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Keywords: Hydrochars from lignocellulose biomass have received an upsurge of interest in different fields, especially in the
Endocrine disrupting chemicals area of adsorption. Hydrothermally produced hydrochars are effective adsorbents for removing different pol
Kinetics lutants, and they serve as a cheap and sustainable raw material for subsequent activation to achieve porous
Isotherm activated carbons (ACs) with large surface areas. In this review, recent studies on preparation and characteristics
Hydrothermal carbonization
of adsorbents in terms of hydrochars from lignocellulose biomass and their derived ACs are presented and
Activated carbon
Emerging contaminants
discussed. The application of these adsorbents for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and other
emerging pollutants is included. The sources and classification, adsorption isotherm, kinetics, and mechanism of
these pollutants and the capability of regenerating and reusing cheap and efficient adsorbents such as hydrochar
and ACs are also discussed. This review identifies knowledge gaps and proposes insights into new directions for
improving the applications of hydrochar and ACs as adsorbents.
1. Introduction concentrations in water bodies are high and thus cause many health-
threatening problems. Therefore, the presence of such toxic pollutants
Emerging contaminants (ECs) are recently discovered compounds requires the immediate development of effective treatment strategies to
and other materials that have long been existed in the environment but achieve a safe and green aqueous environment.
whose existence and influence are only now being identified. ECs in The control of environmental pollutants, namely, ECs and EDCs,
clude a wide group of contaminates, such as drugs and personal care from aqueous systems through the adsorption technique has received
products (PPCPs), herbicides, veterinary products (e.g., hormones), growing interest because it is simple and offers a wide variety of cheap
food additives, industrial compounds (e.g., metabolites and degradation and efficient adsorbent materials like hydrochars and their derived
products), and engineered nanomaterials. Studies have revealed that activated carbons (ACs). Hydrochar is a solid residue containing re
these ECs are frequently and abundantly found in wastewaters and duced hydrogen and oxygen contents from the hydrothermal carboni
surface water [1]. Another class of pollutants is referred to as endocrine zation (HTC) of biomaterials, particularly lignocellulose, in the pre
disrupting compounds (EDCs), which are known to affect the endocrine sence of subcritical liquid water [3]. Unlike those from other biomass
system, including the growth and reproduction of humans and animals. utilization techniques, such as pyrolysis, biological conversion, and
Such compounds are widely used in industrial applications, cosmetics, densification to solid fuel, hydrothermal treatment-based hydrochar
and pharmaceuticals. These compounds may include some phenolic materials have drawn significant research interest due to their nu
compounds, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, natural steroidal es merous advantages, such as low processing temperatures
trogens, synthetic estrogens, and industrial chemicals [2]. Their (180 °C – 250 °C), low ash contents, direct applicability to wet
Abbreviations: AC, activated carbon; AFEX, ammonia fiber explosion; BET, Bruneur Emmet Teller; DDT, 2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)ethane; DHT, dihydrotestosterone;
E1, estrone; E2, 17β estradiol; E3, estriol; EC, emerging contaminants; EDC, endocrine disrupting compounds; FTIR, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; HHV,
high heating values; HTC, hydrothermal carbonization; HTL, hydrothermal liquifaction; MC, magnetic carbon composites; PAH, polyaromatic hydrocarbons; PP-
HYD-ox/dorzo, oxidized activated carbon from potato peel hydrochars for dorzolamide; PP-HYD-ox/prami, oxidized activated carbon from potato peel hydrochars
for pramipexole; PZC, point of zero electric charge; WWTP, waste water treatment plant
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: b.hammadi@qu.edu.qa (B.H. Hameed).
Received 2 March 2020; Received in revised form 16 May 2020; Accepted 18 May 2020
Available online 07 September 2020
2214-7144/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
feedstock, high product yield (30 wt%–60 wt%), and zero generation of
hazardous chemical waste [4]. Other properties, such as porosity and
variety of aliphatic and aromatic functional groups, place these mate Pesticides
rials at the forefront of certain applications, such as mitigating atmo
spheric CO2, producing biofuel by curtailing the dependency on fossil Veterinary Pharmaceu
fuels, energy storage, environmental pollution control, and soil ameli medicines ticals
oration [5–8].
Owing to the versatile properties of hydrochars and their economic
viability, they have gained increasing importance and have replaced
AC-based applications, such as capacitors [9], energy storage [10], soil Personal
amelioration, and adsorbents for water purification [11]. ACs are Compounds
Emerging Products
generally prepared by physical and chemical activation processes. Both
processes require pyrolysis and additional activation steps by gases or
chemical agents that result in energy and economic compromise. Being
a cheap and efficient alternative, hydrochars, particularly their appli
cation to pollutant removal, have been the center of many scientific Flame Food
research interests. However, studies performed with ACs have shown retardants Additives
that carbon adsorbents with a lower content of oxygen functional
groups, would present a higher sorption capacity for removal of or
ganics when compared with carbon adsorbents with high contents of Steroids &
oxygen functional groups. Due to low ash contents, hydrochars serve surfactants
the best precursors in preparation of AC. Hydrochars based activated
carbons from orange peels have been tested for the treatment of certain
emerging pharmaceutical pollutants. Activation process, surface tex Fig. 1. ECs pollutants.
ture, and pH reportedly exert a significant influence on adsorption
features [5]. Some anionic dyes have also been investigated in terms of water exchange [23]. Generally, ECs can be introduced to environment
the removal efficiency of food waste-based hydrochars with an ad from two main sources, namely, point and diffuse sources. First sources
vanced approach in which an artificial neural network design is de are identified or specific sites of pollutants, and the input can be
veloped for an automated wastewater treatment plant [12]. Surface identified in a spatially separated way. Examples of such sources in
modified hydrochars have also been investigated for metal removal [4]. clude different industrial effluents, cosmetics, hospitals, sewage treat
Meanwhile, hydrochars outperform ACs in certain applications, but no ment plants, mining activities, buried septic tanks, and waste lagoons.
review article has focused on the applications of lignocellulose based The discharge of contaminants from these sources is usually con
hydrochars and activated carbons derived from them to the adsorption centrated. Meanwhile, diffuse sources refer to unidentified or indistinct
of ECs and EDCs. Dai et al. [13,14] reviewed the application of agri sources. Examples include run-offs from biosolids or manure and floods
culture wastes and biochars to the removal of different contaminants in industrial or urban regions. The discharge from these sources is often
and organic contaminants, respectively. Bhatnagar and Anastopoulus low and cannot be controlled. Fig. 2 schematically explains the different
[15] summarized the different types of adsorbents for bisphenol A re sources from which ECs are discharged and enter the surface and
moval, and Kim et al. [16] reviewed the use of graphene-based ad ground waters. Surface water is more frequently loaded with ECs than
sorbents for various organic and inorganic contaminants. Therefore, the groundwater is [24]. The animal, domestic, hospital and industrial
present review focuses on and discusses the recent advances in hydro wastes along with landfill represent the major source relative to a minor
char and activated carbon formation, their applications in removing aerial source of ECs in surface and ground waters. Moreover, among
ECs and EDCs, and the gaps associated with the adsorption performance these sources both landfill and aerial are the minor ECs pathways. The
of hydrochars and activated carbons derived from them. Re disposal from the households are considered important point sources as
commendations for the future improvement of these materials are also most of the unused or expired drugs are disposed through household
detailed from economic and applied industrial perspectives. solid waste or flushed down in the toilet. Artificial recharge/infiltra
tion, with treated waste water from industrial and domestic or urban
2. Classification and sources of ECs and stormwater runoff may become important basis of re-introducing
these contaminants that might be still present in these waters. Animal
ECs are new and known toxic pollutants that belong to different feeding operations also present a major source of ECs as the significant
classes, such as pharmaceuticals containing nonsteroidal anti-in portion of given antibiotics, pesticides or hormones passes through the
flammatory drugs, antibiotics and antifungal/antimicrobial agents, livestock and is excreted and stored in waste lagoons.
