SEMINAR On Nursing Education

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INTRODUCTION - the term seminar refers to a small group of graduate

students engaged in original research under the guidance of a knowledgeable
professor. However, as educational practices change and students become more
sophisticated and research becomes more common, the concept of the seminar
takes on new meanings and new uses. In general the seminar consists of a
scientific approach to the study of a selected problem. It involves a discussion of
the problem using a small group of students and a teacher .

DEFINITION - 1. Seminar is an instructional technique of higher learning

which involves paper reading on a theme and followed by the group discussion to
clarify the complex aspects of the theme .


2 . Seminar is an instructional technique of higher learning which involves paper

reading on a theme and followed by the group discussion to clarify the complex
aspects of theme.


3. A seminar as an instructional technique involves generating a situation for a

group to have guided interaction. among themselves on a theme which is
generally presented to the group by one or more members. The person who
presents the theme should have studied the theme thoroughly before hand.

-“D. Elakkuvana Bhaskara raj Nima bhaskar”

4. Seminar is smiply a group of people comming together for the discussion and
learning of specific techniques and topics.
OBJECTIVES -. technique is employed to realize the higher objectives
of cognitive and affective domains which have been enumeratedas follows:

Cognitive objectives: This technique creates the learning situations so that

the following higher cognitive objectives may be realized:

1. To develop the higher cognitive abilities: analysis synthesis and evaluation as

compared to the situations involving human interaction.

2. To develop the ability of responding in this manner would involve higher

cognitive actions: valuing, organizing and characterization of quick compre
hension of the situation, examination, of it against the knowledge he possesses
and construction of his reactions to the situation.

3. To develop the ability of keen observation experienas feelings and to present


4. To develop the ability to seek clarification and defend the ideas of others

Affective objectives: The following higher aspect of affective domain are

developed by employing the instructional technique:

1. To develop the feeling to tolerance the opposite ideas of others.

2. To develop the feelings of cooperation with other colleagues and respect of the
ideas and feelings of others.

3. To develop the emotional stability among the participants of the seminar.

4. To acquire the good manners of putting questions and answering the questions
of others effectively.

The human interaction under this technique develop the good manners and skills
among the participants
ROLE OF SEMINAR TECHNIQUES - In organizing a seminar the
following roles are performed
1 Organizer or instructor
2President or Chairman or Convener of the Seminal
3 Speakers of the day.
4 Participants and
5 observer

1 Organizer or instructor - is the responsibility of an organizer to apper the whole

program of the seminar. He Athens of the seminar and assigns the end persons
who have to The late me and place are decided ally, the about suggests the name
of converter of He prepares total schedule of the seminar.

2 president or chairman- The participants propose the name of suggesting the

name of chairman, it should is consideration that the person must be well with is
the theme of seminar. He must know his s and duties as chairman of a seminar.

3 Speakers of theday- Certain situations he also takes part in the discussion He

provides the opportunities to each participant. At the and he has to summarize
the discussion and may present ha orwpoint on the theme. He has to give thanks
to the peers, participants, guests and observers.

4 Participants- The participants of the seminar should he well acquainted with the
theme. They should appreciate the performances of the speakers. They should be
able to clarification and put questions. They should place own ideas regarding
the theme on the basis of their experiences. They should not put question
directly to the peakers. There are 25 to 40 participants in the seminar.

5 Observer- Some guests and observers are also invited and allowed to observe
the activities of the seminar. Generally, they are not permitted to participate in
the discussion. They should be allowed at the end to discussion and present their
observations by permission of the chairman .
Advantages of a Seminar-
From the above analysis of the basic mechanism of inter- action in seminar, it may
be said that the seminar as an instructional technique has the potential to
develop several abilities in students:

1. Due to the process stimulation of thinking brought about through

interaction, different higher cognitive .like analytical and critical thinking.
2. Apart from these cognitive abilities to tolerance for other views openness
to ideas cooperation with others emotional stability and respect for others
feeling will be inculcated among participants during the course of such

3 Concomitent effect of seminar as instructional tchnique will be the

development of better learing habits. While preparing for presentation and will
get induced independend study.

4. As can be seen from the above, seminar has great instructional value as it
makes the instruction learner centerd and provides for learning through enquiry
which is based on a very natural characteristics of inquisitiveness in humans.

5.This natural way of learning through seminar establishes an important place for
this technique at all level of instruction. From the practice however, one may
notice that it is mainly confined to higher .
Types of Seminar
The said mechanisen is employed in conducting a but seminars are organized at
different levels. On the ba of levels or organization the seminars are of four types

1. Miniseminar

2. Mainseminar.

3. National seminar, and

4. International seminar

>Miniseminar :A seminar organized to discuss a topic inda is known as mini-

seminar. The purpose of the miniseminar is to train the students for organizing
the seminar and play different roles. It is simulated situation for the studdents an
institution such seminars should be organized before the Main Seminar.

