Cvac 5 Suggestions FINAL-5

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1. The normal blood sugar level is______
i) 50-60 mg/dl
ii) 70-110mg/dl
iii) 150-200mg/dl
iv) None of the above
2. Full form of DASH
i) Daily adult stoppage of hypertension
ii) Diet approach to stop heart
iii) Dietary approaches to stop hypertension
iv) None of the above
3. Full form of BMI is_____
i) Body Mass Index
ii) Body Mineral Index
iii) Bone Mineral Index
iv) None of the above
4. Name the hormone responsible for causing diabetes mellitus.
i) TSH
ii) GH
iii) Insulin
iv) Estrogen
5. Full form of MI is___
i) Mitral Index
ii) Myocardial Infarction
iii) Myocardial Inactivity
iv) Myocardial infection
6. -------------------is a negative emotional experience accompanied by biological, cognitive
and behavioral response.
a) Response bias
b) Hope
c) Stress
d) Excitement.
7. ----------------------personalities are at a major risk for coronary heart disease.
a) Type D
b) Type A
c) Type B
d) Type C
8. For an adolescent, a parent’s demise is known as one of the hardest ----------------------------
;as a spouse’s death is for an adult.
a) Daily hassles
b) Life changes
c) Conflict
d) Pressure
9. Which gland in your body start the stress response?
a) Lymph gland
b) Pituitary gland
c) Thyroid gland
d) All of the above
10. Acute stress is the most common form of stress. Acute means it happens in a short period
of time. Which of these can cause acute stress?
a) Poverty
b) Ongoing money problem
c) Making a presentation to a room full of people
d) Divorce
11. Which is helpful way to deal with stress?
a) Meditation
b) Exercise
c) Talking with others
d) All of the above
7. Which of the following is the example of positive stressors?
a) Having a child
b) Buying a home
c) New job
d) All of the above
12. The main keys to managing stress are-
a) Recognizing and understanding the signs of stress
b) Identifying sources of stress
c) Identifying what we can and can’t control
d) All of the above
13. -------------------------------- stress lasts for weeks, months or longer.
a) Acute
b) Chronic
c) Eustress
d) Episodic
14. . Aches, shallow breathing and frequent colds are
a) Physical symptoms of stress
b) Cognitive symptoms of stress
c) Emotional symptoms of stress
d) Behavioral symptoms of stress
15. Which of the following are true in relation to Relaxation Response
a) It is a physical state of deep rest
b) Eliciting this reduces your metabolism
c) Eliciting this reduces your blood pressure
d) All of the above
16. Negative effects of stress are most likely to be experienced when an event is
perceived to as …………….
a) Confusing
b) Threatening and no clear options for dealing with it are apparent.
c) Negative, but it is likely to affect one’s friends rather than oneself
d) Challenging
17. . ---------------------------------------------- is the kind of stress associated with positive
feelings, as well as optimal health and performance.
a) Anti stress
b) Distress
c) Eustress
d) Pro stress
18. Stress management is about learning ____________________________
a) How to avoid the pressure of life
b) How to develop skills that would enhance our body’s adjustment when we are
subjected to the pressures of life.
c) Both 1 and 2 are true
d) None of the above
19. Example of chronic stress is ---------------------
a) An unhappy marriage
b) Sitting in a exam
c) Giving a speech
d) Argument with loved one
20. A demanding or threatening situation is known as
a) Cognitive appraisal
b) Micro-stressor
c) Stressor
d) Stress response
21. Which of the following statements concerning stress and illness is true?
a) There is evidence that stress can negatively affect short- and long-term health
b) No evidence has been found for a relationship between stress and negative effects on
c) There is evidence that stress can negatively affect short term health but not long term
d) There is evidence that stress can negatively affect long term health but not short term
22. . ------------------------is a stress hormone
a) Serotonin
b) Catecholamine
c) Cortisol
d) Leptin
23. Frustration is one of the sources of---------------------------- Stress
a) Physical
b) Environmental
c) Psychological
d) Social
24. Which of the following is true about ‘deep breathing relaxation technique’?
a) It can be self-taught
b) It releases tension from the body and clears your mind
c) You have to do this under water
d) Only 1 and 2 are true.
25. Which day is the international yoga day?
a. 18 June
b. 19 June
c. 21 June
26. which is the standing pose asanas ?
a. Salbhasana
b. Vrikshasana
c. Pawanmuktasana
27. Which asana effects the digestive system ?
a. Bhujanga asana
b. Dhanurasana
c. Vajrasana
28. How many chakras are?
a. 7
b. 9
c. 6
29 . Which asana used for hypertension?
a. Padahastasan
b. Utkatasana
c. Vajrasana
30. How many pranayama are there?
a. 8
b. 4
c. 7
31. How many types of Yoga are there?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 7

