The opening
inventory was valued at Rs.280,000 and sold at Rs.560,000. Purchases for the
period amounted to Rs. 780,000 and were priced to sell at twice that amount.
Actual sales for the period were Rs.12,00,000 and were all the normal retail price.
What would the closing inventory be valued using the retail method of inventory
1. The conceptual framework for Financial Reporting prescribes that the purpose of
Answer: (C)
Answer (C)
3. Prudence represents:
Answer (C)
4. Consistency represents:
A. Not changing the method of preparation of financial statements even when a new
C. Not changing the method of preparation of financial statements when the entity changes
its operations
Answer (B)
5. In times of inflationary conditions, what effect does the use of the historical cost concept have on a
company’s assets and profit?
Answer (D)
Answer (C)
7. Which of the following correctly describes the order of items reported in a Balance Sheet in
accordance with IAS 1:
and reserves
and reserves
D) Non-current assets, current assets, capital and reserves, non-current liabilities and
current liabilities
Answer (D)
The going concern concept assumes that a business entity will continue its operational
existence for at least one yearThe accrual concept means that transactions and events
are recognised only when cash is received or paid for themAn item is material if it is
omission of misstatement could influence the
Answer (B)
A. A dividend equalization reserve is a reserve to maintain the rate of dividend even in a lean
B. A general reserve is a voluntary reserve and cannot be used for dividend distribution
C. Share premium is available for distribution of dividends, as it is collected only from the
D. Asset replacement reserves are the reserves created when, as a result of revaluation, the value
of assets increases.
Answer (A)
10. Which of the following will appear on the face of a company’s statement of changes in
(i) Share premium (ii) Profit for the year
11. Clockwork Limited carried out the following transactions related to non-current assets during the
year ended March 31, 2022.
a) A write down in the value of certain plant held at historic costs of Rs. 90 million.
How much would be reported under revaluation surplus in Clockwork’s Statement of changes in
A. Rs.90 million
Answer (B)
12. Which of the statements shown below are incorrect? (i) An entity can raise bonus issue to raise
funds for expansion,
(ii)Both realised and unrealised gains and losses may be included in the statement of changes in
equity, prescribed under IAS 1,
(iii)The profit or loss on the disposal of a part of an entity’s operations must be disclosed in the
statement of profit or loss or other comprehensive income as an extraordinary item if material
13. Seabed Ltd purchased a quantity of inventory, incurring the following costs:
Total 322,000
A) Rs.307,000
B) Rs. 322,000
C) Rs. 230,000
D) Rs. 276,000
Answer (A)
14. Rex Limited holds three batches of inventories. The following details are relevant:
Rs Rs Rs.
X 250 275 40
Y 125 145 15
Z 320 290 30
What would be the aggregate value of all the batches to be shown in the Balance Sheet in accordance
with IAS 2 Inventories?
A) 695
B) 620
C) 625
D) 700
Answer (B)
15. Diamond Limited uses retail method to valued its closing inventory. The opening inventory was
valued at Rs.280,000 and sold at Rs.560,000. Purchases for the period amounted to Rs. 780,000 and
were priced to sell at twice that amount. Actual sales for the period were Rs.12,00,000 and were all
the normal retail price. What would the closing inventory be valued using the retail method of
inventory valuation?
A. Rs.230,000
B. Rs.300,000
C. Rs.460,000
D. Rs.600,000
Answer (C)
16. An item of inventory which was originally valued at Rs.1500 can be sold at Rs.1680, after incurring
further costs of Rs. 110 and marketing cost of Rs.140. Calculate the value of the inventory to be
included in the financial statements.
Answer (C)
A. Weighted Average
Answer (C)
18. Changing the method of inventory valuation should be reported in the financial
A. Verifiability
B. Understandability
C. Comparability
D. Timeliness
Answer (C)
19. According to IAS 2, Inventories, which of the following statements about valuation
(i) The inventories items are normally valued at higher of cost of net realisable value
The cost of goods manufactured by an enterprise will include only material and labour.
Overhead costs cannot be includedThe selling price less the estimated profit margin
may be used to arrive at cost of inventory, if this approximates actual cost.The first in
first out or weighted average method may be used to determine the cost of inventory.
B. Only (i)
Answer (C)
20. Financial statements of Bolton Ltd included an investment in associate at Rs.6,600,000 in its
consolidated statement of financial position at 30th September 2021. At 30th September 2022, the
investment in associate had increased to Rs.6,750,000. Bolton Ltd’s pre-tax share of profit in the
associate was Rs.420,000, with a related tax charge of Rs.180,000. The net amount of Rs.240,000 was
included in the consolidated income statement for the year ended 30th September 2022.
