s2.0 S2352710223006873 Main
s2.0 S2352710223006873 Main
s2.0 S2352710223006873 Main
Keywords: The mechanical properties of recycled brick aggregate concrete (RBAC) are significantly affected
Recycled brick aggregate concrete by design parameters such as recycled brick aggregate (RBA) replacement ratio and water-cement
Mix ratio design ratio, which not only increases the difficulty of designing RBAC by experimental or theoretical
Machine learning methods, but also makes the mechanical properties (compressive strength, flexural strength, etc.)
Swarm intelligence algorithms of RBAC difficult to match the design requirements. Therefore, an intelligent mix design method
Multi-objective optimization
for RBAC is proposed in this paper, which can determine the best RBAC mix proportion design
scheme according to the design parameters of RBAC (cement content, water-cement ratio and
crushed brick ratio, etc.). This method is compared with the performance of 8 machine learning
algorithms by creating a database containing 8 input variables. The most suitable model for
predicting compressive strength of RBAC is GWO-BP. The predicted/experimental values ob
tained by the model on the training set and the testing set are 0.98 and 0.96, respectively, and the
determination coefficients R2 are 0.97 and 0.99, respectively. SHapley Additive exPlanations
(SHAP) is used to analyze the mechanism of design parameters on the compressive strength of
RBAC, and the key parameters affecting the compressive strength of RBAC are cement content
(Cement) and water-cement ratio (W/C). The Multi-objective optimization (MOO) model is used
to target the compressive strength, carbon emission and cost of RBAC, and the scheme with the
highest score is determined as the best design scheme of RBAC mix ratio by determining the
Pareto optimal solution set of RBAC. The results show that the design method proposed in this
paper can effectively guide the mix design of RBAC, the machine learning model optimized by
swarm intelligence can effectively predict the compressive strength of RBAC concrete, while the
developed MOO model can effectively determine the optimal mix design method.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: gongfy@zju.edu.cn (F. Gong).
Received 24 November 2022; Received in revised form 11 March 2023; Accepted 7 April 2023
Available online 7 April 2023
2352-7102/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
1. Introduction
With the acceleration of construction industrialization, the massive exploitation of natural sand and low utilization rate of con
struction waste have become key problems [1–3]. Replacing natural aggregates (NA) with recycled aggregates (RA) not only improves
the utilization of construction waste, but also reduces carbon emissions from concrete materials [4]. Compared with NA, RA has higher
water absorption [5–8], less density [9–11], and larger porosity [12,13], resulting in lower compressive strength [14,15] and flexural
strength [16–18] of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) compared to those of natural aggregate concrete (NAC). Currently, there is no
uniform design standard for the mix proportion of recycled concrete [19,20]. Due to the differences in properties between RA and NA
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
[21], RAC cannot be directly designed according to the mix design method of natural concrete [22]. Usually, RAC should be reasonably
designed to meet the rational requirements [23]. Several experimental studies have been dedicated to the optimal design of recycled
concrete [24,25]. The results show that the amount of recycled aggregate, cement and water cement ratio have a significant effect on
the compressive strength and workability of recycled concrete [26], and optimizing the quality of different mixed strength concrete
aggregate will be beneficial to improve the compressive strength and splitting strength of RAC [27]. In addition, the minimum paste
theory [28] and aggregate skeleton theory [29] are also used to guide the mix design of recycled concrete. But theoretical calculation
methods often have problems such as poor applicability and complex procedures.
Machine learning (ML) has shown excellent performance in predicting concrete performance [30–32]. Scholars have extensively
investigated static performance and durability of concrete using the ML model [33–36], while few studies have been reported on the
use of machine learning models to analyze the mix design of concrete. PSO-BP [37], least squares support vector regression (LSSVR)
[38] and BAS-SVR [39] algorithms are applied to analyze the mix design method of plastic concrete, lightweight foamed concrete and
electrically conductive cementitious composites (ECCC), respectively. Based on the prediction results of ANN algorithm, Šipoš et al.
[40] suggested a mix design method applicable only to the analysis of the compressive strength of RBAC.
