1997 MB Line Up Brochure

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When you look for VALUE in an automobite, you may find it where you'd teast EXPECT it One look at the new Mercedes-Benz automobiles, and you'll find something other luxury car makers seem to have forgotten —value. Consider: an E320 today costs scarcely more than a new 3008 Sedan cost in 1988, yet includes traction control, dual climate controls, and not one but four air bags. Can you think of another auto- mobile that rivals its price of nine years ago — with more standard features? Consider, too, the findings of IntelliChoice in The Complete Car Cost Guide. Based on its projections of the total cost of ownership over a five-year period, IntelliChoice cites no fewer than five Mercedes models for their exceptional value, naming the E320 the Best Overall Luxury Car Value! But then, you shouldn’t be surprised to find yalue among the qualities of a luxury car. In fact, you should expect it. ‘eres rmcroet es Cnet CA e/a cem COR eu) utterly civilized sports c: ee ed oe ore protective cocoon when the elements are UCL et ed kes) eet Pera try tag POL a an i) ceyet ae J ate aioe Persad eee) eee De eee ed at Cara) See) etn eet See — .an unrivaled compromise of com- Cer ae ene CC the leather and wood is what you'd ‘expect to find in the Oval Offics ere built upon AN UNderstanding of drivers, Ae ee ee as After two years of glimp: After three years of intense developments After 111 years of vehicles that have formed the very core of autos motive history. After all th epless nights, the 1998 Merced Benz|SLK) appears. With its hypnotic technology, the supercharged SLK does more than transport people. It transforms itself, before your very eyes. In just 25 seconds, its steel roof retracts and con- verts the SLK from a hardtop coupe to a sle oadster. And how does it feel? “The level of confidence it instills in mere mortals,” Motor Trend, “is godli The Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 feature Which helps it achieve a 200 Ib-ft pl means responsive performance th trolled 5-speed automatic transmissic equipped with four air bags: a front air t For nimble maneuvering, the SLK (ASR), and low-profile performan: dual-zone air conditioning, an attach: all, a retractable steel hardtop Kompressor, or supercharger, way up to 4,800 rpm. That tive electronically con ving style. Every SLK is th driver and passenger S, Automatic Slip Control ard are leather upholstery, udio system, and best of 20 of this brochure. The 1997/C-Class is two things you might not have expected from a Mercedes. It is incredibly fun to drive. And it is a remarkable value. The C-Class reflects the priorities of Mercedes-Benz engineering with lively, responsive performance and razor-sharp handling. At the same time, it offers a whisper-quiet ride and a deep regard for occupant protection. Security advances include infrared remote central locking, an ignition key transponder, and an available antitheft alarm with night security illumination. From its walnut- trimmed interior to its smooth powerplants, the C-Class soothes your senses — and invigorates them — as only a Mercedes-Benz can. ‘ Three C-CI dans are offered for 199 inline 4-cylinder engine. Th an optional Sport Package (shown at lef black leather upholstery, and special inte: (shown below, top left) created by Me! ed performance of a 2.3iter nline 6-cylinder engine and offers wheels, sport front seats, grey or 8 a limited-production sport sedan German tuning firm renowned for Pushing the envelope of high performance. M und on page 20. It’s very likely you’ve driven luxury cars before. But none that evokes the ple e you get just by looking at the/E-Class). At a time when most other luxury sedans seem to have settled for design updates that hardly distinguish them from their pre sors, the Mercedes-Benz E-Class has moved decisi ahead. V snsuous shape that will likely remain fresh and engaging well into the next decade, the E-Class manag ) stir your emotions even before you’ve done the most compelling thing of all: drive it The E-Class accelerates, steers and stops with the tning-quick response that reveals the true character of a Mercedes-Benz — not merely a luxury car, but a total performance sedan. The E-Class includes three models: the E320 Sedan, powered by