Plasma Physics Lecture 4 Ian Hutchinson
Plasma Physics Lecture 4 Ian Hutchinson
Plasma Physics Lecture 4 Ian Hutchinson
Figure 4.1: Elementary volume for particle conservation Number of particles in box xyz is the volume, V = xyz, times the density n. Rate of change of number is is equal to the number owing across the boundary per unit time, the ux. (In absence of sources.) [xyz n] = Flow Out across boundary. t (4.1)
Take particle velocity to be v(r) [no random velocity, only ow] and origin at the center of the box refer to ux density as nv = J. Flow Out = [Jz (0, 0, z/2) Jz (0, 0, z/2)] xy + x + y . 64 (4.2)
.Ad r =
The expression: Fluid Description refers to any simplied plasma treatment which does not keep track of vdependence of f detail. 1. Fluid Descriptions are essentially 3d (r). 2. Deal with quantities averaged over velocity space (e.g. density, mean velocity, ...). 3. Omit some important physical processes (but describe others). 4. Provide tractable approaches to many problems. 5. Will occupy most of the rest of my lectures. Fluid Equations can be derived mathematically by taking moments1 of the Boltzmann Equa tion. 0th moment d3 v 1st moment vd3 v 2nd moment vvd3 v
These lead, respectively, to (0) Particle (1) Momentum (2) Energy conservation equations. We shall adopt a more direct physical approach.
Fluid Motion
The motion of a uid is described by a vector velocity eld v(r) (which is the mean velocity of all the individual particles which make up the uid at r). Also the particle density n(r) is required. We are here discussing the motion of uid of a single type of particle of mass/charge, m/q so the charge and mass density are qn and mn respectively. The particle conservation equation we already know. It is also sometimes called the Conti nuity Equation n + .(nv) = 0 (4.10) t It is also possible to expand the . to get: n + (v.)n + n.v = 0 t The signicance, here, is that the rst two terms are the convective derivative of n D d + v. Dt dt t so the continuity equation can be written D n = n.v Dt (4.13) (4.12) (4.11)
There are essentially 2 views. 1. Lagrangian. Sit on a uid element and move with it as uid moves.
Figure 4.2: Lagrangean Viewpoint 2. Eulerian. Sit at a xed point in space and watch uid move through your volume element: identity of uid in volume continually changing
t D Dt
v. =
Figure 4.3: Eulerian Viewpoint Our derivation of continuity was Eulerian. From the Lagrangian view D d N N d 1 dV n= = V = n 2 dt Dt dt V V dt V (4.14)
since total number of particles in volume element (N ) is constant (we are moving with them). (V = xyz.) Now d V dt dx dy dz yz + zx + yx dt dt dt 1 dx 1 dy 1 dz = V + + x dt y dt x dt = (4.15) (4.16)
(4.17) (4.18)
d vx vy vz V = V + + = V .v dt x y z and so
D n = n.v (4.20) Dt Lagrangian Continuity. Naturally, this is the same equation as Eulerian when one puts D = t + v.. Dt
Each of the particles is acted on by the Lorentz force q[E + ui B] (ui is individual particles
Hence total force on the uid element due to EM elds is
(q [E + ui B]) = N q (E + v B)
(Using mean: v =
mui = m N v = V mnv
Pressure Force
In a gas p(= nT ) is the force per unit area arising from thermal motions. The surrounding uid exerts this force on the element:
Figure 4.4: Pressure forces on opposite faces of element. Net force in x direction is p (x/2) yz + p (x/2) yz p p xyz = V = V (p)x x x So (isotropic) pressure force density (/unit vol) Fp = p (4.26) (4.24) (4.25)
How does this arise in our picture above? Answer: Exchange of momentum by particle thermal motion across the element boundary. Although in Lagrangian picture we move with the element (as dened by mean velocity v) individual particles also have thermal velocity so that the additional velocity they have is wi = ui v peculiar velocity 68 (4.27)
Because of this, some cross the element boundary and exchange momentum with outside. (Even though there is no net change of number of particles in element.) Rate of exchange of momentum due to particles with peculiar velocity w, d3 w across a surface element ds is f (w)mw d3 w momm density at w
w ds . ow rate across ds
Integrate over distrib function to obtain the total momentum exchange rate: ds. mwwf (w)d3 w (4.29)
mwwf (w)d3 w p . ds
(Pressure Tensor)
(4.30) (4.31)
Then momentum exchange rate is Actually, if f (w) is isotropic (e.g. Maxwellian) then pxy = and pxx =
m wx wy f (w)d3 w = 0
(4.32) (4.33)
So then the exchange rate is pds. (Scalar Pressure). Integrate ds over the whole V then x component of momm exchange rate is x x p yz p yz = V (p)x 2 2
and so Total momentum loss rate due to exchange across the boundary per unit volume is p (= Fp ) (4.35)
In terms of the momentum equation, either we put p on the momentum derivative side or
Fp on force side. The result is the same.
