Contributions of Indian Biologists

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Dr.Shivakumar G S
Assistant Professor
Kumadvathi College of Education
1.3-Contributions of Indian Biologists-Ancient Biologist and
Modern Biologists.
• Ancient Biologist ---- Charaka,
• Modern Biologists-- Sir J.C. Bose,
Dr. Haragobinda Khorana,
Dr. P. Maheshwari,
Dr.BGL Swamy.
Acharya Charaka
– Father of

▪ Charak is considered the father of ancient Indian science

of medicine.
▪ He was the Raj Vaidya (royal doctor) in the court of Kanishka.
His Charaka Samhita is a remarkable book on medicine.

▪ It has the description of a large number of diseases and gives

methods of identifying their causes as well as the method of
their treatment.
▪ He was the first to talk about digestion, metabolism and
immunity as important for health and so medical science.

▪ In Charaka Samhita, more stress has been laid on removing

the cause of disease rather than simply treating the illness.

▪ Charaka also knew the fundamentals of Genetics. Don’t you

find it fascinating that thousands of years back, medical
science was at such an advanced stage in India.
▪ Born in 300 BC Acharya Charaka was one of the principal
contributors to the ancient art and science of Ayurveda, a
system of medicine and lifestyle developed in Ancient India.

▪ Acharya Charaka has been crowned as the Father of Medicine.

His renowned work, the “Charaka Samhita“, is considered as an
encyclopaedia of Ayurveda.
▪ Acharya Charaka revealed through his innate genius and enquiries of facts on
human anatomy, embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation and diseases
like diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc.

▪ The following statements are attributed to Acharya Charaka:

▪ “A physician who fails to enter the body of a patient with the lamp of
knowledge and understanding can never treat diseases. He should first study
all the factors, including environment, which influence a patient’s disease, and
then prescribe treatment. It is more important to prevent the occurrence of
disease than to seek a cure.”

▪ World’s First Plastic Surgeon

▪ Sushruta was an Indian physician, who wrote one of the

world's earliest works on medicine and surgery and is
therefore regarded as the 'Father of Indian Medicine' and
'Father of Plastic Surgery.'
▪ During the 6th century, an Indian physician named Sushruta -
widely regarded as the 'Father of Indian Medicine'
and 'Father of Plastic Surgery' - wrote one of the world's
earliest works on medicine and surgery.

▪ Sushruta lived in the ancient city of Kashi, now known as

Varanasi or Banaras in the northern part of India.
Sushruta Samhita
Sushruta is known for his pioneering operations and techniques
and for his influential treatise 'Sushruta Samhita' or Compendium
of Sushruta, the main source of knowledge about surgery in
ancient India.
▪ Written in Sanskrit, the Sushruta Samhita dates back to the
times before Christ and is one of the earliest works in the
field of medicine.

▪ It forms the foundations of the ancient Hindu form of

medicine known as Ayurveda and is highly regarded as one
of the 'Great Trilogy of Ayurvedic Medicine.'
The Sushruta Samhita documented the aetiology of more than
1,100 diseases, the use of hundreds of medicinal plants, and
instructions for performing scores of surgical procedures -
including three types of skin grafts and reconstruction of the
Other contributions by Sushruta
1. Besides trauma involving general surgery, Sushruta gave
an in-depth account of the treatment of 12 varieties of
fracture and six types of dislocation. This continues to
spellbind orthopaedic surgeons even today.

2. He mentioned the principles of traction, manipulation,

apposition, stabilization, and postoperative physiotherapy.
3.Sushruta also prescribed measures to induce growth
of lost hair and removal of unwanted hair.

▪ Maharshi Parashara was a Rigvedic Maharishi (seer/ ಕಾಲಜ್ಞಾನಿ),

and the author of many ancient Indian texts. He is accredited

for being the author of the first Purana: Vishnu Purana (before
his Son Veda Vyasa wrote it in its present form).
▪ He was the grandson of Vashista, the son of Śakti
Maharshi, and the father of Veda Vyasa.

