CSL - Niru Gang Publications
CSL - Niru Gang Publications
CSL - Niru Gang Publications
A special token of gratitude to Rahila for helping us out with the content.
Module 1
Give the formal definition of cybercrime. Give some examples of
cybercrime that occur in daily life / What is cybercrime? How do
you define it?
Forester and Morrison (1994) defined a computer crime as: A criminal act in which a
computer is used as the principal tool.
We can define a (genuine) cybercrime as: A crime in which the criminal act can be
carried out only through the use of cyber-technology and can take place only in the
cyber realm. (Tavani, 2000)
Cybercrime can also be defined as any illegal act where special knowledge of
computer technology is essential for its perpetration, investigation, prosecution.
It is any traditional crime that has acquired a new dimension or order of magnitude
through the aid of computers.
Example: Fake email sent from ebay which asks you to update your credit card
Dos Attack
Example: February 2020 attack reported by AWS - at its peak this attack saw
incoming traffic of 2.3 terabits per seconds.
Ransomware is a specific type of malware that gains control of your system and
blocks access to your files.
It can infect your computer from an email attachment or through a bad website.
Upon infection, a ‘ransom note’ pops up, offering to restore your system back to
normal in exchange for compensation.
Example: This is an example of Ransomware and this was called the WannaCry
attack, and at the time it was the biggest ransomware attack ever. It hit earlier in
2017 in over 150 countries and over 2,00,000 organisations.
The man in the middle attack is where a cyber criminal is intercepting your data or
information while it is being sent from one location to another (ie. communications
system to a server).
Example: In 2017, credit score company Equifax removed its apps from Google and
Apple after a breach resulted in the leak of personal data. It was found that the
attackers were intercepting data, in the form of a man in the middle attack, as users
accessed their accounts.
Greed of money
Desire to revenge
Sense of adventure
Psychological perverts
How the offender will escape once the offence has been committed
In addition, amateur criminals will often live in close proximity to where the
offence takes place.
Many drug and alcohol related crimes are committed from within this group, as
well as ‘crimes of passion’.
Criminal is Mostly aware of the basic information required about the victim
Professional criminals
Professional criminals are people who commit crimes and treat it like they are
Hobby Hackers
I.T. professionals
Terrorists organisations
Psychological perverts
State-sponsored hacking
Organised criminals
A malicious insider is one that misuses data for the purpose of harming the
organisation intentionally.
Malicious insiders are harder to detect than external threats because they know that
they must hide their tracks and steal or harm data without being caught.
They are also harder to detect because they often have legitimate access to data
for their job functions.
A malicious insider can be any employee or contractor, but usually they have high-
privilege access to data.
This activity would be difficult to detect since the software engineer has legitimate
access to the database.
Every organisation is at risk of insider threats, but specific industries obtain and
store more sensitive data.
These organisations are more at risk of hefty fines and significant brand damage
after theft.
What makes insider threats unique is that it’s not always money driven for the
There are four types of insider threats. They aren’t always malicious, but they can
still have a devastating impact on revenue and brand reputation.
Fraud: When theft or changes to data are meant for deception, the attacker’s
goal is fraudulent and likely for the purpose of causing corporate disruption.
Espionage: Any sensitive trade secrets, files, and data are vulnerable to
espionage if an attacker steals them to sell to competitors.
Enforce concrete security and keep it up to date: Choose a firewall with features
that protect against malicious hackers, malware, and viruses. This enables
businesses to identify and respond to threats more quickly.
Never give out personal information to a stranger: They can use the information to
commit fraud.
Check security settings to prevent cybercrime: A cyber firewall checks your network
settings to see if anyone has logged into your computer.
Using antivirus software: Using antivirus software helps to recognise any threat or
malware before it infects the computer system. Never use cracked software as it
may impose the serious risk of data loss or malware attack.
When visiting unauthorised websites, keep your information secure: Using phishing
websites, information can easily bypass the data.
Use virtual private networks (VPNs): VPNs enable us to hide our IP addresses.
Computer criminals are often referred to as hackers.
They might discover loopholes within systems and the reasons for such holes.
Hackers constantly seek further knowledge, freely share what they have
and never intentionally damage data.
A white hat hacker is a computer security specialist who breaks into protected
systems and networks to test and asses their security.
Grey hat hackers refers to a computer hacker or computer security expert who may
sometimes violate laws or typical ethical standards, but does not have the malicious
intent like black hat hacker.
Black hat hackers break into secure networks to destroy, modify, or steal data, or to
make the networks unusable for authorised network users.