What is the amount of the cash flow related to this investment for inclusion in the consolidated cash
flow statement for the year ended 30th September 2022 ?
A) Rs.90,000
B) Rs.240,000
C) Rs.390,000
D) Rs.420,000
Answer (A)
Opening balance of
investment in Associate Add:
Share of profit in
6,600,000 240,000 (90,000)
AssociateLess: Cash flow
(dividend paid) balancing
21. The following details of Monaco Ltd pertain to the year ended 31st December 2022:
01/01/2022 31/12/2022
On 10 July 2022 a bonus issue of 1 share for every 5 ordinary shares was made utilizing the share
premium account. The remainder of the increase in ordinary shares was due to an issue of shares for
cash on 21st August 2022.
From the above information, calculate the cash flows from financing activities for the year ended 31st
December 2022.
a) (Rs.100,000)
b) Rs.685,000
c) (Rs.50,000)
d) Rs.385,000
Answer (C)
Working Notes:
Rs. Rs.
22. Using the following information, what is Alcorn Ltd’s cash flow from operations?
Decrease in accounts
Depreciation 25
Increase in inventory 10
a) Rs. 158
b) Rs. 170
c) Rs. 174
Answer (B)
Depreciation 25
Decrease in accounts
23. Gamma Ltd reported net income of Rs.25 million, which equals the company’s comprehensive
income. The company has no outstanding debt. Using the following information from the
comprehensive statement of financial position (Rs.in millions).
What should the company report in the financing section of the statement of cash flows?
Extract of Statement of
31.12.2021 Rs. 31.12.2023 Rs.
Financial Position
Answer (A)
Issuance of equity shares including further issue of equity shares (242 – 200) = Rs.42 million Dividends
paid worked out as under:
24. On 1st of March 2022, Alpha Ltd acquired 30% of the shares of Beta Ltd. The investment was
accounted for as an associate in Alpha’s consolidated financial statements. Both Alpha and Beta have
an accounting year end of 31st October 2022. Alpha Ltd has no other investments in associates.
Net profit for the year in Beta’s income statement for the year ended 31st October 2022 was
Rs.230,000. It declared and paid dividend of Rs.100,000 on 1st July 2022. No other dividends were
paid in the year.
What amount will be shown as an inflow in respect of earnings from the associate in the consolidated
cash flow statement of Alpha for the year ended 31st October 2022?
A. Rs. 20,000
B. Rs. 26,000
C. Rs. 30,000
D. Rs. 46,000
Answer (C)
Dividend paid by Associate Tintin Ltd Alpha’s share of dividend 30% x = Rs.100,000= Rs. 30,
Rs.1, 00,000 000
This is the amount that should appear in the cash flow statement of Quixote as this is the share of
Alpha’s dividend from the Associate.
A Decrease in debtors
B Issue of shares
C Decrease in creditors
Answer: (C)
26. Which of the following describes the ordering and inclusion of items in a cash flow statement in
accordance with IAS 7 “Statement of cash flows”?
B. Operating activities (including income tax paid), financing activities, investing activities
C. Operating activities, investing activities (including proceeds from long term borrowings),
financing activities
Answer (A)
27. Gabba Ltd acquired a business from Delta Ltd on 1st December 2014. Gabba Ltd amortized the
goodwill over 20 years. On 1 November 2022 Delta Ltd ceased amortization of goodwill as required by
IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Pursuant to IAS 8, this transaction will be treated as:
C) Errors,
D) Prior period adjustment.
Answer (A)
28. An equipment has been purchased at a cost of Rs. 200,000 and an estimated useful life of ten
years with nil residual value. It is depreciated on a straight-line method and the annual depreciation
works out to Rs.20,000 p.a. The carrying amount of the equipment after four years works out to
Rs.120,000. It was decided in the fifth year that the remaining useful life of the equipment is only
three years and not six years. In accordance with IAS 8, the Company should:
A) Change the depreciation charged per annum to Rs. 28,571 in retrospective effect as change in
accounting estimate.
D) Continue charging depreciation per annum for Rs.20, 000 per annum.
Answer (C)
29. Dexter Ltd acquired a business from Cluster Ltd on 1st December 2012. Dexter Ltd amortized the
goodwill over 20 years. On 1 October 2019 Cluster Ltd ceased amortization of goodwill as required by
IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Pursuant to IAS 8, this transaction will be treated as:
A) Errors,
Answer (A)
30. Jeremy Ltd created a provision for claims under its warranty of products sold during the year. 4.5%
of sales revenue had previously been set as the required provision amount as a matter of policy.
