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iii, T have looked throngh your “ Elements of Algebra," and have to say with great pleasure that {t is a nicely got up work, which does yon great credit, The principles . ‘have Leen olearly explained, and very well illustrated by the examples tvorked out at the end of each chapter, The exercises have been very jadiciously and copiously selected, Ithink the hook may be very profitably adapted asa text-book In our higher clasa schools and colleges.” BAIDYA NATH Basv, M.A, Professor of Mathematios, Metropolitan Institution, Calcutta. “Tam very glad that you have completed your Elements of Algebra by bring- Sng out Part I early this session. I find that Part I is like Part I admirably sulted to the requirements of those for whom itis intended. The exposition of principles {3 amore Iuofd and the examples and solutions more numerons than are found in any of the treatises on Algebra used as text-books in onr schools and colleges. I belleve no Mathem. ‘eal teacher that should carefully examine your Elements would ever hesitate toado: it asa text-book.” GANGADITAN BANERJEF, 3A,, - Professor, L. M. &. College Bhowanipore, “JT have looked through Mr. P. Ghosh’s Elements of Algebra, Part IT. Jt isn .asefn] publication and contains all the important printviples of the subject. The author has spared no pains to make the book as easily Intelligible to the F. A. students as possible, The chief attraction of the work les in its variety of examples and in typical solutions of many of them.” DEY SANKAR DE, Mf. A., _ Professor of Mathematics, Free Church College, Calcutta. . “T nave looked through the second part of Mr. Ghosh's Elements of Algebra ~ and have much pleasure to state that the work is well adapted to the requirements of students preparing for the F. A. Examination of the Calcutta University. The principles are clearly explained, and numerous examples have been worked ont in » {ustration of the principles. The book contains a large collection of well selected examples for exercise, which will be of great use tostudents.” 8. C. Gur, M.A, Lecturer Sanskrit College. “T have looked through the book { Algebra Part IL] and consider {t useful to studonts preparing for the Examination in First Arts, especially as it contains a variety of examples jud{ciously collected. Ihave recommended it to the students of the Berhampore College for using it as a text-book.” HARIDAS GHOSH. ~ Professor of Mathematics, Gort. College, Berhampore: “T have no objection to the students fn the Central College using your books (Algebra and Euclid), and I haye no doubt some will purchase copies.” OWARLES WATERS. M, A, Principal and Professor of Mathematics, Central College, Bangalore. «J shonld Jike to Introduce them (Enclid and Algebra) in the ecliools here.” . T.G. Bat, Prinelpal Kombhakonam College, Madras. FROM what I bave seen of Mr, P, Ghosh’s Edition of Euclid, I hare been favour- ably impressed. with the work, I think it is well sulted for the zsoof Indiau students to whom the sdditisn of all the exercises set in the Entrance Examinations of the Calcutta University at the end of the book,no doubt, will be specially welcome. The questions and the actes given, #5 wellas the exerolses worked ont, will also be found very usefnl ANANDA MOHAN BOSE, 3. A. Member of ihe Syndicate Caleutta Oniversity,@ - THE ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. BY