Ignoring Collisions, Momentum Equation is
D (mnV v) = [FEM + Fp ] V Dt Recall that nV = N ;
D (N ) Dt
= 0; so Dv dt . (4.37)
Dv v mn = mn + v.v = qn (E + v B) p Dt t 69
Fixed element in space. Plasma ows through it. 1. E.M. force on element (per unit vol.) FEM = nq(E + v B) 2. Momentum ux across boundary (per unit vol) = .
as before.
vw + wv +ww) f (w) d3 w} integrates to 0 = .{mnvv + p} = mn(v.)v + mv [.(nv)] + p = .{ (Take isotropic p.) 3. Rate of change of momentum within element (per unit vol) = Hence, total momentum balance: (mnv) + mn(v.)v + mv [.(nv)] + p = FEM t Use the continuity equation: n + .(nv) = 0 , t to cancel the third term and part of the 1st: n v v (mnv) + mv (. (nv)) = mv{ + . (nv)} + mn = mn t t t t Then take p to RHS to get nal form: Momentum Equation: v mn + (v.) v = nq (E + v B) p . t As before, via Lagrangian formulation. (Collisions have been ignored.)
(mnv) t
Eect of Collisions
First notice that like particle collisions do not change the total momentum (which is averaged
over all particles of that species).
Collisions between unlike particles do exchange momentum between the species. Therefore
once we realize that any quasineutral plasma consists of at least two dierent species (elec
trons and ions) and hence two dierent interpenetrating uids we may need to account for
another momentum loss (gain) term.
The rate of momentum density loss by species 1 colliding with species 2 is:
12 n1 m1 (v1 v2 ) Hence we can immediately generalize the momentum equation to
m1 n1
v1 + (v1 .) v1 = n1 q1 (E + v1 B) p1 12 n1 m1 (v1 v2 ) t
T V = 2 T V So
p n T 2 = + = 1+ p n T
n , n
pn(1+ ) = const.
In a normal gas, which holds together by collisions, energy is rapidly shared between 3 spacedegrees of freedom. Plasmas are often rather collisionless so compression in 1 dimension often stays conned to 1degree of freedom. Sometimes heat transport is so rapid that the isothermal approach is valid. It depends on the exact situation; so lets leave undened for now.
mj nj
vj + (vj .) vj = nj qj (E + vj B) pj jk nj mj (vj vk ) t
3. Energy/Equation of State: pj n = const.. j (j = electrons, ions). Maxwells Equations .B = 0 1 E B = o j + 2 c t .E = /o B E= t (4.58) (4.59) (4.57)
= qe ne + qi ni = e (ne + Zni ) j = qe ne ve + qi ni vi = e (ne ve + Zni vi ) = ene (ve vi r) (Quasineutral) Accounting Unknowns n e , ni 2 ve , vi 6 pe , pi 2 E, B 6 16 Equations Continuity e, i Momentum e, i State e, i Maxwell (4.60) (4.61) (4.62)
2 6 2 8 18
but 2 of Maxwell (. equs) are redundant because can be deduced from others: e.g. (.B) t 1 1 and . ( B) = 0 = o .j + 2 (.E) = 2 + .E c t c t o . ( E) = 0 = So 16 equs for 16 unknowns. Equations still very dicult and complicated mostly because it is Nonlinear In some cases can get a tractable problem by linearizing. That means, take some known equilibrium solution and suppose the deviation (perturbation) from it is small so we can retain only the 1st linear terms and not the others. (4.63) (4.64)
, y z
= 0.
B = B. z =0 (E = ) 0.