fragrances, pesticides, food additives, artificial sweeteners, lipid reg
ulators, hormones, UV filters, flame retardants, and other industrial
products [17,18]. Despite these classifications, confusion remains in 3. Classification and sources of EDCs
categorizing different pollutants. For example, some plasticizers that
are considered endocrine disrupting compounds are also called ECs. EDCs are exogenous agents that alter the natural functions of the
This ambiguity indicates that ECs are a broad spectrum of pollutants hormones in our body that are responsible for homeostasis, develop
that pose hazardous impacts on humans and aquatic organisms in all ment, and reproduction [25]. According to the review by Tijani et al.
aspects [17]. Fig. 1 shows the classification of ECs, which are chiefly [26], nearly 38,000 different chemicals and elements have been iden
found in many commercial and household products, according to the tified as EDCs. These are classified to synthetic and natural hormones
literature [19]. such as estrone, 17 β estradiol (E2), estriol testosterone, dihy
The common sources and pathways of ECs that lead to contamina drotestosterone [27]; ethynylestradiol and phytoestrogens [28]; in
tion in the environment include wastewaters from local wastewater dustrial compounds such as bisphenol A, phthalates, parabens, non
treatment units [20], hospitals [21], livestock activities [22], food ylphenol, and perfluorooctanesulfonate [29,30]; dioxins; flame
processing plants, agriculture waste, subsurface storage of industrial retardants, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers; various medi
and household wastes, and indirect means of ground water surface cines such as diethylstilbestrol; pesticides such as endosulfan and
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
Fig. 2. Schematic presentation of sources and pathways of ECs discharged into the environment [24].
organophosphorus pesticides; and synthetic birth control pills [28]. added products [38,43].
EDCs are also considered ECs due to their uncertain prolonged The adsorption performance of lignocellulose biomass may be im
health impacts. The sources of EDCs are widespread and diverse in proved via substantial treatments, such as chemical, physical, physico-
nature. Similar to ECs, EDCs are commonly found in low concentrations chemical, and thermochemical treatments. These treatments may in
(ng-μg/L level) in sewage wastewater treatment plants, surface water, troduce novel functionalities that are compatible with target pollutants.
ground water, hospital wastewater, soil, sediments, air, and even Among the numerous treatment protocols, HTC is considered as an eco-
drinking water [31–35]. Mostly industrial effluents after being treated friendly and cost-effective technique and is further discussed in the next
are directly introduced to the ground water where traces of EDCs still section.
remain and thereby enter to the aqueous environment. Some pesticides
in agriculture applications directly absorb into soil and may leach to the 5. Hydrothermal carbonization
ground water and then make their way to the food chain by building up
in fish, animals and humans. According to the recent research of Saeed Hydrothermal carbonization or wet torrefaction is a thermo
et al. [36], significant concentrations of phthalates, alkyl phenols, and chemical method of converting biomass of low heating value and large
estrogens have been detected in coastal areas receiving sewage dis moisture content into carbonaceous solid residues with chemical
charge. Different alarming concentrations of phthalates have also been characteristics identical to those of lignite coal, surrounding liquids
found in the sediments of the northern part of the Arabian Gulf, and (e.g., furfurals and small organic acids, including acetic, lactic, and
they may have entered via industrial and agricultural activities [37]. levulinic acids), and gaseous by-products [44,45]. The aqueous sus
This finding suggests that EDCs prevail heavily in water and airborne pension of biomass is treated at the subcritical temperature of ap
dust particles. Therefore, strict guidelines and protocols must be im proximately 180 °C – 250 °C in a closed reactor under autogenous
plemented to restrain the discharge of these toxic and hazardous pol pressure. The solid residue from the hydrothermal treatment is called
lutants from their sources. hydrochar by the European Biomass Industry Association [46]. HTC is
considered a simple and easily scalable technology that is suitable for
4. Lignocellulosic biomass any organic raw biomass.
In addition to its valorization, HTC is made advantageous by its use
In terms of renewability, recyclability, and sustainability, biomass- of water as a reaction medium and catalyst that is nontoxic, cheap, and
based resources are a main concern from the economic and energy ecofriendly; under a subcritical temperature, the characteristic features
perspectives. Lignocellulosic biomass is a non-edible and renewable of water dramatically change, the hydrogen bonds weaken, the di
resource in different industrial applications, such as production of electric constants decrease, and the ionization of water begins as the
biofuels (i.e., bioethanol, biobutanol, and biomethanol), value-added number of hydronium ions (H3O+) increase to facilitate the hydrolysis
chemicals, and new polymers [38–40]. Lignocellulose biomass forms a of glycosidic linkages in the hemicelluloses in biomass into hexoses and
significant fraction of forestry and agricultural crop wastes. Decreasing pentoses for subsequent transformation into value-added chemicals
sources of fossils, increasing economic demands, and environmental [47]. Moreover, this technique is applicable to biomasses with high
pollution from greenhouse gases have urged today’s scientific commu moisture contents (60 % humidity) and is different from pyrolysis,
nity to utilize lignocellulose biomass as an alternate renewable source. which is unsuitable for biomasses with high moisture contents and
In the context of agricultural and environmental restraints, biomass those that require sufficient pre-drying before being properly utilized.
resources are expected to supply power of 130–270 EJ/year in 2050. Such treatment may enhance the consumption of energy. Moreover,
This value can satisfy 15 %–25 % of the future total energy requirement toxic heavy metals are concentrated in chars after pyrolysis due to their
[41]. Lignocellulose biomass mainly consists of three main structural thermal stability. By contrast, in HTC treatment, these heavy metal
components, namely, hemicellulose (20–40 %), cellulose (40 %–60 %), contents are sufficiently removed from hydrochars through transfor
and lignin (10–25 %) [42]. Depending on a wide variety of sources, mation into the liquid phase, which leaves stable carbonized fractions
these materials may be processed to achieve different industrially im [48,49].
portant chemicals and biofuels for internal combustion engines. Given
the recalcitrance of the lignocellulose network, these materials undergo 5.1. Hydrothermal carbonization of lignocellulosic biomass to hydrochar
different modes of pretreatment, such as hydrothermal methods (in
cluding steam and CO2 explosions), hot water treatment, chemical The hydrothermal carbonization process is generally affected by
methods (involving acid and base treatments), organosolv methods operation temperature and residence time. The properties of resulting
using organic solvents, ammonia recycle percolation, ammonia fiber hydrochars depend not only on these factors but also on the nature and
explosion, and ozonolysis [40], to destroy their structures and achieve composition of feedstock. Table 1 summarizes the yields and char
different fermentable sugars for obtaining alcohols and other value- acteristics of hydrochars and their lignocellulose feedstocks [50–55].
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
Table 1
Mass yields and the characteristics of hydrochars and their lignocellulose biomass feedstocks.