JAMES WOOD, D. D, FORMERLY DEAN OF ELY, AND MASTER OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, NE-MODELLED, SIMPLIFIED, AND ADAPTED FOR GENERAL USE IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES—WITIT NUMEROUS EXERCISES, EXANPLES AND CALCUTTA, DOMBAY AND MADRAS UNIVERSITY ” EXAMINATION” PAPERS. PART IL. FOR THE CANDIDATES OF THE INDIAN UNIVERSITIES. BY P, GHOSH. AUTHOR OF “ELEMENTS OF ARITHMETIO,” "ELEMENTS OF MENSURATIO XN", “ELEMENTS OF EUCLID", “PLAKE TRIGONOMETRI”, ETO, ETO, NEW EDITION. (Revised and Enlarged.) CALCUTTA. PATRICK PRESS. 28, Norra Roan, ENTAtiy. 1886. {All rights reserved.jrt PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY D. N. KNUNDON, AT THE PATRICK PRESS, ‘NO, 28, NORTH ROAD ENTALLY—CALCUITA,CONTENTS. Quadratic Equations wn ve we equations which may be solved like Quadratics Simaltancous Equations involving Quadratics Theory of Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Expressions Problems producing Quadratic Equations one Variation tee see ove Arithmetical Progression on one on Geometrical Progression .., aoe wee Hoarmonical Progression .., ves ae Miscellaneous Examples... ase nee Permutations and Combinations oe we Binomial Theorem. Positive Integral Exponent Binomial Theorem. Any Exponent ++ oo Logarithms on on ne “ Esponential and Logarithmic Series -- oe Interest and Discount ae wee os Annuities one eee vee ow Indeterminate Equations of the First Degree Miscellaneous Examples... ane on” F. A. Examination Papers we one B. C. E, ExamtnaTIon PsPers on on Hicuer Exaumation Parzrs ae oe Madras University Examination Papers we Bombay University Examination Papers ars Appendix. Miscellaneous Examples from Bhaskara Aaharzia Lilewati wd Vijn Ganite on ANSWERS one os on oe Page. 16 34 48 62 73 82 92 100 103 106 117 129 142 150 158 162 170 175 185 208 231 236 278 a2 321THE . ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Se PART II. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, 183, A QUADRATIC EQUATION, or an equation of two dimen- sions, is that into which the second power of the unknown quantity enters, toithuut or with the first power, Thus g?=25 and 2? 2¢=15 are quadratic equations, Pure Quadratic Equations. 184. When the terms of an equation involve the square of the unknown quantity, but the-first power does not appear, the equation is culled u pure quadratic equation, and the value of the square iy obtained by the rales for solving simple equa- tions ; and by extracting the square root of both sides, tho quantity itself is found. Ex. 1. 52*-43=0; to find x, By tronsp, 5x? = 45. ' a?=9, ce (Art. 113), w= V9= 43, The signs + and — are both prefixed to the root, because the syuare root o£ @ quantity may be cither positive or negative (Art. 93), The sign of # may also be negative; but still & will be either oqual to +3 or —3, Zz. 2, az*= bed ; to find a, a a be BF a aca a/(“). 3a+ S(92t—4) 3z— V(9nt—4) Ba 4+1 = 5 Apply Art, 148, then T@at oH = T1778" Ez. 8, =4; to find wI ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Squaring sae 2 ; 2 si =2: (Art. 147), waghs 1. wet g. Ex, 4. i 2 Taveme” Tey” we finds Simplifying the left-hand side, we have 14 V(l~at)-14 V-o) 1 4 BV (dm ety 1, . 1-(.-4?) zt? a at? ”» 27(1-a*)=1; squaring, we have 4-—datel; » dot=B5 on Te LE VB. Ex, 5. t+ V(G?