2022 General Surgery Applicant Guide
2022 General Surgery Applicant Guide
2022 General Surgery Applicant Guide
Contents .......................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 3
Summary of changes for 2022 recruitment ...................................................... 3
How to apply ................................................................................................... 4
Eligibility and Longlisting ................................................................................. 4
Special circumstances and Fitness to Practise ................................................ 4
Deferred start dates and Less Than Full Time ................................................. 5
October rotations ............................................................................................. 5
Verification shortlisting process ....................................................................... 5
Interviews ........................................................................................................ 5
Online interview process ................................................................................. 6
Reasonable adjustments and Guaranteed interview scheme .......................... 7
Ranking, Outcomes & Preferencing ................................................................ 7
Offers, References and Scoresheet ................................................................ 7
Allocation......................................................................................................... 8
Enquiries & FAQs ............................................................................................ 8
Useful links ...................................................................................................... 8
Appendix 1 – Longlisting ................................................................................. 9
Appendix 2 – General Surgery Self-Assessment Form.................................. 10
Self-Assessment Weighting........................................................................... 16
The National Recruitment Office for General Surgery ST3 is Health Education England – London
and Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEE London & KSS).
This guide aims to provide applicants with information regarding all aspects of the nationally
coordinated General Surgery recruitment in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
General information regarding recruitment to all specialty training posts is available on the Specialty
Training website and in the 2022 Medical Specialty Applicant Handbook available to download from
the Oriel resource bank.
Please note that all communication with applicants will be via Oriel, or via the contact details
you provide as part of your Oriel application. You must ensure that your contact details are
correct and kept up to date throughout the recruitment process.
You must read both this Supplementary Handbook and the Medical Specialty Applicant
Guide before beginning your application.
Recruitment will involve the following stages (which are outlined in more detail in the relevant
sections of this handbook).
As part of the Oriel application form you will be asked to provide a self-assessment score depending
on your personal achievements. Your total self-assessment score will be used for shortlisting
In line with interview capacity, shortlisted candidates with the highest scores will be invited to attend
a remote interview. Each candidate will have a 35-minute interview assessing a clinical scenario, a
management scenario and a discussion of their career to date.
A combination of your verified evidence score, and scores at interview will be used to determine
your final total score and ranking.
Activity Date(s)
Advert appears Tuesday 16 November 2021
Applications open At 10am on Thursday 18 November 2021
Applications close At 4pm on Thursday 9 December 2021
Evidence verification upload 10 January 2022 – 21 January 2022
Interview dates 4 - 6 April 2022
Interview venue Remote interview via Microsoft Teams
Preferences Open TBC
Preferences Close TBC
Initial offers released all regions By 5pm on Thursday 21 April 2022
Hold deadline At 1pm on Tuesday 3 May 2022
Upgrading deadline At 1pm on Wednesday 4 May 2022
Training start date August/December 2022 (TBC by employing trust)
Please note these dates are subject to change but applicants will be notified in advance if it is
necessary to make any amendments to the timeline.
How to apply
General Surgery recruitment to programmes in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland is
managed via a nationally coordinated process hosted by London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex
Recruitment Office on behalf of the General Surgery Specialty Advisory Committees (SAC).
Applicants wishing to apply for Vascular surgery posts this year will need to apply via the separate
Vascular application.
Further programme and rotation information will be available at the point of preferencing at a later
date in the process. Information will be sent to applicants’ Oriel account and copied to their
registered email inbox with instructions on how to complete preferencing. In addition, indicative post
numbers for each HEE local office/deanery will be made available within the advert.
Applications will only be accepted through Oriel between 10am on Thursday 18 November 2021 and
4pm on Thursday 9 December 2021. Please be aware applications received after this time will not
be accepted and there will be no exceptions to this. The recruitment timeline is available on Oriel
and the HEE London & KSS website.
