Solving The TDM To Packet Migration Challenge AN
Solving The TDM To Packet Migration Challenge AN
Solving The TDM To Packet Migration Challenge AN
Service providers have a networking challenge and opportunity. Ciena 6500 PTS for TDM-to-
They must evolve away from their outdated Time Division Multiplexer packet migration and service
(TDM) networks, which are no longer sustainable, and migrate
• A true packet-optical solution:
to modern systems that use packet-networking technologies.
Ultra-dense 10/100/1GbE/10GbE,
Fortunately, the transition can be smooth and convenient for a 40GbE/100GbE connectivity
service provider. Ultimately, when the end customer migrates • Key applications for service
to an Ethernet service, the migration is much simpler. provider: ADM consolidation,
DACS and MSPP replacement,
The service provider industry has multiple reasons for technology migration, in network modernization, TDM
particular the phase-out of many TDM-based technologies service providers use to to Ethernet gateway
deliver switched voice, video, and data services. While market forces and technology • Hardware: 800G packet switch
benefits are driving the shift to packet networking, service providers are motivated and a portfolio of ultra-dense
Ethernet and Optical/Ethernet
to make the transition. Packet technologies will enable service providers to use
circuit packs, PDH circuit
automation and adaptive network techniques to improve Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM), emulation modules, and PDH
Digital Access and Cross-connect System (DACS), Digital Cross-connect System circuit packs
(DCS), and Multiservice Provisioning Platforms (MSPPs) locations (large and/or small).
• Programmable and adaptive:
The improvements will better enable service providers to maintain very profitable Advanced merchant silicon,
high ARPU TDM services with no control when business customers transition to supporting next-generation
packet, as their infrastructure rusts. packet routing
• Service velocity: Ciena’s ZTP
Packet networking is also versatile, offering capacity and advanced features service to simplify deployment and
providers can use to modernize their networks to improve internal IT processes and Ciena’s MCP tools that
diversify their businesses to create new revenue streams. Service providers already facilitate software controls
use packet networks to offer IP and Ethernet services for residential and enterprise and automation
customers for broadband, voice, cloud-computing, mobile backhaul, data center • Efficient: Up to 5x lower power
interconnects, and other networking services. consumption and 10x space
savings, depending on the
Traditional, legacy SONET and SDH approaches cannot fulfill these needs because the application
technology cannot scale to support packet services, whether for TDM-replacement or • High capacity: Up to 4x more
new networking services. Yet running parallel networks to meet both requirements is TDM circuit emulation capacity
than competing solutions
costly and complicated. For operational and business efficiencies, service providers
need a data transport system that can provide legacy and packet networking • Future-proof: Supporting TDM
services on a single, future-oriented, scalable foundation. business, Ethernet, and TDM-to-
packet modernization
Ciena’s 6500 Packet Transport System (PTS) is a platform that the equipment. Service providers need convenient networking
helps solve the challenge of modernizing a service provider’s solutions and tools that can support both legacy and packet
network with a graceful evolution plan. The 6500 PTS is an ultra- technologies and allow the eventual migration to packet with
high-density Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH), SONET, minimal disruption on the network.
SDH, and GbE/10GbE aggregation packet-optical platform.
The 6500 PTS is a major component of Ciena’s TDM-to-packet Ciena’s response for service providers: The 6500 PTS
solutions, which also includes TDM Small Form-factor Pluggable Ciena’s 6500 PTS is purpose-built to address the phase-
(SFP) devices, TDM modules, a common Manage, Control and out of TDM services with techniques that enable TDM-to-
Plan (MCP) service management, and Ciena Services. The packet migration as well as Ethernet services. Its primary
multiple platforms are available to help both large and small applications for service providers include ADM, DACS, and
service provider transition ADM, DCS, DACS and MSPP services MSPP replacement, TDM to Ethernet Gateway, and network
to packets and deliver broadband services to the market. modernization. As soon as the platform is installed for either
of these applications, service providers simplify their systems
TDM obsolescence challenges: and gain high-performing packet-optical networks that are also
Equipment shortages and skills gaps ready to deliver next-generation broadband services.
TDM technologies such as SONET, SDH, and PDH have
served the service provider industry for years, but the Converged solution: One key value of the 6500 PTS is its
equipment is often decades old and nearing end of life. With ability to deliver TDM and packet services on a single, common
equipment vendors building only packet-based technologies, platform. The solution allows both networking approaches to
replacements, and spare parts for TDM products are often coexist as long as necessary while giving service providers the
difficult to obtain. Vendor consolidation, often followed by capability to offer advanced IP and routing capabilities when
manufacturing discontinuation of complete product lines, they are ready to migrate to packets. The converged approach
has left very few, if any, options to fill empty equipment slots simplifies the network and minimizes transition costs.
or maintain old hardware. To make matters worse, legacy
Advanced timing and synchronization: The heartbeat of
products require different types of control software that can be
any circuit-based network is timing. The 6500 PTS supports
hard to update and impossible to integrate with new solutions.
several timing modes, including an internal clock, BITS, Line,
As a result of these trends, the SONET/SDH optical hardware Synchronous Ethernet, and 1588v2-Grand Master, boundary,
market, robust a decade ago, will be largely phased out by and ordinary clock support. Selecting a timing solution is a
2022, according to IHS Markit , and ADM, DCS, DACS and
1 straightforward and convenient process. Service providers
MSPP components are among the leading solutions impacted. can simply designate the preferred option when they remove
Service providers are already feeling the brunt of discontinued their DACSs and MSPPs and deploy the 6500 PTS. The solution
technologies. In-house engineers who are experts in the even allows service providers to use the existing local timing
legacy technologies are older and retiring, leaving skills distribution for the legacy systems, so they can maintain the
gaps among technical teams who operate and maintain same clock previously used.