32. Asana useful in diabetics is.

a. Siddhasana
b. Mundukasana
c. Padmasana
33. Rajyoga is the yoga of controlling our
a. Sense organ
b. Emotion
c. Mind
34. Jnana Yoga is the work of
a. Ramana Maharshi
b. Vivekananda
c. Adi sankaracharya

35. Which asana promotes physical well-being?

a. Pranayam
b. Bhujangasana
c. Matsasana
. Yogmudra

36. What to do if pranayam causes breathlessness?

a. Kumbhak
b. Yogmudra
c. Anulom
. Chakrasana

37. Which asana provides relaxation?

a. Birasana
b. Halasana
c. Sabhasan
d. Galabhasana

38. Which asana can improve flexibility of hips, spine and shoulders?
a. Ardhachandrasana
b. Sabhasana
c. Chakrasana
d. Birasana

39. Which asana to do when your stomach is full?

a. Sabhasana
b. Birasana
c. Chakrasana
d. Bajrasana

40. Which asana should be done in empty stomach in the morning?

a. Pawanmuktasana
b. Chakrasana
c. Bajrasana
d. Halasana

41. Which asana increases concentration?

a. Padmasana
b. Pawanmuktasana
c. Chakrasana
d. Halasana

42. Which part of Astanga Yoga is asana?

a. Second
b. Third
c. Fourth
d. Fifth

43. Which asana should be done to improve digestive system and keep the liver healthy?
a. Bajrasana
b. Sabasana
c. Birasana
d. Chakrasana

44. Which asana can be done to cure shoulder & hip pain, rheumatoid pain and sciatica?
a. Sabasana
b. Chakrasana
c. Padmasana
d. Saptabajrasana
45. Android obesity is
a) Male obesity
b) Female obesity
c) Child obesity
d) Old age obesity
46. Atherosclerosis is the condition in which__________
a) there is accumulation of fat in the liver
b) there is accumulation of fat in the kidney
c) there is accumulation of fat in the blood vessels
d) there is accumulation of fat in the eyes
47. Meal planning factors include
a) Age
b) Gender
c) Economic Factors
d) All of the above
48. Meal planning can help to
a) Provide balanced diet for all
b) Make food budget
c) Plan storage
d) All of the above
49. The type of diet needed for diabetes is
a) High calorie, low fibre
b) High protein, low fibre
c) High fat, low calorie
50. IDDM is
a) Juvenile onset diabetes
b) Maturity onset diabetes
c) A type of heart disease
d) Obesity complication
51. Diabetes in pregnancy is known as
a) Syndrome X
b) Gestational diabetes
52. ________________ are formed during atherosclerosis
a) Plugs
b) Haemolysis
c) Plaques
d) Plots
53. Monotony in diet means
a) Same food everyday
b) Different food everyday
c) Eating only carbohydrates
d) Vegan diet
54. Correct BMI is___________________________
a) 18-25
b) 25-30
c) 10-15
d) 18-20
55. The hormones released during stress are called
a) Growth hormones
b) Sex hormones
c) Emergency hormones
d) Local hormones
56. Examples of lifestyle diseases are
a) Obesity
b) Cancer
c) CVD
d) All of the above
57. Stress can be related to diseases like
a) Obesity
b) Heart disease
c) Diabetes
d) All of the above
58. Ischaemia is
a) A lung problem
b) Oxygen deficiency in the heart
c) A kidney infection
d) A brain failure
59. Animal proteins should be avoided in diabetes
a) True
b) False
c) None
d) Cannot predict
60. What are the main aspects of management of lifestyle diseases?
a) Proper diet
b) Stress management
c) Exercise
d) All of the above

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