To register on Oriel, you must ensure you have a valid email address. Communication between HEE
London & KSS Recruitment Office and applicants will be primarily via Oriel. Applicants should check
their Oriel and personal email account at least once every 24 hours.
Your application will be longlisted against the entry criteria as outlined on the person specification.
Please be aware that applicants may still be withdrawn from the application process at any stage if
found to be ineligible to apply even if you have been made an offer.
Any candidate who answers 'yes' to one or more of the questions in the Fitness to Practise section
of the application form, must complete the HEE London & KSS Recruitment Office Fitness to
Practise (FTP) declaration form providing further details regarding their affirmative/positive answer.
Please refer to the guidance and relevant forms which can be found within our applicant support
portal: https://lasepgmdesupport.hee.nhs.uk/support/home
October rotations
Candidates currently in core surgical training posts who are expected to complete core surgical
training in October 2022 rather than August 2022 are eligible to apply for the 2022 round of General
Surgery ST3 recruitment.
Applicants will be provided with further instructions about how to upload evidence to the evidence
portal in due course. Applicants should ensure that they present the evidence in the requested
format. Failure to do so could result in your evidence being rejected.
Please note for applicants who applied to a specialty that used the Self-Assessment portal for the
2021 recruitment year (posts commencing from August 2021 – February 2022) your self-assessment
portal account that was created in the last recruitment year has been deleted in line with the privacy
policy and information governance guidelines. This means your previous credentials will not work
when attempting to login to the system.
Failure to submit all evidence by the stated deadline will result in your application form being
withdrawn by the recruitment team. The upload window is from 10 to 21 January 2022.
Recruitment administrators will not be able to upload evidence on behalf of applicants and once the
deadline for submission has passed, applicant access will be withdrawn.
Submitted evidence will be verified against the self-assessment criteria for all short-listed applicants.
Where the evidence submitted does not match the score awarded, the score will be adjusted
On completion of the verification process, applicants will be sent their verified score. Where the
applicant disagrees with the score awarded, they can lodge an appeal.
Appeals received after the 72-hour deadline will not be considered. The outcome of the appeal is
final and there is no further recourse for dissatisfied applicants. Disagreements over self-
assessment scores fall out of scope of the MDRS Complaints Policy.
Applicants will need to book an interview slot using their Oriel account. Slots are offered on a first
come first served basis subject to availability and will need to be booked by the deadline stated in
the invitation to interview. Further information on how to book an interview slot can be found in Oriel
Applicant User Guide. Applicants can attend only one interview regardless of where they wish to
train in England, Wales and Scotland. Interviews will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams.
If you are unable to connect directly from the link, try pasting the URL link into the browser, or try
using an incognito browser.
On the day of the interview, each applicant should click on the link and join the call 5 minutes prior
to their allocated time. Applicants will be kept in the lobby area until the interview panel are ready
for them at which time they will be admitted into the interview.
Applicants should ensure that their camera and microphone are turned on and working correctly
prior to joining the call. Interviews will be terminated where the panel cannot see the applicant.
Before the interview commences, applicants will be briefed on the interview process and will be
required to confirm their identity with the interview administrator. It is therefore important that
applicants have suitable photographic ID available (passport or UK photo driving license). In
addition, applicants will be required to move their camera to show the entire room where they are
undertaking the interview, to confirm that nobody else is present.
Once identity has been confirmed, the administrator will advise the interview panel that the interview
process can commence.
The interview must not be recorded by either the applicant, the administrator or the panel
On completion of the interview, the applicant should terminate their connection to the call and the
interview process is complete. The interview station will cover different criteria from the person
specification and last approximately 35 minutes.