a 217-hp inline 6-cylinder engine; the E420 with a 275-hp V-8; and the E300 Sedan, ac el with the responsive performance of multival features special bodywork, tor beam foglam monoblock wheels. Every E-Class model is equipped with fou impact air bag for both the driver and front passen ker audio system, ABS, electronic traction details about E-Class models, please refer to pa that ve techno s, and lo er. Dual bines the legendary durabilit gy. The £420 utomatic climate contre trol and 16-inch alloy wheels are als 20 of this brochure top left) 17-inch AMG , memory fi standard. For more » Pe econ Ce a OCC |) The Antilock Braking System (A that’s standard on every Merced Pe cunt Pee a eae eee ee Pee ea To further aid dynamic control, trac- tion and stability systems are offer Pere ea Pere eC Se ut oun eo eg body structure reinforced with high- See eccc LE Li) ea ec Mercedes, the SLK, E-Class, S-Class and SL-Class models all feature door SOE Ce a Lr ee ea ay Oc ened a, Baas? the force of the Dee ment of the front passenger cars if the passenger seat is unoccupied. aS Ce a ELEC any Dre Cee on eis oO ec ey Se CL RUC Cc} components are staggered to help Full frontal impacts have received Eee Coa ead Cees eae ea ea nor uniformly spread across the Ted Ce Te ee Dead CoC Ca ae Cee ene To reduce the risk of injury to the eeu DO ue eae) ee Ceca Pee oun oie Rees uC) deploying front air bag. Whenever a De eee Eee the SLK, the enc Cee cee a ee eae Seer etiantied Seer is eee Pr aeae aeree ts De eee ees orci eek es CO een) tes S-Class Seven S-Class models are available for 1997. Tk cylinder engines. The $420 Lé advanced, high-output V-8s. And the 6 at thelr command. The 6-cylinder ai the breakthrough Electronic Stability Pro; $Class includes door-mounted side-imp system, 12-way front seats with memory, s cally adjusts the intermittent wiper delay. F Seven S-Class models are available for 1997. The S. 6ecylinder engines. The $420 Long-wheelbase Seda advanced, high-output V-8s. And the S 600 Lon at their command. The 6-cylinder and the breakthrough Electronic Stabilit S-Class includes door-mounted side-imp system, 12-way front seats with memo cally adjusts the intermittent wipe Examine the very DONE SLTUCLUTE of « tuxury car, and you will know the strength of its character. The body of a Mercedes-Benz is the foundation of both its beauty and its value. Consider the many jobs it performs with equal skill: balancing renowned durability with efficient performance and a smooth ride with athletic handling .ct and offset collisions. Its steadfastness is reflected response, while helping maintain structural integrity in both di in the value of a Mercedes-Benz over time. You ma any older Mercedes models on the road. This is not just a reflection of their durability. It is also a statement of shared values. People tend to stand by cars that stand by them, and Mercedes-Benz automobiles are known for standing firm. As Men's Journal noted, “There Is arguably no stiffer, stauncher, more rigid platform in autodom than the mo ue structure that undergirds every Mercedes: Benz like a cement foundation. A special kind of PETLOrMance comes from over a century of shaping automotive technology. The performance of a Mercedes-Benz is inspiring. Every engine uses multivalve engine technology rooted in a long legacy of carmaking. Gasoline-powered models feature fully int electronic multiport fuel injection and ignition that fine-tune eacl eylinder’s spark timing and fuel flow indiv II V-8 models and the 4-cylinder 6230 have been certified as Transitional Low Emissions Vehic test results are favorable, but there’s just as much to admire in the way a Mercedes engine responds to your right f Mercedes-Benz is the first manufacturer to equip its entire line of cars with a driver-adaptive electronically controlled S-speed automatic transmission that responds to your driving style. When you're driving more vigorously, it shifts at higher rpm. When your driving style is more leisurely, it responds with more relaxed shifting, There is even a special fiorie you can select that helps reduce wheel slip when taking off on slippery surfaces by starting in second gear OF even a second reverse gear Traction control systems are optional on the C-Class and standard on ev ther model. Please turn to page 20 to. see