Momentum Equation(s): mj nj (vj .)vj = nj qj (E + vj B) pj Drop j sux for now. Then take x, y components: mn vx d dp vx = nq(Ex + vy B) dx dx d mn vx vy = nq(0 vx B) dx 73 (4.66) (4.67) (4.65)
Eq 4.67 is satised by taking vx = 0. Then 4.66 nq(Ex + vy B) i.e. vy = or, in vector form: v= EB 2 B p B nq B 2
Diamagnetic Drift
dp = 0. dx
Ex 1 dp + B nqB dx
EB drift
Notice: In magnetic eld () uid velocity is determined by component of momentum equation orthogonal to it (and to B). Additional drift (diamagnetic) arises in standard F B form from pressure force. Diagmagnetic drift is opposite for opposite signs of charge (electrons vs. ions). Now restore species distinctions and consider electrons plus single ion species i. Quasineu trality says ni qi = ne qe . Hence adding solutions ne qe ve + ni qi vi = EB B (ni qi + ne qe ) (pe + pi ) 2 2 B B
This is the diamagnetic current. The electric eld, E, disappears because of quasineutrality. (General case j qj nj vj = ( pj )B/B 2 ).
Recall 2uid equations: Continuity (Cj ) Momentum (Mj ) nj + .(nj vj ) = 0. (4.73) t mj n j + vj . vj = nj qj (E + vj B) pj + Fjk (4.74) t
(where we just write Fjk = vjk nj mj (vj vk ) for short.) Now we rearrange these 4 equations (2 2 species) by adding and subtracting appropriately to get new equations governing the new variables:
Mass Density m C of M Velocity V Charge density q Electric Current Density j Total Pressure
= = = = = p =
nj qj (E + vj B) pj + Fjk = q E + j B (pe + pi )
(we use the fact that Fei Fie so no net friction). LHS is
mj n j
+ vj . vj t
The diculty here is that the convective term is nonlinear and so does not easily lend itself to reexpression in terms of the new variables. But note that since me << mi the contribution from electron momentum is usually much less than that from ions. So we ignore it in this equation. To the same degree of approximation V vi : the CM velocity is the ion velocity. Thus for the LHS of this momentum equation we take
mi ni
+ vj . vj m + V. V t t 75
+ V. V = q E + j B p t
qi Mi mi
to get: (4.87)
n j qj
2 n j qj qj qj + (vj .) vj = { (E + vj B) pj + Fjk } t mj mj mj j
Again several diculties arise which it is not very protable to deal with rigorously. Observe that the LHS can be written (using quasineutrality ni qi + ne qe = 0) as m t j provided m we discard the term in (v.)v. (Think of this as a linearization of this question.) [The (v.)v convective term is a term which is not satisfactorily dealt with in this approach to the single uid equations.] In the R.H.S. we use quasineutrality again to write
2 n j qj j
mj mj
E =
2 n 2 qe e
1 1 q e qi 2 m i n i + me n e + E = n 2 qe E= m E, (4.88) e ne me ni mi ne me ni mi me mi
2 n j qq
vj =
2 2 n e qe n i qi ve + vi me mi
qe qi n e qe m i ni qi me
= { ve + vi } me mi qe qi qe qi mi me = {ne me ve + ni mi vi + (qe ne ve + qi ni vi )} me mi qe qi qe qi mi me = {m V + j} qe me m i qi
= ei So we get m t
qe m e 1 j qi m i
j m
q e qi mi me = m E + m V + j B me mi qi qe qe qi qe m e pe pi 1 ei j me mi qi m i
me mi : q e q i m
me mi j 1 m i me E+VB = + + jB m q i qe qe qi t m qe qi me mi qe m e m e m i pe + pi 1 ei j mi m qe qi me qi mi qe qi m 76
Notice that this is an equation relating the Electric eld in the frame moving with the uid
(L.H.S.) to things depending on current j i.e. this is a generalized form of Ohms Law.
