Sound (O Round
of echoes. their use:
of echoes. condltion numerical problems
of : for on ech€r•q.
simple numericalproblems;
Sibrauons. datillk*d vbrauons, forced vibration«
and resonance
Ilabus •. and Simple applications of
natural, damped. forced
vibrations and resonance.
pitch and quality of sound.
of s, llabus : Characteristics of sound; loudness and
intensity; subjectiveand
sound in dB (as unit only); noise pollution; objectivenature of these
inter dependenceof pitch and
of in the gag. However
Sote : The ftvqucncy (or of
not tea by tite change tn
de'\'nde on the sibrnting the density in the
the cound. "hile the sviqwityof the
hence its on the
string depends on the
of the mediuntin "hich the
per untt length of the string,
Sound necvssatily tequitv a
thC1t pmpagation. of enetv•y by the
i« thmugh the sity•ationqof the
panicles about their mean positione
medium vbrate, there i« a change of When a wave travelhng In onc
enervy and versa. into another medium (i.e.. In refraction).
kinetic enerv•yinto potential
so sound arc also called elastic or wavelength and intensity# of the wave
are of tvvo the frequency of wave (loeRnot
mechanical waves. Mechanical waves Chang;
longitudinal waves, and (2) transverse direction of travel of the wave also changeg
kinds : (l)
If the sibrations of Inedium particles are for normal
incidence (i.e.. for Zi =
along the direction of propagation of the wave, The sound waves differ from theele
thus firming compressions and rarefactions in the magnetic waves (e.g., Trays, X-rays,ultrav)€k
medium, the wave is called a longitudinal wave visible light, infrared rays, micro waves,
e.g. sound waves in air, in solid and inside a waves). The electromagnetic waves are
liquid. Longitudinal waves can travel in solid, the periodic vibrations of the mutually
liquid as well as in gas. On the other hand, if the electric and magnetic fields in a planen(rmal
medium particles vibrate normal to the direction of direction of wave propagation. Electromage
propagation of the wave, forming crests and waves are thus transverse waves, but unlike
troughs, the wave is called a transverse wave e.g. waves they can travel through vacuum
sound waves in a solid and on the surface of a speed of electromagnetic waves is differea
liquid. Transverse waves are formed only in those different media and it is maximum
media which possess rigidity and that is why they 3 x 108m s-l) in vacuum(or air).ElecTomace
can travel only in solids and on the surface of waves transfer energy in the form of
Distinction between light and soundwavs
A longitudinal wave travels in a gas without
Light waves Sound wave
any change in heat contents of the medium. The
speed V of a longitudinalwave (i.e., sound) in a l. These are electro- l. These are
magnetic waves. waves.
gaseous medium of density d at a pressure P is
2. They can travel in 2. They require a
given as ; vacuum medium for
ury mei n
...(7.3) 3. The speed of
3. The speed of light
wave is very high wave is low
where 7 (the ratio of two specific heats) is (= 3 x 108 m s-1 in air). 330 m s-1 in airl
for air. 4. The wavelength of 4. The wavelengthcae
light waves (visible) is waves is in ranged
Since the density of gas decreases with the
very small, of the 10-2 m to 10 IL
iJwrease in tern1Eratureand also with the increase in order of 10-6 m.
humidity in it, so the of sound increases with re
5. These waves are always 5. In air, thesewaves
the increase in temperature* and with the presence transverse. longitudinal.
For IOCrise in temperature,the speed of sound in air # The change in intensity is becauseof panial
increases nearly by 061 m s-l . the boundary surface separating the two media.
.!ust like anv other a the r' gid obstacle
«hcn (or
faec (or boundary of another .fout'd if far enough to allow the rp/7erted
'o teach the per
back (o the tnediu'l) after the ton at leaqt 0 1
la" s ('f reflection I.e. (i) the angle that the •ensation scoundif heara The reagcyn
of a
is equal to the angle of incidence, for about (M •econd qound perqstg tn our ears
tvtlected ray and nortnal at ceases after the exciting qt'mulus
incidenttoy. to act. Hence to
hear an echo diqtinctly
all lie in one plane. The (separate
of incidence, stnking from the original •ound).
teavcon a sudace the ears at least It must reach
shcct, plyu•ood etc. back in the sound.
second after the original
is called the '7'flection of sound If d is the distance
of sound wave does not of the
The rctlection obstacle and V is the speed ob«erver from the
shining surface like a of sound in the
a smooth and medium, then the total distance
Sound get reflected from any sound travelled by the
to reach the obstacle and
uhethersmooth or hard; polished or back, is 2d. The then to come
time taken to hear the echo (or
requirement for the reflection of reflected
.h.Theonly sound) is
is thatthe size of the reflecting total distance travelled
mustbe bigger than the wavelength of the speed of sound
wave.The phenomenon of reflection of
-d uavesis utilized in making a megaphone or Vt
—eakån2tube), sound board and ear trumpet.
