IIDPR022 Attachment D DDS Overtime Reason Codes 9-19

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AUS – Authorized Staff Overtime used to meet required minimum staffing complement (e.g. use for vacant
positions, “hole” in schedule with no PC#, complement increases due to residential census increase).
BEH – Client Behavior Overtime for employees called in to work because of a need for extra staffing due to
individual behavior. (Temporary situation/not part of a current individual program).
CSK – Client Sick Overtime worked because an individual who would normally be at a day program is ill and
stays home or requires staffing to accompany to emergency room (unexpected illnesses)
CSP - Client Appointment Overtime to accompany an individual to a scheduled medical or other
DAY – Client Day Program Overtime required because of a day program closure or cancellation, or lack of
an assigned day program.
EMR – Emergency/Weather Overtime to provide staffing when a residential program decision has been
made to keep individuals home due to weather or other emergency.
ETM – Earned Time Overtime worked to cover for employees off on paid earned time (vacation, holiday, PL).
FUR – Furlough Overtime worked to cover for employees off on furlough time.
GAP – Gap Time Overtime worked between two shifts up to a one hour maximum. An employee who
chooses to remain on duty at the worksite during this gap period shall be assigned duties and receive
overtime pay at the applicable rate. Travel time between assignments should not be coded to GAP time
but should be coded to TRV as shown below.
MSC – Miscellaneous/Other Cause Overtime where no other code applies. Should be used only in rare
circumstances and must be able to explain reason.
PGM – Client Program Overtime worked because of a documented/approved individual program/intensive
staffing. This includes transportation of individuals to day program, family homes or airports for
approved travel.
RES – Client Respite Overtime worked in order to provide staffing for an individual who is temporarily
placed. This should not be used for more than 30 days.
SCK – Staff Sick Overtime worked to cover for employees out due to illness, appointment, or sick family.
This includes FMLA and non-FMLA absences.
TRN – Training Overtime to replace staff released for training or for employees attending training.
TRP – Transportation/Maintenance Used by maintenance staff when called in to respond to a maintenance
problem. Also, should be used for vehicle maintenance/service.
TRV – Travel To be used when traveling to an overtime location that is different from the normal work site
including travel to attend training.
UBL – Union Business Overtime to replace staff released for union business.
ULV – Unpaid Leave/Leave Authorized/Unauthorized Used to replace an employee who is on unpaid leave
or administrative leave with pay or to replace an employee who is tardy and is not using paid earned
WCP – Workers Compensation Used to replace an employee who is out on workers compensation.

II.D.PR.022 Attachment D DDS Overtime Reason Codes Rev. 9/2019

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