Learning Self-Game-Play Agents For Combinatorial
Learning Self-Game-Play Agents For Combinatorial
Learning Self-Game-Play Agents For Combinatorial
Extended Abstract AAMAS 2019, May 13-17, 2019, Montréal, Canada
True, if n = 0
False, if n > 0 ∧ (k = 0 ∨ q = 0)
F (m, a; n) =
G k −1,q−1 (m − 1), if a = “break”
k,q−1 (n − m), if a = “not break”
In the logic statement, G k,q (n) means one can use k jars and q
tests to locate any highest safe rung in a ladder with n rungs. The Figure 2: Refutation phase on k = 7, q = 7 but n is set to 129
problem is defined recursively, m is the optimal testing point (if so there is no solution.
there is one) so that no matter the jar breaks or not, the rest of the
resources can still be used to locate the highest safe rung.
With G k,q (n), we define the HSR game where the P and OP
move alternately. In the proposal phase, the P will propose a num-
where the two players continuously compete with each other until
ber n and the OP will decide whether to accept it or reject it, as
finally converging to a solution where the P’s policy can always
described in section 2. During the refutation phase, the P will pick
keep her winning position. The OP is in a dilemma when P is perfect,
a testing point m, then the OP will reply “break” or “not break”.
i.e., P chooses only the optimal n and m. On the other hand, for a
Specifically, in each round, the P claims ∃m ≤ n : {G k −1,q−1 (m −
problem without any solution, the opposite will happen (see Fig. 2).
1) ∧ G k,q−1 (n − m)} holds. Then the OP refutes the claim by either
refuting G k −1,q−1 (m − 1) or G k,q−1 (n − m). In this way, both the
testing policy and the highest safe rung are learned implicitly. 5 CONCLUSION
We introduce MQ2 and the MQ2 Zermelo Gamification. We formu-
4 EXPERIMENT late the optimization problem using predicate logic (where the types
Two independent neural networks are applied to learn the proposal of the variables are not "too" complex) and then we use the corre-
game and refutation game respectively. During each iteration of sponding Zermelo game which we give to the adapted neural MCTS
the learning process: 1. 100 episodes of self-play will be executed algorithm. For our proof-of-concept specialization of MQ2, HSR
through a neural MCTS using the current neural network. Data Zermelo Gamification, we notice that the adapted neural MCTS
generated during self-play will be stored. 2. the neural networks algorithm converges on small instances that can be handled by our
will be trained with the data in the replay buffer. And 3. the newly hardware and finds the winning strategy. Our evaluation counts
trained neural network and the previous old neural network are all correct/incorrect moves of the players, based on ground-truth
put into a competition. We collect the correctness data for both of We hope our research sheds some light on the potential for neural
the neural networks during each iteration. Fig. 1 show the process MCTS to solve interesting gamified problems.
Extended Abstract AAMAS 2019, May 13-17, 2019, Montréal, Canada
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