Join Us For The 18'n Annual: ,: I Greenspace Art & Adventure Auction
Join Us For The 18'n Annual: ,: I Greenspace Art & Adventure Auction
Join Us For The 18'n Annual: ,: I Greenspace Art & Adventure Auction
Join us for the 18'n Annual ,:;iGreenspace Art & Adventure Auction
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ave you ever wanted to travel to the Arctic and get up close and personal with a polar bear? How about cruising through the Panama Canal ah'd onrtB'.eosta Rica? You will get the chance to bid on these extraordinary trips and more at the l8th Annual Greenspace Art and Adventure Auction taking place on Saturday, Augn-rst19Lhfrom 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the vets' Hall in cambria.
F'or 1R \/ears the Groensnnco arrctinn haq nrorridori f ho nornrnrrnitrzy rur rru rnrith the nnnnrtrrnil\/ ln nr rrr:hase incredjble aftwofk thfOucrhr thev oenerositrz LLr rrr vufaurvDauy
of some of the finest artists on the Central Coast. From paintings to sculpture, photographs to jewelry, the Greenspace Art and Adventure Auction has been the place to view and purchase exceptional artwork. And for the past few years, the auction has included incredible adventures to locations throughout the world. This year's auction is no exception! One lucky bidder will be going on a Natural Habitat Advenlure expedition to the Arctic, exploring the tundra in a Polar Buggy and viewing polar bears and other wildlife accompanied by an expert naturalist. Another successful bidder will be taking a Lindblad Expedition through the Panama Canal to Costa Rica, walking along rain forest trails (home to capuchtn and howler monkeys, three-toed sloths, iguanas and hummingbirds), snorkeling at Panama's famed Isla Coiba, and kayaking along wildlife-rich coasthnes. A bit closer to home is a stay at the Tenaya Lodge, a luxurious hotel iocated at the entrance to Yosemite National Park and a7 ntghl/B day stay at the Hacienda del Mar in Cabo San Lucas
Art & Adventure Auction lcont'd on Page 4]
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District to be a member of the Citizens Finance Committee formed to study the feasibility of buildout reductron in Cambna. President Attoe has been meeling weekly with the Committee, the CCSD staff and outside consultants to work on this program. If accepted by the CCSD Board of Directors, the Buildout Reduction Program will her:nme nert nf tho CCSD'sWater Master Plan.
Tho nrrrnnqo nf tho nrnnram iq ln
in the Patron Path cam'oaiqn will be twofoid: It wiII finance the restoration and enhancement of the Greenspace Creekside Reserve and start an endornrment fund
Be A Part Of Tomorrow... lcont'd on Page 4l
maintain Cambria's quahty of life, pro[ect Cambria's forest and open space,
^nnoar\r^ UU]]DUI VU r^7-f^r VVOLUl, limit llllhu fuhr o v r n r n r n r f h -L nrj r rr c -r u u u ir r Vrvvv
I nvvor,vED IN and DEDICATING I I ttreir time for the communities I of the Central Goast". L J
Reading about these and other projects on our website www greenspacec ambria. org is c ertainly O Family-$90 O Contributing-$50 Sponsoring-$100 O Patron-$250 C Sustaining-$S00 Benefactor-$1,000 one way to famiiiarize yourself about what your O C membership interest and donations are doing, and yet there is no substitution for actually seeing and (1 Enclosed $ is my donation 00% tax-deductible) experiencing the effects first hand. Ultimately, Greenspace has given me the opportunity to see that with direction and planning that Name "Push we absolutely can The Rrver" and be a part of Address solving the problems that we see in our environment City/State/Zip and to be a forceful positive element in the world. PAYMENT O Check Enclosed
UdIU f
O Visa
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your Send tax-deductible donations to: P0.Box GREENSPACE, 1505, Cambria, 93428 CA
Greenspace would like to thank Craig Loud and the staff at Loud Design for their invaluable assistance in the creation of the Watershed.
In the spring of this year, Greenwood and Associates spent a week on the Creekside Reserve on an archaeoiogical dig. One component of the dig was to uncover the original well that had been historically used by the occupants of the property. They also excavated areas of the property that were most likely to unearth artifacts from previous residents. After the excavation, Greenwood and Associates provided Greenspace with a detailed report of their findings, which can be viewed at the Greens'oace office.
is a starzon San F'rancisco's Union Square at the famed Club Donatello. And, remember, when
atto r din q u u u f nu r r r vn ha dninn tuh fo f v mnro ar ufv q u u r n tf if n n tJrrn r r n r r rvn r fia I vf l yvu nrrrnhaq-
"solidlfy" your Do you want to relationship with a special group of people? In years to come, would you like the community to know that you were together? A great way to do that would be to share a brick on the Patron Path in the Greenspace
f-rookcido Racorrzo !F -pv] n r- n o n ^ u thn LifY rlnriinntian uEufLoLfufr ihrT LffoL \ y ^ tu l /v
ing beautiful artwork and exciting adventures. You will be supporting an organization that has acquired, managed and prolected open space in Cambria for over 1"8 years, has been in the forefront of efforts to address threats to Cambria's
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environmental issues. Please join us on Saturday, August 19, 2006 at the Cambria Veterans' Memorial Building between the hours of 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. for a wonderful afternoon of excellent artwork, remarkable adventures and dehcious hors d'oeuwes donated by Cambria's premium restaurants. Tickets are $B in advance (callthe office ar927-2866)or $10 at the door.
and your family have for each other by purchasing a hri.l" +^da+hor If runrr holnna t n r l r n n l z n l'r* h ' * r z - r - r ro9d class, an art club or another kind of special group, demonstrate your commitment to each other by sharing a Patron Path brick. Purchase a brick with two or three of your friends to honor your friendship and. at the same time. contribute to this beautiful open space. Or pitch in with your co-workers to buy a brick on the Patron Path. Please consider one of these options, or think of an option of your own, so that you can be a part of the Patron Path. CalI the Greenspace office today for more information.