-a*) = to find y, ea Multiply each side of the equation by V(a*—4!), then av (a*—a?) +0? ~at=na* 2 ON (a? ~at) = (n+ I)a*—at. Squaring both sides of the equation, we haye at —ate*=(n+1)%a4—2atat(nt+ 1) +4 ; ata? (Qn 41) = (n+1)%a4 ; et Dtat (n+ 1a? On +1 jar Leth 1 peg tla . 6 Gk oT a 2-2 Ex. 6. =VQe+I) ; find o. V@ri-1* Ve-n+i (e+I)-1 7 (w@—-1)-1 V(e+I-1° V@-ij+t 2 NDF IV Gt D1 {¥(@- 1-1} V@e—-1j 4} AV (¢+1)-1 V(e~J)+1 = VQe4 1). = fQn+1);QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. g 2 V+) $14 V(e-1)-15 VQe+)). o V¥@+))+V¥(@—-1)= ¥(224+1). o @+lta—-142V (a? -1)=2e41 % 24@F-Dst Agt-Aeal o 4835; c= 245, * Otherwise :Rationalizing the denominators, we have vi D+1b | (w-2){ V(e-1)-1 elV@enen, @-MYeVN ec4y 6 V¥(a+1)+1+ V(@w—-1)-1= V(2r+1); ote. EXAMPLES LXV. Solve the following equations, 1. (v+3)*= 604-25, 2. Te ~83=7} +325, 3. 10x* +17 pee Sat ~ ' Ss” Tiwt-8 o 30x%413 Sat+1 2,3,4,8 4 57 ee 1) Qa% 5. zt + at Ruts 2 5, Gat 6_ 6. otal? daeee® wad ote 14a7+16 Q2*4+8 2a* et+3 2-3 (a eee aye t gage 9. V(et+13) 424+ V(et-11), 10. w+ V{att+a*-o J (at+a4)} Ha, —i it I= V(t at)” T+ V0 2) “12. wise ata 18. (140) +9(1-2) 592, 11.4 ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. De atnt—atc a*nin+1) 14. 2+ J (x? +a? —a?) Vara 15 r-3 2-2. - Qn “OM (e+ly-20 Vie-ljrl Vea4+1j-T’ © a—2a 16. V(etaj)~ Va’ Vwe-a)+ yan VGn+a). ‘ r+ re? “ 17. Weryelt Verayci~ V {20 +5427 (Sat7)}. 3 n-2 Qred 18. Feyn et Versi" Vivety=r at-Ylet— a2) i241 ot — Bf ate — a2") t?-1" 19. 20. Ly(atsas BV +a )ot (0%, ate V(et—a*) 2~V(rt-aty 82 a- V@i-a) + Vat-at) T° : 21. a at+ V(at—74) 25tlm Vat + rt) — J la? —24) 22. Gata? * Veo . fe | pavoet : Adfected Quadratic Equations. 185. T£ both the first and second powers of the unknown quantity be found in an equation. arrange the terms according to the dimensinns of the unknown quantiry. beginning with the highest, und transpose the known quantities to the other side; then, if the square of the unknown quuntity be affected with a coe-ficient, divide all the terms by this eoe-fficient, and if its sign be negative, change the signs of all the terms (Art. 109) that the equation may be reduced to one of the forms, z* zg. Then ad 1 to both sides the square of half the coe-fiicient of the first power of the unknown quantity, by which means, the first sile of the eqnation is made a complete square (Art. 98) and the other consists of known quantities ;.and by extracting the square root of both sides, « simple equation is obtained, from which the vulue of the unknown quaatity may be found. °QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. ra Ea, 1, Let «t+pu=q ; now, we know that atepes Eis tho square of 2+% (Art. 98) ;add therefore! to both sides, and 2 2 : ? we have, 2* tpr+Eengs - Then by extracting the square root of both sides, ashe a V (0+ ‘). By transp. we — Be J (0+%)- In the same manner, if 2*--px=gq, =2 r “fal (8) Ea. 2. Let @*~122435=0, to find x By transp. 2° ~ 122 = —35; and adding the square of 1? or 6, to both sides of the equation, ~122 +36=36-35 <1, Then extracting the square root of both sides. . a-G=41 2s @=641=7 or 5, Either of which, substituted for vin the original equation, answers the condition, that is, makes the whole expression 2*—122 +435 equal to nothing. Ex. 3. tet S042 2 oss to find x, fat? 6+ =3043, be+2e42e304 30, o. 82t-ba=2, -fo=g at Sos (fH $5+ 59 98- w~-feot} o em §t7=2 or— ~}.6 ELEMENTS .OF ALGEBBA. 