Lignocellulose biomass or its hydrochar (HC) Mass Yield (%) C (%) H (%) O (%) Other elements (%) Ash (%) HHV (MJ/kg) References
The degree of carbonization is determined by H/C and O/C ratios. chemicals (Fig. 3). This process leaves small pores on the solid residue.
Decreasing ratios of these elements suggest increased carbonization Hydrochar properties are also greatly influenced by feed water pH.
values, whereas O/C values suggest the presence of oxygenated func Hydrochars were produced from wheat straw by changing the acidic
tional groups (OFGs) [56]. During HTC, the hemicellulose part of the and basic pH of feed water. Hydrochars with great pore properties were
lignocellulose biomass is prone to degradation due to the low activation derived using the acidic pH of feed water. Furthermore, the production
energy and is converted to volatile products [54]. However, cellulose of sugars, furfurals, and organic acids under basic pH was found to be
and lignin are resistant to degradation below 220 °C. The thermal sta low [59]. The metal retention in the form of ash is also a crucial factor,
bility of these species follows the order: lignin < cellulose < that is, the ash contents in hydrochars mostly decrease relative to their
hemicellulose [57]. The HTC of lignocellulose biomass involves dif raw materials. The ash contents further decrease with reaction severity.
ferent steps of reactions that occur simultaneously, such as hydrolysis, High ash contents in hydrochars may impair the application of the
dehydration, decarboxylation, aromatization, condensation, and poly latter as solid fuel and may cause slagging and fouling during com
merization [58]. With an increase in temperature, the ionic product of bustion. The presence of inorganic species, such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, and
water is believed to increase, making water a weak acid/base catalyst. N, greatly affects the formation features of hydrochars [53]. However, a
Consequently, a hydrolysis reaction commences with the breakage of knowledge gap exists with regard to the role of these elements in the
the ether bonds in hemicellulose and cellulose; in this case, lignin is hydrochar formation mechanism and their effects on the composition,
mostly unaffected. The resulting monomers and oligomers then move production, and characteristics of hydrochars.
toward the aqueous phase and are further degraded into various small Lignocellulose biomass as feedstock has many benefits, such as
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
abundance and low cost. When mixed with other non-lignocellulose create efficient and cheap adsorbent or catalyst support/raw materials
biomasses, this raw feedstock can be applied as high-quality solid fuel that could efficiently replace commercially available ACs. Table 2
[60] and as an excellent material for soil amelioration [61], and it can shows the textural properties of some ACs produced through the acti
reduce heavy metal content relative to individual feedstocks [62]. Mi vation of hydrothermally treated lignocellulose biomasses [66–75].
crowave-integrated HTC is currently considered appealing as it accel Generally, the formation of ACs with superior porosities and surface
erates hydrochar formation, but this technique is underutilized due to areas is promoted by the use of suitable activation agents at optimum
its lower yields in comparison with those of conventional thermal proportion and suitable operation temperatures at a certain time.
methods, the difficulty in processing tons of biomasses, and its energy Activation agents, such as KOH, NaOH, ZnCl2, and H3PO4, have been
intensiveness [58,63]. Microwave-produced hydrochars have been re widely studied to produce porous ACs.
ported to serve as an alternative to raw coal that could reduce the cost Acid activators are preferred to alkali metal hydroxides as they re
to half when used as an energy source [64]. move inorganic impurities and can be easily recovered from the process
The pore properties and yield of hydrochars significantly depend on [76]. In addition, acid treatment can introduce abundant oxygen con
the composition of lignocellulose feedstocks in terms of hemicellulose, taining functional groups to the resulting hydrochar [77]. Rice husk-
cellulose, and lignin. Moreover, HTC temperature and acidic pH of feed based hydrochars were chemically treated with H3PO4, and AC with a
water play a role in enhancement of pore properties of hydrochars. BET surface area of 2700 m2/g was obtained at 500 °C for capacitor
From Table 1, the high carbon and oxygen contents along with the low application [68]. Activation with H3PO4 is considered to occur under
ash content of lignocellulose feedstocks result in the formation of hy mild conditions; the case is different for ACs obtained by alkali acti
drochars with large yield (40–79 %) and favorable heating value vation. In this context, both rattan stalks and coconut shell-derived
(17.16–32.1 MJ/kg) and carbon content (42.65–72.2 %). In addition, hydrochars were chemically activated with NaOH at 600 °C to produce
the low nitrogen and sulfur contents of these feedstocks produce hy ACs with BET surface areas of 1135 and 876.14 m2/g, respectively
drochars with less nitrogen (0.06–3.6 %) and sulfur (0.1−0.46%) ele [70,71]. NaOH activation resulted in a mesoporous structure and uni
ments. Thus, lignocellulose feedstocks derived hydrochar can be effi form surface (Fig. 4). The development of ACs porosity is attributed to
cient and eco-friendly precursor for ACs with low emission of noxious activator's dehydration effect, which breaks the CeOeC and CeC bonds
gases during activation. of hydrochar. NaOH is reduced to metallic sodium Na, hydrogen gas,
and sodium carbonate Na2CO3. Furthermore, Na2CO3 is degraded into
Na and CO as follows [78]:
5.2. Preparation of ACs from lignocellulosic biomass by conjunction HTC
6 NaOH + 2 C → 2 Na + 3 H2 + 2 Na2CO3 (1)
and subsequent activation
Na2CO3 + 2C → 2Na + 3CO (2)
Generally, the AC requirement increases annually by approximately
8.1 % and may reach up to 2.1 million metric tons in the coming years; Thus, both the alkaline and carbonate metals are intercalated into
this change may further increase the AC cost [65]. Therefore, many the hydrochar structure and played a role in generation and enlarge
researchers are now switching to cheap and renewable lignocellulose ment of pores. Few studies have reported the use of K2CO3 as an acti
biomasses as carbon sources. ACs are normally prepared by the car vator because it is known to be non-deleterious unlike KOH. Magnetic
bonization of precursors at the temperature range of 600 °C – 700 °C ACs have been prepared from Salix psammophila and rice straw hy
(dry method) for a certain time. In the traditional process, which is still drochars using K2CO3 as the activator with a 2:1 impregnation ratio.
used today, the smoke from the process is freely emitted to the atmo The resulting product performs well in the adsorption application due
sphere, thus contributing to environmental pollution, and most of the to its excellent surface area with microporous and mesoporous struc
ash is deposited on the resulting carbon. These results call for an en tures, respectively [69,73].
ergy-efficient separation process for obtaining pure AC. As part of the Hydrochars may serve as ideal precursors for preparing ACs for
effort to save energy and cut down the cost of AC production, HTC (wet multiple applications because they evidently reduce energy consump
process) is used to produce hydrochars before their activation to AC. tion and environmental concerns. According to Table 2, hydrochars
Normally, HTC is conducted at 180 °C – 250 °C, which is much lower derived ACs exhibit high surface areas within the range of 876 to
than that in the carbonization process. Moreover, HTC does not emit 2960 m2/g. Different basic, acidic, and metallic salt activators are ap
smoke to the atmosphere and produces minimal ash in the resulting plied for the production of ACs with well-developed pores and micro
hydrochars. Moreover, the use of water in HTC could produce hydro porous or mesoporous structures depending on the type of activator and
chars with many new functional groups (OH, −COOH, −CHO) on the activation conditions. Despite increasing research work, gaps remain in
surface that can enhance adsorption capacity. Using HTC-based hy current technology, and some of them are mentioned here. Suitable
drochars as a carbon source could offer many benefits: (i) provide an activating agents should not only be cost-effective but also en
economic, ecofriendly, and sustainable way of reutilizing waste bio vironmentally benign and easily recoverable. No work has explored the
mass; (ii) yield a purified carbon source with abundant OFGs that fa use of value-added acids, like lactic acids, levulinic acid, and acetic acid
cilitate activation to generate ACs with a large surface area; and (iii) produced from the HTL of biomass for the activation of resulting
Table 2
Textural characteristics of AC derived from lignocellulose-based hydrochars.
