Chapter - Four
Chapter - Four
Chapter - Four
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An overview of Analysis
Analysis concepts and activities
Identifying Entity objects, Boundary objects, Control
Object oriented system analysis objects
Association Multiplicity, Qualified Associations,
Modeling interaction between objects
Identifying Associations and Attributes
Introduction Cont…
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Requirement Analysis: which results into an analysis model that the They differ only in the language and notation they use.
developers can unambiguously interpret the requirement. The system specification is written in natural language, where as the analysis
The analysis object model - consists of entity, Example :Lets take watch:-
boundary, and control objects. Year,
Month, Day are entity objects;
Entity objects: represent the persistent information Button and LCD Display are boundary objects;
tracked (follow) by the system. Change Date is a control object that represents
the activity of changing the date by pressing
Boundary objects: represent the interactions
combinations of buttons.
between the actors and the system.
Analysis Activities: From Use Cases to Objects.
Control objects: represent the tasks that are
In this section, we describe the activities that
performed by the user and supported by the system. transform the use cases and scenarios produced
during requirements elicitation into an analysis
Object-Oriented System Analysis Object-Oriented System Analysis
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Precondition: The FieldOfficer activates the “ReportEmergency” Therefor, by examining each use case it is possible to identify
function of his/her terminal.
Participating objects.
Post-condition: The FieldOfficer receives the acknowledgment and the
selected response. Some of the entity objects for ReportEmergeny use case are:-
Basic course of action: Dispatcher :Police officer who manages Incidents.
The FieldOfficer fills the form by selecting the emergency level, type,
❖ A Dispatcher opens documents, and closes Incidents in response to
location, and brief description of the situation.
FieldOfficer also describes possible responses to the emergency
situation. EmergencyReport: Initial report about an Incident from a
Once the form is completed, the FieldOfficer submits the form, at FieldOfficer to a Dispatcher.
which point the Dispatcher is notified.
❖ An EmergencyReport usually triggers the creation of an Incident by
The Dispatcher reviews the submitted information and creates an
Incident in the database by invoking the OpenIncident use case. the Dispatcher.
The Dispatcher selects a response and acknowledges the emergency FieldOfficer: Police or fire officer on duty.
report. A FieldOfficer can be allocated to, at most, one Incident at a time.
The FieldOfficer receives acknowledgment.
Incident -- Situation requiring attention from a FieldOfficer.
The Usecase ends.
Object-Oriented System Analysis Object-Oriented System Analysis
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Identifying Boundary Objects These are some of boundary objects by examining the
Boundary objects represent the system interface with the ReportEmergency use case:-
actors. AcknowledgmentNotice: Notice used for displaying
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Missing behaviour.
▪ Sequence diagrams:-allow developers to represent interactions A name, to describe the association between the two classes (e.g., Writes)
among objects over time. A role at each end, identifying the function of each class with respect to the
associations (e.g., author is the role played by FieldOfficer in the Writes
▪ Class diagrams:- allow developers to describe the connectivity of
A multiplicity at each end, identifying the possible number of instances
▪ In this section, we discuss the use of class diagrams for
e.g., ..* indicates a FieldOfficer may write zero or more EmergencyReports.
representing object attributes and associations among objects. - 1 indicates that each EmergencyReport has exactly one FieldOfficer as
▪ An association shows a relationship between two or more classes. author.
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▪Identifying Attributes
▪Attributes are properties of individual objects.
▪When identifying properties of objects, only the attributes
relevant to the system should be considered. Attributes of the EmergencyReport class.
Object-Oriented System Analysis Object-Oriented System Analysis
Modelling the Behaviour of Individual Objects Cont…
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Sequence diagrams are used to distribute behaviour across objects and to The following Figure displays a state chart for the Incident
identify operations.
Analysis activities (UML activities diagram).
Object-Oriented System Analysis Object-Oriented System Analysis