TDS Conbextra EBGM India5

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Conbextra EBG(M) constructive solutions

Epoxy resin bearing grout Properties

Mixed density : 1.75 + 0.05 g/cc

The following results are typical for the hardened grout at 300C
An epoxy grout for use in situations where heavy dynamic or
cyclic loads are encountered. The gap between a base plate Colour of the mixed material Grey
and substrate will need to be filled in situations such as recipro- Compressive strength (N/mm2)
cating machinery, testing equipment, crane rail and transporter
(ASTM C 579) 1 day >40
rails, high speed turbines, bridge bearings, centrifuges and
drop forges. 7 days >60

Conbextra EBG(M) is suitable for a wide gap range from 3mm Tensile strength (N/mm2)
to 50mm. (BS 6319 part 7) at 7 days >12

Also for use in conditions where chemical spillage may be Flexural Strength (N/mm2)
encountered. Typical situations could be met in steel works, (BS 6319 part 3) at 7 days >20
refineries, electroplating works and chemical plants. Note: The typical physical properties given above are derived
Advantages from testing in a controlled laboratory environment. Results
derived from testing of field-applied samples may vary, depending
Low creep characteristics under sustained loading on actual site conditions.
 Better dynamic load response
Chemical resistance
 Non-shrink and hence ensures complete surface contact Conbextra EBG(M) is resistant to oil, grease, fuels, mild acids
and bond
and alkalis, fresh and sea water. Consult Fosroc when expo-
 High compressive, tensile and flexural strengths sure to solvent or concentrated chemicals is anticipated.

 Fast, convenient installation with early strength gain Pot life

 Withstands a wide range of chemicals Ambient temperature affects the time for which large quantity
of mixed bulk material will remain fluid.
 Suitable for narrow gaps of 3 to 50mm.
Typical value in minutes at 300C : 60
Conbextra EBG(M) will develop a temperature rise on mix-
Conbextra EBG(M) is a two part, prepacked and prebatched
ing. Its extent will be a function of the volume to surface ratio,
thixotropic grout material which is particularly suitable for heavy
the ambient temperature as well as the mass and thermal
load bearing situations. conductivity of the surrounding materials. Contact Fosroc for
Technical support specific data.

Fosroc offers a technical support package to specifiers and Application instructions

contractors as well as technical advice from staff with practical
Surface Preparation
experience in the industry
Concrete Surfaces

All contact surface must be free from oil, grease, free stand-
ing water or any loosely adherent material. Concrete surfaces
should be cut back to a sound base, if needed

All dust must be removed and bolt holes or fixing pockets blown
clean of any dirt or debris.

Steel surfaces

All steel surfaces should be shot blasted free of rust and flaky
mill scale. Cleaned surfaces may be protected by the applica-
tion of Nitoprime 28.
Conbextra EBG(M)

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Conbextra EBG(M)

Formwork Estimating
The formwork should be constructed to be leakproof. Loss of Supply
grout material placed, but not hardened, will result in incomplete
filling of the gap. Conbextra EBG(M) is supplied in 3litre ( 5.4 kg) packs contain-
ing base and hardener.
Shelf life
Pour all the contents of the base and hardener packs into a
suitable container. Mix using a slow speed power mixer until Conbextra EBG(M) has a shelf life of 12 months in unopened
homogenous. container under normal warehouse condition.

Placing Precautions

The mixed grout should be poured or pumped under pressure Health and Safety
steadily from one side only to eliminate the entrapment of air. Conbextra EBG(M) contains resins which may cause sensiti-
Continuous grout flow is essential. Sufficient grout must be sation by skin contact. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and
available prior to starting grouting operation. Time gap between inhalation of vapour. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves
the successive stages of grouting should be monitored to avoid and eye/face protection. Barrier creams provide additional
skin protection. Should accidental skin contact occur, remove
immediately with a resin removing cream, followed by soap
Flow characteristics and water. Do not use solvent. Incase of contact with eyes,
rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical
The maximum distance of flow is governed by the gap thick-
attention immediately - do not induce vomiting.
ness, the gravity head /pressure and ambient temperature.
Conbextra EBG(M) is a thixotropic grout and requires to be Fire
pumped/poured under gravity, for filling the gaps.
Nitoflor Sol is flammable. In the event of fire extinguish with
Cleaning Carbon dioxide or foam.

All tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately after Nitoflor Sol : Flammable liquid
use with Nitoflor Sol. Spillages should be absorbed with sand
Flash Point : 330C
or sawdust and disposed in accordance with local regulations.
Keep away from sources of ignition - no smoking. Wear suit-
able protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Use
Temperature only in well ventilated area.

During application Additional information

For Conbextra EBG(M), at temperatures below 20 deg.C the The Fosroc range of associated products include high strength
cure rate may be slow, but will go to completion provided the cementitious, epoxy grout, polyester resin based mortar for
temperature remains above 50C. rapid presetting of steel shims to level or for direct bedding
of small base plates; Resin Anchoring systems for same day
In service
anchoring of bolts in drilled holes in concrete or rock. Also
The cured grout, which is completely resistant to frost and sub- available a range of products for use in construction; viz., ad-
zero temperatures, is suitable for use upto 600C. mixtures, curing compounds, release agents, flooring systems
and repair mortars.

Separate datasheets are available on these products.

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Conbextra EBG(M)

Important note :
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold
subject to its standard terms and conditions of sale, copies of which may be obtained on
request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification
or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or
continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either
Fosroc Chemicals directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products whether or not in accordance with
any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
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2nd Floor, Infantry Road, +91 80-42521900 +91 80-22281510
Bangalore 560 001,

Regional Offices

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Hills Centre,Old No 5, MBC Park, 12th floor, Office No.12B, Unit No. 601, Highway Tower-II 304, Jodhpur Park
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