Consolidation Test of Soil
Consolidation Test of Soil
Consolidation Test of Soil
The object of the experiment is to determine the consolidation properties
of disturbed or undisturbed soil by conducting one dimensional consolidation
test using either fixed ring or floating ring type consolidometer. The test covers
the calculations of (i) rate of consolidation of soil under a normal load, (ii)
degree of consolidation at any time, (iii) pressure voids ratio relationship, (iv)
coefficient of consolidation at various successively increasing pressure, (v)
permeability of soil at various stages of loading, (vi) compression index, and
(vii) coefficient of compressibility.
(iii) Suitable loading device for applying vertical loading to the soil specimen,
loading being done either by a jack with weight, of known magnitude can be
hung (iv) dial gauge, accurate to 0.002 mm
(v) Balance sensitive to 0.01 g
(vi) Thermostatically controlled oven
(vii) Containers for determining water content
(viii) Mixing basin
(ix) Soil trimming tools, like fine wire saw, knife spatula etc.
(x) Glass plate
(xi) Filter paper (Whatman no. 1 or equivalent)
(xii) Stop watch
(xiii) Water reservoir.
Test Procedure
(a) Preparation of the Soil Specimen
1. Preparation of specimen from undisturbed soil samples. The
undisturbed sample from the field may be circular (at least 10 cm in diameter) or
a block sample. Clean the specimen ring and weigh it empty. Cut off about 3 to
5 cm of soil specimen from one end of the field sample. Gradually insert the
specimen ring into the sample, by pressing with hands and carefully removing
the material around the ring. The soil specimen so obtained should project about
one centimetre from either side of the ring. Trim the sample smooth and flush
with the top and bottom of the ring by using glass plates. Clean the ring from
outside and weigh. Keep three specimens from the soil trimmings, for water
content determination.
2. Preparation of specimen from representative soil samples. If the
consolidation properties are to be determined from a disturbed soil sample, soil
is compacted at the desired water content and density in a separate large mould,
and then the specimen is cut as explained in step (1) above.
(b) Preparation of Mould Assembly and Sample Saturation
1. Saturate the porous stone either by boiling in distilled water for about 15
minutes or by keeping them submerged in distilled water for 4 to 8 hours. Wipe
away excess water. Moisten all surfaces of the consolidometer which are to be
2. Assemble the consolidometer, with the soil specimen (in the ring) and
porous stone at top and bottom of the specimen, providing a filter paper between
the soil specimen and the porous stone. Position the pressure pad centrally on the
top porous stone.
3. Mount the mould assembly on the loading frame, and centre it such that
the load applied is axial.
4. Position the dial gauge to measure vertical compression of the
specimen. The dial gauge holder should be so set that the dial gauge is near the
beginning of its release run, allowing sufficient margin for the swelling of the
soil, if any.
5. Connect the mould assembly to the water reservoir, and the sample is
allowed to saturate. The level of water in the reservoir should be at about the
same level as the soil specimen.
6. Apply an initial seating load to the assembly. The magnitude of this load
should be chosen by trial such that there is no swelling. It should not less than 5
kN/m2 for ordinary soils (or 2.5 kN/m2 for every soft soils). The load should be
allowed to stand until there is no change in dial gauge reading for two
consecutive hours, or for maximum of 24 hours.
(c) Consolidation Test
1. Note the final dial reading under the initial seating load. Apply first load
of intensity 10 kN/m2, and start the stop watch simultaneously with loading.
Record the dial gauge readings at various time intervals indicated in Table 15.6.
The dial gauge reading are taken until 90% consolidation is reached. Primary
consolidation is generally reached within 24 hours.
2. At the end of the period, specified above, take the dial reading and time
reading. Double the load intensity and take dial readings at various time
intervals. Repeat this procedure for successive load increments. The usual
loading intensities are as follows: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 kN/m2
3. After the last loading is completed, reduce the load to 1/2 of the value of
the last load and allow it to stand for 24 hours. Reduce the load further in steps
of l/4th the previous intensity till an intensity of 10 kN/m2 is reached. Take the
final reading of the dial gauge.
4. Reduce the load to the initial setting load, keep it for 24 hours and note
the final dial readings.
5. Quickly dismantle the specimen assembly and remove the excess
surface water on the soil specimen by blotting. Weigh the ring with
consolidation specimen. Dry the soil specimen in oven and determine its dry
Table 1 Data and observation sheet for consolidation test: pressure, compression and time
Empty mass of ring: Area of ring:
Dia. of ring: Volume of ring:
Ht. of ring: Specific gravity of soil sample:
Tabulation of Observations
The test observations and other data are recorded as illustrated in Tables 1,2 & 3
1. Height of solids (Hs) is calculated from Eq., Hs = Md/(GAρw)
2. Voids ratio: The voids ratios at the end of various pressure are calculated
from Eq., e= (H - Hs)/Hs. Results are tabulated as shown in Table 2.
3. Coefficient of consolidation: The coefficient of consolidation at each pressure
increment is calculated by the following equation:
Cv = 0.197d2/ t50 (Log fitting methods) and
Cv = 0.848d2/ t90 (Square root fitting method)
In the log fitting method, a plot is made between dial reading and logarithm of
time and the corresponding to 50% consolidation is determined. In the square
root fitting method, a plot is made between dial reading and square to roof time
and the time corresponding to 90% consolidation is determined. The values of C v
are recorded in Table 2.
4. Compression index: To determine the compression index, a plot of voids ratio
e versus log σ' is made. The initial compression curve would be found to be a
straight line, and the slope of this line would give the compression index Cc.
5. Coefficient of compressibility: The coefficient of compressibility is calculated
as follows:
av = 0.435Cc / σ'
Where av = coefficient of compressibility; σ' = average pressure for the
increment 6. Coefficient of permeability: The coefficient of permeability k is
calculated as follows:
k = Cv av γw/ (1+e)
1. Specimen size: IS : 2720 (part 15)1986 recommends specimen diameter
of 60 mm, though specimens of diameters 50, 70 and 100 mm may also be used
in special cases. The specimen should be at least 20 mm thick in all cases.
However, the thickness should not be less than 10 times the maximum diameter
of the grain in the soil specimen. The diameter of thickness ratio should be a
minimum of 3.
2. Sample preparation: While preparing the specimen, attempt should be
made to have the soil strata oriented in the same direction in the consolidation
apparatus as they were or will be oriented in practice. The orientation should
also be such that the laboratory test normally compresses the soil in the same
direction relative to soil strata as the applied load in the field. In trimming the
soil, great care should be taken to handle the specimen delicately with the least
pressure applied to the soil.