Packet-optical foundation: Built on Ciena’s 6500 S-Series ADM replacement: Less power, more space
foundation, the 6500 PTS’s key features include an 800G Service providers use SONET/SDH to bundle all T1/E1, T3/E3
packet switch that uses the most advanced merchant silicon, connections on one continuous optical fiber infrastructure for
as well as a family of circuit packs and circuit emulation small and large remote offices to company headquarters, using
modules that enable service providers to choose the services three components:
they want to offer. The platform can meet any service
1. Links—interoffice facilities, local access, and alternate wire
provider’s need for TDM-to-packet migration, providing
connectivity for PDH, T1/T3, SONET/SDH, ADM/MSPP,
DCS, and DACS 3/3 and 3/1 while supporting Ethernet and 2. Access Ports—Central office (CO) facility used to
IP protocols. It is energy-efficient and highly scalable in a enter/exit the ring, including DS1/E1, DS3/E3, OC-3/STM-1,
compact unit, helping service providers reduce requirements OC-12/STM-4, OC-48/STM-16, OC-192/STM-64
for power and floor space. 3. Node—SONET/SDH add-drop multiplexers, located on
premise or central office
One network, one management and control system:
Ciena’s MCP software simplifies multilayer management Using an ADM as the on/off ramp, multiple customers were
and control so engineers can plan, provision, and launch multiplexed into a single beam of light, carried to the local
both TDM and packet services. It includes software control office/exchange, demultiplexed, and electrically terminated to
and automation tools that leverage data collected from a patch panel for connection to the high-speed network. Given
the network, predictive analytics, and network policies to the popularity, it is not surprising to see many ADM rings of
constantly assess operating needs and conditions. MCP various speeds and vendors. Historically, private or leased-line
removes chaos, returning control of the network and services services didn’t scale efficiently with the only option of going
back to the operator, making network operations simple, from T1/E1 to T3/E3 or going from 1.544 Mb/s to 44.736 Mb’s.
secure, and highly cost-effective with a single unified approach. With no low-order grooming, only multiplexing, most of these
connections did not utilize all the bandwidth, transmitting
Programmability and adaptive networking: The 6500 PTS
empty time-slots.
is programmable and adaptive, making use of an advanced
packet switch fabric to support TDM circuit emulation, VT1.5
Ethernet, IP, and MPLS technologies. The 6500 PTS can
support any number of new network architectures such as Ring
seamless MPLS or segment routing, which are essential
capabilities for modern, scalable, adaptive packet networks. OC12 Rings
Figure 2. 6500 PTS ADM consolidation
Service velocity: Ciena’s Zero-Touch Provisioning (ZTP), also
available with the 6500 PTS, simplifies device deployment and
With traditional ADM equipment discontinued by
system and service turn-up and enables performance testing
manufacturers or reaching end of life, service providers can
to be run from the network operations center. This improves
adopt 6500 PTS as a standalone solution to perform ADM
efficiency and eliminates the need for on-site personnel or
functions. For this application, the 6500 PTS consolidates
adjunct test equipment. Service providers can roll out services
ADM optical rings of various size, performs low-level
faster at a lower cost.
grooming, and sends it out over the service provider’s
SONET/SDH high-speed network to the switching center.
MSPP replacement: Centralized processing on DACS replacement: Consolidating three components
a flexible, high-capacity packet foundation into one
Service providers have used SONET/SDH-based MSPP One of the key applications for a service provider’s
solutions for years to consolidate services from different types communications network is to aggregate and transport private
of networks on the same infrastructure. Depending on the their line services or copper-based pairs to the local exchange and
particular operational and business services requirements, then to the switching or data center. DACS, commonly referred
service providers have used MSPPs to deliver TDM- as well to as Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), is used to
as Ethernet-based services for a variety services, including digitize voice, text, e-mail, and video data transfer over the same
TDM private line service for voice, video, and data as well as copper pairs between the customer and switching center.
broadband services and mobile backhaul.
With traditional DACS equipment being discontinued by
For the past two decades, MSPP technologies have typically manufacturers or reaching end of life, service providers can
been deployed at the edge of the metropolitan network. Most of adopt 6500 PTS as a standalone solution to perform DACS
these systems are aging and have discontinued hardware with functions. For this application, the 6500 PTS uses circuit
outdated software. They also take up a lot of space and use a lot emulation to ‘switch’ the DACS services, perform low- and
of power. Letting these platforms continue to rust is not viable. high-level grooming, packetize the data on the 6500-switch
It also increases risk, because service providers may not have fabric, and send it out over the service provider’s SONET/SDH
the ability to update the legacy security software to protect the network to the switching center.
network against modern, sophisticated security attacks.