However, after an analysis of five years sales and warranty claims the calculation of the provision
amount has been changed to 6.5% of sales which is more realistic. Pursuant to IAS 8, this transaction
will be treated as:
C) Errors,
Answer (B)
31. Pursuant to IAS 8, which of the following will be treated as change in accounting policy?
(i) Changes in the fair values and financial assets and liabilities (ii) Changes in the provision for
warranty obligation (iii)Reduced the rate of bad debt provision
(iv)Changes in the treatment of borrowing costs under IAS 23 from expensing it off to capitalizing
interest related to construction of non-current assets
C. Only (iv)
Answer (C)
32. An entity has included in its consolidated financial statements this year a subsidiary acquired
several years ago that was appropriately excluded from consolidation last year.
D. A correction of an error
Answer (C)
33. The following dates are relevant to the financial statements of Conway Ltd for the year ended 31st
March 2022.
The Board of directors reviews them and approves them 20th July 2022
Which is the date that will be construed as date of authorisation of the financial statements under IAS
A) 5th July 2022 B) 20th July 2022 C) 10th August 2022 D) None of the above.
Answer (B)
34. A case for damages against Baxter Ltd was pending in court on 31st March 2022, the end of
reporting period. Baxter Ltd had estimated the probable liability at Rs. 600,000 and made a provision
in the Accounts. The Company’s lawyers studied the claim and advised that the provision should be
considered at Rs.635, 000 on 30th April 2022. The Company’s auditors reviewed the legal opinion but
failed that the provision should be made to the tune of Rs.675,000. The Court gave a verdict on 31
May 2022 fixing the liability to Rs. 650,000. Baxter Ltd accepted the verdict. The financial statements
were approved on 30th June 2022. The Company in accordance with IAS 10:
Answer (C)
35. Which of the following is an adjusting event under IAS 10, Events after the reporting date? i) There
was a dispute with the workers and all production ceased one week after the year-end ii) A fire
destroyed all of the entity’s finished goods inventory two weeks after the year-end iii) Inventory
valued at the year-end at Rs. 20,00,000 was sold one month later for Rs. 16,00,000.
C. Only (iii)
Answer (C)
The sale depicted in (iii) above, gives evidence of the recovery value of the inventory at the reporting
date and so it is an adjusting event.
Events under (i) and (ii) are non-adjusting events, which needs to be disclosed in Notes to Accounts of
the Financial statements.
36. The cost of an asset is Rs. 500,000. For the first year, the accounting depreciation is Rs. 80,000,
whereas the depreciation according to tax laws is Rs.125, 000. Tax rate is 20%. The deferred tax
treatment under IAS 12: Taxes would be:
Answer (B)
37. The tangible non-current asset balances and their equivalent tax base are:
What is the deferred tax charge or credit included in Statement of Profit & Loss for the year ended
December 20X0?
A. Charge of Rs. 60
B. Credit of Rs.60
Answer: (A)
38. According to IAS 12, Income Taxes, when should deferred tax assets be recognized?
Answer: (A)
39. The accountant of Travancore Limited wants to calculate the net deferred tax expense for the year
ended December 31, 2022. The following information is available:
The net deferred tax expense for the year ended December 31, 2022 is worked out at:
A. Rs.120,000
B. Rs.98,000
C. Rs.112,000
D. Rs. 8,000
Answer (C)
A) It is expected to be realized in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the entity’s
normal operating cycle and is held primarily for the purpose of being traded,
date, or
C) It is cash or a cash equivalent (as defined in IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows, unless it is
restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months
Answer (D)
41. According to IAS 16, the following items need to be included while capitalizing, Property, Plant and
D) Initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoration
of site
Answer (D)
42. Little Ltd needs to revalue a factory building that it has. The property was purchased for
Rs.600,000 in 2013 and has been depreciated for the last 10 years on a straight-line basis of 5%. The
revaluation report states that the building is worth Rs. 650,000 on 31st December 2022.
A) Rs.300,000
B) Rs.350,000
C) Rs.320,000
D) Rs.400,000
Answer (C)
43. An asset had a carrying value of Rs.10,00,000 as on 1st April 2021. It was revalued at Rs.1,100,000
as on 31st March 2022 by crediting the increase of Rs.100,000 to revaluation surplus. Later it was sold
for Rs. 1,250,000 on 30 June 2022. The amount to be taken to retained earnings would be:
A) Rs.250,000
B) Rs.100,000
C) Rs.150,000
D) Rs.125,000
Answer (B)
A) Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses from the date of initial recognition are deducted
from the revalued amount.