186, Ew. 4, Let e+ V(5m 410) 8, to find 2. By transp. (50410) 8-2. ‘ Squaring Bae + 1064-16408, . % wo ~ Mow —54, . ce wt Dare (Sf) Pa — 84 A Re, % 9-3} = LYS, waa iFa18or3. By this process two valnes of » are found; but on trial it appears, that 1§ does not answer the conditions of tthe equation, if we suppose that v(52+10) represents the positive square root of 5%+10, The reason is, that 5r+10 is the square of —-¥(57+10) as well as of+ V(5v+10); thus by squaring both sides of the equation /(57+10)=-8-2, a new condition is introduced, and a new value of the unknown quan- tity corresponding to it, which had no place before, Here 18 is the value which corresponds to the supposition that, w- S (52410) =8, . . It should be particularly observed, that since (+a) x (+y) is equal to (—%) x (—y), in the multiplication and inyolution of quantitiés new values are always introduced, which, if not a; excluded by the nature of the question, will appear in the final equation, t Siat+ 4+ 0 (orl) 4, / Viet ti) F(weiy 3 % Anda. o M(et+4)_ 341 V@ei) 3-178 Art. 148, V@4+4)=2V (e+). o wedded, o wt—4x=0 22(e-4)=0; - e=0org—-4=0. or a* ~ 49-44 % @-2=42 . @2222=4 or0. 187. An equation of the form az*+im+¢=0, (where a, 5, ¢, are any quantities whatever) may, however, be solved as fol- lows, without dividing by the coe-ficient of 2*. Ea. 3,QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, vi Multiply the whole equation by 4a, that is, four times the coe-flicient of «*, and add b* (the square of the coe-fficient of #) to cach side ; then Aatw® + dabm + b* =b* —4ac ; * Qac+b= V(b? ~4ac) bs V(t Sac) 2a - . o= Ez, 80*-1324+5=0; to find x, Multiply by 4x8, then : 256z — 4167— —160. , } ‘Add (13)? to each side, then 2560" — 4160+ 169 = ~160+16959. * 16e-13= +43, 13.23 o gee el org. This method of solving quadratic equations may be found in the Vija Ganita of Bhaskar Achfrjia, a famous mathematician who lived about the beginning of the thirtecnth century, Ex. 6. an(am—2) +40(a+a)-+at+12(a42n)* ; to find a. ata? — 240+ 4ac+ 4a? +a? + 1a? + 4am+ 4a, ata? —2am+1=0. 2 1 * a Tas -@ Here the two values of x are equal or are the same.3 ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, Acharjia'’s method. ats* -2am~-1, \ Multiply by 4a*, daa? - 8a®x = ~ 4a* Add 4a?, data? ~8a'x + 4a*= —4a*+Aat=0 +. 2atx—2a=0 - ae-1=0,ete. ~ Ey. 7 Let ot +424+2560; to find x at4etde 95 44——-21, o @+2=4 V(-21) oo = —- 24, S (21), To extract the square ront of —21 is impossible, therefore the values of x are impossible or imaginary. Ex. '8. Let 5x*—-212—20«0, to find the values of 2. wt —Aoed, at ot $44 44 $e3 883 oe BB) 2 e~Fh= ti o m= FZ G5=5 or —$. Ex. 9. 2t—100x24+196=0, to find a. - gt 1000 +50* = 50? - 196 2 o-50= & J {508-147} wet ¥4(50 +14)(50-14)} = t ¥ (64x 36) mt (8x 6) = +48 . 0= 504.48 = 98 or 2. ‘Ex. 10. Let adz—acz* = ber —bd ; to find x. acz? —adx + bea= bd. ad-be bd ote Be . ac ac ad—be, ad—be\* bd ad — be\ (35" t a ae as (So) es (S)'- 2ac ada be gadite 2ac > 2ae ooQUADRATIC EQUATIONR, ad@—}o ad+be ad _ ~2Qbe oe De i or "Fae * Yac * ae 2ac ad b “ Ge~ or. e a Ex. 11, 256z*~40r+1=0; to find 2, o—fye= - rhe — aa + Set = (oir)* — Cael® = (as + ty) - ve) adr * dee irl’ amas tay. S maedrad or ge. Es, 12. (@-In~ + (w-Dle-fi= Oa 9) Ca¥ 5 to find x. (2-df{e-$4e-H=Qx-N(2Q2-4), 2 (Q2-8)(@ - 2) =(22-BQzr-2), (Qe 2) Q2-2-24 920 ' (n~ 3) (0+ ge) <0. to 22-$=0, or et t=O. o Qe=F or ro ~ qh. @e§ or aa—yr, w-2, 2-3 a2 a-1 Hx, 13. goat g237 ec it st zagi te find x. w~2_ a-1_a@-2 m-3 wt, a~8 s-17 @-2" ~bet+6-at4+5n-4 22 -4yt4—a?