▪ There are several texts which give reference to Parashara

as an author/speaker.
▪ In the year 1665 AD, Robert Hook, a botanist with the help of his
microscope, explained to the world about the Plant cell and its

▪ One thousand and six hundred years ago prior to that date,
Maharshi Parasara in 1st century AD had clearly explained the
structure of a Plant cell in the Sanskrit work “Vriksha Ayurveda”.
▪ Maharshi Parashara had even explained the phenomenon of
the Photosynthesis (process of self nourishment in the
plants) in the fourth chapter (Vriksha sharira Dharma
sastram) of the same book.

Chandra Bose

Acharya J.C. Bose was a man of many talents. Born on 30 November,

1858 in Bikrampur, West Bengal, he was a polymath(a person of
wide knowledge or learning), physicist, biologist, botanist and
• He, made important contributions in the study of plants and
laid the foundation of experimental science in the Indian
• He was the first person to use semiconductor junctions to
detect radio signals, thus demonstrating wireless
communication for the first time

• Another of his well-known inventions is the Crescograph,

through which he measured plant response to various
stimuli and hypothesized that plants can feel pain,
understand affection etc.
• Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose is one of the most prominent first
Indian scientists who proved by experimentation that both
animals and plants share much in common.

• He demonstrated that plants are also sensitive to heat, cold,

light, noise and various other external stimuli.
• Bose contrived a very sophisticated instrument called crescograph
which could record and observe the minute responses because of
external stimulants.

• It was capable of magnifying the motion of plant tissue to about 10,000

times of their actual size, which found many similarities between plants
and other living organisms.

• Using the crescograph, he further researched the response of the plant

to fertilizers, light rays and wireless waves. The instrument received
widespread acclaim,
• Bose authored two illustrious books: ‘Response in the living and
nonliving (1902) and ‘The Nervous Mechanism of Plants (1926).

• He also extensively researched the behaviour of radio waves.

Mostly known as a plant physiologist, he was actually a physicist.
Bose devised another instrument called ‘Coherer’ for detecting
the radio waves.

• Prior to his death (1937) Bose set up the Bose Institute at

Calcutta. He was elected the fellow of the Royal Society in 1920
for his amazing contribution and achievements.

Born on January 9, 1922 at Raipur village in West Punjab (now in Pakistan),

Khorana was an Indian-American biochemist who shared the 1968 Nobel
Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W.
Holley for research that helped to show how the order
of nucleotides in nucleic acids, which carry the genetic code of the cell, control
the cell’s synthesis of proteins.
• In 1970, Khorana became the first to synthesize an
artificial gene in a living cell.

• His work became the foundation for much of the

later research in biotechnology and gene therapy.
• University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Government of India
(DBT Department of Biotechnology), and the Indo-US Science
and Technology Forum jointly created the Khorana Program
in 2007.

• The mission of the Khorana Program is to build a seamless

community of scientists, industrialists, and social
entrepreneurs in the United States and India. Khorana died of
natural causes on November 9, 2011 at the age of 89.
The Originator Of
Indian Plant

Professor Panchanan Maheshwari is also known as

the Father of Indian Plant Embryology.
• Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was born on 9th of November,
1904 at Jaipur in the house of Shri Vijaypal who was in an ordinary
clerical job.

• Professor Panchanan Maheshwari got his graduation degree from

Ewing Christian College, Allahabad in 1925. Post graduate degree
(M.Sc.) and the most prestigious degree, Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
were awarded to him in 1927 and 1931 respectively.
Honours and Awards

• The medals and awards are:

In 1931, Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was awrded D.Sc. By
Allahabad University.

• Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was elected as the President of Indian

Botanical Society (IBS).

• The most prestigious institute at London, "The Royal Society" honoured

Professor Panchanan Maheshwari as the Fellow of Royal Society (FRS)in
1965. Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was the second FRS (After Sir J.C.
Bose) to be honoured as FRS.
• Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was awarded Birbal
Sahani Medal by the Indian Botanical Society (IBS) in 1959.

• Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was selected as the

President of the National Academy of Sciences in 1963.
Contributions in Botany

The main contributions of Professor Panchanan Maheshwari in

the field of botany are:
Detailed study of the structure and development of gametophyte
of a Gymnosperm plant, Ephedra foliata .