Lignocellulose biomass Activating agent HTC Temperature ℃ Activation Temperature ℃ Pore Volume cm3/g Surface Area m2/g References
Eucalyptus sawdust K2C2O4 and melamine (1/6/2) 250 800 1.6 2960 [66]
Eucalyptus sawdust KOH (1/4) 250 700 1.03 2252 [67]
Rice husk H3PO4 (1/2.5) 95 500 ∼1.6 2700 [68]
Rice straw K2CO3 (1:2) 300 800 1.07 1334 [69]
Rattan (Lacosperma secundiflorum) NaOH (1:3) 200 600 0.6 1135 [70]
Coconut shell NaOH 200 600 0.44 876.14 [71]
Date seeds NaOH (1:3) 200 600 0.66 1282 [72]
Salix psammophila K2CO3 (1:2) – 800 0.943 1541 [73]
Coconut shell ZnCl2 (1:3) 200 800 1.5 2050 [74]
Coconut shell ZnCl2 (1:2) 275 800 1.17 1673 [75]
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
Table 3
Types of adsorption mechanisms of ECs and EDCs on hydrochars and ACs from hydrochars obtained from different lignocellulose biomasses.
U.A. Qureshi, et al.
Lignocellulose biomass Pollutant Category Optimum pH Amount of adsorbent Temperature Mechanism responsible for adsorption Reference
(g or mg) (K or ℃) s
Argun Nut shells Bisphenol A EC as well as EDC 6.5 0.01 g 293 K • π-π interactions [79]
• Hydrogen bonding.
• Pore filling
Argun Nut shells Diuron EDC 6.7 0.01 g 293 K • π-π interactions [79]
• Hydrogen bonding.
• Pore filling
Rice husk hydrochar with Fe-Mn 17β-estradiol EDC 7 5 mg 28℃ • π-π interactions [80]
binary oxides • Hydrogen bonding
Montmorillonite/Hydrochars from 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol EDC 7 5 mg 25℃ • π-π interactions [81]
rice husk • Hydrogen bonding
• Intercalation between clay layers
• Electrostatic interactions
Rice husks Herbicide: octhilinone(2-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3- EC – 50 mg 20℃ • Hydrophobic interactions (based upon higher [82]
one) Antibiotics:trimethoprim, sulfamethoxasole, logK )
and ciprofloxacin Pharmaceuticals (diclofenac, • Hydrogen bonding
paracetamol, diphenhydramine, and fluconazole)
Rice husks Triclosan bisphenol A EDC as well as EC – 50 mg 20℃ • Hydrophobic interactions (based upon higher [82]
logK )
• Hydrogen bonding
Pistachio shells Caffeine EC – 0.01 g 25℃ • Microporous diffusion [83]
• Interaction with surface and pore OH groups
Corn digestate, miscanthus and Isoproturon EC – 195 t/ha 20℃ [84]
wood chips
• Hydrogen bonding
Sulfamic acid modified saw dust Benzotriazole EC 4−8 0.5 mg/L – • Electrostatic and nonelectrostatic [85]
hydrochar • Complexing bridging interactions
Activated carbon from Hydrochars
Fir saw dust with subsequent Tetracycline EC 5−9 20 mg 25℃ • π−π electron donor − acceptor interaction [86]
magnetization • Hydrogen bonding
• Large surface area
Activated carbon from fore- Amoxicillin EC 7 1 g/L 20℃ • Electrostatic [87]
modified cornstalks hydrochar
Potato Peels Hydrochar followed by Pramipexole and Dorzolamide EC 2 0.02g 25℃ • π−π electron coupling [88]
oxidation with HNO3 • Lewis acid base interactions
Magnetic carbon from sugar cane Tetracycline EC 6.8 0.05 g 30℃ • Hydrogen bonding [89]
bagasse based hydrochars • π−π electron donor acceptor
Orange peel hydrochar Diclofena, Salicylic acid, Flurbiprofen EC 7 (Diclofenac), 2 0.5 g/L 25℃ • Dispersive interactions and surface greater [5]
(Salicylic acid and surface area (Diclofenac)
Flurbiprofen) • Dispersive and electrostatic (Both Salicylic acid
and Flurbiprofen)
Magnetic hydrochars from Salix Triclosan EDC – 0.5 g/L 30℃ • Pore filling [95]
Hydrochar from green wastes Atrazine EC – 2 mg 20℃ • Pore filling [90]
Agave Americana fibers and Tetracycline 7 0.05 g 25 ℃ • Pore diffusion [91]
mimosa tannin
Rice straw derived hydrochar Triclosan EDC – 50 mg/L 298K • Porosity and surface area [69]
Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
carbon [86,92]. Zhu et al. [93] also observed that magnetic AC from
sawdust hydrochars with great ID/IG possessed great porosities and
great adsorption capability toward roxarsone (4-hydroxy-3-ni
trophenylarsonic acid). The predominant adsorption mechanism was
found to be pore filling, in addition to the mild surface complexation of
As and Fe on the surface of the magnetic AC [93,94]. The same ob
servation was found by Suo et al. [92] as discussed above. In another
study by Zhu et al. [73], magnetic AC from Salix psammophila hydro
chars was obtained at different temperatures. The sample was obtained
at the lowest activation temperature and fixed hydrochar; the activator
ratio had a great ID/IG ratio and the highest adsorption capacity toward
Pore filling may be a dominant mechanism depending on the di
mensions of the adsorbate. Fernandez et al. [5] found that the ad
sorption of salicylic acid is due to porosity development and that the
molecular size of salicylic acid is smaller (0.6 nm) than the size of the
pores on the AC from orange peel hydrochars. Zhu et al. [95] prepared
magnetic AC from hydrochar at different temperatures for the removal
of triclosan and obtained a linear increase in qe values as functions of
the surface area and pore and micropore volumes that led to the pore
filling being the suitable mechanism. The removal of diuron and bi
sphenol A, in addition to hydrogen and π-π bonding, was explained by
the presence of micropores [79]. The adsorption capacity of triclosan
on AC from rice straw hydrochars was found to be several times greater
than that of its magnetic derivative due to pore blockage by magnetic
particles [69]. This result also suggested that the adsorption of triclosan
was mainly based upon pore diffusion. FTIR spectrum displayed wide
bands at 3400 and 1080 cm−1 which attributed to OeH and CeO
groups. Being abundant in OFGs, hydrogen bonding interactions play a
major role in adsorption with AC from rice straw hydrochars.
Sun et al. [96] compared the adsorption mechanisms of three EDCs,
namely, bisphenol A, 17 ethynyl estradiol, and phenanthrene, on bio
chars and hydrochars. In addition to pore filling being the common
mechanism, the adsorption of bisphenol A and 17 ethynyl estradiol was
mainly due to hydrogen bonding, whereas phenanthrene was unable to
facilitate hydrogen bonding due to the absence of OH groups but was
able promote π-H bond and π-π interactions. In the study, the biochar
showed mainly π-π interactions due to the existence of aromatic C]O,
CeC, and CeH groups at 1700, 1600, and 885–752 cm−1, respectively.
