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Two sources of Kenyan history.

- Archaeology. – Anthropology - Linguistics. - Oral traditions. - Written sources. - Electronic sources.

- Geology.
. Two species of the early man whose remains were discovered in Kenya.
- Dryopithecus Africans (Proconsul) - Kenya Pithecus/Ramapithecus - Australopithecus/Zinyanthropus
- Homo-habalis - Homo-Erectus 2 x 1 = 2mks
One community in Kenya that belongs to the Eastern Cushites.
- Somali. - Borana. - Oromo. - Gabra. - Rendille. - Burji.
Two duties of the Orkoyot among the Nandi.
- He presided over religious functions. - He foretold future events.
- He was a medicine man. - He was a rainmaker.
The main reason why the early visitors from Arabia came to the Kenyan Coast before 1500AD.
- To trade.
Factors which influence said Seyyid to develop Agriculture in Zanzibar in the 19th century.
- Zanzibar had favourable climate for clove growing. - Availability of slave labour.
- Zanzibar had fertile soils.
- Zanzibar had a natural deep harbour which would promote trade in agricultural products.
One condition when one may be denied the right to life.
- When one is defending ones life. - Defending ones property. - When escaping a lawful custody.
- When a law enforcement officer life is endangered e.g. during war riot or when arresting a criminal.
One community which resisted the British occupation of Kenya to the West of the Rift Valley.
- The Bukusu.
9. Two problems which the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEA) faced in the administration of Kenya during
the colonial administration of Kenya during the colonial period.
- Inadequate funds to perform its duties. - Poor means of transport and communication.
- Lack of skills in administration by company officials. - Rebellion from Kenyan ethnic communities.
- Company officials were corrupt.
The main reason that enabled the British to conquer Kenya?
- They had superior weapons. 1 x 1 = 1mk
Ways through which European settlers in Kenya were able to get labour force during colonial period.
- Forced recruitment/conscription/Denying African right to grow cash crops.
- Through introduction of kipande system.
- Through introduction of taxation by the British government.
One philosophy adopted at independence to promote social justice in Kenya.
-African socialism. - Harambee.
Two economic challenges that Kenya experienced after independence.
- Landlessness. - Mass unemployment. - Inadequate skilled manpower.
- Investments stagnated due to transfer of capital from Kenya by emigrating white settlers.
- Poor infrastructure.
Section of constitution which repealed to give way to the introduction of political pluralism in Kenya.
- Section 2A of the constitution.
The main role of Kenya anti-corruption commission?
- Investigate corruption cases in a non-partisan manner and prosecute officers involved in corrupt deals.
The main challenge facing the implementation of free primary education in Kenya.
- High enrollment.
Two types of direct taxes which the government uses to raise revenue.
- Pay As You Earn (PAYE) - Income tax. - Airport tax. - Game park tax. - Property transfer.
Name three similarities in the social organization of the Agikuyu and Luo during the pre-colonial period.
- In both the family was the basic social unit.
- Marriage was compulsory and exogamous in both. Also they were polygamous.
- Believed in one God and had special shrines where they worshipped.
- Believed and honoured special spirits.
- Had informal education.
- In both there was division of labour according to gender and youth.
- Practised initiation for the youth.
Describe the social-political organization of the Mijikenda during the pre-colonial period.
- They were organized into clans consisting of a number of related families and claimed a common ancestor.
- Boys underwent initiation and formed an age-set.
- Believed in a God known as Mulungu.
- Worshipped ancestral spirits.
- Intermarriage between different clan was allowed, and practiced polygamy.
- Social ceremonies were marked with song and dance.
- There was the division of labour.
- Council of elders Kambi played a very important role in the political organization of the Mijikenda.
- Age-set system provided community with warriors who could defend the community from external attack.
- Mijikenda clan-system assisted in strengthening the bonds among members of the community.
- Intermarriage between different clans also contributed to the strength of their social and political unity.
Give three sources of information about the East Coast of Africa before the 7th century AD.
- Graeco-Roman documentary . - Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. - Claudius Ptolemy’s Geography.
- Christian Topography of cosmos indico pleastutes
- Documents by Arab merchants e.g. Ibn Batula and Al-Masudi.
Six impacts of the Indian Ocean trade on the Kenyan Coast people.
- The local people intermarried with the Arabs giving rise to the Swahili people.
- Kiswahili emerged as a new language among the people of the East Coast.
- Islamic culture spread along the Coastal region.
- Islamic law, sheria was introduced along the East Coast.
- Islamic became the religion of the people along the Coast.
- New crops were introduced along the Coast e.g. fruits – mangoes, cloves etc.
- New towns were established while old ones expanded.
- There arose a class of rich people as a result of trade.
- Local industries declined as a result of new goods imported from abroad.
- Increased slave trade led to increased warfare.
- Barter trade was replaced by the currency system. 6 x 2 = 12mks
Give three ordinances that were passed by the colonial government between 1896 – 1902.
- Indian Acquisition Act (1896). - Land Regulations Act (1897). - Crown Land Ordinance (1902).
- East African Land Order in Council (1901) Any 3 x 1 = 3mks
Explain six consequences of the colonial land policies in Kenya during the colonial period.
- Land alienation disrupted traditional structures. Men went in search for employment while women carried out tasks
for men.
- Land issue became one of the primary grievances that sparked nationalist activities ike Mau Mau
- The best available land was carved out for the construction of the railway European settler forming and missionary.
- Africans were pushed into the reserves which were overcrowded experiencedoverstocking and consequent soil
- Introduction of the kipande system enforced by the native registration ordinancesof 1915 and 1920.
- Introduction of tax payment on Africans to force them seek wage employment.
- Situation in the reserves forced many Africans to look for alternative settlement Africans became squatter on European
- Put Africans at the mercy of the colonial government this created a sense of insecurity and bitterness.
Factors that facilitated industrial development in Kenya.
- Existence of natural raw materials like soda ash and gold.
- Availability of water surfaces e.g. lakes which provide fish for fish processing industries.
- Rich scenery and wildlife have promoted the tourist industry.
- Forests in Kenya have provided raw materials for furniture and paper industry.
- Kenya’s rivers provide water for hydro-electric power generation.
- High population provide labour and market.
- Availability of transport and communication for the movement of raw materials manufactured goods and labour force
i.e. railway, road and water transport.
Steps that the Kenya government has undertaken to boost industrial growth since independence.
- Establishment of financial institutions to finance industrial projects in Kenya.
- The government passed the foreign investment act that allowed foreigners to repatriate their profits – hence
encouraged to invest in the country.
- In 1960, the government established the Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) to provide technical advice and capital for
establishment of factories by Africans.
- The government put in place strategies to protect domestic industries.
- Kenya power and Lighting company was established to provide hydro-electric power for industries.
- Statutory bodies are established by an act of parliament to provide services which enhance industrial development e.g.
Kenya Railways.
- Allowing foreign investment.
- Supporting the Jua Kali Sector.
- Creation of export processing zones to establish industries for exporting products cheaply.
- Rural electrification to enhance industrial delocalization. 5 x 2 = 10mks
22. (a) Three main methods of conflict resolution in Kenya.