• Study of the stomata in the leaves of Gnetum

• Artificial culture of male cone of Pinu roxburghii and

development of its pollen grains in culture medium.

• Study of embryogeny in many angiosperms.

• Study of the development of vascular bundle in Boerhavia
difusa and Rumex cryspus

• Phylogenetic study of angiosperms of the basis of their


• Culture of reproductive organs of many angiosperms on

artificial culture medium.

• Authoring of the world famous book "An Introduction of

the Embryology of Angiosperms" in 1950.
• Publication of the famous journal "Phyto morphology". It is still being
published by IARI, New Delhi.

• Publication of another important book in botany "Recent Advances in

Embryology of Angiosperms " in 1951.

• Last but not the least, Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was fond of Indian
culture. In 1966, he gave the Presidential lecture in Hindi at Indian Science
Congress Association (ISCA).

• Professor Panchanan Maheshwari was gifted with excellent memory.

Mankombu Sambasivan
(7th Aug 1925):

• He is known as ‘Indian Father of Green Revolution’ for

his sincere leadership and success in developing high-
yielding verities of wheat in India.
• M.S. Swaminathan is an Indian geneticist and international
administrator, renowned for his leading role in India’s Green
Revolution, where high-yield verities of wheat and rice seedlings
were planted in the fields of poor farmers.
Swaminathan is an advocate of moving India to sustainable
development, especially using environmentally sustainable
agriculture, sustainable food security and the preservation of
biodiversity which he calls an ‘Evergreen revolution’.
• In 1950, he moved to University of Cambridge School of
Agriculture and earned a PhD degree in 1952 for his thesis
‘Species Differentiation and the nature of polyploidy in certain
species of the genus Solanum- Selection Tuberarium’.

• He accepted a post-doctoral research associateship at the

University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Genetics
• Swaminathan was presented first world food prize in 1987,
described as the father of ‘Economic Ecology’ by United Nations
Environment Programme.

• The Times magazine’s in1999 listed him as one of the 20 most

influential Asian people of the 20th century.

• He is a fellow of the Royal Society of London, the U.S. National

Academy of Sciences, the Russian, and Chinese & Indian
Academy of Sciences.
• He had 254 research papers for his credit in the fields of crop
improvement, cytogenetics, genetics and phylogenetics.

• He has written a few books on general theme of his life’s

work, on biodiversity and sustainable agriculture for
alleviation of hunger.

• Bengaluru Gundappa Lakshminarayana Swamy (5 February 1918–2

November 1980) was an Indian botanist and Kannada writer who was
professor, head of the Botany Department and Principal of Presidency College,

• He was the son of D. V. Gundappa, an Indian philosopher and writer in

the Kannada language.
• Swamy's primary research area was plant anatomy,
particularly the structure of connections between plants'
roots and stems.
• He discovered several plant species, including Ascarina
maheshwarii and Sarcandra irvingbaileyi, which he named
after two of his teachers.
• In 1976, he was awarded the Birbal Sahni gold medal by
the Government of India for his work in Botany.

• Swamy's literary works encompass a wide range of topics.

Many of them are related to botany and introduce botanical
concepts to the layperson.

• A few of his books cover plants used in everyday life in a

scientific manner, such as Namma Hotteyalli Dakshina
Amerika (South America in Our Stomach).
• Other works by Swamy pertain to literature, and some of
them are partially autobiographical, dealing with his
experiences as a Professor and Principal.

• Apart from being an acclaimed Botanist, B. G. L. Swamy

was widely respected in the history and literary circles.
• Dr. Swamy authored more than 300 research articles in
English, Spanish, German, Latin and French that were
published in well-known papers of international repute.

• Hasuru Honnu. His book Hasuru Honnu(Gold) won him

the Kendra Sahitya Academy award given by
the Government of India in 1978.

• With that, Gundappa and Swamy became the first father

and son duo to win this prestigious award

• Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award for Americadalli Naanu

• Sahitya Akademi Award for Hasuru Honnu
• Rajyotsava Prashasti by the Government of Karnataka
• Kannada Sahitya Parishat Award
• Birbal Sahni gold medal by the Government of India for his
work in botany.

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