In a special case, caffeine adsorption on AC derived from pistachio nut
shell hydrochar was studied experimentally and by molecular mod
eling. The results based upon these two methods suggested that ad
sorption was mainly due to the microporous character of ACs. Prior to
adsorption, caffeine formed aggregates that were disintegrated by sur
face OH groups on the adsorbent surface; with further disintegration,
these molecules penetrated inside the pores and bound with the OH
groups on the inner walls of the pores to make a monolayer attachment
[83]. Fig. 5 illustrates adsorption mechanisms responsible for the ad
sorption of different EDCs and ECs by hydrochars and ACs derived from
them [79,88,89].
Overall, many interaction mechanisms such as electrostatic, hy
drogen bonding, pore filing, π-π interactions, and hydrophobic are pro
posed for EDCs and ECs adsorption on hydrochars and their derived ACs
(Table 3). Solution pH, chemical structure of ECs or EDCs, and surface
texture, functional groups, and surface charge of hydrochar or its derived
AC greatly affect the adsorption mechanism. The mechanisms of ad
sorption of EDCs and ECs pollutants are mostly the same relative to other
carbon-based materials obtained without hydrothermal treatment
[97–99] but compared with hydrochars, AC derived from them offer
enhanced adsorption capacities due to wider pore volumes and enhanced
specific surface area [5,69,85]. Owing to the limited work on hydrochars Fig. 5. Adsorption mechanisms from different hydrochars/ACs, (A) [79], (B)
or ACs derived from them for a limited number of ECs and EDCs, we need [89], (C) [88].
to employ new surface techniques to explore further the mechanisms of
their adsorption and thereby understand the behavior of these pollutants. et al. [82] developed a correlation between the log KOW values of flu
Correlation models should be developed to predict the influential inter conazole, ciprofloxacin, paracetamol, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim,
actions predominantly involved in the adsorption process. Weidemann ochthilinone, diphenhydramine, bisphenol A, diclofenac, and triclosan
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
and those of rice husk hydrochars, horse manure hydrochars, olive hy Weber–Morris intraparticle diffusion model provided in the following
drochars, and tomato hydrochars. Among the hydrochars, those of rice equation [107]:
husk had a positive correlation with the contaminants, thereby con
firming hydrophobic interaction as the fundamental mechanism. The qt = kid t + X (9)
adsorption of additional EDCs and ECs, such as parabens, phthalates, and
other industrial products, should be studied to widen the scope of lig where kid (mg/g. min0.5) is the rate parameter and X is the initial ad
nocellulose-based hydrochars or ACs obtained by their post-treatment. sorption (mg/g). For kinetics controlled solely by this model, a plot
Further work on real sample applications and their reusability is re between qt and t should be straight line passing through the origin
quired. (i.e., X = 0). Most research findings demonstrate multilinear curves
within a studied time duration, and these curves are indicative of
7. Modeling of adsorption of ECs and EDCs on hydrochar and AC multiple mechanisms occurring simultaneously with controlling me
chanisms, such as the transfer of solute to the external adsorbent sur
7.1. Adsorption kinetic modeling face, intraparticle diffusion, and the equilibrium stage, in which the
solute adheres to the walls of the pores. These models are the most
Both adsorption kinetics and equilibrium are baselines in designing commonly studied and used to calculate rates and predict general ad
and scaling up of adsorption systems. Kinetic studies involve modeling sorption mechanisms. The suitability of each model relies on the
of experimental kinetic data collected by measuring the adsorbed characteristics of the adsorbents, adsorbates, and experimental condi
amount against time. Pseudo-first- and pseudo-second order are the tions.
most generally applied empirical equations in liquid phase adsorption Liu et al. [69] studied the removal of triclosan using AC and mag
systems. Lagergren first proposed a pseudo-first-order equation with the netic AC from rice straw-derived hydrochar. The experimental data
following expression form [100]: were applied to validate different kinetic equations, like the pseudo-
first-order, pseudo-second-order, intra-particle diffusion, and Elovich
qt = qe qe e k1 t (3) equations in linear mode. The results suggested the following order of
Linearizing the above equation gives the following: best fittings: pseudo-second-order equation > pseudo-first-order
equation > Elovich equation, according to the highest R2 magnitudes
ln (qe qt ) = ln qe k1 t (4) and the small deviation between the experimental qe and theoretical qe
where qe and qt represent the adsorption capacities (mg/g) at equili values. The adsorption equilibrium was not immediately reached when
brium and time t (min) and k1 is the rate parameter (1/min). An ad high concentrations of triclosan were used. The rate k2 of AC decreased
sorption system is likely to follow this model under initial time intervals (from 6.6 × 10−3 to 4 × 10−4 g/mg/min) with a rise in initial triclosan
or prolonged intervals when the adsorption process is near equilibrium concentration, whereas the rate for the magnetic AC increased at high
[101–103]. concentrations. The adsorption capacities of AC were higher
The pseudo-second-order equation suggests that the adsorption rate (175–588 mg/g) than those of its magnetic derivatives (161–286 mg/g)
is second order function of available active sites and is used for large due to the highly porous network. The application of the intraparticle
time intervals [104], whereas the pseudo-first-order equation is applied diffusion model indicated a multilinear curve that produced a nonzero
to describe adsorption at small time intervals. Mathematically, this intercept, which reflected the rapid diffusion of triclosan on the ex
model can be represented as ternal surfaces of the AC and magnetic AC, followed by diffusion inside
the porous body. Kyzas and Deliyanni [88] developed oxidized AC from
k2 qe2 t potato peel hydrochars and pyrolyzed potato peels for the removal of
qt =
1 + k2 qe t (5) dorzolamide and pramipexole drugs. Linear plots of pseudo-second- and
pseudo-first-order models revealed that the former can effectively ex
Linearizing the above equation gives the following form [104]: plain adsorption kinetics. According to the closeness of the experi
t 1 t mental qe values to the calculated qe values (PP-HYD-ox/prami: qe,
= +
qt k2 qe2 qe (6) cal = 31.3 mg/g and qe, exp = 31.1 mg/g), (PP-HYD-ox/dorzo:
qe,cal=30.5 mg/g and qe, exp = 30.4 mg/g) were greater than those of
where qe and qt denote the equilibrium adsorption capacities (mg/g) the AC obtained from pyrolyzed potato peels. The rate of adsorption
and adsorption capacities at a given time t (min) and k2 is the rate using AC from pyrolyzed potato peels was greater than that using a
parameter (g/mg/min). The adsorption kinetics of different pollutants hydrochar precursor; this result implied faster adsorption in the former
frequently follow this model on the basis of high regression and low than in the latter.