One essentially never deals with this full generalized Ohms law. Make some approximations
recognizing the physical signicance of the various R.H.S. terms.
me mi qe qi t
j m
and arises because current ow in a Beld tends to be diverted across the magnetic eld. It is also often dropped but the justication for doing so is less obvious physically. qi qe pi term pe for comparable pressures, mi me and the latter is the Hall term; so ignore qi pi /mi . Last term in j has a coecient, ignoring me /mi c.f. 1 which is me mi ei me ei = 2 = qe qi (ni mi ) qe n e the resistivity. (4.93)
Hence dropping electron inertia, Hall term and pressure, the simplied Ohms law becomes: E + V B = j Final equation needed: state: pe ne + pi ni = constant. i e Take quasineutrality ne ni m . Take e = i , then p = const. m (4.95) (4.94)
m + (m V) = 0 t q + .j = 0 t + V. V = q E + j B p t E + V B = j p = const. m 77
Heuristic Derivation/Explanation
M om
+ V. V = t
q E +
Electric body force
Magnetic Force on current
Ohms Law The electric eld seen by a moving (conducting) uid is E + V B = EV electric eld in frame in which uid is at rest. This is equal to resistive electric eld j: EV = E + V B = j (4.102)
The q E term is generally dropped because it is much smaller than the j B term. To see this, take orders of magnitude: .E = q /0 1 E B = 0 j + 2 c t Therefore q E 0 jB L
so q E0 /L
(4.103) (4.104)
so E = j B/0 L
B 0 L
L0 L2 /c2 = B2 (0 L2 )2
This is generally a very small number. For example, even for a small cold plasma, say Te = 1 eV ( 2 103 mho/m), L = 1 cm, this ratio is about 108 . Conclusion: the q E force is much smaller than the j B force for essentially all practical cases. Ignore it. Normally, also, one uses MHD only for low frequency phenomena, so the Maxwell displace ment current, E/c2 t can be ignored. Also we shall not need Poissons equation because that is taken care of by quasineutrality.
The MHD equations nd their major use in studying macroscopic magnetic connement problems. In Fusion we want somehow to conne the plasma pressure away from the walls of the chamber, using the magnetic eld. In studying such problems MHD is the major tool. On the other hand if we focus on a small section of the plasma as we do when studying shortwavelength waves, other techniques: 2uid or kinetic are needed. Also, plasma is approx. uniform. 78
MHD Equilibria
Study of how plasma can be held by magnetic eld. Equilibrium V = equations reduce. Mass and Faradays law are automatic. We are left with (M omm ) Force Balance 0 = j B p Ampere Plus .B = 0, .j = 0.
B = o j
= 0. So
(4.107) (4.108)
Notice that provided we dont ask questions about Ohms law. E doesnt come into MHD
These deceptively simple looking equations are the subject of much of Fusion research. The
hard part is taking into account complicated geometries.
We can do some useful calculations on simple geometries.
So we only need
Force Ampere
Eliminate j : i.e.
2 Bz +p = 0 2o 2 Bz Solution + p = const. 2o
(4.114) (4.115)
[Recall Single Particle Problem] Think of these as a pressure equation. Equilibrium says total pressure = const.
2 Bz 2o magnetic pressure
kinetic pressure
= const.
measures eciency of plasma connement by B. Want large for fusion but limited by instabilities, etc.
Figure 4.7: Zpinch conguration. so called because j ows in zdirection. Again take to be length and uniform. j = jz ez B = B e p =0 r (4.119)
(4.120) (4.121)
1 (rB ) o jz = 0 r r
B p (rB ) =0 o r r r or
2 B o r Extra Term
+ r
2 B 2o
p =0
Magnetic+Kinetic pressure
Extra term acts like a magnetic tension force. Arises because Beld lines are curved.
b a 2 2 B dr B + + p(r) o r 2o
p(r) =
Force balance in zpinch is somewhat more complicated because of the tension force. We cant choose p(r) and j(r) independently; they have to be self consistent. Example j = const. 1 o jz (rB ) = o jz B = r r r 2 Hence p(r) =
b 1 o jz 2 2 {b r2 + 2r dr } 2o 2 r 2 o jz 2 {b r2 } = 4
(4.127) (4.128)
so p=
2 Bb 2 2 {b r2 } 2o b2
Stabilized Zpinch
Also called screw pinch, z pinch or sometimes loosely just zpinch. Zpinch with some additional Bz as well as B (Force)r j Bz jz B =0 r (4.130) (4.131) (4.132)
Ampere :
Bz = o j r
2 B o r
Mag Tension only
B2 2o
= 0
B = o j
1 1 (B.) B B 2 o 2o
so that B = Bb = Bb + bB. Then p = 1 2 1 {B (b.) b + Bb (b.) B} B 2 o 2o B2 1 = (b.) b ( b (b.)) B 2 o 2o B2 B2 = (b.) b o 2p 83 (4.138) (4.139) (4.140)
B Now 2o is the perpendicular (to B) derivative of magnetic pressure and (b.)b is the curvature of the magnetic eld line giving tension.