Phreaker is the one who gains illegal access to the telephone systems. Phreakers
are considered the original computer hackers and they are those who break into the
telephone network illegally, typically to make free long distance phone calls or to tap
phone lines.
Module 2
Objective of the phase is to understand the system, its networking ports and
services, and other aspects of its security that are needful to launch the attack
Objectives of scanning:
Objective of Scrutinising:
Usually most attackers consume 90% of their time in scanning, scrutinising and
gathering information on a target and 10% of their time in launching the attack.
Social Engineering
Social engineering is an art of exploiting trust of people, which is not doubted while
speaking in normal manner.
The idea behind social engineering is that it is easy to trick a person than break the
People are weak link in security and this principle makes social engineering
Using a third person: An attacker can pretend to have permission from the
authorised source to use a system when the authorised person is not present
and out of reach to contact for verification.
Fake e-mails: The attacker send fake email to many users and the users find
this mail as legitimate mail. This is also known as phishing. This type of social
engineering attack commonly uses emails to trick users in getting credentials to
their bank accounts or maybe email accounts.
E-Mail attachments: The attacker sends the email attachment to the users
which contains the malicious code. When the user opens the email and clicks on
the given link the malicious code gets executed.
Pop-up windows: Same as email attachments popup windows are used by the
attackers. The popup Windows contains special offers or free stuff which attracts
the users to install the malicious software.
Cyberstalking is stalking that takes place using electronic devices or the Internet.
There are several forms of cyberstalking that can take place Including :
Often time's victims do not know who the perpetrator is and start wondering if they
are being watched or followed.
Types of stalkers
Online stalkers : The online stalkers interact with the victim directly with the
'help of internet. Most of the communication medium used by stalkers is email
and chat rooms. In online stalking the stalker make sure that the victim
recognises the attack done on him or her. To harass the victim stalker make the
use of third party.
Offline stalkers : In offline stalking the stalker make the use of traditional
methods like following the victim, observing the daily routine of the victim, etc.
The stalker searches the victim on message boards, personal websites, people
finding services, and on the websites to collect information about the victim.
Established contact with victim through phone or via E-mail or on social media.
The stalker may post victim's personal photo and information on social site or porn
website saying victim providing dating service or sex-worker posing as victim has
posted it. The posts invites people to call victim for the services by using bad and
attractive language.
Some stalker subscribe or register the email account of the victim to some
unwanted services
The word botnet is derived from the phrase "network of robots". It is essentially a
widespread collection of a large number of infected computer systems. Each infected
system runs a piece of software program called as a "Bot". This is also known as
zombie network.
For carefully arranged systems, which need orchestration between millions of such
systems, another layer of Bot-Managers is created too.
Bot-Managers perform the tasks to accept commands from the master, to spread
out those commands to the bots and also to report the number of systems infected
under its jurisdiction.
The manager botnets are also found to be sending updated software patches to fix
bugs or improve functionality, very similar to a security patch management system.
The Bot-Master is in control of the hacker who has evil intentions to create this
However since the hacker is supposed to be hiding from getting caught, the master
systems and software running on it are always operating in a stealth mode.
In few modern botnet attacks, the botmasters were found to delegate and rotate the
master's role between its bot-managers, thus making it extremely tough to detect.
Usually botnets are designed for a specific operating system, and if a wider spread
has to be achieved, botnets prefer web code, or java language, to infect all the
possible operating system platforms.
Internet security suite - Good security begins with an internet security suite that
detects malware that has been installed removes what's present on your machine
and prevents future attacks.
Firewall: Use a firewall when browsing the Internet. This Is easy to do with Mac
computers, as they come with firewall software pre-installed. If you're using a
Windows-based machine, you might need to Install third-party software.
Avoid visiting malware websites : Don't visit websites that are known distributors
of malware. One of the things that a full-service Internet security suite can do is
warn you when you're visiting such sites. When in doubt, check with Norton Safe
Disconnect the system from the Internet when not In use : It is not possible for
the attacker to get into your system when the system is disconnected from the
internet. Firewall, antivirus, and anti-spyware software's are not fool proof
mechanisms to get access to the system.
Attack Vector
An attack vector is a path or means by which an attacker can gain access to a
computer or to network server to deliver a payload or malicious code
Attack vector enable attacker to exploit system vulnerabilities including the human
Attack vector include virus, E-mail attachment, web page, pop up window, instant
message, chat room.
To some extent, attack vector can be block using firewalls and antivirus.
Attack by email.
Attack by deception(trick)
Cloud computing?
