Research Possible Questions
Research Possible Questions
Research Possible Questions
Descriptive research design ang amo gamit na research design which is to describe the time
management skills of Senior High school students in blended learning modality . Maka provide ni ug
basic information because maka gather mi ug primary data from the respondents which is relevant sa
amo study.
Our research methodology’s appropriateness was determined by our study’s research question and
objectives. Descriptive research design is appropriate for this study because it is used for collecting data
and analyzing patterns.
• What steps did you take to ensure the validity and reliability of your data?
Para ma ensure namo nga valid and reliable, nag pili mi ug data collection method and
instrument carefully nga appropriate saamo study, nag pilot test first before conducting our full survey
Nag determine mi saamo ideal respondents, first is nag focus mi saamong research objectives. Ang
target audience should have direct involvement with the topic about which you're posing the questions
and since Senior high school student is mostly the busy one tungod sa kadaghan sa activities and
performance tasks, amo sila gipili as our respondents.
• What methods did you use to collect data, and why were they suitable for your research?
We used survey questionnaire in collecting our data because the data comes directly from the
individuals nga among gi identify as among respondents . And surveys gives a detailed, systematic way
to view and analyze our data.
• Did you encounter any challenges or limitations during the data collection process? How did
you address them?
Yes, Time constraints since ang data collection can be a time-consuming process, especially if it involves
conducting surveys or interviews. Effective time management skills and planning are essential to ensure
that data is collected promptly and efficiently. So nag set mi ug oras nga which mag answer ang
respondents at that scheduled time aron dili siya time consuming and para ma manage ang oras aron
maisa ra.
We used frequency, mean, and Anova to analyze our data because it can answer our SOP.
• How did you ensure the accuracy and robustness of your data analysis?
We used techniques and and guideline to follow which are aligned with our objectives. We also
conducted pilot test first to ensure the reliability and validity of our study.
• Can you explain the process of interpreting your findings and the rationale behind your
To understand the demographic profile of students, we used frequency to analyze the data. To get the
level of time management skills, mean value were used and ANOVA is utilized to examine the difference
between these planning and prioritizing on each profiles. Conclusions were drawn based on the
evidences that each table shows allowing us to make interpretations and conclusions.
4. Ethical Considerations:
• How did you address ethical considerations in your research, such as informed consent and
participant confidentiality?
We obtained a letter of approval from the Principal and showed to the students and their advisers to
ensure informed consent. We also let the participants know that there responses will be kept
• Did you encounter any ethical challenges during your study? How did you handle them?
Yes. Researchers must obtain informed consent from participants can also entail what data is being
collected, stored, and used., protect their privacy and confidentiality which can help build trust with
your respondents., and ensure that their research does not cause harm to the subjects.
• How did you ensure that your research complied with ethical guidelines and standards?
We followed guidelines and rules to ensure that our study was done in the right way. We asked
permission and conducted our study that are aligned with the standards.
5. Limitations and Validity:
• What limitations did you identify in your study, and how did they potentially affect your
One potential limitation is the generalizability of the findings. The study may only be applicable to a
specific population and may not be generalizable to other groups or contexts. This could affect the
accuracy of our study since it limits the generalizability of our findings.
• Can you discuss potential sources of bias or confounding factors and how you addressed
Students characteristics could be the potential sources of bias or confounding factors and this where
address by aiming a representative sample through using total population sampling method.
• How did you ensure the internal and external validity of your study?
Descriptive research design and survey questionnaire was used to ensure the internal validity of our
study which leads to minimalizing the external factors.
It contributes to understanding the time management skills in blended learning modality of senior high
school student in abm strand addressing the gap regarding time management skills between profiles.
• How does your research contribute to advancing knowledge or addressing gaps in the field?
It advances knowledge as it provides new perspective and insights of time management skills used by
students filling the gap of understanding how students demographic profile differ from planning and
This study can be important for different individuals. Students can usethe information to have
awareness and increased their knowledge. Teacher can understand students and have a deeper
understanding of how this time management skills helps students. Future researchers investigate other
factors and aspects connected to time management skills.
• Based on your research, what future directions or additional studies would you suggest?
We suggest to examine the impact of blended learning on developing time management skills in
learners compared to traditional classroom methods. Maybe because our focus is on blended learning
modality to senior high school student in ABm strand. Ma compare ang both old way of learning and
blended learning.
• How do you envision your study making an impact or influencing future research or practice?
A study on time management skills in blended learning modality can have significant implications for
future research and practice. It can help future researchers understand the key factors that impact time
management and provide them with strategies and resources to manage their time effectively in a
blended learning environment.