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In summary, experiments have the problems of large cost and time consuming, while the calculation procedure of the theoretical
method has poor applicability. The existing research mainly focus on the accuracy of ML model to predict the compressive strength of
recycled brick aggregate concrete and ignore the influence of design parameters such as water-cement proportion on performance of
RBAC, which cannot effectively guide the mix design of RBAC. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is not to analyze the accuracy and
possibility of the ML model to predict the mechanical properties of recycled brick aggregate concrete. Instead, it is expected to propose
an intelligent mix design method for recycled brick aggregate concrete based on multiple perspectives (carbon emissions, cost and
mechanical properties) so that to (1) solve the problems of poor applicability of mix design methods caused by differences in aggregate
performance; (2) utilizing the full potential of concrete materials; (3) provide a basis for the application of recycled brick aggregate
concrete components. Therefore, the main problems studied in this paper are listed as following (specific analysis process is shown in
(Fig. 1)):
● The optimization algorithm is used to optimize the structural performance of the ML model, and to determine the model that is most
suitable for the prediction of RBAC compressive strength.
● The SHAP method is used to eliminate the black box problem of machine learning, study and analyze the influence of several
parameters such as water-cement proportion and aggregate type on the compressive strength of RBAC, and finally determine the
key parameters.
● An intelligent mix design method of RBAC is proposed by considering the compressive strength, carbon emission and cost.
Specifically, the RBAC mix proportion database is established based on the existing test results, 6 typical ML models and 2 ML
models based on Swarm Intelligence (SI) are used to explore the nonlinear relationship between input parameters and compressive
strength of RBAC, which is ignored by traditional design methods, the performance (R2, R, SD, RMSE) of ML model is evaluated by
Taylor diagram, and Shapley Additives Explanations (SHAP) is used to quantify the influence of each input variable on the compressive
strength of RBAC and determine the key influencing parameters; the RBAC mix proportion design model is established considering
compressive strength, carbon emission and cost. Then the Pareto front and optimal solution set of the model are determined. The
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is used to evaluate the optimization results and
determine the optimal mix design scheme of RBAC.
y = purelin(x) = x (2)
where y is the output value of layers of BPNN; x is the input value of layers of BPNN.
where φ(x) is the feature function, w is the weight vector, and b is the bias. The error between the output value yi and the predicted
value f(x) can be analyzed according to the structural risk minimization principle [45], which can be used to analyze this type of
problem by Eq. (4):
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
1 ∑n
R(w) = ‖w‖2 + l (yi , f (x)) (4)
2 i=1
Some errors are often allowed in the predicting process, so slack variables ξi and ξ* are introduced to analyze the allowable error ε,
and the regression problem is transformed into an optimization problem, and the corresponding objective function and constraints can
be found in Eq. (5). This type of problem can be solved using Lagrange multipliers [46].
1 ∑n
( )
min R(w) = ‖w‖2 + C ξi + ξ*
2 i=1
⎪ yi − w · φ(x) − b ≤ ε + ξi
⎪ (5)
⎨ w · φ(x) − yi + b ≤ ε + ξ*
⎪ ξ* ≥ 0
⎩ ξi ≥ 0
where y(t) is the predicted value of the model; K is the number of trees; fk is the quantitative relationship between the structure q
corresponding to the kth tree and the leaf weight ω.
∑n ( )
i=1 (yi − ymean ) fi (x) − f (x)mean
R = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
∑n ̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
∑n ( )2 (8)
i=1 (yi − ymean ) i=1 fi (x) − f (x)mean
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
1∑ n
RMSE = (yi − fi (x))2 (9)
n i=1
1 ∑ n
( ( ) )2
SD = (yi − fi (x) ) − (yi − fi (x) )mean (10)
n − 1 i=1
Where ymean is the mean of the output values; fi(x) is the predicted value of the ith sample obtained by ML model; f(x)mean is the
predicted mean value obtained by ML model; n is the number of samples; where R determines the correlation of the data by calculating
the covariance of the output value and the predicted value and their respective variances; RMSE eliminates the influence of dimension,
making it convenient to compare the performance of different ML models; SD reflects the degree of dispersion of the output value from
the predicted value.