Cloud Computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers
to maintain data and applications
Businesses that cannot afford the same amount of hardware and storage space as
a bigger company. Small companies can store their information in the cloud,
removing the cost of purchasing and storing memory devices
It is sold on demand
Types of clouds:
Types of services:
Applications and data can be accessed from anywhere and any time. Data is
not present on user's computer
Types of attacks:
Cloud malware injection attacks: Malware injection attacks are done to take
control of a user's information in the cloud. For this purpose, hackers add an
infected service implementation module to a SaaS or PaaS solution or a virtual
machine instance to an laaS solution.
Abuse of cloud services: Hackers can use cheap cloud services to arrange DoS
and brute force attacks on target users, companies, and even other cloud
Denial of service attacks: DoS attacks are designed to overload a system and
make services unavailable to its users. These attacks are especially dangerous
for cloud computing systems, as many users may suffer as the result of flooding
even a single cloud server.
Side channel attacks: A side channel attack is arranged by hackers when they
place a malicious virtual machine on the same host as the target virtual
machine. During a side channel attack, hackers target system implementations
of cryptographic algorithms.
Software Installation Script (SIS) files are an archive, containing installation trojan
will replace the system applications with non- functional versions, so that all but the
phone functionality will be disabled.
It will also cause all application icons to be replaced with picture of skull and cross
bones; the icons don't refer to the actual applications anymore so none of the
phone's normal applications will be able to start
It also affected other Symbian devices, for example Nokia 9500, which is a Series
80 device.
But risk was less because installation file was designed for S60
Cabir Worm
The message "Cabir" is displayed on the phone's display, and is displayed every
time the phone is turned on.
The worm then attempts to spread to other phones in the area using wireless
Bluetooth signals
Brador Trojan
Brador then identifies the machine's IP address and sends it to the author, informing
the author that the handheld is connected to the Internet and the backdoor is active.
Finally, Brador opens port 2989 and awaits further commands full control over the
infected PDA via this port.
Mosquito Trojan
The victims of the virus are mobile phone users who have knowingly downloaded
an illegal version of the game 'Mosquitos' to play on their handset.
Trojan that infects the phone and sends the costly SMS messages without the
owner realising -- until their next bill arrives
Lasco Worm
The user must then choose to install the software coming through.
Lasco searches for all files with a .sis extension and places a copy of itself in them.
Lasco will then search for other bluetooth devices and send a copy of itself to them,
regardless of their OS.
Attacks on Android
Attack on mobiles
Usually used to steal credit card details or other related data used in ID theft
Vishing via voicemail: Victim is forced to call on the provided phone number once
he/she listens to voice call
Be aware and ask questions, in case someone is asking for your personal
Report vishing calls to nearest cyber cell with number and name that appeared
on caller ID
Mishing is a blend of cell phones and Phishing.
In the event that you utilize your cell phone for acquiring
merchandise/administrations and for banking, you could be progressively vulnerable
to a mishing scam.
A usual mishing attacker uses call named as vishing or message (SMS) known as
SMiShing Is a security attack in which the user is tricked into downloading a trojan
horse, virus or other malware on his cellular phone or other mobile device.
SMiShing is short form of "SMS phishing.
Assailants are inventive and they would attempt to persuade you with different
reasons why they need this data from you.
Hacking Bluetooth
Unconventional/Stealth devices:
The employees use Compact Disc (CD) and Universal Serial Bus (USB) drives.
With the advancement of the technology the size of the storage devices is
decreasing. It is very difficult to detection devices for organizational security. So,
it is advisable employee not to use these devices.
When the people are travelling, it happens that mobile hand-hend devices get
lost. Lost mobile devices are a larger securiyt risk to corporations. This lost or
stolen device put the company on serious risk of damage, exploitation or
damage to its professional integrity.
Detection of the attacker is not possible at this stage as they haven't done
anything illegal.
Network probe:
Using active and passive attack tools to get more intense information about the
“port scanning” tools are used to discover exactly which services are running on
the target system.
At this point, the attacker has still not done anything that is considered as
abnormal activity.
The attacker usually goes through several stages of exploits to gain access of
the system
The attacker gains a foothold in the internal network quickly and easily, by
compromising low-priority target systems.
Number of hacking tools are available which can clean up log files and remove
traces of intrusion
For example
Covering tracks:
This is last step in any cyberattack where attacker extends misuse of system
without being detected
It acts as an intermediary and privacy shield between a client computer and the rest
of the Internet.