+4a—-3 @—ae—3) (@-1)@-2) 2 1 “CHER C-he-y a. 2la—-1)(w—2) = (a — 4) (@— 8). 22*-G6944=2'- Te 412, wt +oa8 @+otda8+puas ‘ ated V(38) o w= —$45 4 (33),10 ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Ex, 14, (4-QV3)a*-(/8—1)ze2: to find a. V3~1 2 CBT 8-1 @t—HVBEDe—H(V341)% 2 B-H V8 4D n+ lV34 Yt HHV8 +1) +7 V8 41) V841), o-F(V8 41) oe 431341). w=2(V341)45(V341) = 341 or -3(¥3+1). 1 1 1 Seat Seb poe7 Oi t find a, gt Ez. 15. Multiply by (7 +a)(x+)(e—c), then (a+ b)(@—c) + (w+) (e—c) ~ (w +a) (e+ b)=0. 2% @—2cu=actbe+ab. ot —2Qcr+c? =c* + ac+ bet+ab. w-cmt J {(b+c)(ato}; % o=cdt Vi(b+e)(a+o)}. wel Qe Bo 16. are gabe bk eeabae 1 finds. w+] a? +3ab4+0? Qa Gab+ oF * at+204+1 at+2ab+b Boletis ab Art, 148. a+i a+b a+b g-1 ~* V@)~ £V(ab . eat V(ab)+b a (ab) +5" Eu. 17, Qu4 V{4et+ ¥(72*+2)}=1 ; to find 2, N fat f(To? +2)}=1-20, Aat+ J (10*+2)=1 -4et4et, 2 V(lat+2)=1—40, 2 Wet4251-804 160% f. 92% -8e=1.QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, 1k fre Gy adt GP Seb rs pedeal matsf=tor -1, a2—6 2-3 Ba-6 Ex, 18. Wears Fest? Wear sai? find a. @-1)-4 , (e-%9-1 _ (B2—8)-1 V(@-ij+2" V@-2)-1 V@e-5)+1" a V(a—-1)-24 V@~-2)4¢1= V(8e-5)-1 a V(@—-1) + Vle72)6 V(8r—5). fe O~ Lt a-242 Ve? 3042) = 8a~5, 2M (at -3242) =2-2. Aut —12948au*—-Avt4d 8a°~8e=-4 st fue~$ at— for (iia —h4(tag. w-f= 24. oo Ghee? or} Ex. 19, (-z4at}tel "4 ateet) ; to find x. l-a l+otyst iva" Toave Teal tera) . l-wta? 1-a “Leora” Tha l-atat= lio? 1 zx ~-@ oe Otte; “4 aut~ge~a, 1 1 Lat Ee (x) =3-12 Se ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, Ex. 20. V(x? -32+42)~ V(x?-87-6y = ¥(20)— V(12), to find x. (x*~32 42) — (x* —3z - 6) =8=20~12, By division V(a'~32+2)+ f(zt-32~6)= /(20)+ ¥(12) By addition 2 V(x? -3242)=2 (20). a? -374+2—20. + wt ~8n49=1842—82 w-Z= 48. * w=84$=6 or -3. Ex. 21. ata- VV (Ba*+2axr—z') = V (3a? —-4ar+2') + J(a*—2*) ; to find 2. at+a— J(at—o*)= ¥ {(8a—2)(a—2z)} + V{(Ba—%)(a+x)}. V(442){ V(a+2)— Vla—2)}= V(8a~-a) { V(a—2) + V(ata)}. V(atz) V(a-2)\+ ¥(atr) V(3a-0) V{a+%)— ¥(a-2)
. a a avb 6 ehot gett a a, avs 4 Bhan sk + wt 4+4a(1~ Vb)ot+a?=0, ora*+ja(l+ J5)e+ a? =0 j eto, 191. We will now solve some miscellaneous examples reducible to quadratics,QUADRATIO EQUATIONS. 25 w+ J (0? -a*) a Ex, 24, Let ao eta) a to find the values of 2. Teresi” ES, + at(enaltn (ut at)(o+a), 2 (@—a){a*(@ ~ a) — (@ta)}=0. * o-a=O0and =a; Algo 2*(a—-a) -— (w+a)'=0; so ~ax® ~ 9 -3a0* 308m -aP=0 5 * 4a 4+30c+a2=0; 2 B+ Jar + frat —F + fratm — Ja. * at+3a~440/(-71); * w=taf-34 V(-7)} g2-8 be-2 wr ba+8 bee? Ea, 25 Let x*= to find the values of a. Jat _5e-8 ae (335+) “g-5o48 wo be42 . or at 2. By Le . + itt aa hei8 Pobepy? * 9=05 1 1 * Be ond 1" gioha+8 bare ~6 Gri he tery we (u?—50+8)(a* — 5042) = -8. fe {(o? ~ 50-5) +3} { (et ~ 5045) — 3} = -8, o (at -50-+5)t-9e~8. (et 5at5)P=1. 2 wt -Se4+5a 41. ot —5e44=0, ot -504+6=0, * 21, 4,3 or 2ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Ee, 26. Let +e) vUl~a) t¢ Vita) I-VG-5’ to find the values of 2. V(le2) . SG+a)-1_ vl-a) 1+ VU-0) Vil+a)+1" V(l+a)-1° I~V(-2)~ 1+ ¥-2) . l+o- Vd+a) _ V(1~a)+1l-a@ = o 2eaV(L+a)+ V(1-2). o 4eoltet+1—e+2 V(1-s*). 4g? 2-2 V(1—at). 2 Mette V(L-a%). 2 4¢t—dat+1ol—at 2 4et=Bat; 4 ete 0; 1 wed. Also 4at=3; a= +t47(3). Ez, 27, Let fo-S= 7 Yous? to find the values of +. Multiply by o~-2, a-2/2—- & 16 Tar grr 16 4 ats+lb_2( ver.) +1516. . 4\e: 4 * (vex 4) -2(va+5) #1s16. 