which systems are available on your favorite Mercedes. To help enhance st ility while cornering, the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) is standard on all the V-12 models and optional on all V-8 models. fun into its fifth decad The 1997,SL-Class)carries each current SL model artfu Vative safety, performance co yertible soft top. Each featur created especially for th sound reproduction of ar offers the protection ¢ c roadster, equipped with L each SL is equipped with doo e, grace and sporty Like the original, ible style with inno: Each is a hardtop and a con imass’ sound system, e highest quality ith the top down. Each roll bar.’ And act air bags. err eos Ree acu ee od Preece cece oe Deere a a) Peo ea La Pee Pee eee au) Petes PO ee Pee eu ee RC eee eC rad Pee uC eas for your Mercedes is also a substantial OR ee ed See eeu Ca Ree ce Ge SE Cn a RU ee ead nee Ce ecm ie MERCEDES) is on call around the clock to serve your needs, including the services Pee COCs Mercedes-Benz Customer Support. Imagine a car company that provides you with emergency road- side service that’s good for the life of the car, not just for the duration of the new-car warranty. Emergency roadside assistance that’s provided by trained technicians.’ A roadside service program that includes reimbursement for up to $300 per day for up to three days, should a breakdown covered by the warranty occur more than 100 miles from home and cause you an unexpected overnight stay.° That’s Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance. It’s just one example of how Mercedes-Benz customer serv- ice isn’t lip service. It’s support you can count on. 1 Se yor err sw ey fe Men rs Nw Car Ut ra, 2 Re ei lnc ars wr dos {Yor ec Span san le ae aes Pose ei ‘an eget ore ia Meee ee red Ure ee da: Specifications, Standard Features and Options C-Class ed (20 and C280 Sedans oso 36 Sport Sedan Angie Drivetrain and Cassis Speciation {aah 2h DON Heke ie Siege. ‘Wbte 255mm. 2a wr 8 000 pn aun 28 00 tein Sener wae Inst 8501p 18 baru 3730 om fe Soe DO ate ine sss og Be np9 570 pr so re 40, eine tony ed ape na be on Powe renga ng herent le {ioe poner Sala th bie Ba Stes AE Eten tson Stem ETE tn 8 C2, Aco: Tp ntl AS ete nC, C8, xterlr Fetes 1 ly ta, Ma ir di stem art ghd fr gre Fosre egret sngw wd r CsrE fete Fm rae mae eee (ht Pras ae 7 MG te A ees. rir Fetaes tn stam tl wh ita on [eto tine heed vor ty ro Ft oe i nel wen rte Foe ene ae Sree inept pr cower Seating and Tim Peso es ear eon C20, 1B erchty (235, C1, Lx ined ing ve apneic bot waitin Wor epeng nd et a (he Spt se St er pty ce ae Ani Systems sesso son (6290 aprox” ned 280 630 arate pervect fret Atte PA eaeuee wih we sot Po Pn tes FL em (report age ten, estan ystems Super et Ste Se fran urge th oe hoa et wan ne py ese eB, 3p et ant ead as orb ta Individual valle Opons tps or! iteeted lone oe st a C2, C20, ‘isco fot pep Tap snc. Splinter ew aes ae re mh tsk ‘iednng drs ns even sr. rie tm itn gi ena eon Hen wae hE hat pom Peer eo pep t(D "alae Addo Option acages acon eet ees, a ar Gz ans Ss ange a heer shanty, eee! 20,620. ae ent sane E29, fsiig nr, exo rgcolr (2E. (tate sn em apn sn UM, (hc hgh aed el tps ‘het rng NE sec ewe 2/08 fre need api tr i bo, rae ea tm Snr i opt ya ‘erupt pt atin se a Se The 1998 SLK — ‘SIK200 Kompressor Cone/Roudter ‘ngneDrvetain ad Cass Speciation: toed pert 2 OOM bee Sd thom 185808 500 pm. 2001 wg @ 2280-4090 on, Presa eck coneles Saeed none arr Son Poveaedesatg al ang, ep ole ‘cobs pried mane vis ‘ate pve dor ata en oes Dain Sten ara Scovel erie Features 716 oe aly wal ‘rn eyo eal Me. AD. esha wn aerate hada an st ‘Groen ear do Recs giant ard do ch er tok at i et Tt a tn, ay Hae, ein Feteres A coating al npr et Ingontng ete orn mrs Fen rat ih Teh eso capa Penrsd gedo ere Seating and Tim 6 ort sn Le oe ene ui Sytem Gat B® sn ten aoa se tae ern VT sro bo ra wth ace ct NF ee Fs ening pr hang car han. estan Systems Spat ean Sen 9) Oe tnt pena re wih by, ot ans ‘vst rn Ke eter Emery sing ect [ern bette 3p tbat Da Red at {Moja yen sworn inc page na Chretien at ppt ise Cts Equipment rt ete sa nt ‘fog! hopes mle octet elie ‘ede Opin roages CO ange ia gone™ bern a ei pera E-Class 00 Diet F920 Seana Gao: nga, Drivetrain ad Chassis Specftions S00 Det 3 DONC Zee ne jee nang ep 800m SB rr © 220 9 ext; St 00 tras Senet nae 7 