By puttingt = s and V = 340 m s-l in air
ECHO at ordinary temperature, from eqn. (7.5), we get
(or generation) of an echo
wduction 340 x (M
If a personstands at some distance from a wall 2 17m
and produces a sharp sound, one hears Thus,to hear an echo distinctly,the reflecting
distinct . (i) the original (or direct) surface in air should be at a minimumdistance
uhichis heard almost instantaneously, and of 17 m from the listener. If the distance is less
soundheardafter reflection from the wall (or than 17 m, the reflected sound will reach the ears
fide) '*hichis heard a little later than the original before the original sound dies out and therefore
gundis heard.The second sound heard after no echo will be heard.
'-Zion is calledan echo. Thus,
Note : (l) If the reflector is at a distance
soundheard after reflectionfrom a distant less than 17 m, the reflected sound gets mixed
(suchas a cliff, a hillside, wall of a with the original sound.
edgeof a forest, etc.) after the original (2) If there are repeated reflections at the
hasceased, is called an echo. reflecting surface, the sound gets prolonged.
Sote: The reflected sound if heard along This effect is known as reverberation. It can
'iththeoriginal easily be experiencedin high tombs like Taj
sound, is not called an echo. Mahal, Sikandra, etc.
Only thesoundheard
after the original sound
ceased(i.e., the
sound distinctly separate Thus to hear the echo distinctly, following
from theoriginal three conditions must be satisfied
sound), is called an echo.
for hearing an echo (l) The minimum distance between the source
Anechois of sound (or observer) and the reflector in
heard only if the distance of the air must be 17 m. It is different in different
the speed of €ound sound waves
JVote : Alid'hlc
medium. ex;unple. inside sea '9() k I (z) do not posscqq the
20 Il/ to ultra
'h/' -speedat the
• 70 m. i.e., to hear echo distinaly. wave € in that mnedium
o&staclein sea "atcr should bc at a nuni'll"jn (i) Use of echoes by bats, dolphin,
distanex•of 70 (he listcncr fisherman
(2) llwsite of the reflector Aninoals have different audible
of (he qound
as compan•dto thc frequency e.g. hat', dolphins and d,
yave. tnuch higher upper audible lirmt thanh
bc such that beings. Bats, can produce and detect sourkd
(3) intcn€ityof sound should
reflected sound reaching (he ear i« high frcqucncy up to about 100 kHz.
sufficientlyloud to be audible. Bats fly with speed much lower than
DETERMINATION OF SPEED OF of sound. When the sounds
7.4 OF ECHO bats get reflected back from an obstacleinfm
SOUND BY THE METHOD hearing the echo bats
method can be used to determine them, then by
The echo this, sound is even in the dark, the location Of the obsta
sound in air. For
the speed of distance say, they turn away from their path and fly
pruluced from a place at a known
The without colliding with the obstacle.This
d at least 50 m from the reflecting surface•
detectingan obstacle is called soundranging.
time interval t in which the echo reaches the
produced, is Dolphins detect their enemy and
place from where the sound was
count by emitting ultrasonic waves and hearing
noted by a stop watch having the least
by echo. They also use ultrasonic waves for
0•01 s. Then the speed of sound is calculated
using the following relation . their prey.
A trawlerman orfisherman sendsan
totaldistance -l ..(7.6) pulse from a source (a very high frequec
timeinterval t
vibrator) into the sea and receivesthe
The experimentis repeated several times and reflected from the shoal of fish in a detectt
then the average value of speed of sound V is total time t of the to andfro journey of thepQ
determined. is recorded. The distance d of fishis
calculated by
using the relation d =
Echoes find their application in sound ranging is nearly 1400 m s-1 (the speed of
and echo depth sounding by using ultrasonic in sea water).
waves. (2) Use of echoes by 'SONAR'
Ultrasonic waves (frequency above 20 kHz) The word 'SONAR' stands for
more energetic than the audible sound, and navigation and ranging. Fig. 7.1 shows
have the following three properties which make principle Of a sonar in which ultrasonic
them suitablefor a wide variety of uses : sent in sea water in all directions fromthee;
(l) Theycan travel undeviatedthrough a long These waves are received after reflectionfro
distance, obstacle such as an enemy submarine,
(2) Theycan be confinedto a narrow
beam. sunken ship, etc. To find the distance
(3) Theyare not easily absorbed in a obstacle from the ship, the time intervalt
medium. the instant
when waves are sent and the
In endor (radio
and to find it' range A qignr.'lof
fnicto waves) waves (guch aq radio wave*
reflection from gent in Apace which after
the oh'ect (qtjch aq
of ,sonar oeroplane) in itq enemy 'q
path. returnq to the radar
(2) noth in 'tqe!f
and the receiver and 'PADAP€,
rv•ecised,after rvtlection the are placed close to
The distance Fig. 7.1€ they each other In
is Incasuvcd. d of' the are ehown •eparated
juqt for clarity.