2. dat tntand, a Ed Ye =o o @-8 fe+4=0 or z+3Ja+4=0 c-5 a+ Gta ~4=F 2+3Je+ Qeap—4= -]. Va-ha 8 Nari= thy (~-1. Vo eh fu= —343¥(-7) 2 Ve=s4orl 2 o=H{-34M(-7} « 9=16 orl s{1£34(-7)}+ QUADBATIO EQUATIONS, 27 f VB, 28, Tosolve. a- V(at-2) eV @-y V(t £2) - S(a— V2) YF (e+ V2)+ V(a— V2) Vv (ct V2)+ V(a— V2)Ub Vat V2)— V(a— V2). : va V2)— S(a- V2) 8 _ 2, fi 19 § V@r ye HELIS OR 2)" Extract the fifth root of both the sides and raise them to tho fourth power, : _ a- V (et ~2) ” oe J (a2) wm V0? -2) ov (a -2) m+ Sf (aF~2)" 2— V(a?—2) » a Var — YF ” 5 V (e+ ¥2)4+ Vie-— V2 wa) x (at=2)8 Vex J- VE~ 2) =2e if(22) x (w?~ af == 2a Vv (m*—2), =20 V (a2). =2r V(x? ~ 2). -1=2 ¥ (et -2)=20 V(t -2). —1=32 ¥(a*-2), —2at +12 9a ~ 182% 8e4—1627~150, w—QWett+leadtlo§$. w#-1lea8vQ). * @elt3Vv@). + wea led VD}. 1 1 . ‘ Se of ee ez 9 i ibe tiesat fost- one 18m*-9m+1, to find the values of w, ‘ —— t+ Gz-2)@z—-l * Gz—-H@z-1 50-2 2 Ga-HGe- Hee GF NCD. En, 29. = (3a—1)(6a—1).“ 28 - eo 3a @ ig, 165. V7. 19. SR BRE ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, - (8x—1)?(2m-1)(6z—-3)=1. @x—1)*(6a—3) (62-1) =3. Ba—1)*{2(8¢—1) —1}{22—-1) +1) =3 (Be-1)?{48a~1)*-1}=3. 4(32—1)4 ~ (32—1)?=3 Ga-1)\—3b2-Deadembt had - (e-1P-s=44 (3a-1)?=}2$=1 or—} 3a —1=41 or £3v(-3) ¢ 3a=1 41 or 1£4V(—3). & coor g=%, or s=F{144 V(-3)}. EXAMPLES LAVI. -5r*+4=0, 2. 26—9n8+8=0. 210335 +32=0, 4. 2-3¥e42=0. a—-14fe+4+45=0. 6. Web +34 (a) = 152, x*—5r"4+4=0, 8. #t—41a°+ 40050, +37 (ax) =10a. 10. 2z24~3x=1175, 2 2 ae Tat oad. “12. a -827+7=0. s 2 5 Ret great. Jas, BN = sen > 33277 ~ 14m +1=0, 16. 2+ §et=3. 9a" . man ae" fa" ae -8& 18. 2-9 *%=2, ; Qet a 4)=3. 20. sia pat) 265. J (a? -9) ~34 (a ~9) +250. J {8(c*—5)} —44/{8(a* —5)} +3=0. . BY GET + VS (247) = 10. att ot 2V (zc? +244) =20. Qu? — $2 412-5 / Qx*- 5x46) =0.QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 29 ag, ots 4 Bs Boo, ON. (w—1)(e—-2) (e—3)(w —4) = 120. 28. (@-2a) (2~ 3a)(a—4a){x—5a)=3600". 29. (u*~5ax+2at)? +6 (x? -5ax+ 2a*)\a* +84 =0, 30. Cnt +62a%a? + 6a! — 35(a7 +42 )a=0. SL. Sat~54y 82. 2° ~taV (382° 4daw+4a*) =F(2e4 aja. £33. a -2V (Br? -2an+4)+4= falas iar). 34. V(et—-1)+ vone® 735. 37414 9° = 108. 36. a asr/ (Fi)- 2 ae 8. (erty 2 (SEE) ere, 3 +t 38. 2V¥a-V{4o- V(lle+5)}=1. 7 39. 020-1)? +80(¢~1)'~3Qm+ 1) 440041) 4820. 16, 60 12 7 0. &- QVet T+ Sab. 4. at teat 42. 2-245 (at —524 6) 24 (30433), @ 5 116 / 43. Syar5t Vea)” a" 241 T0+7 2 4g, TA, ett _ 2 Fy e 7 44. ao * Ove 18. 46. a4Oe—2* ode Eas 2 46. o°-32t422750, 47. a?-~24=4, 48. ¥(c?4+29)~2(ot 4) =2, 49. 1492047) (40-7) a2 Vm, 50. (2~1)(w—3)(%~5)(a~7) = (w-2)(%—4)(0 ~6)(2 5). BL Yee) +V¥4ll
“ Otherwise :— From the second equation, zt +y%=16—Qay ond ot ryt 256+ Quty? — bday. Bat a + yS=(e+y) (et — aby + ty? —ay8 +yt) 244, fe Bhat + y4 —ay (at +y*) + o2yt} = 244, 256 + 2a*y? —64ary —ay(16 ~2ry) + a*y* = 61. o oty?—16ay= — 39. 2 oy? —16xy+64—=64- 39225. . “ wy -8= +5. ay=8t5=130r3 - o yoid or 2 a+2=4,2*—4043=0. at—4@418=0. wp —do+4—4—-321, ats d= -9. a-2at1, a—-2243V(-D). wo24t1=3 orl. o=243/(—1), ‘ yo 1 or 3. yo2s3v (-1). Another method :—Divide the fitst equation by the second, then of ~28y +. wy? —ay84+y4=61. ql) From the second, v4 + 4a%y + 6x7y? +-4ay2+yt=256. (2) Take (1) from (2); 5u8y + 5a%y* + 5ay8=2195 ; wy (a? + ay +y*)=39, Bat ot+2ey+y2=16; % at toyty?=16—ay. "4 ay(16 ~ay)=39 or xy? -16ay= —39; ete.38 . ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, Ez.7. Let at4+2Qry—15 and wy+2y%=5, to find w ond y, a? + Qey=15. ‘ From the 2nd equation, 2ay + 4y* =10. oa + doy + dyt= 25, o @eQyat, From the first equation x(a+2y)=15; +. 2(4:5)=15. oe £3 From the second equation y(v+2y)=5; « youl cs = Ea. 8. vtate ee 2,ytat anh to find # andy. Dividing each side of the first equation by each side of the second, we have oF -a+—=3, y-a 7 Subtracting this from the second equation we have 2 Qee4s 2 wad, Also y-245=8; o yt-5y+4=0. Hence y=4 or 1. Ez, 9. 2c? +y%=9 and o+y=3, to find 2 and y. Divide the first equation by the second ; - then a&?—ay+y?=3 (1) But vt+2ey+y?=9 (2), by squaring 2nd. Subtract (1) from (2); « 3ay=6; . xy=2. (8) Subtract (3) from 1; « a*-2aytytol o @—y= tl and o+y=3, . gu Qeen4 or 2, 2y=2 or 4; @=2 orl andy=i1 or 2. Ex, 10. (a—y)(a*-y*) =5, (2+y)(2* +y*) 65, to find a and y, x wi —aty — ay +y? od, (1) w+ oty toy? +y3 =65, (2) Take (1) from (2); <. 2a*y+2xy*—60. @) Add (3) to (2); + w8+3z%y+3ay?+y? 3125, Extract the cube root; «. ety=5.QUADRATIO EQUATIONS. 39. From (3), ay@+y)=30. = ay=6. + yo$, ' w ath=b; 2 af-5e46=0; + 3 or 2 y=2 or 3, Ex. Ul, w+yt+ S(e+y)=G6 and ry=3, to find ¢ and y. (tty)+ V(ety)+4=bR=%e 2 V(aty)+ y= 2h \ © V(e+y)=—-34§=2 or~3, o+y=4or 9, . e=4-yor9-y, © yQ—y) =3 or y(4—y) =3. —9y = -3 or y*-4y= —3, yg? —9y + (Q)* = #23 or y? —4y t4ead~3, * y-f-$¥ (69) ory-254), o y=241=3 or 1, or $44-/(69). *. v=1 or 3 ete. 5 ise re % ay to find rand y- Ex. 12, —=20, and 7+2y=3, ot Uy" fa AVN pete St) +3 =20-8+45124, 3) Gomes o ey ~44§=3 or-4. o at dy? =3ay or —4ay, - 7 (B—2y)* —4y* = By(3 —2y) or = 4y(3-2y) 5 oo 9~12y + 4y* — dy? = Dy — by? or — 12y + By*, 6y? —2ly = —9, or 8y?= 9, “yp mdy tits ~h+ Bade. ‘ ' Y-EMAE; * y=Ft}=3 or 3}. o=3—2y=3-2%3 or 3-2x}=—3 or 2. From 8y*=9, y= 4$¥ (3) and s=3~2y=33 ¥(}). 140 . ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Ez.13. o9t8 =y3e, ven to find x and y. ar a=ySrenyts pagehs 2 y+8=6n. > But y=at; + at — -6n+8=0. Hence z=2 or 4 and y=4 or 16, Ex. 14. Let xt+y*-30-3y4+20y00 and aty=5—ay, to find the values of a and y. From the 2nd equation #* +? + 2ay=25 -10ay +a"y? ; oo Cyt = 25 - lay + wy? From the ist equation, (at +y*) —38(+y) + 2ay=0. 25 —12ay + ory? 35 —my) +2ey=0. aty? -Txy= —10, ay? —Tay += -104+4he * ey-fek3. “ GyYs$tR=2 or 5. o+2sb—2 or o+2a5—5. o—3242=0. » a4 5=0. 2 c=2orl, # oat ¥(-5). * y=lor2. sys ¥(-5). st oo a A Ex, 15, Tosslvey + 549 AG +204) (A) Bey ays Dede 19) ~ @) a oe ae ont, iat! qty +5, * pat pay a+ o at Bat ye at 8 oo ~9, tH =0. arty By y at ge 6) 0. apt (ay a) t4 . (2-%- 5-430. “ lag" saN eroe # se : poo VT a ote Fayre) gay? ok _ ay Layee 1 ray oe eo ot J ny) 2) ‘ re — FONT 216. are" Ney Q42 ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA. Ba. 17, Let ot=G6x+2y and y4=2r+ by, to find # and y. ot = 6x + 2y, . yt = Qrt by. + ot+yt=8(n+y), - gt—yt=A(n—y). : o 4-9) (et +y4) = Bla +9) (xt - 8). a 4a5 +1204y—120yt —4y5=0, 2 £8 43aty —B2y* —y5 =0, - put s=vy, and divide by y5, 4/05 -143(04 0) =0. 2 v-1=0, . veh cevyay= (642) =Y8=2, Also of +u? ¢u% +041 +30? +0240) 20. 1 wht do? + 4p? + 404160, a otedugee dy 40, v v (e+) +4 (045 + +4=0. 1 ” (o+3)" +4(o+2) +4=2; etc, 2, », ' Fx. 18, Let ayta2=5, vy +yz=8, aetyend ; to find a, y, 2 Subtract the third equation from the sum of the first and second, Then 2ay=4 and zy=2, (t) From the first equation az=3 (2). From the second yeo6 (3) Divide the product of (1) and (2) by (8), then #1, 7241. Divide the product of (1) and (3) by (2), "then yard, y= 22. Divide the product of (2) and (3) by 1, then 2*a9, e= 4:3.: ‘ QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, 43 Es. 19. Let tty to=6 @ ‘gtiyttetaly 42 ¢ Bota ° (y?