Are Economis-WPS Office
Are Economis-WPS Office
Are Economis-WPS Office
people's behavior?
In an ideal world, people would always make optimal decisions that provide them with the
greatest benefit and satisfaction. In economics, rational choice theory states that when humans
are presented with various options under the conditions of scarcity, they would choose the
option that maximizes their individual satisfaction. This theory assumes that people, given their
preferences and constraints, are capable of making rational decisions by effectively weighing
the costs and benefits of each option available to them. The final decision made will be the best
choice for the individual. The rational person has self-control and is unmoved by emotions and
external factors and, hence, knows what is best for himself. Alas behavioral economics explains
that humans are not rational and are incapable of making good decisions.
Behavioral economics draws on psychology and economics to explore why people sometimes
make irrational decisions, and why and how their behavior does not follow the predictions of
economic models. Decisions such as how much to pay for a cup of coffee, whether to go to
graduate school, whether to pursue a healthy lifestyle, how much to contribute towards
retirement, etc. are the sorts of decisions that most people make at some point in their lives.
Behavioral economics seeks to explain why an individual decided to go for choice A, instead of
choice B.
Because humans are emotional and easily distracted beings, they make decisions that are not
their self-interest. For example, according to the rational choice theory, if Charles wants to lose
weight and is equipped with information about the number of calories available in each edible
product, he will opt only for the food products with minimal calories. Behavioral economics
states that even if Charles wants to lose weight and sets his mind on eating healthy food going
forward, his end behavior will be subject to cognitive bias, emotions, and social influences. If a
commercial on TV advertises a brand of ice cream at an attractive price and quotes that all
human beings need 2,000 calories a day to function effectively after all, the mouth-watering ice
cream image, price, and seemingly valid statistics may lead Charles to fall into the sweet
temptation and fall out of the weight loss bandwagon, showing his lack of self-control.
One application of behavioral economics is heuristics, which is the use of rules of thumb or
mental shortcuts to make a quick decision. However, when the decision made leads to error,
heuristics can lead to cognitive bias. Behavioral game theory, an emergent class of game
theory, can also be applied to behavioral economics as game theory runs experiments and
analyzes people’s decisions to make irrational choices. Another field in which behavioral