B) In the revaluation model, each year the starting point is the historical cost less accumulated
C) Revaluation should be made with sufficient regularity to ensure that the carrying amount does not
differ materially from fair value.
Answer (C)
45. An entity has purchased equipment worth Rs.125,000. It had to incur following costs for
purchasing the machine:
Item Amount
A. Rs. 128,560
B. Rs. 126,560
C. Rs. 132,060
D. Rs. 135,060
Answer (B)
46. In accordance with IAS 16, which of the following is correct about depreciation of complex assets?
A. Each part of an item of property, plant and equipment whose value is not less than 10% of the total
cost of equipment should be depreciated separately.
B. If two or more significant parts of an item have the same useful life and depreciation method, these
parts may be grouped together to determine the depreciation charge
C. An entity will have to depreciate the parts of an item separately even if they do not have a cost that is
significant in relation to the total cost of the item
Answer (B)
47. Hybrid Limited provides following information as below. Please calculate the net interest on the
pension plan for the year ended 2022.
D. Rs.820 (expenses)
Answer (A)
Item Rs’000
Defined benefit liability as at
31/12/2021 Less: Fair value of
Plan assets as at 31/12/2021 24,600 (28,800) (4,200)
Net defined benefit liability
48. A defined benefit plan of Croner Limited has provided the following information:
Ascertain the amount to be disclosed in the financial statements with respect to net Defined Benefit
Obligation as at 31st December 2022
A. Rs. 800,000
B. Rs. 2,800,000
C. Rs. 2,000,000
D. Rs. 500,000
Answer (A)
49. Alpha Limited contributes 5% of an employee’s salary to the plan. The employee is guaranteed a
return of the contributions plus a terminal bonus of 20% by Alpha Limited. The plan would be
accounted as:
C. Multi-employer plan
Answer (C)
A. Is the increase in the present value of the obligation for employee service in prior periods
Answer (A).
51. What is the event that will cause a change in a defined benefit obligation and will require re-
measurement per IAS 19 Employee Benefits:
Answer (D)
52. In accordance with IAS 20, the treatment of grants related to assets is:
A. In the Statement of Profit & Loss for the period they are due to be received
C. In the Balance Sheet as a deduction from carrying amount of the relevant asset
D. In the Balance Sheet as deferred income OR as a deduction from the carrying amount of the relevant
Answer (D)
53. On January 1, 2021, Carefree Limited purchased a machine costing Rs.135,000. Carefree Limited
received a grant of Rs.13,500 towards the capital cost. The company policy is to treat the grant as a
reduction in the cost of the asset.
Under IAS 20, what should be the depreciation expense in respect of the machine for the year ended
December 31, 2022, assuming that depreciation is calculated on a 20% reducing balance basis?
A. Rs. 27,000
B. Rs. 24,300
C. Rs. 19,440
D. Rs. 22,140
Answer (C)
Answer (C)
55. An entity has received free technical assistance from Government. According to IAS 20, how
should this be treated in the financial statements?
B. Financial statements must disclose the nature, extent and duration of the assistance provided
Answer (B)
56. IAS 21, defines the treatment of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries in consolidated
financial statements of the parent. On the disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of
exchange differences held with respect to the operation should be:
A. Left in equity
B. Shown in the Statement of Profit & Loss when the gain or loss is recognized
Answer (B)
57 Pursuant to IAS 21, any one of the following factors will not be used in determining the entity’s
functional currency:
A) The currency that primarily influences the prices at which goods and services are sold
B) The currency in which the costs of the entity are mainly denominated
C) The currency which is used mostly for international trading in that industry
Answer (C)
58. In accordance with IAS 21, non-monetary items should be reported at:
A. The spot exchange rate of the transaction
Answer (A)
59. Delta Limited is a manufacturing entity which purchases a machine on credit from a foreign
supplier for € 12 million on January 31, 2022. On this date the exchange rate was € 1 = USD 1.1.
Delta Limited did not settle the dues until March 31, 2022. On this date the closing exchange rate was
€ 1.0 = USD 1.2.
Which one of the following statements is / are correct in accordance with IAS 21?