Before you attend the interview it is very important that you have prepared properly. The interview
will assess different areas of your skills, knowledge and experience. The station will have two or
three consultant interviewers. There may be another person present as an observer who will not be
assessing candidates. This may be the Lay Representative who is there in an independent role to
assist in the quality assurance of the interview process, or a Consultant who is present to observe
and assess the interviewers. There will be a maximum of one observer present at any time. The
interview will be split into the following sections:
For more information regarding reasonable adjustments and disability confident scheme please
refer to the MDRS applicant guide
Your ranking will be based on your interview and verified self-assessment scores. Scores will be
collated to generate one national ranking from which offers will be made to all available posts.
Following interview and ranking, applicants will either be deemed successful or unsuccessful and
will be informed of this via Oriel.
Following initial offers being released, further offers will be made in subsequent iterations.
Applicants have 48 hours from the time of offer (excluding weekends) to confirm via Oriel whether
they wish to accept, reject or hold their offer. Offers made after the hold deadline will only have the
option to accept or reject.
Applicants can also choose to opt in or out of ‘Upgrading’ – by choosing to opt in; if a post becomes
available that an applicant has preferenced higher than the one they have chosen to accept they will
automatically be upgraded to this new post. Refer to the timeline for the various deadlines.
Reference reports are not used at eligibility checking or at the selection centre but will be reviewed
by the perspective employing Trust after offers have been made and prior to confirmation of
appointment for successful applicants. This will only be requested electronically via Oriel when an
offer has been accepted. Guidance on completing references is available via the Oriel resource
Scoresheets will be released to ALL applicants on a specified date. The recruitment office will
communicate this date to applicants, therefore you do not need to request your scoresheets after
Once an offer has been accepted, appointee’s details will be passed on to the local training
boards/programme director around 14 weeks prior to your start date and to the first Trust you have
been appointed to 12 weeks prior to your start date. Therefore, you should not expect to receive any
communication prior to this time.
Useful links
Recruitment portal - https://www.oriel.nhs.uk/web
Recruitment website - https://london.hee.nhs.uk/recruitment
Person Specifications - https://specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk/Recruitment/Person-specifications
UK Border Agency website - https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-visas-and-immigration
CESR (CP) - https://www.gmc-uk.org/
CCT - https://www.gmc-uk.org/education/standards-guidance-and-curricula/curricula/general-
ISCP - https://www.iscp.ac.uk/
Appendix 1 – Longlisting
At the longlisting stage your application will be reviewed in line with the entry criteria set out in the
nationally agreed person specification for General Surgery ST3. It is essential that you provide the
evidence below in your application form. If you fail to follow these instructions, it is highly likely that
your application will be withdrawn from the recruitment process.
MRCS or equivalent (by time of You must have passed full MRCS by the time of the post
post start date) start date. You should list MRCS in the ‘Entry Qualifications’
section of the application form, in addition to confirming that
you have MRCS at time of application where asked “Do you
currently have full MRCS?”. Alternatively confirm that you
will be sitting/have sat the MRCS exam by the post start
date when asked “Are you sitting an MRCS examination in
the May 2022 diet (or earlier) that will lead to full MRCS
Complete employment history You must provide details of all posts undertaken following
the award of your primary medical qualification. This
includes Foundation posts and work undertaken overseas.
Evidence of achievement of Candidates not currently undertaking Core Surgical
CT1 competences in surgery by Training will be required to submit evidence proving
time of application and CT2 achievement of the requisite competences, of which an
competences in surgery by time ARCP 1 at CT2 level or a signed CREHST are the only
of appointment. acceptable documents. Applicants providing incomplete or
unsatisfactory evidence will be provided 48 hours to submit
satisfactory evidence.
Appendix 2 – General Surgery Self-Assessment Form
Listed below are the 10 Self-Assessment questions that appear on the application form along with
the possible responses to each question and details of suitable evidence to substantiate your
If the interviewers are unable to verify that your evidence matches the answers you provided on
your application form, you will not be awarded any marks for those criteria.
If it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, evidence will be collected,
and you may be referred to a Probity Panel.
