21-2-2023 International Law Daw War War Lwin

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Civil Service Academy (Upper Myanmar)

Executive Level Officials Course No.12
Lesson Assessment
Note: This report and feed-back is to assess your grading so it must
be filled in carefully according to the outline below in English.
1. Name of Trainer, Rank, Institution and subject
Name Daw War War Lwin
Rank Professor(Head), Law Department
Department/ Institution Civil Service Academy (Upper

2. Title and Sub-title and subject

Title: Concept of International Law
Sub- Titles :
(a) Origin, Nature and sources of International law
(b) Subjects of International law
(c) States as International Persons
(d) State Territory
(e) State Jurisdiction
(g) Diplomatic Relations
(h) International Institutions
(i) Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes

3. What are the Key Learning Points (main concepts) from this?
( 3 ) Mark
The key learning points of this subject “Concept of International
Law” are as follows;
The present system of International law has it origin with the rise of

the modern State in the 16th and 17th centuries. The science of
International law further developed during the 19th century under the
influence of three factors –
(a)After the Congress of Vienna (1815) to abide by the rules of
International law.
(b)by the conclusion of several law-making treaties.
(c)greater emphasis was put on the positive theory of International
law by

writers. It is developed along with the process of human history.

International Law is aslo called the law of the Nation may be defined as
the body of rules and principles, of action which are binding upon civilized
states in their relation with one another. It is a true law, it is possesses all
the characteristics of a law. The sources of International law are Treaties,
Custom, the General Principles of law, Judicial Decisions and the writings
of publicists. It is noted that the treaties dealing with the Rule of law to
follow in relations among the nations each other and the law making
treaties are regarded as a sources of International law. A law making
treaty may be defied as a treaty which stipulates new general rules for
future international conduct or confirm, define, or abolish existing
customary or conventional rules of a general character. Custom and
treaties are the two principal sources of international law. But although
these are the principal sources, they cannot be regard as the only
sources. The Statue authorizes the International Court to apply, in
addition to treaties and custom, the general principles of law recognized
by civilized nations.
The fundamental principles of International Law are Montevideo
Convention on Rights and Duties of States 1933, Draft Declaration on the
Rights and Duties of States 1949 and the Doctrine of Equality of States.
The State as a person of International law should possess the following
qualification; a permanent population, a defined territory, a government
and a capacity to enter into relations with other states. The rights listed in
the Draft Declaration include the right to independence, the right of
territorial jurisdiction, the right to equality in law with other states, the
right of self- defense, the duty to refrain from intervention in the affairs of
other state, the duty of settling disputes peacefully, the duty to refrain
from resorting to war, the duty of carrying out in good faith treaty
obligation and the duty of observing human rights. There are three kinds
of State Territories namely Land territory, Marine territory and Territorial
air space.
It is noted that the boundaries of Myanmar with neighboring
countries and its state territory. There are many kind of State Jurisdictions
and they are Territorial Jurisdiction, Personal Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction over
the internal water, Jurisdiction over the territorial sea, Jurisdiction over the
contiguous zone, Jurisdiction over the exclusive economic zone,
Jurisdiction over the continental shelf, Jurisdiction over the foreigners,
Jurisdiction over the criminals, Jurisdiction over the air space and
Jurisdiction on the High Seas. Treaty means an international agreements,
conclude between states in written form, and governed by international
Law whether embodied in a single instrument or more related instrument
and whatever its particular designation. The making of treaties have


these stages; Negotiation, Signature, Ratification, Accession, Reservation,

Registration (UN charter -102) and Entry into Force.
It is noted that Diplomatic representatives are Ambassadors, Envoys
and Ministers Plenipotentiary (envoys extraordinary, ministers
plenipotentiary), Chargé d’affaires, Consuls and Representatives of the
International Organization.

4. How will you apply the key learning point to your work in your

( 3 )Mark
Every nations need to have International Laws. An International Law
plays an essential role in the process of protecting our human rights and
fundamental freedoms. It allows us to live in a society where we are
consequently subject to the rules which regulate relations not only
between humans but between humans and objects. We are daily exposed
to various life situations which are somehow regulated by the law.
International law has its main purpose and role to promote justice,
prosperity and peace all around the world. It is the most powerful weapon
to prevent armed conflicts between countries and help them strengthen
their mutual relations. Due to the fact that the majority of countries
conclude bilateral or multilateral agreements and special treaties
between themselves, International law is a path to governing the
relationship between countries worldwide. Furthermore, international law
is a crucial way to ensure the prosecution of war crimes and gravest
breaches of international humanitarian law. When it comes to the
relationship between international law and human rights, the role of
international law in protecting human rights was strengthened when the
United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948. I will make knowledge
sharing in my society about International Law and how it is important for

5. Suggestion and Comment on Subject Content and Trainer.

( 3 ) Mark
(a) Suggestion and Comments on Subject Contents
International Law is very important to maintain the
International peace and security, to develop the political,
economic and social sectors of the new world society. As
the studying of basic principle of International law, the
trainees will be able to manage their own departmental
management duties with the addition of ideology of

International law and International outlook when they

will relate with International institutions on behalf of the

(b) Suggestion and Comments on Trainer

Daw War War Lwin has proficient in the subject and taught
the lesson in an interesting way. It should be reported that she
was taught to have a good understanding of Concept of
International Law. Time of Individual presentations is more than
allowable time limit and so that time for teaching is not enough
for this lecture. So next for lecture, time for this kind of lecture
should be given more time and more sure schedule.

Signature ၊
Roll Number - 17
Name – Aung Moe
Rank - Deputy Director General
Ministry/Organization -
Development Committee

Date: 21st February 2023


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