A. Cost of Plant USD 8 million, exchange gain USD 2 million, trade payable USD 6 million
B. Cost of Plant USD 6 million, exchange loss USD 2.4 million, trade payable USD 8 million
C. Cost of Plant USD 10.909 million, exchange loss USD 909,091, trade payable USD 10 million
Answer (C)
60. Treetone Limited has a policy of capitalizing interest costs on self-constructed property in
accordance with IAS 23: Borrowing costs
All the borrowings have been used to finance the production of qualifying assets but none relate to a
specific qualifying asset. What is the appropriate capitalization rate to apply to the qualifying assets?
A. Nil %
B. 8.29%
C. 8.75%
D. 10.0%
Answer (C)
61. On April 1, 2021, Cosby Limited took out a loan to finance the construction of a building. Work on
the building commenced on July 1, 2021 and was completed on March 31, 2022. The building was
brought to use on July 1, 2022.
In accordance with IAS 23, what is the period over which borrowing costs related to the project be
Answer (D)
A. IAS 23 permits an entity to either capitalize the borrowing costs or expense the borrowing
B. IAS 23 permits and entity to capitalize the borrowing costs that are directly attributable
Answer (C)
63. During 2021-22 Zoro Limited was engaged in the following transactions:
a) Salary expenses to key employees who are also principal owners Rs. 250,000
Which of the above transactions would be disclosed as related party transaction in Zoro Limited
financial statements for the year ended 2021-22.
A. Neither transaction
B. Rs. 450,000
C. Both transactions
D. Rs. 200,000
Answer (C)
64. Which one of the following is not considered as a related party in accordance with IAS 24?
A. Its subsidiaries
B. Its associates
Answer (D)
65. Bailey Limited had 100,000 shares in issue on 1 January 20X0. On March 31, 20X0 it issued
Rs.200,000 of 5% convertible debt. The terms of conversion allow the debt holders to convert each
Rs.100 of debt into 10 shares on September 30, 20X2 or to convert each Rs.100 of debt into 12 shares
on September 30, 20X4.
The profit after tax for the year ended December 31, 20X0 is Rs.300,000. The rate of tax is 30%.
What is the diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 20X0 in accordance with Ind
AS 33, Earnings per share?
A. Rs. 2.59
B. Rs. 2.48
C. Rs. 2.65
D. Rs. 3.00
Answer (B)
Rs. 7,000Rs.307,000
10000 x 70/100 Total = 7000
Conversion of convertible
66. During 2021 and 2022 Greenpeas Limited had the following shares outstanding:
The net profit after tax for the year ended December 31, 2022 was Rs.500,000.
Greenpeas Limited paid no preferred dividends in 2021 and only paid Rs.16,000 of preference
dividends in 2022.
A. Rs. 2.50
B. Rs. 2.42
C. Rs. 2.45
D. Rs. 2.15
Answer (C)
Calculate the diluted earnings per share due to the issue of share option.
A. Rs.3.00
B. Rs.3.13
C. Rs.3.57
D. Rs.3.75
Answer (C)
68. Alpha Limited listed on a recognized stock exchange has prepared its financial statements for the
year ended March 31, 2021. It shows earnings per share of Rs.1.70. On October 2022 Alpha Limited
made a bonus issue of 3: 1.
In accordance with IAS 33, what would be the comparative EPS for the year ended March 31, 2022?
A. Rs.0.34
B. Rs.1.70
C. Rs.0.43
D. Rs.0.56
Answer (C)
69. Beta Limited has a capital structure as on December 31, 2022 as follows:
5% debenture are convertible into 20,000 equity shares after a period of two years. Profit after tax for
the year ended December 31, 2022 was Rs.850,000. Tax rate is 30%. Calculate Beta Limited’s diluted
earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2022.
A. Rs.7.82
B. Rs.6.55
C. Rs.6.62
D. Rs.6.46
Answer (C)
70. A Ltd has a machine whose original cost was Rs. 250,000. The accumulated depreciation on the
machine is Rs. 85000. A Ltd recently sold another similar machine at Rs. 340,000 and the selling
expenses were Rs. 23,000. Management has determined the value in use of the machine as Rs.