It hides/removes all identifying information from a user’s computer while the user
surfs on the Internet
In 1997, the first anonymous software tool was created by Lance Cottrell, developed
by Anonymizer.com
Software Key-loggers:
Keylogger usually consists of two files that get installed in the same directory: a
dynamic link library (DLL) file and an executable (EXE) file that installs the DLL
file and triggers it to work.
Eg: Stealth Keylogger, Power Keylogger, Spy Buddy, Elite Keylogger, etc
Hardware Keylogger:
They are small hardware devices connected to the PC that can save every
keystroke into a file or in the memory of the hardware device
E.g. Cybercriminals install such devices on ATM machines to capture ATM card
It uses a predefined dictionary to look for a match between the encrypted password
and the encrypted dictionary word.
As it is a brute force attack, it is less likely to be successful if the site that it is being
used on has proper security measures: eg. locking the user out after 5 wrong
System crashes: A buffer overflow attack will typically lead to the system
crashing. It may also result in a lack of availability and programs being put into
an infinite loop.
Access control loss: A buffer overflow attack will often involve the use of
arbitrary code, which is often outside the scope of programs’ security policies.
Password scanning
Frame Spoofing: Attacker injects frames whose content is carefully spoofed and
which are valid as per 802.11 specification
Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)
Attacker can also modify the data before delivering to actual recipient (Threat to
Attacker always find new tools and techniques to deconstruct the older
encryption technology
Worms are similar to a virus but it does not modify the program.
It replicates itself more and more to slow down the computer system. Worms can be
controlled by remote.
Eg. The WannaCry ransomware worm in 2000 exploits the Windows Server
Message Block (SMBv1) which is a resource-sharing protocol.
Virus :
A virus is a malicious executable code attached to another executable file that can
be harmless or can modify or delete data.
When the computer program runs attached with a virus it performs some action
such as deleting a file from the computer system.
It refers to any method by which authorized and unauthorized users are able to get
around normal security measures and gain high level user access on a computer
system, network or software application
Patents: In India patents are governed by the provisions of the Patents Act 1970
and amended by Patents Act 2005 and Patents Act Rules 2006
Trade Secrets: There is no specific law in India for the protection of trade secrets.
They are protected under various statuses including contract law, copyright law,
breach of confidence etc.
Trademarks: Trademarks in India are registered and protected under the Trade
Marks Act 1999.
Copyrights: They are protected and registered under the Copyright Act 1957.
Geographical Indications: 1999 (GI Act) is an act of the parliament of India for
protection of geographical indications in India.
Indian Copyright Act 1957 deals with protection of computer software and is
inadequate to address all the aspects of IT
The Act defines the term computer and computer program in section 2(ffb) and
section 2(ffc) respectively.
The above command creates a packet when reassembled that is larger than the
max size of 65,535 that is allowed.
Why crash?
ICMP echo has a “pseudo header” consisting of 8 bytes of ICMP header info
Inside the packet is an ICMP ping message, asking network nodes that receive
the packet to send back a reply
These replies, or "echoes," are then sent back to network IP addresses again,
setting up an infinite loop.
make sure to block directed broadcast traffic coming into the network
Identity theft is committed in many different ways and its victims are typically left
with damage to their credit, finances, and reputation.
Financial fraud is when victims identity is used to perform criminal activity that is
harmful to victim’s finance
Purchase vehicle
Home mortgage
This type of fraud also damages the credit history of the victim.
Commit terrorism
Drug trafficking
Money laundering
This type of crimes include using victim’s identity to commit criminal act
During investigation, the victim’s name will be coming in front which will destroy
the victim's reputation, add criminal history etc.
Identity cloning:
Clone accounts on social media and in cyber world is very easy and popular
these days
Online transaction of money, funds transfer are also part of electronic commerce
Electronic retailing
Usually in large terms of volume and value of the goods and services
Third party usually provide online platform for consumer to identify and buy or
sell products
Third party platform is used by businesses to list down their requirements and
connect with individual consumer
An X.509 certificate (digital certificate) contains the information about the certificate
subject and the certificate issuer.
Application of X.509 :
Pieces of evidence tend to prove or disprove the fact in question and are required
by courts to reach a conclusion in legal cases.
Speedup access to resource (through caching) by caching web pages from a web
Frequently requested websites from different users can remain in proxy server
which improves user response time
The proxy server evaluates the request and provides the resource.
During SQL injection attack, malicious code is inserted into a website’s code to
make a system execute a command shell or other arbitrary commands
Insert additional queries to be executed by the database into the original query
to extract data, add or modify data, perform denial of service, or execute remote
The attacker does not intend to modify the original intended query but to include
new queries that piggyback on the original query.