We 6022. oe 80 9 ae; sta 0 be Vege Php 578 ym 15 oy 23900 Dine secon oma See cers ei Son foes tan pin sag sees oo resent da witone ot sapenan ent Sain Sen AE testes Syn 5 €300 Dev 220, Ade pat SR endo EE pn tn Gato subiy Pregame on £00, Exterior Fetes 8 sy ha io n 30 Des, Es she nA a ras lr telepresence cng waned ov cong wees om ry bf sr ae tr pres tbe sa er NEC ae. Interior Features Du aati it cot wt a, tert ro eet EST ree are oe om aap se ea Aig Aimed yxy ir. inne pra ope Fo Sting and Tm Fw ae sot on ey (ners nen tee edie ire surreal ur 20 Bl ree poe 6, E20 Ler tonne Sn wh a pao Bt itt We ping wee mt Andi ystems gpa aston E00 De ESD, {oper ee” a tn 0, aot snezne (Crecente a/R tor. arp ete CO ange a cep estan Systems Susana eit Se SB er tater ganna ach ph rt ‘os de mee Ke aad ery Tn eno es at ne ie pt ta fen reio India Avaliable Options int cg? dear tupoe! one se! ee a Trost tats Hd tp wate en nest esr nseg ngs etree) Ee ‘vst ove nse 00 Ds ESO eer {Shocn 30 See ots oe en EAD, ‘alae Added Option Pacages sas art cn (19s Hod ots, tang ‘tee EO {E120 in £20 ne unt mre at {E100 Da Tet gust ee an Esco mae wine. Ee orca AG menace eo, [s/S007 arbor es seam ta, Fronuteu et wear er ete Sat eters Chasis Specifications ing 550 p22 pe 750 0 nin 004¢ Ste we. {spa 570 pope @ 900 p= er DOH toa gon 2I5ty@ Suton 37 Btu #9098 ton DG dome V2 eee 990 € 58. OM ae 83800 crea eel Se’ art ane rt ip Conol ASA Eero Sy Pe SP on sb a on 5, 800. Sense fdsingbel ry, nepret ieee ret an need ne maps Aone ‘rae 800 S00 ape Dorp Spa 9S, ‘S10 tet ot awn oc tng Ste. Fon/matereeprinng (at, 8, $0, xtra Fates so sene oe ges wn Hoe npn eng eet aang th eo Fa st ey hone $3, 0, fay es (20 WB Seti SE 505, 519) Sarr gog. ese der se riarHreescent eng Port en rd wre fo pu a sm NN ter Soc dongs ak ca Interior Fates Di ses ne oma wh ‘ts ane rt cr S06 Seb) Fenn ‘orn pon et i or ee ae a wee 0 ‘edema nny nine one exp atc. apt pge foo Prtone soil og setae spat cue Fie me on ‘irr Headrest orth ce Seating and Tr Pett tt pot ey master mo Maton ot ne 0) Pe eu 0,5; et cy on pe ete ay ae ete mig 50 Cop mane on 5 Cet 12) tt ang 0 580,550 oat Br ened ng wa mato S60 ne ee a tn on 540 510 ecg Ft Au an Telephone Systems sper fee dy ton orate messes Ate [UA suena ae th cee re Pv ‘Per terme angen hig era sures? esr Sytem Sporn eae Sen 85 Diet réteriamenge veash pou wih fon a topo ‘re agerpn og. ne 9 ego Weg Ferme pant oan ses es Far plana Equipment ed ching 8320, $48 Solgar aa pre? 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Intron Fates dutta cra trans tere EST meee ino th re ncaa Fon vecpr sng ern todo 0 hegtegge dsoe lamine rtyr Cone eh ati re a cog Dsiastowen Seating and Tem Pov wih set mente remote ae sng cae) Heed as [54 Lene sey teen LS, Bo wm Lasers eng oe ne vaNt ec a at 2 S00 Wr expt ott io and Ttepone Systems foxes yam m6 ‘Sun notin tent tt pee ‘oun aman sot ed A/T tea ‘aceite coat Pog A/F ato ‘eeu 2 cpr a ig peti or wpe Lt Restrnt Sitems Spires! ect ue 6 ier nipmigete anh ruts ho ag rete ‘Saenger Eno ong ect {E18 Spots ote Ot earn, Mammy re 2 evs no ee. Optoma Equtpment renga O rg (55, 505 psa moblog rac wpa 32, 5.50 anrani eetr en ‘ning Ste S50, ee ea Srp 5 pon ees ie wanes Ht ‘S39, 500) Gcrne Sana Pepa SF LS pr Phage 2 ra OG ek yes 2/8 on 7/9588 parece tres senerailon bio sh eh Sr ee NOT ee Oe CO RL nt ce aka provides uncommon support, serving more than 300,000 customers throughout North America. To provide the feo: tures, benefits and service you've come to expect from Mercedes-Benz, MBCC has crested The First Cass Lease” Se eee ene eter ee a eee eS ee er ee en eee ee ec ented ee ee nen erate Mercedes-Benz dealer about the leasing and financing arrangements available through MBC. Mercedes Care mercedes care lets you prepay forthe routine services that are required under your car's ‘maintenance schedule, Because its 2 propald plan, Mercedes Care lets you lock in these routine maintenance costs uP front. And whether you pln to buy or less, you can even finance the cost of Mercedes Cares part of your overall ee et ere en Re eee een a aE eer ee eet ee Frese Suro eGov fpl mr On pENEIRT SSOVIoRN Non ing a tour of Europe, (A) mA ee ee ee eee econ peuvikee sae eee penetra eamuitapesuraptpeyonlainertsiconisriiannoge Dhaai ad ee ett ee) Se ee See ett 3°

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