using linear and nonlinear techniques have already been reported and sufficient literature is available in this area [19]. Recently, various nonlinear and adaptive filters have been suggested for the purpose. The objectives of these schemes are to reduce noise as well as to retain the edges and fine details of the original image in the restored image as much as possible. However, both the objectives
Ranjeet Kaur et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (6), 1761-1767
conflict each other and the reported schemes are not able to perform satisfactorily in both aspects. Hence, still various research workers are actively engaged in developing better filtering schemes using latest signal processing techniques.
all the N(i, j) pixel values in the moving window. . (1) .. (2) 2. The local mean (i, j) of the moving window D is then computed as
In Spatial-domain filter (proposed), first we prepare an algorithm for image de-noising and then compare this filter with performance measures such as MSE, MAE and time complexity with existing filters. A. Proposed filter Image de-noising is a common procedure in digital image processing aiming at the suppression of different type of noises that might have corrupted an image during its acquisition or transmission. This procedure is traditionally performed in the spatial-domain or transformdomain by filtering. In spatial-domain filtering, the filtering operation is performed on image pixels directly. The main idea behind the spatialdomain filtering is to convolve a mask with the whole image. The mask is a small sub-image of any arbitrary size (e.g., 33, etc.). Other common names for mask are: window, template and kernel. An alternative way to suppress additive noise is to perform filtering process in the transform-domain. In order to do this, the image to be processed must be transformed into the frequency domain using a 2-D image transform. The detailed algorithm for the (Proposed) Spatial domain filter is given as follows. 1. Assume D (i, j) is a moving window centered at pixel d(i, j) with a window size of 2k + 1 (where k is an integer). In this case, the window size is equal in both dimensions and has to be an odd number, such as 3, 5, 7, etc. To calculate the local mean and local standard deviation, it is necessary to first obtain the sum S(i, j) of
.. (4) 3. The range of valid pixel values can thus be determined by the above local statistics and a user-defined multiplier M. The lower bound LB (i, j) and upper bound UB (i, j) are defined as (5) (6) 4. If the central pixel l(i, j) at the mask moving window L equals 0 (i.e., labeled as speckle), then only the original central pixel value d(i, j) is replaced by the local adaptive median r(i, j) of the local window, which is the median of all the values of the pixels that are labeled as valid, excluding speckle pixels. The local adaptive median r(i,j) is calculated as r(i, j) = median (d(m, n)) (7) Where l(m, n) = 1 and i k m, n i + k. ............... (8)
Ranjeet Kaur et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (6), 1761-1767
The quality of an image is examined by objective evaluation as well as subjective evaluation. For subjective evaluation, the image has to be observed by a human expert. The human visual system (HVS) is so complicated that it is not yet modeled properly. Therefore, in addition to objective evaluation, the image must be observed by a human expert to judge its quality.
(3) The PSNR is defined in logarithmic scale, in dB. It is a ratio of peak signal power to noise power. Since the MSE represents the noise power and the peak signal power is unity in case of normalized image signal, the image metric PSNR is defined as:
B. Image Metrics The quality of an image is examined by objective evaluation as well as subjective evaluation. For subjective evaluation, the image has to be observed by a human expert. The human visual system (HVS) is so complicated that it is not yet modeled properly. Therefore, in addition to objective evaluation, the image must be observed by a human expert to judge its quality. There are various metrics used for objective evaluation of an image. Some of them are mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). Let the original noise-free image, noisy image, and the filtered image be represented by f (x, y), g(x, y), and f (x, y), respectively. Here, x and y represent the discrete spatial coordinates of the digital images. Let the images be of size MN pixels, i.e. x=1,2,3,,M, and y=1,2,3,,N. Then, MSE and RMSE are defined as:
The MSE, MAE and PSNR indices are used to compare the proposed with the exiting filters such as mean filter, kaun filter and the 4 th order differential equation.
V. Results
The performances of the proposed filter are compared with existing spatial-domain filters. The objective evaluation metrics: peak-signal-tonoise ratio (PSNR), root mean-squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and execution time/Time complexity (TE/TC) are considered for comparing their filtering performances. The developed filter is compared against some well-known filters available in literature. The proposed spatial-domain filter is simulated on test images: Lena of size 512512 pixels each corrupted with salt and peppers noise of standard deviation = 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 & 0.5 A. For Salt & peppers noise with standard deviation = 0.5
. (1)
Ranjeet Kaur et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (6), 1761-1767
Figure 2: The (Salt & peppers) standard deviation =0.5 noisy image
VI. Conclusion
We develop a spatial-domain filter for digital image de-noising using MatLab. The proposed filter is compared with the existing spatialdomain filters: mean filter, kaun filter, and fourth order differential filter. To check the filtering performance of the proposed filter as
IJCTA | NOV-DEC 2011 Available 1765
Ranjeet Kaur et al, Int. J. Comp. Tech. Appl., Vol 2 (6), 1761-1767
well as the existing filters, the objective evaluation metrics: peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), root mean-squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and execution time/Time complexity (TE/TC) are considered for comparing their filtering performances. To give a concise presentation of all simulation results so as to have a precise comparative study, the performance measures of the proposed filter as well as some high-performing existing filters are shown in figures.
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