error analysis values and thereby signify this model’s prominence. The Given that the pseudo-second-order equation is preferentially more
fitted rate constants k1 and k2 are most probably lumped parameters valid than other kinetic models are, most research groups only applied
that join reaction and diffusion influences under particular experi this model to determine the rates and adsorption capacities of ad
mental variables; the determination of primary adsorption phenomena sorbents. Plazinski et al. [108] showed that the preferential fitting of
is scarcely discussed after model fitting [105]. Another model that the pseudo-second-order equation over the pseudo-first-order equation
predicts chemisorption is the Elovich equation [106], which is written can stem from a theoretical basis rather than a physical one. The
as: random errors in the calculated qe values did not vary to a great extent
1 during the linearization of the pseudo-second-order equation, as in the
qt = ( ln t)
(7) case of the pseudo-first-order equation. An additional benefit of using
the pseudo-second-order equation is that equilibrium qe is not required
Linearizing the above equation gives the following equation: for data fitting. Zhu et al. [93] prepared hydrochars using different
1 1 temperature ranges (i.e., 160 °C – 300 °C) for the hydrothermal treat
qt = ln( )+ ln t
(8) ment of sawdust from a furniture factory. The resultant samples were
simultaneously activated and magnetized to obtain magnetic ACs. The
The plot between qt and ln t should produce a straight line with 1
samples were studied for the removal of roxarsone. The magnetic AC
slope and ln( )
intercept. α (mg/g/min) represents the rate constant, obtained from the hydrochars at 160 °C exhibited high pore properties.
and β represents the extent of surface coverage and activation energy Applying the linear form of the pseudo-second-order equation showed
for chemisorption. Another commonly applied model is the that the adsorption rate was high, which suggested the excellent
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
adsorption of roxarsone on the as-prepared samples. The adsorption slow desorption were suggested to be the most suitable rate controlling
capacities (qe =515 mg/g) and rates of adsorption (13.2 × 10−4 g/mg/ mechanisms. Ning et al. [80] applied the nonlinear pseudo-first-order,
min) increased in the following order: MC-160 > MC-200 > MC-240 pseudo-second-order, intraparticle diffusion, and Elovich equations to
> MC-270 > MC-300. This order was mainly due to the favorable study the adsorption of E2 on Fe–Mn binary oxide-loaded hydrochars.
pore filling on the magnetic AC obtained from the hydrochars at low As anticipated, kinetics preferentially followed the pseudo-second-
temperatures. Similarly, Chen et al. [86] applied the pseudo-second- order equation (qe 47.43 mg/g and k2 4.79 g/mg/min) with the fol
order equation to the experimental data of tetracycline adsorption on lowing order: pseudo-second-order model > Elovich equation >
AC and magnetic AC from saw dust hydrochars. The maximum ad pseudo-first-order model. Error analysis results, including the root
sorption capacities achieved were 250 mg/g using ACs and magnetic mean square errors and chi-square statistics, also supported the vali
ACs, but the former achieved equilibrium earlier (10 min) than the dation of the pseudo-second-order equation. The Morris–Weber plot
latter did (30 min). On the basis of this model, the authors assumed the was multilinear, thereby implying that intraparticle diffusion was not
rate-limiting step to be chemisorption in nature. An increase in initial the only governing mechanism.
solute concentration tends to increase equilibrium time. Rattanachueskul et al. [89] used the nonlinear form of the pseudo-
Fernandez et al. [5] prepared AC from orange peel hydrochars using second-order equation to analyze the adsorption behavior of tetra
air, CO2, and phosphoric acid as activating agents for the removal of cycline on magnetic AC from sugar cane bagasse and obtained high rate
diclofenac, salicylic acid, and flurbiprofen, respectively. The kinetic constant values (k2 = 7.52 × 10−4 g/mg/min; qe =28.14 mg/g). The
data were as correlated to only the pseudo-second-order equation in authors elucidated the reason on the basis of the hierarchical structure
nonlinear mode (Fig. 6). The adsorbed amount of diclofenac was high of composites with macropores that were responsible for rapid diffu
on acid-AC, whereas those of salicylic acid and flurbiprofen were high sion; meanwhile, two-phase linear curves of intraparticle diffusion in
on air-AC. The rates of adsorption of diclofenac and flurbiprofen were dicated film and intraparticle diffusion as the rate-limiting steps. Tet
high on H3PO4-treated AC from acid-treated hydrochar, whereas those racycline adsorption with AC from hydrochars of Agave Americana
of salicylic acid were high on air-AC. The data on the adsorption of fibers and tannin was also studied by the application of the nonlinear
triclosan on γ-Fe2O3 AC prepared from Salix psammophila hydrochars modes of the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models [91].
revealed a preference for the pseudo-second-order equation. In that
study, the effects of activation conditions influenced the qe values
(170.9–787.4 mg/g), and such an increase was correlated with different
textural characteristics, like BET surface area, volume and size of pores
Mesopore size and large micropore volume are responsible for great
diffusion and fast rates of adsorption, as reported by Mestre et al. [109],
who showed three types of AC, namely, AC prepared from sucrose
hydrochars using KOH and K2CO3 as activating agents and commercial
AC for the removal of paracetamol and iopamidol. This model was
again preferentially fitted when Zhu et al. [110] studied the adsorption
of tetracycline on magnetic porous carbon obtained from Salix psam
mophila hydrochars. The order of fitting was as follows: pseudo-second-
order equation > pseudo-first-order equation > Elovich equation.
In another study, the adsorption of bisphenol A and diuron on Argan
nut shell hydrochars represented by the pseudo-second-order equation
with excellent determination coefficients better than it did the pseudo-
first-order equation. The increase in temperature reduced the qe values
(1094–664 mg/g for bisphenol A and 773–557 mg/g for diuron), and
the rate constant values dramatically increased with a rise in tem
perature (0.002–0.025 g/mg/min for bisphenol A and 0.013–0.208 g/
mg/min for diuron). This detailed analysis suggested that temperature
can only accelerate the adsorption system in some cases and that it may
not necessarily increase adsorption capacities. Furthermore, the in
traparticle diffusion model suggested two phase reactions, namely,
macropore diffusion and mesopore diffusion [79]. By contrast, Ahsan
et al. [99] suggested the first linear stage to be mesopore and macro
pore diffusion and the second stage linear curve to be micropore dif
fusion in their study of the adsorption of bisphenol A, sulfamethox
azole, and tetracycline on sulfuric acid-treated sawdust. The
preferential fitting of the pseudo-second-order equation on every ad
sorption case reveals that the mechanism of adsorption depends on the
presence of sufficient sites on adsorbents regardless of the type, pre
paration method, or aqueous environment used. Shi et al. [97] achieved
a preferential fitting of the pseudo-second-order equation in their study
of the adsorption kinetics of ciprofloxacin on Fe3O4/C from sucrose by
HTC. The controlling mechanism was chemisorption in nature with a
maximum qe of 38.6 mg/g and rate of 19.9 g/(mg.h).
Li et al. [87] fitted nonlinear kinetic equations, namely, pseudo-
first-order, pseudo-second-order, and Elovich equations, to the ad
sorption data of amoxicillin on AC from previously modified corn stalk
hydrochar. Among these three models, the Elovich equation was found Fig. 6. Pseudo-second order kinetic for adsorption of (a) diclofenac sodium, (b)
to have the best fit. Moreover, chemical adsorption, fast adsorption, and salicylic acid and (c) flurbiprofen onto the developed activated hydrochars [5].
U.A. Qureshi, et al.
Table 4
Kinetic models and parameters for the adsorption of different ECs and EDCs on lignocellulose-based hydrochars and their derived ACs.