330,000. The recoverable value would be:
A) Rs.165,000
B) Rs.317,000
C) Rs.330,000
Answer (C)
71. A mining company owns a private railway to support its mining activities. The private railway
connects its number of quarries. The private railway could be sold only for scrap value and the private
railway does not generate cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash
inflows from the other assets of the mine. The cash generating unit will be:
A) Mining company
B) Quarries
C) Private railway
Answer (A)
Plant & Equipment Total
The recoverable amount has been ascertained and it works out to Rs. 290 million Carrying amount of
goodwill after allocating impairment loss will be:
A) Rs. 90 million
B) Rs. NIL
C) Rs. 60 million
D) Rs. 30 million
Answer (B)
73. During the year 20X2, expenditure incurred is Rs. 20 lakhs. At the end of 20X2, the recoverable
amount of the know-how embodied in the process (including future cash outflows to complete the
process before it is available for use) is estimated to be Rs. 19 lakhs. Hence the impairment loss would
Answer (C)
At the end of the year 20X2, the cost of the production process is Rs. 20 lakhs (i.e. Rs. 20 lakhs
expenditure recognised in 20X2). The enterprise recognises an impairment loss of Rs. 1 lakh to adjust
the carrying amount of the process before impairment loss (Rs. 20 lakhs) to its recoverable amount
(Rs. 19 lakhs).
74 Robson Ltd closes its accounts on 30th September 2022. Administrative expenses booked in the
financial records include a provision of Rs. 4 million for the costs of a legal claim lodged against
Robson Ltd by one of the customers before 30.9.2022. The customer is claiming Rs.10 million and the
lawyers of Robson Ltd have opined that there is 40% chance the claim will be successful. Under IAS 37,
the action to be taken by the Company would be:
D) Do nothing.
Answer (B)
75. Tech Ltd manufactures plastic products and the effluent generated out of its production process
causes contamination. The organization has not been doing any clean up exercise because there is no
legislation requiring cleaning up and the enterprise has been contaminating land and adjacent water
bodies for several years.
At 31 March 2022 it was virtually certain that a law requiring a clean-up of land and water bodies
already contaminated will be enacted shortly after the year end. The total clean-up cost estimated
would be Rs.20 million. The organization should:
C) Since the implementation of the legislation is uncertain, include a provision of 50% of the estimated
amount as abundant precaution.
D) Do nothing.
Answer (B)
76. Greenwood Ltd is an organization which supplies organic fruits and vegetables to customers
through its multiple retail stores in the Amsterdam. Greenwood Ltd has a published policy of
refunding purchases by dissatisfied customers, even though it is under no legal obligation to do so. Its
policy of making refunds is generally known and declared in its website. During the year ended the
total amount of such refund worked out to Rs. 2.5 million. The organization should:
D) Do nothing.
Answer (B)
77. Cloak Ltd is an enterprise which operates profitably from a factory that it has leased under an
operating lease. During December 2022 the enterprise relocates its operations to a new factory site.
The lease on the old factory is non-cancellable and continues for the next four year and the factory
cannot be re-let to another user. The organization needs to:
C) Provide for the entire lease amount related to the old factory undiscounted for the next four years.
D) Provide for the present value of the lease amount related to the old factory for the next four years.
Answer (B)
78. To ensure a provision is made under IAS 37, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
i) The entity must have a present obligation based on some past event
ii) It is probable that there would be an outflow of economic resources, being the
embodiment of economic benefits, will be required to settle the obligations iii) A reliable estimate can
be made of the amount to be settled.
Answer (D)
(A) always disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, (B) always recognized in the statement of
financial position,
(C) disclosed in the notes unless the possibility of an outflow of economic benefits is remote,
(D) recognized in the statement of financial position unless the possibility of an outflow of economic
benefits is remote.
Answer (C)
80. Cukoo Ltd is in the business of chemicals. Under a recent legislation related to pollution the
company needs to install equipments related to purification of air in the premises by 31st December
2022. As at 31st March 2023 Cukoo Ltd failed to install the equipments. The cost of the equipment
was Rs.250, 000 and the penalty for non-compliance was Rs.25,000. What amount should be provided
under IAS 37?
Answer (B)
D) disclosed in the notes when the possibility of an inflow of economic benefits is remote.
Answer (A)
82. Cookware Ltd has received a claim of Rs.1,000,000 from a customer for supplying poor quality
products. The lawyers of Cookware Ltd have opined that there is a 25% chance that Cookware Ltd will
successfully avert the claim. Whether Cookware Ltd should,
C) do nothing.
D) provide for the claim when there is a court order substantiating the same.
Answer (A)
83. Cutglass Ltd owns a patent for a established successful drug that has a remaining life of 8 years. A
firm of specialized advisors has estimated current value of patent at Rs 20 m. However, the firm is
awaiting clinical trials, which if successful would push the value upwards to Rs. 35 m. Value of patent
to be considered under IAS 38: Intangible Assets would be:
Answer (B)