1 . R
R: radius of curvature.
Magnetic Surfaces
0 = B. [j B p] = B.p (4.141)
*Pressure is constant on a eld line (in MHD situation). (Similarly, 0 = j.[j B p] = j.p.)
Figure 4.10: Contours of pressure. Consider some arbitrary volume in which p = 0. That is, some plasma of whatever shape. Draw contours (surfaces in 3d) on which p = const. At any point on such an isoberic surface p is perp to the surface. But B.p = 0 implies that B is also perp to p.
Current Surfaces
Since j.p = 0 in equilibrium the same argument applies to current density. That is
j lies in the surface p = const.
Isobaric Surfaces are Current Surfaces.
Moreover it is clear that
Magnetic Surfaces are Current Surfaces.
(since both coincide with isobaric surfaces.)
[It is important to note that the existence of magnetic surfaces is guaranteed only in the
MHD approximation when p = 0 > Taking account of corrections to MHD we may not
have magnetic surfaces even if p = 0.]
In many cases the ratio of kinetic to magnetic pressure is small, << 1 and we can approx imately ignore p. Such an equilibrium is called force free. jB=0 implies j and B are parallel. i.e. j = (r)B Current ows along eld lines not across. Take divergence: 0 = .j = . ( (r) B) = (r) .B + (B.) = (B.) . The ratio j/B = is constant along eld lines.
is constant on a magnetic surface. If there are no surfaces, is constant everywhere.
Example: ForceFree Cylindrical Equil. j B = j = (r)B B = o j = o (r)B (4.146) (4.147) (4.144) (4.145) (4.143) (4.142)
This is a somewhat more convenient form because it is linear in B (for specied (r)). Constant : leads to a Bessel function solution B = o B (4.148)
Bz = Bo Jo (o r) B = Bo J1 (o r)
(4.149) (4.150)
for o r > 1st zero of Jo the toroidal eld reverses. There are plasma connement schemes with const. Reversed Field Pinch.
Toroidal Equilibrium
Figure 4.12: Toroidal zpinch B elds due to current are stronger at small R side Pressure (Magnetic) Force outwards. Have to balance this by applying a vertical eld Bv to push plasma back by j Bv .
Figure 4.13: The eld of a toroidal loop is not an MHD equilibrium. Need to add a vertical eld. Bend a pinch into a torus: B is stronger at small R side outward force. Cannot be balanced by Bv because no j . No equilibrium for a toroidally symmetric pinch.
Underlying Single Particle reason:
Toroidal pinch has B only. As we have seen before, curvature drifts are uncompensated
in such a conguration and lead to rapid outward motion.
Figure 4.14: Chargeseparation giving outward drift is equivalent to the lack of MHD toroidal force balance. We know how to solve this: Rotational Transform: get some B . Easiest way: add j . From MHD viewpoint this allows you to push the plasma back by j Bv force. Essentially, this is Tokamak.
When we want to analyze nonequilibrium situations we must retain the momentum terms. This will give a dynamic problem. Before doing this, though, let us analyse some purely Kinematic Eects. Ideal MHD Set eta = 0 in Ohms Law. A good approximation for high frequencies, i.e. times shorter than resistive decay time. E + V B = 0. Also Ideal Ohm s Law. (4.151)
B Faraday s Law. (4.152) t Together these two equations imply constraints on how the magnetic eld can change with time: Eliminate E: B + (V B) = + (4.153) t This shows that the changes in B are completely determined by the ow, V. E=
Flux Conservation
Consider an arbitrary closed contour C and spawning surface S in the uid. Flux linked by C is = Let C and S move with uid:
Total rate of change of is given by two terms:
Figure 4.15: Motion of contour with uid gives convective ux derivative term.