where vt+1 and vt id are the velocities of particle i at the tth and (t+1)th iterations; xt+1 and xt are the position of particle i at the tth and
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
(t+1)th iterations; w1 denotes inertia weight used to control the convergence ability of the algorithm; pbestid and gbestid are the best
position of the single particle and the best position of the.
swarm, respectively; c1 and c2 are acceleration coefficients; r1i and r2i are two random numbers in the interval [0,1].
where C1 and A are coefficient vectors; D denotes the distance between the wolf and the prey; Xp(t) and X(t) are the position of the prey
and the position of the wolf at moment t, respectively; X(t+1) is the position of the wolf at moment (t+1); t denotes the number of
3. Multi-objective optimization
3.1. Pareto optimization
The mix design of concrete should satisfy the concept of sustainable design [68], where the structure should meet its own design
requirements, considering economic efficiency and environmental impact at the same time [69]. Therefore, the mix design of concrete
Table 1
The pseudocode of PSO and GWO.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
is a typical multi-objective optimization problem. There are usually two ways to solve multi-objective optimization problems: the
priori and posteriori methods [70]. The priori method transforms the multi-objective problem into a single-objective problem by
setting weights in advance, and the disadvantage of this method is that the weights are determined empirically, which will reduce the
objectivity of the optimization results [71]. The posteriori method can solve the problem by determining the Pareto optimal solution
set, use this method to ensure accurate optimization results but it also needs to overcome the complexity of the multi-objective solution
mechanism. Therefore, this section will introduce the basic concepts of multi-objective optimization problems and propose the cor
responding Pareto optimal solution set. The mathematical model of multi-objective problem is as following:
Min F(x) = {f1 (x), f2 (x), · · ·, fm (x)}
⎪ gi (x) ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, · · ·, p
⎨ (15)
s.t. hi (x) = 0, i = 1, 2, · · ·, u
h ≤ xj ≤ l
where F(x) denotes the total function containing objective functions; fm(x) denotes the objective function; gi(x) and hi(x) are the
functions of inequality constraint and the equation constraint, respectively; p and u are the numbers of inequality constraints and
equation constraints, respectively; xj denotes variables of objective function; h and l are the upper and lower bounds of xj, respectively.
Three definitions can be made clear before Pareto optimization including Pareto dominance, Pareto front and Pareto optimal
solution set. Fig. 5 analyzes the above definitions, and the theoretical models of the three definitions are analyzed below.
(a) Pareto Dominate
When a, b1 belong to data aggregation S and supposing {∀i ∈{1, 2, …, n}, fi(a)≤ fi(b1)}∧{∃j∈{1, 2, …, n}, fi(a)≤ fi(b1)} and a
dominates b1, if there is no other decision variable can dominate a, then a is a non-dominated solution.
(b) Pareto front
In the set S of decision variables, for any x belongs to S, if there is a variable x1 such that the objective function F(x1)≤F(x), then x1 is
the absolute optimal solution. If there exists a variable x2 such that the objective function F(x)≤F(x2), then x2 is a non-inferior solution,
and the Pareto front consists of the objective function corresponding to all non-inferior solutions.
(c) Pareto optimal set
a is known as a Pareto optimal solution if there is no decision vector that dominates the decision vector a. The pareto optimal set
consists of all Pareto optimal solutions.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
∑ n
( )2
di+ = Fi − Fideal (16)
∑ n
( )2
di− = Fi − Fnon− ideal (17)
score = (18)
di+ + di−
where Fi is the ith solution; Fideal is the positive-ideal solution; Fnon-ideal is the negative-ideal solution; di+ and di- are the distances of a
solution from the positive-ideal solution and the negative-ideal solution, respectively; score is the evaluation score, and the larger the
score is, the closer the solution is to the positive-ideal solution.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
Table 2
Description of the database used in this paper.
output variables, section 5.3 uses explanatory models (SHAP) to enhance the interpretability of machine learning models and reveals
the mechanism of influence of input variables on output variables.
Before using the ML model, the spearman correlation coefficient is used to analyze the correlation between the variables (see
Fig. 7). It can be found that Cement, W/C and NA (4–16) have a greater correlation with Compressive strength of RBAC, and W/C is
negatively correlated with Compressive strength of RBAC. This phenomenon is also consistent with existing research results [76–78].
