34 Guided Reading Activity Answers

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Chapter 34: The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments

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Chapter 34: The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments

Guided Reading Activities

Big idea: The biosphere

Answer the following questions as you read modules 34.1–34.5:

1. A scientist that is studying the habitat of mountain gorillas is most accurately called
a(n) ____________.

2. Which of the following includes all of the others?

a. Community

b. Organism

c. Ecosystem

d. Population

3. What is the relationship between a landscape and an ecosystem?

A landscape includes multiple ecosystems with the absence of clearly defined borders.

4. What effect does DDT have on the eggshells of birds?

It caused them to become thin and prone to breaking when sat on by the mother.

5. Rachel Carson published a book called ____________

_____________ Silent Spring in 1962 that called attention to the
dangers of ____________.

At the bottom of page 681 of your textbook, the authors ask a thought-provoking question,
“Why can’t ecologists alone solve environmental problems?” The answer provided indicates
that solving these types of problems involves a blend of ethical, economic, and political con-
siderations. A perfect example is the decision on whether or not to build the Keystone pipeline
from the Alberta tar sands to the American Gulf Coast. Identify a total of three consider-
ations (you may choose from which side to assign the extra argument) that are critical to this
A consideration would be the creation of jobs through construction on the pipeline. Another
consideration would be the possible ecological consequences, such as damage to watersheds
and aquifers. Another consideration is the political desire to balance the objectives of different
constituencies such as big labor, business, and environmental groups.

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Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e Publishing Services
Chapter 34: The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments

7.True or false: No life can exist in dark environments like caves because all autotrophs are
­dependent on the sun. If false, make it a correct statement.
False, chemoautotrophs can extract energy from inorganic chemicals in their environment.

8. List three abiotic factors that influence organisms within their habitat and describe adapta-
tions that organisms have to these factors.
(1) Sunlight: Plants on a forest floor grow quickly to try to gain the advantage of sunlight that
comes through the trees.
(2) Temperature: Certain organisms have enzymes that can function at extremely high tem-
peratures. This enables them to survive in locations that would kill most other organisms.
(3) Water: Many plants have adaptations, such as waxy coverings, to help minimize water loss
in terrestrial environments.
9. What two factors can explain the presence of a species in a particular area?
(1) The species evolved from ancestors living in that area or (2) they moved to that location.

10. List and describe an adaptation that a pronghorn antelope has to an abiotic factor and an
­adaptation it has to a biotic factor.
The pronghorn antelope is able to raise patches of its fur in the summer to help radiate heat away
from itself. The teeth of pronghorn antelope are adapted for biting and grinding plant material.
11. The seasons of the year result from the ____________ axis
of the Earth on its ____________.

12. Which of the following are winds that flow from east to west as a result of the faster spinning

a. Westerlies

b. Doldrums

c. Trade winds

d. None of the above

13. What two factors primarily define terrestrial biomes? What factor primarily defines aquatic
Temperature and precipitation primarily determine a terrestrial biome. Aquatic biomes are
­determined largely by salinity.
Big idea: Aquatic biomes

Answer the following questions as you read modules 34.6–34.7:

1. What defines the boundary between the photic and aphotic zones?
The boundary is determined by the distance that light penetrates (200 m).

2. intertidal zone
The transition from an aquatic biome to a terrestrial biome is known as a(n) _____________.

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Chapter 34: The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments

3.People often confuse estuaries with intertidal zones. Briefly explain the difference between
An intertidal zone is where the ocean meets land. An estuary is where a river or stream merges
with the ocean.
flowing water
standing water and _____________.
4. The two broad types of freshwater biomes include _____________

5. Compare the characteristics of a river at its source (headwaters) with the characteristics far
At its source, a river has low levels of nutrients, is fast flowing, and is clear. Downstream,
a river usually widens out, slows down, and has much more silt that makes it murky.
Big idea: Terrestrial biomes

Answer the following questions as you read modules 34.8–34.18:

1. Biomes that are similar but geographically separated may share species with similar adapta-
convergent evolution
tions due to __________________.

2. Which types of biomes are found in the continental United States?

High mountains, chaparral, temperate grassland, desert, coniferous forest, and temperate
broadleaf forest.
3. Which of the following is a characteristic of a tropical rainforest?

a. Found along the equator.

b. Forest structure consists of distinct layers.

c. Contains nutrient-poor soil.

d. All of the above are characteristics of tropical rainforests.

True or false: The grasses of savannas survive frequent fires because the shoots necessary for
their growth are found underground. If false, make it a correct statement.

5. A terrestrial biome characterized by grasses, few trees, periodic fires, and a brief rainy season
is a(n) ____________.

True or false: Deserts are characterized by little rainfall and extremely hot temperatures. If
false, make it a correct statement.
False, deserts are characterized by a lack of precipitation, but they can be cold.

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Title: Active Reading Guide for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, 8e Publishing Services
Chapter 34: The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments

7. Why do deserts tend to be found at 30o north and south of the equator?
These are regions where dry air descends.

8. List two benefits from fire in chaparral biomes.

Some plant species have seeds that will only germinate after a fire. The ash left behind after a
fire provides nutrients for future plant growth.
9. Complete the following table, which compares certain terrestrial biomes.

Temperate Temperate Coniferous Tundra

grassland forest forest
Description They have grasses These biomes are These forests are These biomes
and some trees characterized by dominated by are characterized
(along rivers and a large amount coniferous trees by permafrost
streams). They are of rainfall and are found at and little to no
found in regions to support high latitudes. light in autumn
of cold winter large trees. These biomes and winter. They
temperatures. Fires Temperatures are characterized also receive little
and grazing also can vary widely by long and cold rainfall. Their
inhibit tree growth. between summer winters followed winters are very
and winter. by short and wet cold and windy.
Locations North America and Eastern United North America Northwest
central Eurasia States and and Asia south Territories of
Europe of the Arctic Canada

10. A common misconception is that no life exists at the poles. Briefly explain why this is not
the case.
Life does exist at the poles. In fact, there are polar bears and numerous species of birds, li-
chens, and small plants.
11. What are two ways in which humans are affecting the global water cycle?
We are affecting the global water cycle through irrigation and the destruction of tropical rain
precipitation ____________,
12. Three processes that affect the water cycle include ____________, evaporation and

Connecting the Big Ideas

Use your knowledge of the information contained within this chapter’s “Big Ideas” to answer this

What are the factors that are most important in determining the kinds of organisms found in aquatic

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Title: Active Reading Publishing Services

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