Greenspace President Wayne Attoe... [Cont'd from Page 1]
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preserve a balance between potential growlh and the ^..^+^;-^r ^-.^;r^r^;r;tv oublic services. This will be JUJLAtt LUU AVOff,Oulll of
achreved through the purchase and retirement of some of Cambria's buildable lots. The Committee presented the program to the community at a Town Hall meeting on May 16th. Atl those who participated in creating the program were at the Town Hali meeting to answer questions, including President Attoe and other Committee members, CCSD staff and a representative of the consultants. A PowerPoint presentation explained the details of the program and demonstrated how the program intended to fulfiil its purpose. On June 22ndthre CCSD Board accepted the program from the Advisory Committee. For more information on the Buiidout Reduction Program, please visit the CCSD'swebsrte. While the Board of Directors of Greenspace has not
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serve and protect Cambria's forest and open space. At the same time, Greenspace has been making formal comments at CCSD public meetings and at the June 22nd Planning Commission hearing on the Mitigated Negative Declaration for a coastal development permit to allow a data collection project for the desalination facility that is tied to the Buildout Reduction Program. The data collection wells would be located at the San Simeon Creek beach area across Highway One from the San Simeon State Parks Campground. At the Planning Commission hearing, Greenspace Executive Director Richard Hawley, Conner Everts, Executive Director of the Southern California Watershed Alliance. and re'oresentatives
Greenspace President Wayne Attoe... lOont'd on Page 5l
that will support the continued upkeep of the Creekside Reserve. Each brick can be inscribed according to the contributors' specifications: for example, in honor of someone, in memory of a loved one, a
familrz ro.ttltry n.rm6 ltq-rttu nr ur c d l-rrr-i-o uuJtttuDD ttdltlu nnA dllu/ ,/nr ur luvv. lnnn
Contact the Greenspace office at 927-2866 for additional information and to receive an order form to purchase a brick and be represented on the Patron Path. Your participation wili be an important part of maintaining the unique quality of Iife in Cambria that Greenspace is dedicated
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Greenspace President Wayne Attoe,.. [Cont'd from Page 4]
from the Sierra Club stressed that they had many concerns about the proposed data collection wells, including the issue of public access, the prohibited piecemealing of a larger project into smaller components and the effects that sound blasts (the data collection method used in these wells) might have on ocean dwelling orgarusms.
Fish and Game Grants... [Cont d from Page 3l
Conservation Corps and local rancher Larry Fiscalini. The purpose of the project was to stabilize the creek bank and to stop the erosion of prime agriculture soils that were being deposited in the lower reach of Santa Rosa Creek and the lagoon at the creek's mouth. These soils were fouling the gravel beds and the aquifer with fine sediments and restricting the water recharge of the lower basin. This was affecting the water quality and quantity and was degrading the habitat of migrating steelhead trout and other fish, reptiles and amphibians. The completed project resulted in the realignment of the creek and the building of a new flood terrace adjacent to the new creek channel, The site was planted with hundreds of native plants which will repopulate the site with riparian plants that wiII shade the new creek channel.
Greenspace Director Noel Schmidt has been tending the Monterey pine seedlings in the Greenspace greenhouse ever since they were only seeds. He has planted them and watered them and made sure they had enough to eat - and then Director Schmidt inoculated them with pitch canker! In Greenspace's continuing effort to provide Monterey pines that show resistance to pitch canker, the next group of Greenspace seedlings was recently inoculated with Fusarium circinatum, the fungus that is known to cause pitch canker. Since their inoculation, the seedlings have been watched and their reaction to the fungus is being tracked. This way Director Schmidt will know which seedlings, and which seedling parents, are most resistant to the disease. While finding resistance is Piqtured ln pboto: important for ornamental plantings it is Arla Stevens, Noel Schmidt. Jim Bronrnell and Ken Dunn
not the recommendedprotocol to plant only resistant trees in the Cambria pine forest. Recent studies tell us that many Monterey pines will not succumb to pitch canker but, in fact, recoverfrom infections over time.
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diversity of
Greenspac received fun4lng, e Releaf to produce a bilin@ai "Fire Protection for Forest Dwellers" and
bilingnial workshops whi about methods that can plants and trees that are while, at the same time, essarv combustible fuel It is important that consider the native Dlant comm present on the undeveloped lots cleared each season. Native'olant
soeciesfrom destructron
step toward maintaining a Cambria forest. iII many vegetation workers
. therefore.can make
the native soecies that
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oryVhers should request to see ]fi ; ' ^groper^t/ i hiring anyone to remove I dpblflinentati&iibefore '.1 illth.ry vegelrlron from yards or lots in species are better able to withstand ,.: the cor.nbu$tiblg lonq Cambrid.iThe certifidatesare only valid for one year from climate extremes. Dests and disease over Foundationin May 2006,resd$rcherSfi ecosystems containing many diffelet$
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