>Mainseminar: Such seminars are organized at departmental level or institutional

level on a major theme. All the students and staff members take part in such
seminars. These seminars are organized weekly or monthly in departmental
Generally specific themes are selected for main seminar.

>National seminar: A national seminar is organized by association or organization

at national level. The experts are invited on the theme of the seminar. The
secretary seminar prepares the schedule theme, time, dates, days venue.
Generally, NCERT organizes such seminar national level, on the
theme.Educational Technology, Population Education of Education, Distance
Education, Non-formal E Quality Control of Educational Research in lndia.

>Intrnational seminar: Generally,such seminar are organized UNESCO and other

international organization the topic or theme of seminar is very broad. e.g.
innovations in teachers –educations and examination reforms.
Limitation of Seminar Technique
A seminar technique has the following limitations:

1. A seminar cannot be organized on all the content of subject matter. Some topics are highly
structured. A theme of a seminar should be such on which discussion may be held.

2. The technique cannot be used for all levels of education. It can be used for higher level of education.
The members of seminar should have social and emotional maturity. Thus it cannot be used for lower
level of education.

3. When a seminar is being organized, the persons who speak too much dominate the discussion of the
seminar and do not provide opportunities to others to take part in the discussion. It means that the
discussion confines only few persons rather than whole group.

4. During the discussion, groups are formed in two ideas; anti-ideas and favorable ideas on the theme.
As a result they try to win over the other. The purpose of the seminar is not served. The chairman
should discourage this type of activities.

5. If the two groups already exist among the participant they generally try to oppose even for the
constructive relevant ideas of the opposite group. The opposition done for the sake of opposition. The
instructional situation of such discussion is not conducive for learning.


Symposium technique is also one of the techniques of higher learning. It is also an

instructional technique which is used to achieve higher cognitive and affective

Meaning and Definition

The word "symposium" has several dictionary meanings. Firstly, Plato has used
this term for "good dialogue" to present the views towards God. Another
meaning of the term is the intellectual recreation or enjoyment.

The recent meaning of the term is a meeting of persons to discuss a problem

theme. The views on a or theme are presented in a sequence. The specific
aspectof a theme is presented by an expert of the theme. The definition of the
term symposium is as follows:

"The symposium technique/forum serves as an excellent device for informing an

audience, crystalizing opinion and general preparing the listeners for arriving at
decision, policies, value, judgement or understanding".

SYMPOSIUM USED FOR : The main purpose of the symposium is to provide the
understanding to the students or listeners on theme or problem specifically to
develop certain values and feelings.

Objectives of Symposium:
The following are main objectives of the symposium technique:

1. To identify and understand two various aspects of theme and problems.

2. To develop the ability to decision and judgement regards a problem.

3. To develop the values and feelings regarding a problem.

4. To enable the listeners to form policies regarding a theme or problem.

Mechanism of Symposium Technique

The symposium is a type of discussion, in which two or more speakers, talk from
ten to twenty minutes, develop individual approaches or solutions to a problem
or present aspects of a policy, process or program. The speeches are followed by
questions or comments from the audience, as in the panel forum.

Since there is no need for symposium interaction other than careful listening
(unless the symposium members are to discuss the topic after the delivery of the
speeches) .
Precautions for Symposium
We suggest three conditions in the use of the symposium technique:

Firstly, the moderator should be sure to prepare the speakers or see that they are
prepared. They should know the rules of procedure, sequence of speaking, and
way in which the forum will be conducted; and they should be aware of the ideas,
and background of the other performers.

Scope for the use of symposium

The symposim technique is used to realize the higher cognitive and affective
objectives. The following are the main topics on the syposium technique is used:

1. Use of television for education,

2 Scope of distance education in our education.

3. use of essay and objective type tests

4. Semester system in education.

5. Causes of student unreast.

7. Use of microteaching in teacher-education.

8. Use of team teaching in the schools Use of action research in classroom


10 Scope of education technology in our education The nature of the topic should
be such that the audience should he interested in the theme.

he symposium technique has the following main daracteristics

Characteristics of symposium
1. It provides the broad understanding of a topic or a problem.

2 The opportunity is provided to the listeners to take decision about the problem.

3. It is used for higher classes to specific themes and problems

4 It develops the feeling of cooperation and adjustment.

5. The objectives as senythesis and evaluation (creativity) are achieved by

employing the symposium technique.

6. It provides the different views on the topic of the symposium.

1. The chairman has no control over the speakers as they have full freedom to
prepare the theme for discussion.They can present any aspect of the theme or

2. There is a probability of repetition of the conduct because every speaker

prepares theme as a whole.