the source is then d (3) Use of echoes
.,clc in fie'd medical
In medical field,
the sly•edof ultrasonic waves in water. echo method of ultrasomc
sea can also be found by this is used for imaging waves
depthofprocess then called liver, gall bladder, uteru«,
human organs (such as
The echo depth womb, etc.) This
is called
ultrasonography. Similarly,
used to obtain the echo cardiography is
image of human heart.
humanear can detect sound in the frequency From relation v = n,
range -'0
Hz to 20,000Ilz. If speed of sound is
-1 find the wavelength, corresponding to Wavelength= v = 20 = 2m
of frequencies. f 10
theaudiblerange (b) From graph in Fig. 7.2(b), length of one
Given:V = 330 m s-l,f — 20 Hz and i.e., wavelength = 2 m
From relation V = JR,
¯ Frequency f 20
Fromrelation = min
3. A sound produced on the surface of a lake takes
330 s to reach a boatman. How much time will it
= 16•5m, and
20 take to reach a diver inside water at the same
330 distance if speed of sound in water is times
mn ¯ 20,000
= 16•5x I(F3 m = 16•5mm the speed of sound in air ?
Thediagrambelow shows (a) displacement-time, Given, Vwater • air
= 4-5 s, t
and(b)displacement-distance, graph of a wave d
in a string with velocity 20 m s-l . In From relation Vair ¯ — and Vwater
t t
eachcase,use the graph to calculate the
and uavelength of the wave. water water
or lencc of V—
wavc« an enemy
intcrs»l of 0-02 milli-€ccond. the itv of 8. A qfnnding in front verti
is x m , dist*'" c of gt'n. "car q the echo arter
the acropinne the radar. fo c'itt by 82•5m, he
"cars after firm
Given : m s and Q.Find :
of the Oiff from the initial penition
002 nulli-•econd 002 x 10
d the distance of actoplane from the
Pig. 7.3 .showqthe two positionsof the
Total distance ttau•llcd by the waves in going and of a cliff.
then coniing back 2d
Let dictance of cliff from the Initial
total distance travelled 2'/ position
Nk'locity of V= timetakent be d m and speed of sound be Vm
120 m
(jtqtnncebetween the two
neare«t cliff I fro')) and 2
distance f
(he ti0S@llcdby the •ound
Totaldistance 2 x 640 6.j() m I J m j 760 m
back 2d
10. In n SONAR.
ultrasonic waves are gent into the
and the renected waveq
ship are received after from qonken
total traselled 2d
waves in •ea water is e. the velocity
1450m find the depth
of sound ome taken t of the sunken ship.
320 nt S-1 Given, V = 14.50m
from the farther cliff 2. If
echois heard Depth of the sunkenship d =
distanceof the farther cliff 2 from the 1450
x H)
distancetravelled by the sound in = 1450
thentotal 2
coming back = 2d
CHOICE TWE : 3. The speed V of a longitudinal wave is
given by
the correct answer from the options given
/ (Choose
by a bat. dolphin and fishcnnan. 7. A Qhrpon the surface of water sends a qgnal and
of echo in rc€cnes 't back from a quhmartnetnqde water after
4 q. ('aKulatc the d'Stan€e of the qubmanne from the
of gottnd 'n water I-ISOm
rangtng. State
used tor sound Ans. 29 km
are thc toenttoncd 8. A pendulum hag a frequency of .6 vihra%onq per
second, An obscrvcr •tarts the and fireg a
. State (he ptnnetplcon it gun simultaneously. "e hearqecho from the cliff
after 8 vibrations of the pendulum. If the of
in nvdtcal field sound in air is .34()m find the distance
of echo the cliff and the observer. Ans. 272 m
producedon the Kilt-face
of 9. A percon •tanding between two vertical cliffs
of produces a cound. Two succesqve echoes are heard
If the sclocity is 24 m
of waves producx•din one
at 4 s and 6 s. Calculatethe di«ance betweenthe
, ... the number cliffs.
the tirne in "hich one wave
and (ii) (i) 120 sa (ii) x ICYAs (Speed of sound in air = 320 m s-l )
distance in air required Hint : First echo will be heard from the nearer cliff
the minimum the obstacle to hear and the second echo from the farther cliff.]
of and
sound in air = 350 m s-
Take•peed of
Ans. 1600 m
Ans. 17•5 m
10. A person standingat a distancex in front of a cliff
shouldbe the
minimum distance between the fires a gun. Another person B standing behind the
andreflector in water
so that the echo person A at distance y from the cliff hears two
(The speed of sound in sounds of the fired shot after 2s and 3s respectively.
hearddistinctly ?