No one has studies at how students' identities differ and how each of the time management skills
required to deal with the blended learning modality.
Para makabalo sa results and to focus on areas where there is a need for knowledge, understanding, and
The study contribute to existing knowledge by providing insights into effective time management and
how students adapt to blended learning.
2. Relevance to Stakeholders:
• Who are the potential stakeholders or beneficiaries of your study?
Students, teachers, and future researchers because it can serve as a guideline in which it could develop
and understand time management skills.
This study can directly impact the stakeholders by helping them to be more manageable of their time
and increased knowledge and information about this study.
The practical implications of the findings suggest that students in this study tend to use planning and
prioritizing often in dealing with blended learning modality. This suggest that promoting this skills can be
beneficial for their success in blended learning environment.
For them to know what they need to improve, and help them manage their time, basically when
planning and prioritizing their schoolwork to contribute them in the future.
• How does your research provide a novel or fresh perspective on the topic?
Our research offers a new and fresh perspective on the topic by examining the specific time
management used by senior high school students in abm strand in blended learning environment. By
this, we can provide strategies to employ to navigate daily activities.
No, we did not introduce innovative methodologies or concepts, but our study provides unique insight
into the how they can effectively manage their time and strategies of students to use in blended
4. Potential for Generalization:
• Can your findings be generalized beyond the specific context of your study?
Yes, the findings of the study can be applied to other similar situations that are using blended learning
Nagpakita ang result na walay kalahian ang profiles sa pag time manage so dili dapat tan’awon ang mga
variables as a way to think nga ma apektuhan ang time management sa student.
Yes kay ang time management is isa ka topic nga applicable sa tanan not only for student but like sa
workers, teachers, or even naa sa households.
5. Methodological Rigor:
• How did you ensure the rigor and quality of your research methodology?
By using a descriptive survey design and structured survey questionnaire. This allowed us to gather data
directly from the students in a systematic and standardized manner.
• Did you encounter any challenges or limitations in your methodology? How did you address
Yes, Time constraints since ang data collection can be a time-consuming process, especially if it involves
conducting surveys and techniques,even the table and interpretation. Effective time management skills
and planning are essential to ensure that data is collected promptly and efficiently.
• Can you explain the reliability and validity of your data collection and analysis methods?
Our research instrument niagi una ug reliability test and validity test through pilot testing. We also used
structured survey questionnaire to avoid confusions from respondents.
6. Contribution to Knowledge:
• How does your study expand the current body of knowledge in the field?
By examining this particular context, we contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic. It gives us
more information on whether the variables has any difference on handling time management.
That there are no difference among the variables in planning and prioritizing in time management skills.
Ang senior high school students profiles is wala nag matter sa ilang pag manage saila time but rather it
depends on how they personally manage their time not according to their profiles nga included.
• Have you identified any gaps or areas for further research based on your findings?
Yes, Examining the impact of blended learning on developing time management skills in learners
compared to traditional classroom methods. Maybe because our focus is on blended learning modality
to senior high school student in ABm strand. Ma compare ang both old way of learning and blended
learning. Other strands can also be included by future researchers to see if strands do differ in their time
The potential practical implications of our study are that teachers can use our findings to create plans
and strategies in which they can perform time management better.
Students can perform time management by constantly planning and prioritizing their task to be
organized, well-disciplined, and improves productivity.
• Are there any recommendations or actions that can be derived from your research?
Dapat gina check sa parents if ilang anak if nag manage ba saila time wisely because it can improve
work-life balance and can have greater focus. Good time management also reduces stress and allows
students to achieve goals faster and easier. We suggest that are that teachers can use our findings to
create plans and strategies in which they can perform time management better.
8. Reflection and Future Directions:
• What have you learned from conducting this study?
I learned in our study that Effective time management skills are essential for success in blended learning.
Students need to plan and prioritize their activities, allocate sufficient time for each task, and be aware
of their own learning styles and preferences. By doing so, they can maximize their learning outcomes
and achieve their academic goals.
We believe that our student can influence students and educators to search the key factors that impact
time management and provide strategies and resources on how to manage their time effectively in a
blended learning environment and even in traditional classes.
• Are there any additional studies or areas for further exploration that you would recommend?
We recommend further exploration about different time management skills that can be used in blended
learning environments, such as setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and using technology tools. Studies could
be conducted to compare the effectiveness of different time management strategies and identify which
ones are most helpful for students in blended learning environments.