(OCn/STMn) (OCn/STMn)
Ciena’s 6500 PTS can provide a convenient, secure
replacement for this MSPP application, whether the SDH
service provider adopts the platform as an upgrade or new (T1/E1, T3/E3) DACS (T1/E1, T3/E3)
deployment. Service providers can consolidate multiple
Figure 4. 6500 PTS DACS consolidation
MSPPs on the 6500 PTS, saving even more space and power,
while providing a central point for grooming and managing Service providers already using Ciena’s 6500-S8 or 6500-S14
all traffic. The 6500 PTS solution also supports end-to-end Packet-Optical Platform with available slots in the chassis can
Ethernet services and transporting all traffic via the packet perform the DACS functions on the unit they already have
network to its destinations. simply by upgrading the existing switch fabric card and adding
optical and PDH circuit packs to the 6500 unit.
GFP-F, PPP, etc.
TDM to Ethernet gateway: Transcode multiplexing As most telecommunications operators have demonstrated, the
Ethernet services are transported over SONET/ SDH networks transition to packet-based architectures offers a means to access
using GFP-F or Packet over SONET/ SDH (PoS) mapping. and scale connectivity for legacy services. This is becoming a
Similarly, other legacy protocols such as PPP, MLPPP, FR and critical capability for those who need to maintain productivity
MLFR are used for packet transport over DS1/ E1. In all cases, while reducing costs and enabling delivery of TDM services.
the payload is Ethernet. The 6500 PTS can terminate these
Service providers, too, will find that the modernized network
protocols, extract the original Ethernet payload and perform
positions their organizations to offer carrier-grade, revenue-
packet switching onto a native packet transport. Book-ended
generating WAN services—including high-quality gigabit-
solutions are no longer required in order support these legacy
broadband services for residential and enterprise customers,
protocols, when used with a packet transport system.
cloud services, Data Center Interconnect services, voice, video,
and even mobile backhaul. Service providers that use the 6500
TDM TDM PTS to deploy broadband services can be confident they will
SONET/SDH MPLS be able to offer standards-based, commercially competitive
Ethernet Ethernet
NE NE services without restrictions or compromise. They will have to
6500 PTS
evolve with the market and capacity to grow their businesses.
Figure 5. 6500 PTS TDM to Ethernet gateway
Figure 6. 6500 PTS network modernization Figure 7. Ciena TDM-to-packet SFP packet edge solution
Ciena implements PWE capability with SFP devices that are easily Ensuring a smooth migration with Ciena Services
added to packet networking solutions. The SFP devices make Given the critical nature of their infrastructure, service
use of PWE to create a virtual, dedicated lane for TDM services— providers must take particular caution when migrating from
such as teleprotection traffic—on the infrastructure that can also TDM to packets and modernizing their infrastructures.
carry packet-based traffic for video surveillance and other newer For service providers that do not have in-house expertise to
applications. The pluggable devices are useful when legacy traffic engineer or plan their migration and modernization strategies,
requires just a few ports at a given service end-point. Ciena Professional Services is available to help. The consulting
team can perform audits to create a comprehensive view of
the network, help the service provider develop a new network
design and migration plan, and craft a strategy for deploying
MCP new equipment and migrating to new services. Ciena can also
provide staff and training to help company teams learn how to
operate and manage their new infrastructure and services.
T3/E3 Moderate SFP/SFP+
OC48/STM16 3926 Packet Network 51XX
1GbE/10GbE PWE: In light of their out-of-date ADM, MSPP, DACS and transmux
CESoPSN equipment, service providers cannot continue maintaining legacy
T3/E3 Ultra-Dense TDM networks. As they grapple with the implications, service providers
OC3/STM1 face another equally important issue: they must support
OC12/STM4 3926 6500 PTS
OC48/STM16 newer packet interfaces and service bandwidth demands.
Ciena’s TDM-to-packet solutions, including the 6500 PTS, allow
Figure 8. Ciena’s 3926 Platform service providers to continue providing TDM business services,
remove aging ADM, MSPP, DACS, and transmux equipment,
If more TDM end-points are needed, Ciena’s 3926 offers and modernize their networks to offer Ethernet residential and
82 Gb/s of non-blocking capacity in a compact one rack unit business services. Service providers can leverage Ciena’s
(1 RU) platform. The 3926 future proofs the edge with a field- Professional Services for a comprehensive audit revealing
replaceable module for TDM service and, when the service what is in their network, migration planning and deployment
provider is ready, can provide distributed Virtual Network services, and even maintenance assistance, if needed.
Both of these solutions, as well as the 6500 PTS, minimize tools service providers need to solve their most pressing
OPEX and accelerate service velocity with Ciena’s ZTP for TDM-to-packet evolution challenges. Contact Ciena to learn
service turn-up while providing line-rate, built-in service how you can get started today on the path to a modern and
activation testing with no additional cost or equipment. versatile service provider communications network.
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