3.It creates difficulty of understanding to the listeners of a theme are presented

listeners are not able simultaneously. Therefore, the l understand the theme

4. The listeners remain passive in the symposium because they are not given
opportunities to clarification and put questions

5. The discussion and presentation of theme is the summarized at the end. The
participants take decision according to their own. Hence, mature persons cas
make use of this technique.

6. This technique is employed to achieve the higher objectives of cognitive

domain but affective ob are not emphasized properly.
Purposes of Symposium
1. To investigate a problem from several points of vies

2. To boost students ability to speak in group.

3. To make the students to study independently.

Techniques of Symposium
1 . Teacher should plan the program ahead of time

2. Each members of the class, as well as the student speakers should know the
objectives of the symposium and breadth of the topic.

3. Each student should prepare on the given or accepted topic.

4. The teacher should have a conference with each of the student speakers.

5. The teacher or a student may function as a chairman

6. The symposium starts with the chairman introducing the topic.

7. Next chairman introduces the speakers

8. Then the topic is presented by the students taking 20 minutes time.

9. As a conclusion at the end the chairman gives brief summary of all the
speeches and opens the discus to the students.

All techniques of higher learning require the discussion atmong the participants.
The discussion provides the equal opportunities in the instructional situation to
every participant

The discussion technique of learning is based on the modern theory of

organization. The assumption of this theory is that every member of the
organization has the capacity to initiate and solve the problem and brings certain
attitude and values to the organization. Thus, interactional technique is the most
appropriate in democratic way of life

Origin of Panel Discussion Technique

This technique at the first time was used by Herry A Ober for Street in 1929. He
organized a discussion for small group for definite period for the audience. At the
end of the discussion audience had also participated. The important questions
were put by the audiences on the topic. The experts tried and answered the
questions and certain points were clarified, which were not included in the
discussion. Several other persons had used this technique.

Generally, this type of panel

discussions are organized on television and radio.

The following are the main objectives of the technique:

1. To provide information and new facts

2. To analyze the current problem from different angle.

3. To identify the values.

4. To organize for mental recreation

Procedure of Panel Discussion

A panel discussion consists of four types of persons. It means four roles are played
in organizing panel discussion:

1. Instructor

2. Moderator

3. Panelists and

4. Audience

1.INSTRUCTION : how, where and when instructor In the panel discussion most
important is of instructor. It is the responsibility of instructor panel discussion will
organized. The schedule of panel discussion prepared by him. Some times he has
to of discussion.

2. Moderator : In the discussion moderator has to significant job He has s to keep

the discussion on and encourages the interaction among the members He has to
summarize and high light the discussion more often.

3 Panelists: There are four the pen panelists in discussion. The members of the
panel sit in semi- circle before the audience. The moderator sits in the of the
penalists. The panelists must have the matter on the theme of the discussion.

4. Audience: After the panel discussion, audience allowed to put question and
seek clarification. T can present their point of view and their experience regarding
the theme or problem, the panelists attempt to answer the questions of the

Use of Panel Discussion Technique

This instructional technique has the following advantage:

1. This technique encourages social learning

2. The higher cognitive and affective objectives an achieved

3. It is used to develop the ability of problem solving and logical thinking.

4. It develops the interests and right type of attitude towards the problem.

5. It develops the capacity to respect other's ideas and feelings and ability of

6. It provides the opportunities of assimilation of theme and content:

a. Education as an instrument of social change.

b. Student teaching in teacher education program.

d. Scope of educational technology in our country

e. Adult education.

f. Delinking jobs to degrees.

g "Examination reform".

h. National health policy.

i National population policy.

Panel Discussion Technique

following are the limitation of this technique :

1 there are chances to deviate from theme at time of session, hence the purpose
of the panel discussion is not achieved.

2 Some members dominate the discussion and do not preside the opportunities
to participate others in discussion.

3There is possibility to split the group into two sub- groups, Le for and against the
theme. It does not maintain the conducive situation of learning, panelists belong
to different groups, it may not create appropriate learning.

4 if panelists belong to defferent growps, it may not create appropriate learning


Seminar is a method of teaching mostly used for higher education. It is

an instructional technique which involves paper reading on a theme. It
includes the group discussion to clarify the complex aspect of theme.
The students' learns to develop the ability of keen observation of
experience and feelings of tolerance to the opposite ideas of others.

• Symposium rated as successful, with several good ideas and

different viewpoints having been shared. • General consesus on the
need to include research institutions; involve developing countries and
pay special attention to capacity building.

• The need to improve on efficiency of collaboration between various

standards bodies.

The discussion provides the equal opportunities in the instructional

situation to every participant. The success of the panel discussion
depend upon the active participation of the members. All techniques of
higher learning require the discussion among participants.

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