Please note all time periods specified in the Self-Assessment Form refer to full-time e
Question 1
By the end of July 2022, or by the completion of Core Training if this is later, how many months
will you have spent in total in any job in medicine post foundation programme? This includes
clinical and non-clinical jobs in any speciality.
Responses N=
• 0 to 27 months 1
• 28 to 39 months 2
• 40 to 51 months 3
• 52 to 63 months 4
• 64 months or more 5
• The value attributed to this question “N” will not contribute to the overall Self-Assessment
• The recruitment team will divide the final scores recorded for questions 5a, 5b, 6 and 7 by
By the end of July 2022, or by the completion of Core Training if this is later, how many months
will you have spent in total in General Surgery and/or Vascular Surgery in any post-Foundation
job in any country? Please do not include any other posts
Responses Score
• 0 to 9 months 2
• 10 – 16 months 6
• 17 -20 months 7
• 21 - 30 months 8
• 31 to 59 months 4
• 60 months or more 1
Question 3
By the end of July 2022, or the completion of Core Training, will you have spent at least 4
months in T&O, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, ENT Surgery, Cardiac/Thoracic surgery, A&E,
ITU, Paediatric Surgery, Urology or OMFS posts since completing your Foundation Programme?
Responses Score
At the time of application, how many appendicectomies (laparoscopic and/or open) have you
completed which have been done either STS or STU or P or T? These must be recorded in a
validated logbook.
Responses Score
• 0 to 9 1
• 10 to 24 2
• 25 to 39 3
• 40 to 99 4
• 100 or more 1
• You must provide full logbook evidence. Consolidation sheets from a validated logbook
are acceptable. You will be asked for a log of your total index procedures performed since
qualification (appendicectomies, inguinal hernias and cholecystectomies).
Question 5a
At the time of application, how many 1st author publications have you had published in any
PubMed indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical
Responses Score
At the time of application, how many other publications have you had published in any PubMed
indexed journals? Do not include published abstracts, case reports, letters or technical tips.
Responses Score
Question 6
At the time of application and since graduation as a doctor, how many national and
international presentations have been given of work in which you are a listed author? Do not
include poster presentations.
Responses Score
Question 7
At the time of application how many audits against a published standard or quality improvement
projects have you undertaken, which have resulted in a presentation of the results?
Responses Score
• Please provide a summary of the audit or quality improvement project and evidence of
• If you have been involved in a closed-loop audit and can demonstrate
active involvement, each cycle would count e.g. a full cycle counts
as 2 audits
Question 8
At the time of application, have you completed and been awarded a stand-alone UK higher
degree or equivalent (see evidence below) examined by thesis/dissertation? (NB: This does not
include intercalated degrees)
Responses Score
• PhD, MD 2
Question 9
Please select one statement that best describes your involvement in leadership or management
since your primary medical qualification.
Responses Score
Responses Score
• PG Cert or equivalent 2
• None 0
The value attributed to Q1 (N) does not contribute to the overall score. N is used to weight Q5a, Q5b,
Q6 and Q7. Candidates may score more in these questions as a reflection of increased time in
various posts. N is therefore used as a denominator to balance this anomaly. The scores for Q5a,
Q5b, Q6 and Q7 will be divided by N. A maximum score is also applied to these questions.
Please see the table below for the score per item, the weighting applied and the maximum score for
questions 5 to 7.
5a 2 per paper
((Q5a x 2) + Q5b) / N 8
5b 1 per paper
6 1 per presentation Q6 / N 2
7 1 per audit Q7 / N 4
For example, a candidate who has worked for three years (clinical or non-clinical) since Foundation
Training will score an N of 2. If they have 8 first-author publications, 6 other publications, 2 national
presentations and 3 audits which have been validated then their score will be as follows:
5a 8
8 (maximum
(8 x 2) + 6) / 2 = 11
5b 6 score)
6 2 2/2 =1 1
7 3 3 / 2 = 1.5 1.5