EWSETA Learner Management Registration User Guide

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ETQA Skills Development Provider
Learner Registration


Assessment Act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality, or importance

of something, or the judgment or decision that is made

Batch ID Unique Identifier of a batch of Learners

Batch Master Database/cohesive platform for storing learners and linking them to
their respective interventions/programmes

Batch Selection & A field selection with a dropdown of batches that have been created
Fetching Learners

Document Upload Documents required to register and assess a learner

Intervention Academic Intervention which a learner is registered for

Learner Management A learning management system is a software application that

System provides the framework that handles all aspects of the learning
process – it's where you house, deliver, and track your training

Learner Registration Confirmation of the admission of the student to the academic

programme after submission of a completed admission form with
necessary supporting documents

Learner Unique System generated unique Identification Number given to a learner

upon registration
Learnership Agreement: this is an agreement signed by the learner,
Agreement Report the organisation employing the learner, and the education provider
offering the theoretical training component of the Learnership.

Learning Program Learning programme means the sequential learning activities,

associated with curriculum implementation, leading to the
achievement of a particular. qualification or part qualification.
A learning programme can be identified. with a cluster of
qualifications, a single qualification or a part qualification.

Organisation Project that has been awarded to the Employer to carry out training
or appoint an SDP to train.
Qualification an official course in higher education especially one conferring status
a learner is registered for.

QDM Qualification Development and Maintenance- The delivery of quality

training in South Africa requires a combination of accredited training
providers that are able to deliver excellent quality training content and


Skills Development Provider - An accredited training provider is a

provider who has registered with an appropriate Quality Council
related to the kind of learning they deliver, and is in the process of, or
has completed final accreditation.

Skills Programme A skills programme is a unit standard or combination of unit

standards that leads to an employable skill, and earns a credit on the
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) National Qualifications
Framework (NQF) National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
towards a qualification.
The Provider will login to the system with his/her credentials and go to:

To register/capture Learners on the system click on the link below to

access the EWSETA MIS portal https://mis.ewseta.org.za/

To be able to capture Learners a provider will be required to login into

the system using their email address and password, if you have
forgotten your password click on

Click on the Learner Management menu to start capturing learners on the system
Click on the Learner Management menu>>a drop down menu will appear as shown

Batch Master
ETQA>>Learner Management>>Batch>>Create

Skills Development Providers will be required to create a batch for the learners that
needs to be registered manually or via an import, the Batch can be distinguished by
the learning pathway, qualification, skills program, learning
programs(artisans,internship,learnerships) which is essentially a batch type/ category.
Learner management>> Batch Master

Learner Management to batch master to view and create

ETQA Batch Master
The Provider will login in to the system with his/her credentials and go to the
ETQA >> Learner Management >> Batch Master, the

following form will appear.

Enter the batch type, Intervention, batch name, and registered qualification for the
Skills Development Provider.


Learner registration form

To create a new Learner click on the create button under Learner Registration
and the following form will appear.

Learner registration>>Create>>Public Information

Personal Information
Provider will be required to capture Learner personal details

Public Information
Personal Information

Address Information

Qualification Registration

User (Provider) should add a line to add a qualification that Learner is being
registered for.

Users will be required to enter qualification, skills program or learning program being
registered for, the assessor, moderator linked and the batch number they belong to as shown

Upon successful completion of all the required fields the provider will save a record and click
on the submit button as shown below.

Following fields will be appearing in grid:

Learner : Person who enrol for any Qualification.
Identity Number : Identification is the National Id of selected person.
Qualification : Qualification List for which person wants to enrol.
Unit Standards : Unit Standards are the unit within the selected qualification.
Assessor : Person who assesses the learner for the selected qualification.
Moderator : Person who moderate the assessment process.
Time Table : Time table for the selected qualification.
Record will move to the submitted stage upon completion and clicking the submit button

Skills Programme Registration

User (Provider) will have to select the Skills Programme that they are accredited for to be
able to capture learners, select the created batch for the skills program and link it to the
learner as shown below.

Create Skills Programme Batch>>learner Registration>>Skills Programme>> Batch>>

Learning Programme Registration

Users (Providers) can click on the Learning Programme menu and a

wizard will pop up. Select the accredited programme as shown below
Following fields will be appearing in grid:
Learner : Person who enrol for a Learning Programme.
Identity Number : Identification is the National Id of selected person.
Learning Programme : Learning Programme List for which person wants to enrol.
Unit Standards : Unit Standards are the unit within the selected qualification.
Assessor : Person who assesses the learner for the selected qualification.
Moderator : Person who moderate the assessment process.
Time Table : Time table for the selected qualification.

Bulk Learner Import

Click on the import functionality to import learners onto the mis system

Upload wizard will pop-up where user will select the file with all the learner records to
Other Documents
User to upload signed agreement reports back into the system on the relevant field

Once the upload of documents is done, SDP can click on the submit button learner Record for

Bulk Submission

The system has a bulk submission functionality to allow submission of multiple learners for

SDP is able to view the status of each and every learner under Learners.
Learner Unique ID & Learnership Agreement Report

Upon successful enrollment the system will generate a unique ID for each learner and under
the print functionality a learnership Agreement can be generated as shown below.
Also download the relevant agreement report based on the intervention that a learner is being
registered for. Relevant parties will be required to sign the Agreement Report. Upload the
Learner Status Tracking

Verification>>Approval / Rejection
After submission SDP can track the status of Learner record from the Learner Status

This is a database of all registered learners with their unique Learner Registration number
and their status.

Once the learner is approved by the Quality Assurance & Compliance department, the system
will generate a master entry in Learner master with a unique Learner identification number as

Searching for Learner Records

Note that there are many options to search for a learner on the MIS system. Users can type
in the name of the learner or do an advanced search. The filter functionality enables users to
search for their learner using different options.
Grouping Learner Records

The group by menu enables the user to group learners by state, province, creation period,
gender, qualification types, batch etc. This is also pivotal in report generation.


Favourites menu is for importing learner records from a template file and also used to save
frequently used searches e.g. ID or Learner Registration number are unique identifiers.
Learner Status
During the tenure of training learners can move stages depending on the scenario, the system
has smart buttons drop out, replacement, suspend, in active, achieved.

The End

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