1400m s-l )• Ans. 70 m Calculate x and y (take speed of sound 320 ms-I).
Ans. x = 160 m and y = 800 m
standing25 m away from a wall produces a
reflected sound. (a) Calculate 11. On sending an ultrasonic wave from a ship towards
timeafter v,hich he receives
the reflected sound the bottom of a sea, the time interval between
is 350 m s-l. (b) Will the sending the wave and receiving it back is found to
if speedof sound in air
beableto hear a distinct echo ? Explain the be s. If the velocity of wave in sea water is
Ans. (a) second (b) Yes 1400 m s-l , find the depth of sea. Ans. 1050 m
: Originalsound persists only for
Reason s 12. Figure below shows the distance-displacement graph
RADARsends a signal with a speed of 3 x IOS m s
-l of two waves A and B. Compare (i) the amplitude,
toanaeroplaneat a distance 300 km from it. After (ii) the wavelengthof the two waves.
howmuchtime is the signal received back after displacement (cm)
rek•tionfrom the aeroplane ? Ans. 2 x 10-3s. 10
Amanstanding48 m away from a wall fires a gun. 5 distance
the time after which an echo is heard. (The
Calculate 2 4 6
1 16 (cm)
speedofsoundin air is 320 m s-l). Ans. s -5
stars vibrating with its natural frequency. Its string. Thus, the frequencyf of the
frequency is determined by the hardness (or be increased (a) by decreasingthelene
force constant K)* of the spring and the mass the string, (b) by decreasing the radiusr
thickness) of the string, and (c) by
m of the load (f = The frequency will
the tension T in the string.
be different for the same load on different (6) When we strike the keys of a piano,
springs and it will be different for different strings are set in vibration each at its
loads on the same spring. natural frequency because they are of
* The force constantK of a spring is the force needed to thicknesses and under differenttensions
prcxluceunit extensionin it. It is morefor a hard spring (7) A string of a given length stretched
and less for a soft spnng,
its ends under a given tensioncanbe
by plucking the ' such
points. It the is plucked in prac tice. Aq a matter of
fact. the •urroundtng medium offers re€"tance (of
suing in one loop
t,idle.the friction) to the motion. •o the energy of the
7.Sa). Ahis Sibration iq called sibrating body continuouslydecreaseqdue to which
note ot ttvquency f. If the string the atnplitudc of vibration gradually decreases.
onc.t•outthlength of suing
•kedat loops IFig. 7.7 DAMPED VIBRATIONS
called the first subsidiary It is our conunon experience that when a body
SIbration 21.Sinularly if the string is made to vibrate in a medium, the amplitude of
of itequcncy
one-sixth length of stnng from the vibrating body continuouay decrea«e« with
•kedat time and ultimately the body stops vibrating. Such
in thme loops as shown in vbratcs vibrations are called damped vibrations. Thus,
Sibration is called the second
of frequency .3f.Thus, the different The periodic vibrations of a body of decreasing
in a stretched string are of
of ubration amplitudein presenceof a resistiveforce are
faquencies in ratio I : 2 : 3. If I is the length called damped vibrations.
su•etched between its ends, the
if the string different modes in Fig. 7.5 (a),
of In damped vibrations, two forces act on the
and(c) be 21, 21/2 and 21/3 respectively vibrating body : (i) the restoring force, and
theyare in ratio 6 : 3 : 2. (ii) frictional (or resistive) force due to the
surrounding medium. The amplitude of motion
decreases due to the frictional force. The frictional
force at any instant is proportional to the
Frequency= 2f Frequency= 3f
First subsidiary Second subsidiary velocity* of the body and it has the tendency to
resist motion. As a result, the energy of the
Fig.7.5Differentmodes of vibrations in a string vibrating body continuously dissipates in doing
work against the force of friction and so its
of natural vibrations amplitude gradually decreases. After some time,
Naturalvibrations are simple harmonic when it has lost all its energy, it stops vibrating.
Hations underthe restoring force, the amplitude The energy lost by the vibrating body changes
constant. Once a
of which
frequency remain continuously into heat energy and it gets
Stansvibrating, it continues its vibrations
silhthe same amplitude and same frequency
even Fig. 7.6 shows the displacement-time
eh fornatural(or free) vibrations of a body
an ideal condition. z
of body.
Examples ot dampo«i vibrntiono eAfe(n