= =
(V B).dl
(4.156) (4.157)
Think of a eld line as the intersection of two surfaces both tangential to the eld everywhere:
Figure 4.16: Field line dened by intersection of two ux surfaces tangential to eld. Let surfaces move with uid. Since all parts of surfaces had zero ux crossing at start, they also have zero after, (by ux
Surfaces are tangent after motion
Their intersection denes a eld line after. We think of the new eld line as the same line as the old one (only moved). Thus: 1. Number of eld lines ( ux) through any surface is constant. (Flux Cons.) 2. A line of uid that starts as a eld line remains one.
MHD Stability
The fact that one can nd an MHD equilibrium (e.g. zpinch) does not guarantee a useful connement scheme because the equil. might be unstable. Ball on hill analogies:
Figure 4.17: Potential energy curves An equilibrium is unstable if the curvature of the Potential energy surface is downward d2 away from equil. That is if dx2 {Wpot } < 0.
In MHD the potential energy is Magnetic + Kinetic Pressure (usually mostly magnetic).
If we can nd any type of perturbation which lowers the potential energy then the equil is
unstable. It will not remain but will rapidly be lost.
Example Zpinch
We know that there is an equilibrium: Is it stable?
Consider a perturbation thus:
Figure 4.19: Skincurrent, sharp boundary pinch. At the place where it pinches in (A)
B and 1 increase Mag. pressure & tension increase inward force no longer balance
r by p perturbation grows.
At place where it bulges out (B)
B & 1 decrease Pressure & tension perturbation grows.
r Conclusion a small perturbation induces a force tending to increase itself. Unstable ( W < 0).
Look for things which go like exp[i(kz + m)]. [Fourier (Normal Mode) Analysis].
Figure 4.20: Types of kink perturbation. Generally Helical in form (like a screw thread). Example: m = 1 k = 0 zpinch
(1) They try not to bend eld lines. (Because bending takes energy). 90
Figure 4.21: Driving force of a kink. Net force tends to increase perturbation. Unstable.
Figure 4.22: Alignment of perturbation and eld line minimizes bending energy. (Constant surfaces) lies along magnetic eld. Example: pinch type plasma column:
Figure 4.23: Flute or Interchange modes. Preferred Perturbations are Flutes as per Greek columns Flute Instability. [Better name: Interchange Instability, arises from idea that plasma and vacuum change places.] (2) Occur when a heavier uid is supported by a lighter (Gravitational analogy).
Why does water fall out of an inverted glass? Air pressure could sustain it but does not
because of RayleighTaylor instability.
Similar for supporting a plasma by mag eld.
(3) Occur when | B | decreases away from the plasma region.
2 B2 BA < B 2o 2o
Perturbation Grows. (4) Occur when eld line curvature is towards the plasma (Equivalent to (3) because of B = 0 in a vacuum).
Figure 4.26: Examples of magnetic congurations with good and bad curvature.
pinch | B | = const. outside pinch No eld line curvature. Neutral stability | B | away from plasma outside zpinch Bad Curvature (Towards plasma) Instability.
Generally it is dicult to get the curvature to be good everywhere. Often it is sucient
to make it good on average on a eld line. This is referred to as Average Minimum B.
Tokamak has this.
General idea is that if eld line is only in bad curvature over part of its length then to perturb
in that region and not in the good region requires eld line bending:
Figure 4.27: Parallel localization of perturbation requires bending. But bending is not preferred. So this may stabilize.
Possible way to stabilize conguration with bad curvature: Shear
Shear of Field Lines
Figure 4.28: Depiction of eld shear. Direction of B changes. A perturbation along B at z3 is not along B at z2 or z1 so it would
have to bend eld there Stabilizing eect.
General Principle: Field line bending is stabilizing.
Example: Stabilized zpinch
Perturbations (e.g. sausage or kink) bend Bz so the tension in Bz acts as a restoring force
to prevent instability. If wave length very long bending is less. Least stable tends to be
longest wave length.
Example: Cylindrical Tokamak 94
Tokamak is in some ways like a periodic cylindrical stabilized pinch. Longest allowable wave length = 1 turn round torus the long way, i.e. kR = 1 : = 2R. (4.159)
Express this in terms of a toroidal mode number, n (s.t. perturbation exp i(n + m): z = R n = kR. Most unstable mode tends to be n = 1.
[Careful! Tokamak has important toroidal eects and some modes can be localized in the
bad curvature region (n = 1).
Figure 4.29: Ballooning modes are localized in the outboard, bad curvature region.