For example, the compressive strength of RBAC can be enhanced by appropriately reducing the water-cement ratio and increasing the
content of natural aggregates.
● The network parameters of BPNN model are adjusted in two ways: (1) Comparing the MSE values generated by using different
number of hidden layers and get the number of hidden layers corresponding to the minimum MSE value as the optimal parameter.
(2) The PSO and GWO algorithms are used to optimize the parameters of the BPNN models. It can be found that the first group of
BPNN models can be used as the control group, and the remaining two groups of BPNN models are used as the experimental group
to compare the optimization ability of the SI algorithm.
● The key parameters of the SVM model are Penalty coefficient c and gamma g, where c controls the distance between the predicted
value and the regression plane. Too large or too small value of c will lead to poor generalization ability of the model. Besides, g
controls the projection ability of the sample to the regression plane. When g takes a larger value, the projection of the sample is
stronger, which can improve the prediction accuracy of the training however. But too strong projection ability can also cause
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
overfitting (good prediction accuracy of the training set and poor prediction accuracy of the testing set) [79]. In this paper, the
libsvm toolbox proposed by Chang et al. [80] is used to perform parameters optimization for c and g. The specific search process can
be found in Fig. 8 (a).
● The key parameters of the RF model are the numbers of leaves and grown trees, and increasing in the number of trees can not only
improve the prediction accuracy but also increase the computational complexity. The number of leaves also determines whether
the model will be over-fitted or not. Two parameters are optimized using pre-set MSE values and the specific process can be seen in
Fig. 8 (b).
● The ELM model is only needed to determine the optimal number of nodes in the hidden layer, so the optimization search of this
model can be done by setting the MSE value.
● The XGB model provided regularization, cross validation and missing value processing, so the model parameters provided by
sklearn in python are used in this paper.
● The GRNN model controls the performance of the model by adjusting the smoothness factor σ of the kernel density function, which
can be used as the optimal parameters of the model by traversing the minimum MSE values to the corresponding values.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
model locally and globally by calculating the contribution of each variable to the model [83]. Fig. 13 analyzes the influence of 8 design
parameters on the compressive strength of RBAC. Fig. 13(a) explains the feature importance of the model from a global perspective,
with the vertical axis reflecting the importance of design parameters to the compressive strength of RBAC, the horizontal axis rep
resents the distribution of SHAP value, and the color bar reflects the variation of the characteristic values of the design parameters.
Therefore, the parameter that had the greatest influence on the compressive strength of RBAC is Cement, and the parameter that had
the least influence is CB(0–4). The specific order is Cement > W/C > NA(4–16)>NA(0–4)>CB(4–16)>CT(4–16)>CT(0–4)>CB(0–4). It
should be noted that the zero value of the horizontal axis is the average value of RBAC compressive strength. For example, for W/C,
SHAP value increases with the decrease of W/C (color changes from red to blue), the compressive strength of RBAC will be 8.07 MPa
lower than its average value when W/C takes the maximum value; and when W/C takes the minimum value, the compressive strength
of RBAC will be 18.76 MPa higher than its average value, since high water-cement ratio means that the concrete has a high porosity
[84], which will significantly reduce the compressive strength of RBAC. Based on hierarchical clustering analysis, Fig. 13(b) analyzes
the influence of design parameters on compressive strength of RBAC from the perspective of a single sample, where horizontal axis
represents the number of samples, vertical axis represents the importance ranking of design parameters, f(x) represents the output
value of the model, the gray line represents the baseline, and the color from blue to red represents the SHAP value from small to large.