Adsorbent EC/EDC Initial concentration and Pseudo First order Pseudo second order Elovich Equation References
time range
2 2 2
qe (mg/g) k1 (1/min) R qe (mg/g) k2 g/mg/min R α (mg/g/min) β (g/mg) R
Activated carbon from hydrochars of Agave Americana fibers Tetracycline 100 mg/L 45.24 0.038 0.919 49.79 0.0010 0.975 – – – [91]
in combination with tannin 0−400 min
Hydrochars from Argun nut shells Diuron 40 mg/L 5.24 0.031 0.141 775.1 0.013 0.99 – – – [79]
0−180 min
Hydrochars from Argun nut shells Bisphenol A 60 mg/L 5.24 0.010 0.115 1098.9 0.002 0.99 – – – [79]
0−180 min
Montmorillonite rice husk hydrochar composites 17β estradiol 6 mg/L 103.3 0.7 (1/h) 0.856 113.8 0.0083 0.967 – – – [81]
0−24 h
Montmorillonite rice husk hydrochar composites 17αethynyl 6 mg/L 65.77 2.25 1/h 0.842 68.8 2.21 g/mg/h 0.997 – – – [81]
estradiol 0−24 h
Magnetic activated carbon from sawdust hydrochars Tetracycline 100 mg/L – – – 250.5 0.0028 0.99 – – – [86]
0−120 min
Fe-Mn binary oxide loaded hydrochars from rice husk 17 β-estradiol 6 mg/L 42.2 0.013 0.877 47.43 4.79 0.971 4.68 0.14 0.95 [80]
5 min to 48 h
Fore modified hydrchars from cornstalks Amoxicillin 100 mg/L 88.8 3.77 0.992 89.97 0.124 0.997 1.65 × 10 2.07 0.992 [87]
0−90 min
Magnetic carbon composites from sugar cane bagasse Tetracycline 80 mg/L – – – 48.35 7.52 × 10 – – – – [89]
hydrochar 0−26 h
Modified activated carbon from potato peel hydrochars Pramipexole 50 mg/L 28.18 0.0153 0.976 31.3 9.6 × 10−4 0.99 – – – [88]
0−24 h
Modified activated carbon from potato peel hydrochars Dorzolamide 50 mg/L 27.44 0.0142 0.941 30.5 9.3 × 10−4 0.99 – – – [88]
0−24 h
Magnetic activated carbon from sawdust Roxarsone 400 mg/L – – – 515.5 13.2 × 10 0.99 – – – [93]
0−24 h
Activated carbon from orange peel hydrochars through Diclofenac sodium 0.05 mM – – – 0.07 mmol/g 16.6 g/mmol.h 0.97 – – – [5]
phosphoric acid activation 0−36 h
Activated carbon from orange peel hydrochars through Salicylic acid 0.05 mM – – – 0.09 mmol/g 23.6 g/mmol.h 0.993 – – – [5]
phosphoric acid activation 0−36 h
Activated carbon from orange peel hydrochars through Flurbiprofen 0.05 mM – – – 0.089 mmol/g 62.7 g/mmol.h 0.995 – – – [5]
phosphoric acid activation 0−36 h
Activated carbon from rice straw-derived hydrochar Triclosan 10 mg/L 8.94 0.014 0.52 175 0.0066 0.99 1.8 × 10 0.24 0.87 [69]
Magnetic Activated carbon from rice straw-derived hydrochar Triclosan 10 mg/L 63.8 0.022 0.99 161 0.0010 0.99 4.6 × 102 0.05 0.95 [69]
γ-Fe2O3 carbon composite composites from hydrochars of Salix Triclosan 50 mg/L – – – 763.4 1.1 × 10−4 0.99 – – – [95]
psammophila 0−1400 min
Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
The pseudo-second-order model, as usual, had the best fit given its high capacity from this isotherm regardless of best fit because the value of qm
determination coefficient (R2) values and low error values. The ex corresponds to the maximum monolayer adsorption capacity that other
perimental qe 51.35 mg/g was close to the calculated one, and the rate isotherm equations do not consider.
constant was 2.48 g/(mg.min). Table 5 shows two commonly applied empirical isotherm models
Furthermore, E2 and 17 α ethynyl estradiol followed the pseudo- and their parameters obtained from the adsorption data of different
second-order model with montmorillonite hydrochar composites acti EDCs/ECs on different hydrochars or ACs derived from them. These
vated by KOH [81]. The linear plots for E2 and 17 α-ethynyl estradiol isotherms greatly depend upon the nature of the adsorbent with dif
yielded qe = 113.8 mg/g and 68.8 mg/g, respectively. The rate con ferent functional groups, adsorbates, and experimental conditions.
stants for the adsorption of E2 and 17 α-ethynyl estradiol were 0.0083 Roman et al. [83] demonstrated that the adsorption of caffeine on
and 2.21 g/mg/h, respectively. The mechanism was mainly proposed to pistachio nut shell hydrochar, when processed with acidic water during
be chemical in nature with the involvement of physical interactions. hydrothermal carbonization, and that of the same sample after pyr
The above discussion clearly reveals that the pseudo-second-order olysis followed a Langmuir isotherm with preferably high adsorption
equation is the most frequently fitted model studied and that in capacities (12.95–22.6 mg/g). However, the pyrolysis of base-processed
traparticle diffusion is not the predominant rate-control step in all hydrochars followed the Freundlich isotherm with poor adsorption
studies. All the above kinetic models were studied with different EDCs/ capacity. This work explored new insights, such as the excellent ad
ECs using hydrochars and their derived ACs and are summarized in sorption capacity of acid-processed hydrochars despite their lower BET
Table 4. surface area in comparison with base-processed hydrochars and dif
ferent isotherm slopes with acid-processed hydrochars and the same
7.2. Adsorption isotherm modeling sample after pyrolysis. The reason for the former finding was attributed
to the development of steric hindrance, repulsive interactions, and
Generally, an adsorption isotherm is a curve that expresses the strong resistance of base-generated functional groups. The reason be
phenomenon that governs the retention of liquid/gas adsorbates on hind the latter finding was the removal of OFGs on thermal treatment
solid phase adsorbents by varying initial concentrations at particular that was unfavorable for adsorption when high initial concentrations
temperature and pH [111]. Its physical parameters and underlying were used. The result suggested that despite the large pores on pyr
thermodynamic assumptions provide insights into the adsorption me olyzed acid-processed hydrochars, unpyrolyzed hydrochars were more
chanism, surface properties, and degree of affinity of adsorbents. Two promising. Further insights were also obtained by simulation studies.
widely used empirical models, namely, the Langmuir and Freundlich Liu et al. [69] applied these two models to probe the interactions be
isotherms, were adopted in different studies to determine the me tween tetracycline on AC and magnetic AC from rice straw hydrochars.
chanism of adsorption and the maximum adsorption capacities. The In comparison with the Freundlich isotherm, the Langmuir isotherm in
Langmuir equation is given as [112]: linear form was a better-fitting model, resulting in qm 714 mg/g for AC
qm bCe and 303 mg/g for magnetic AC. RL value was within 0.02–0.04, which
qe = indicated a favorable adsorption.
