Competitive Analysis

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Table no -5.8



HANGYO 25% 15 Cr (PA)

DAIRY DAY 25% 30 Cr (PA)


JOY 27% 20 Cr (PA)

AMUL 18 to 21% 40 Cr (PA)

ARUN 20 % 20 Cr (PA)

HAVMOR 21 to 23% 03 Cr (PA)

DAIRY RICH 25 to 28% 08 Cr (PA)

LOCAL BRANDS 25 to30% 15 Cr (PA)

Table no -5.9
4 P’s OF Hangyo Ice Cream

Hangyo is one of the main ice cream producers from Karnataka. The company ‘Hangyo ice
cream private limited’ was established in the year 2002. Most of the products of the brand
Hangyo are milked based.

The ice cream market has become quite competitive because of the entry of many wonderful
brands. Stiff competition from brands like Amul, Mother Dairy, Havmor, Dairy day and Vadilal
has been a wake-up call for the producers of Hangyo ice cream. They have now incorporated
many new flavors and variety of products to counter-attack their competitors and to maintain a
long-lasting relationship with their consumer base.


To entice the customers who were inclined towards traditional sweets the company launched a
determined campaign to convert them into buyers. Hangyo has introduced some blockbuster ice
creams with new assortment of flavors and ethnic tastes especially for them.

its product category ‘Bars and Candies’ was launched that dealt with ice creams and targeted
the Children. Later delicious products like Calypso, Twisto, Raspberry Dolly, Caramello and
Rave also featured in the Range.

Hangyo started the mouth-watering ‘Cones’, range, targeting the younger generation. This
product was romanticized with an apt Tag line, "Share a Smile " it added Strawberry Cones,
Butterscotch and Chocolate to its portfolio. Two combinations hangyo-pannacotta and hangyo -
blackcurrant were included in the range of premium cones.

Another product to join this winner club is ‘Hangyo -Nutty Bar’. This flavor signifies the Love
Season and is a delicious combination of Cashew and Pistachio flavors. It has stuffing of
Caramel Sauce and has toppings of Almond pieces and Cashew.
Some products of Hangyo Brand


Aam musti cone 80 ml 20 Rs

Fun treat black currant 125 ml 30 Rs

Panacotta cone 120 ml 40 Rs

Matka kulfi 100 ml 30 Rs

Calypso orange & vanilla 60 ml 25 Rs

Cookies & cream 1000 ml 250 Rs

Spanish delite 1000 ml 250 Rs

Belgian chocolate 1000 ml 270 Rs

Vegan coconut 125 ml 50 Rs

Table no-5.10


The Hangyo ice creams are available at various category of outlet like retail outlet,hotel
restaurant and café, bakery shops,juice centre,institutional outlet bangalore market Hangyo
products are available with more than 1000 retail outlet.for placing premium product in the
market Hangyo choose modern trade and company owned outlet.

Hangyo ice creams are sold in many Indian cities like Bangalore, Mangalore, Pune, Mumbai,
Hyderabad and Chennai.

To grasp the maximum consumer value the strategy is value-based pricing. To sustain in the
market competition, it has introduced a variety of products ranging from minimum cost to
reasonable prices to even premium price.

Price range of Hangyo products


Orange bar bar 35 ml 10 Rs

Mango bar bar 60 ml 25 Rs

Nutty bar bar 60 ml 30 Rs

Belgian chocolate (rave) bar 60 ml 60 Rs

Kesar pista kulfi kulfi 60 ml 30 Rs

Mango kulfi Kulfi 60 ml 25 Rs

Pineapple & grape candy candies 50 ml 5 Rs

Juicy mango candies 50 ml 10 Rs

Black currant cone cone 120 ml 30 Rs

Panacotta cone cone 120 ml 40 Rs

Chocolate cone cone 50 ml 15 Rs

Aam masti cone 80 ml 20 Rs

Kaju draksh tub 1000 ml 220 Rs

Roasted almond tub 1000 ml 270 Rs

Vegan coconut tub 500 ml 200 Rs

Mysore pak Tub 125 ml 35 Rs

Pink guava tub 125 ml 35 Rs

Table no-5.11


Hangyo has taken several initiatives to capture the ice cream market and these steps have been
executed in phases. Hangyo brand believe in below the line promotion strategy where they
provide hoarding of brand, boards for outlet, standees, coloring of outlet, pamphlets, freezer
branding this kind of facilities given to retailer and distributor to brand promotion.

Capitalizing the social and visible media Hangyo has launched some interesting and creative ads.
brand ambassadors is the famous actress, Rashmi Desai have made the Cone ad immortal. Eating
an ice cream have never brought upon an exotic feeling before.


Hangyo Ice Cream SWOT Analysis

Strengths:- Weaknesses:-

1. Strengths are attributes of the organization 1. The weaknesses of the company are as
that are helpful to the below:
2. achievement of the objective. The strengths 2. Scarcity of water in the Company.
of the company are: 3. No local procurement of milk.
3. Good Image in market. 4. No aggressive marketing.
4. Each department in the organization is very 5. Lack of delegation of power.
coordinative with each other
5. Wide product profile of the company.
6. It is located in the place where good
infrastructure is available.
7. Experienced management.
8. Ideally located.

Opportunities:- Threats:-

1. Increasing demand for the products. 1. Stiff competition by brands like Ideal,
2. Scope for extension of market. Amul etc.
3. Market for skimmed ice cream powder and 2. Price regulated by government.
other products are strengthening. 3. Strong supply chain management by the
4. Expanding production capacity. competitors.
4. Threat of new entrant to ice cream industry.

Table no-5.12

Amul Ice Cream SWOT Analysis

Strengths:- Weaknesses:-

1. Good product range include various flavors, 1. Growing competition from international and
party packs, sticks, cones etc other brands means limited market share
2. Good quality and packaging, and good 2. Limited international presence as compared
advertising to leading global brands
3. Amul is one of the most respected top-of-
the-mind brands
4. Also launched probiotic and sugar free ice-
5. Offers over 200 products across India

Opportunities:- Threats:-

1. High End ice-cream to tap the higher 1. Kulfi in rural markets

income group also 2. Local ice creams and sweet dishes
2. Tie-up with food chains, restaurants 3. Health conscious people refraining from
3. Mobile vans for better visibility sweets

Table no-5.13

Kwality Walls SWOT Analysis

Strengths:- Weaknesses:-

1. Strong brand name 1. Food products have a limited shelf life

2.Excellent advertising and visibility
3.Good product distribution and availability
4.Lots of flavors and varieties available

Opportunities:- Threats:-

1.Better and newer flavors 1.Threat from existing ice-cream brands

2.Local Kulfis

Table no-5.14

Arun Ice cream SWOT Analysis

Strengths:- Weaknesses:-

1. Unparalleled service to customers through 1.Stronger competition stifling its growth

exclusive franchise parlors 2. Brand visibility lower than other major
2. More than 70 mouth-watering ice cream players
flavors and combinations
3. The first Indian ice cream brand to be
certified ISO 9000
4. Attracting more children by offering toys
along with ice creams
5. High quality products with good attractive
packaging and distribution

Opportunities:- Threats:-

1. Explore the premium segment and come up 1. Other competitors also offering products at
with varieties, which cater to the adult similar quality and price
population 2. Most people are not really brand conscious,
2. Increase the distribution network to other so loyalty might be an issue
parts of the country

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