- Mediation.
- Negotiation.
- Arbitration. 3 x 1 = 3mks
(b) Six ways in which the government of Kenya promotes the Bill of Rights.
- The bill of rights guarantees a person the right to life. This means that taking away
life by murder or suicide is punishable under the law.
- It provides the right to own property. Thus any person who may possess another
persons property unlawfully is liable to prosecution.
- It provides for freedom of conscience/religion of the individual. This entitles the
individual the right to think, worship or not worship.
- It provides for freedom of association/assembly.
- It provides for freedom of an expression. This allows a person to express his opinion
freely in writing or speeds without fear
- It provides for protection against slavery and forced labour. This allows the individual
to choose when, where or whom to work for.
- The bill of rights protects the individual against arbitrary search, arrest and detention.
6 x 2 = 12mks

History & Govt. Paper 1 4


23. (a) Identify five requirements in the constitution making process.

- Provision of civic education.

- Collecting views from the public.
- Drafting the constitution.
- The draft constitution is published for the public.
- The review commission holds public hearing in all areas for further recommendations.
- Convening of a national constitutional conference to amend or reject the recommendations.
- They agreed upon issues are re-drafted and presented to the Attorney General by review
- If certain issues are rejected at the conference the commission organizes a referendum
for the public to vote.
- The Attorney General publishes the draft constitution inform of a bill.
- It is introduced in parliament for enactment. Any 5 x 1 = 5mks
(b) Describe five features of the independence constitution of Kenya.
- It provided for a governor general who was the head of state on behalf of the queen.
- It provided for an independent judiciary to ensure justice and prevent corruption.
- It set up a judicial service commission to appoint judicial officers.
- It provided that the governor in consultation with regional authorities and the Prime
Minister appoints Chief Justice.
- It provided for six regional governments and assemblies whose power included control
of land, education, health and the police.
- It entrenched rules of citizenship, fundamental rights of citizen’s and amendment
- It specially provided for the establishment of the public service commission and the
central land board to ensure fair and effective government.
- It provided for the tenure of the office of judges and the Attorney General.
- It provided for a multi-party democracy where the party with the majority in parliament
formed the government.
- It provided for a bicameral house of the senate and house of representative.

Any 6 x 2 = 12mks

24. (a) Five members of the county government in Kenya in the new constitution.

- Country governor.
- Deputy county governor.
- Members appointed by the county governor.
- Members elected by the registered voters of the wards/county representatives.
- Special seat members.
- Members of marginalized groups. 5 x 1 = 5mks

(b) Five challenges that are likely to be faced by the county governments.
- The formula adopted for allocating funds may not be acceptable by all.
- Some counties may fail to raise enough revenue internally in addition to the funds
received from the national government.
- There may be overlapping of some functions between the county and national
- There may be the need for capacity building in order to get skillful labour force
at the county level.
- Structuring certain institutions to be in line with the constitution is a challenge.
- Cross-county planning and development in terms of resources may cause conflict.
- Challenge of economies of scale in the provision of services.
- There may be some gaps in matters of policy. 5 x 2 = 10mks)

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