1 + bCe (9)
Zhu et al. [93] fitted a linear Langmuir isotherm in their study of the
where qe (mg/g) is the adsorbed amount at equilibrium, qm (mg/g) is adsorption of roxorsone on magnetic AC from sawdust hydrochars ob
the highest adsorbed amount, and KL (L/mg) is the Langmuir para tained at different temperatures. The maximum adsorption capacity of
meter. qm 588 mg/g was obtained using magnetic AC derived from hydrochar
The linearization of the above equation yields the following form: obtained at 160 °C. A linear correlation between BET surface area, vo
Ce 1 C lumes of micropore and total pores, and the maximum adsorption ca
= + e pacities from the Langmuir isotherm provided the main clue to this
qe bqm qm (10)
exclusively large capacity. Chen et al. [86] prepared magnetic AC from
A dimensionless constant, also identified as the separation factor sawdust hydrochar for tetracycline adsorption. Linear plots of the
(RL) suggested by Webber and Chakkravorti [113], can be expressed as: Freundlich and Langmuir equations favored the former isotherm on the
1 basis of its high coefficient of determination. The qm value from the
RL = Langmuir equation (423.7 mg/g) was considered the greatest among all
1 + KL Co (11)
values for all adsorbents. The magnetization barely impeded the ad
where KL corresponds to the Langmuir parameter and C0 (mg/L) be sorption performance of AC. Hydrothermally obtained hydrochars and
longs to the initial adsorbate amount. The magnitude of this factor their ACs have proven to be promising adsorbents. Zhu et al. [95] also
explains the nature of adsorption as unfavorable (RL > 1), linear (RL = obtained superior adsorption capacity in their triclosan adsorption
1), favorable (0 < RL < 1), or irreversible (RL = 0). study on γ-Fe2O3 carbon. The Langmuir-fitted data presented a high
The Freundlich equation is expressed by the following [114]: regression coefficient that lacked information about the Freundlich
1 isotherm. The correlation of the different texture characteristics of ACs
qe = Kf C ne (12) prepared at different temperatures with Langmuir qm showed a linear
The linearization of the above equation gives the following form: response; in particular, micropore volume had the best correlation with
log qe = log Kf + log Ce Profound research interest has long been noted in the nonlinear
n (13)
optimization of adsorption modeling. Ning et al. [80] prepared Fe–Mn
Here, Kf ((mg/g) (L/mg) ) is the Freundlich parameter that represents binary oxide modified hydrochar from rice husk for the removal of E2.
adsorbed amount, and n is a parameter that indicates adsorption The nonlinear modes of the Freundlich and Langmuir equations pre
strength. The magnitude of 1/n between 0 and 1 is an index of ad dicted excellent fit to the isotherm data of E2. However, error values
sorption strength or surface heterogeneity; as this value approaches 0, were minimum with the Langmuir model (Fig. 7). The involvement of
heterogeneity rises. Values below 1 imply chemisorption, and values Fe–Mn binary oxides augmented the adsorption capacity (49.7 mg/g)
above 1 indicate cooperative adsorption. The qm values from the relative to the case of bare hydrochars (38.8 mg/g). Tian et al. [81]
Langmuir isotherm are important in the selection of a suitable ad prepared rice husk hydrochar and montmorillonite composites for the
sorbent and the design of an appropriate adsorption system. The removal of two EDCs, namely E2 and 17α ethynyl estradiol. The non
Langmuir isotherm is a preliminary and simple model that retains un linear form of the Langmuir model was the well fitted equation ac
ique importance, with almost every study determining adsorption cording to the regression coefficient values, and a close agreement was
U.A. Qureshi, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 38 (2020) 101380
Table 5
Adsorption isotherms and their parameters for the adsorption of ECs and EDCs on hydrochar/AC from lignocellulose-derived hydrochars.
Adsorbent Pollutant Langmuir Isotherm Freundlich Isotherm Experimental References
2 (1−1/n) 1/n 2
qm (mg/g) KL (L/mg) R KF mg .L /g n R
Activated carbon from hydrochars of Tetracycline 87.21 0.42 0.968 31.26 3.82 0.775 0.5−400 mg/L [91]
Agave Americana fibers in pH 7, 50 ℃,
combination with tannin Dose 0.05, g/100 m L
Hydrochars from Argun nut shells Diuron 833.3 0.200 0.992 149.45 0.949 0.912 10−40 mg/L [79]
293 K
0.01 g/200 mL
Hydrochars from Argun nut shells Bisphenol A 1162.79 0.956 0.989 38.36 3.729 0.979 10−60 mg/L [79]
293 K
0.01 g/200 mL
Pistachio nut shells hydrochars prepared Caffeine 22.6 0.04 0.993 0.3 0.97 0.971 0.02−1 g/L [83]
from acidic water 25℃
48 h
Dose 0.01 g/15 mL
Montmorillonite/rice husk hydrochars 17α-ethynyl 69 1.77 0.998 37 2.7 0.915 25℃ [81]
estradiol Dose 5 mg/100 m L
24 h
Montmorillonite/rice husk hydrochars 17β-estradiol 138 1.77 0.994 73 2.63 0.922 25 ℃ [81]
Dose 5 mg/100 m L
24 h
Magnetic activated carbons from sawdust Tetracycline 423.7 0.028 0.972 39.2 2.5 0.85 50−600 mg/L [86]
hydrochar 25 ℃
Dose 20 mg
Rice husk based hydrochars 17β-estradiol 38.5 0.5 0.983 15.87 0.52 0.982 0.2−8 mg/L [80]
28 ℃
Dose 5 mg
Fe-Mn loaded binary oxides on rice husk 17β-estradiol 49.7 0.53 0.985 22.31 0.53 0.981 0.2−8 mg/L [80]
based hydrochars 28℃
Dose 5 mg
Magnetic activated carbon from sugar Tetracycline 6.63 2.47 0.993 0−200 mg/L [89]
cane bagasse pH 6.8
30 ℃
24 h
0.05 g/25 mL
Oxidized activated carbon from potato Pramipexole 66 0.082 0.98 8.19 1.85 0.99 0−200 mg/L [88]
peel hydrochar 25 ℃
pH 2
dose 0.02 g/20 mL
Oxidized activated carbon from potato Dorzolamide 60 0.081 0.98 7.78 1.91 0.99 0−200 mg/L [88]
peel hydrochar 25 ℃
pH 2
dose 0.02 g/20 mL
Magnetic activated carbon from sawdust Roxarsone 588.2 0.063 0.99 – – – 50−500 mg/L [93]
hydrochar 25 ℃
Dose 0.02 g
Phosphoric acid activated carbon from Diclofenac 0.211 mmol/g 27.5 L/ 0.981 0.203 [(mmol/g)L/ 0.2 0.971 0.05−2 mmol/L [5]
orange peel hydrochars mmol mmol)nf] 25℃
0.015 g/30 mL
pH 7
Phosphoric acid activated carbon from Salicylic acid 0.66 mmol/g 10.9 L/ 0.978 0.63[(mmol/g)L/ 0.28 0.941 pH 2 [5]
orange peel hydrochars mmol mmol)nf] 0.05−2 mmol/L
25 ℃
0.015 g/30 mL
Phosphoric acid activated carbon from Flurbiprofen 0.61 mmol/g 83.9 L/ 0.981 1.45[(mmol/g)L/ 0.37 0.985 pH 2 [5]
orange peel hydrochars mmol mmol)nf] 0.05−2 mmol/L
25 ℃
0.015 g/30 mL
Magnetic activated carbon from Salix Triclosan 892.9 0.69 0.98 – – – 10−50 mg/L [95]
psammophila 303 K
Dose 500 mg/L
Activated carbon from Salix psammophila Tetracycline – – – 8.57 0.404 0.996 5−50 mg/L [115]
4 days
Dose 0.04 g/40 mL
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