For example, Cement, W/C and NA(4–16) can increase the compressive strength of RBAC when the sample number is 175, and CB(0–4)
has less effect on the compressive strength of RBAC.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
Fig. 10. Performance of the ML models on the test and train data.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
Fig. 14 quantifies the influence of some design parameters on the RBAC compressive strength and the degree of interaction. It can
be found that the SHAP value of Cement increases as the value of Cement increases, while the SHAP value of W/C and CT(4–16)
decreases with the increase of the values of the corresponding parameters. This indicates that Cement is positively correlated with the
compressive strength of RBAC, while W/C and CT(4–16) are negatively correlated with the compressive strength of RBAC. It can also
be found that when the value of the design parameter is constant, the SHAP value of the parameter will be influenced by other design
parameters. For example, when the value of Cement is 400 kg/m3, SHAP value increases with the increase of W/C, but decreases with
the increase of NA (4–16). When the value of CT (4–16) is 25%, SHAP value increases with the increase of NA (4–16). In summary, the
SHAP method can effectively analyze the impact of different design parameters on the compressive strength of RBAC and the degree of
interaction of the variables. Therefore, it can be used to guide the mix design of concrete.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
where Mc, Mw, MCT(0-4), MCT(4-16), MCB(0-4), MCB(4-16), MNA(0-4) and MNA(4-16) are the unit prices of Cement, Water, CT(0–4), CT(4–16),
CB(0–4), CB(4–16), NA(0–4) and NA(4–16), respectively [85]; Cc, Cw, CCT(0-4), CCT(4-16), CCB(0-4), CCB(4-16), CNA(0-4) and CNA(4-16) are
carbon emission factors for Cement, Water, CT(0–4), CT(4–16), CB(0–4), CB(4–16), NA(0–4) and NA(4–16),respectively [86–89] (as
shown in Table .3); Uc, Uw, UCT(0-4), UCT(4-16), UCB(0-4), UCB(4-16), UNA(0-4) and UNA(4-16) are the qualities of Cement, Water, CT(0–4), CT
(4–16), CB(0–4), CB(4–16), NA(0–4) and NA(4–16), respectively. The quality of Water can be obtained from W/C and Cement, while
the qualities of CT, CB and NA can be obtained by converting the ratios into numerical values. The predicted values of compressive
strength of RBAC are obtained by using GWO-BP.
The mix proportion optimization model of RBAC requires setting the value constraints and ratio constraints of design parameters.
The specific constraints are shown in Table .4:
7. Conclusion
This paper aims to solve the problems of high cost and complicated procedure of RBAC mix design. Eight machine learning models
are integrated to predict compressive strength of RBAC, and SHAP is used to analyze the influence law of mix design parameters on
compressive strength of RBAC. Finally an intelligent mix design procedure of RBAC based on MOO model is proposed. The following
main conclusions can be drawn:
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
Table 3
Cost and carbon emission factors for design parameters.
Table 4
Constraints of the mix proportion model in this paper.
(1) ML model based on SI optimization has better prediction performance than traditional ML model. The predicted/tested values
using PSO-BP and GWO-BP in the training set (testing set) are 0.91 (0.90) and 0.98 (0.96), respectively. The most suitable model
for RBAC compressive strength prediction is GWO-BP.
(2) Cement and W/C are the key parameters affecting the compressive strength of RBAC. When the upper and lower limits of
Cement and W/C are taken respectively, the compressive strength of RBAC is reduced by 29.40Mpa and 26.83 MPa, respec
tively. The impact of coarse aggregate on the compressive strength of RBAC is about 1.47 times that of fine aggregate, which is
consistent with the experimental results.
(3) The multi-objective optimization model considering RBAC compressive strength, carbon emission and cost can effectively guide
RBAC mix design. There is a certain correlation between CO2, compressive strength and cost. Cement is the key parameter
affecting RBAC carbon emissions and costs. Under the premise of ensuring the compressive strength of concrete, using recycled
brick aggregate to replace natural aggregate can effectively reduce carbon emissions and costs, and the replacement rate of
recycled brick aggregate ranges from 25%~75%.
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
Fig. 16. Pareto front showing the trade-off among Cost, compressive strength and CO2 for recycled brick-concrete.
Table 5
Constraints of the mix proportion model in this paper.
(4) In future work, the database should be expanded and the influence of design parameters on the working performance, cost and
carbon emissions of concrete will be further studied to determine the correlation and priority between multiple objectives to
provide more effective mix design solutions.
Data availability
This work was sponsored by the “Pioneer” and “Leading Goose” R&D Program of Zhejiang (2023C04042) and National Natural
Science Foundation of China (52008367).
S. Wang et al. Journal of Building Engineering 71 (2023) 106508
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