+2uz)(e+e)—y@t+e)=by*-4 By, 2 Multiply the first ‘equation by the second and add the third equation to the product, then athe a abaies tet Gy? + 12y +8. i (+2)? (y+ 2)*, w Breoyt2. , From (1) s+z2= ~—y +6. 1 et yak From (1) s+204. 2. m*+2n2+28= 16. " From (2) 2 +27 =10. (A) . Qare6 (B) Subtract (B) from (A), then 2? —2uz4st=4; 6 Ges 2. But a+e=4, 1 Quad e2e6 or 2 . . Ge3 or 1, Also 2¢=42=2 or 6. + e=1 or 3, Ez. 20. Let fat + yt)=$(y* +27) = G3 (a? + at) = aye, to find w, y, 2. =) @) ¥, 2.8 @) wz, 2-13 , yt ay” @ Subtract (C) from the sum of (A) and (B), thea ptet Pat; 2 Q) From (A) Ze 5 (2) From () Ze a @)44 ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRA, Multiply (1) by (2), thond= es x heads soa, . 1 Multiply (1) by (@), thenS—=hs Multiply (2) by @), thong rhs a EXAMPLES LEVIIL. ” Solve the following equations. “1. : 2. 4. 8. 8. 10. 12. 13. id. 15. 16. 17. 19. /21. 22. 23. 24. Ba? + 2y?= 35, 4m*-By* a 24, . wrysT,cysl2 © 3. a-y=5, ty=86. _ we yradb, aya 5. o+y?=13, 8a+4y=17. wr—yta9, w+2y213. 7. ot +ay=28, my+2y*=30, ' 1,1 5 2,3 gt gre oty=5. 9. ar ye atysb, Qoty=1T, ot—ytell, Il. a*+ay=45, —y? =9, 4a%+ Ty? =48, 32% —y*= 26, at +3ey= 70, +6 may. a+ oy + 3y?=93, 2a* - Bry +y? 6. , at —Qey +2y* 10, 2n*—4ay+y?=—7. a4 Qay4b, cyt By? =22, ot —ay=15, y*~2y=10. 18. o*~92y=10, aty=L wt ~ Oy? 16, ay —By*t =2. ot pny +yt=121, 52° 42g? = 120. (a+3y)(82+y) =60, 2a(o+y) =25-y*. a cy ty?=208, a+y=16, ‘don? ~ Ty? +2720, ety =6. wt — Buy + 2y* a3, 20+ 3y=16.25. 26. 2. 29. 30. 3h 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 3. 38. 40. 41. 42. 45. 46. 411. 48. /(49. QUADRATIO EQUATIONS. 45 a? —82y—10=0, zy—3y?=2, O49 2-9 gy fe yee zayt ofy 4, tyr ad. 1 1 1,1.51,1_ 18 eroebh, yt 5a. 28. ay” @ att Ro 3g° oy seen Beyt=90, Qe+y=(e—1), s-y=3. eryprory=32, oy +o-ysB. Bry t V(ey)=28, oF +y?+ ay = 336. yoyta, o=5o+2y, 20x? -12y? maty?, dy? 32? 7. a oan+ by, y? =br+ay. (w+ 2y)?#-2=2(y +6), 2e+y=5, y?—Aay + 90% +20=6y. Byt—12ny +2u*— 40412720 y—2tol9,y-e=1, 39. abty?m28, ory=4. 3(u*- 1) = 4ay, 2(2y* +1) =3ay. ax — by =may,<— ao 2y*may +2, 4c? oxy +30. ayry=9, cy +y'=45. 44. Va-Vy=1, V(ay)=12. 114. 1,1_5 ety tt) tet ie wo ty? 28, aty + ay? 12, ao yt - Fo eeh aoe. (ety) (ety) =175, (@-y)(e*-y*) 7. Brytt V (a? +y*)=30, o+ycyery.
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo: (Original For Recipient)
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Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo: (Original For Recipient)
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Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo: (Original For Recipient)
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Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo: (Original For Recipient)
1 page
Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo: (Original For Recipient)
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Tax Invoice/Bill of Supply/Cash Memo: (Original For Recipient)
1 page
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12 Aug 19 F Original Invoice
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Algebra Loudon
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Algebra Loudon
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