As a result, the DBMS receives multiple SQL queries. The first is the normal
query, the subsequent ones are executed to satisfy the attack.
An attacker injects queries that always evaluates to true to the Grade Central
site to bypass authentication and retrieve grades.
Application based threat: If it comes to apps the risks run from bugs and basic
security risks on the low end of the scale all the way through malicious apps with no
other purpose to commit cyber crime.
Web based threat: According to the nature of mobile use, the fact that we have our
devices with us everywhere we go and are connecting to the Internet while doing
so, they face a number of unique web-based threats as well as the run-of-the-mill
threats of general Internet use.
Phishing Scams
Social Engineering
Drive By Downloads
Network exploits
WiFi sniffing
Cross-Platform Attacks
Loss/Theft: Loss or theft is the most unwanted physical threat to the security of
your mobile device. Any device itself has value and can be sold on the
secondary market after all your information is stolen and sold.
Also, physical contracts are not applicable to online transactions and activities.
Electronic contracts can eliminate many costs associated with traditional pen-and-
paper contracts and see countless other advantages.
India IT Act 2000 and Indian Contract act 1872 together are used to solve the
issues that arise in the formation and authentication of e-contracts
Typically packed with the products and license agreements can be read and
accepted only after unpacking the product. Eg: Any electronic product
purchased online
Also called as click through. Mostly found as a part of the software. User has
only 2 options: accept or decline. Eg. Software or application installation
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 defines the term “Contract” under its section 2 (h) as
“An agreement enforceable by law”.
This definition has two major elements in it viz – “agreement” and “enforceable by
Agreement: In section 2 (e), the Act defines the term agreement as “every promise
and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other”.
The Act in its section 2(b) defines the term “promise” here as: “when the person to
whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal becomes an
accepted proposal. A proposal when accepted, becomes a promise”.
The information technology act 2008 has introduced a new section 10A - “ Validity
of contracts formed through electronic means ’’
Belongs to
Module 5 & 6
Explain how the appeals can be made under the IT ACT 2000.
An appeal is a request made by the aggrieved party to modify or reverse an order.
Appeals function both as a process for error correction and a process of clarifying
and interpreting law
Every appeal shall be filed within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of
order made by the controller or adjudicating officer along with the prescribed fees.
However, the Appellate Tribunal may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the
stated period of 45 days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for delay in
filing an appeal.
On receipt of an appeal under Section 57(1), the Appellate Tribunal may, after
giving an opportunity of being heard to the parties to the appeal, pass such orders
thereon as it thinks fit. It may confirm, modify or set aside the order against which
an appeal has been made
The appeal shall be dealt with by it as expeditiously as possible and endeavor shall
be made by it to dispose of the appeal finally within 6 months from the date of
receipt of the appeal
Any person aggrieved by any decision or order of Appellate Tribunal may file an
appeal to the High Court within 60 days from the date of communication of such
decision or order. An appeal may be on any question of fact or law arising out of
such order.
The High Court may allow it to be filed within a further period of 60 days, if it is
satisfied that sufficient cause prevented him from filing the appeal within the
prescribed period.
Key provisions:
All electronic contracts made through secure electronic channels are legally valid.
Security measures for electronic records and also digital signatures are in place
A procedure for the appointment of adjudicating officers for holding inquiries under
the Act is finalized
Provision for establishing a Cyber Regulatory Appellant Tribunal under the Act.
Further, this tribunal will handle all appeals made against the order of the Controller
or Adjudicating Officer.
An appeal against the order of the Cyber Appellant Tribunal is possible only in the
High Court
Digital Signatures will use an asymmetric cryptosystem and also a hash function
Senior police officers and other officers can enter any public place and search and
arrest without warrant
Provisions for the formation of a committee to advise the Controller and the Central
Government on cyber regulations.
New sections added to cover offences such as identity theft, cyber terrorism,
violation of privacy, cheating by personation, transmitting sexually explicit act, child
pornography etc.
Intermediary liability recast: As a result of the much publicized case of Avnish Bajaj
Vs NCT Delhi (2005) 3 CompLJ 364 Del) where the CEO of eBay India was made a
Section 66 (Hacking)
The complex nature of cybercrime, as one that takes place in the borderless realm
of cyberspace, is compounded by the increasing involvement of organized crime
groups. Perpetrators of cybercrime, and their victims, are often located in different
regions, and its effects ripple through societies around the world. This highlights the
need to mount an urgent, dynamic and international response.
The company should baseline its current compliance state and be prepared to show
progress towards full compliance
Additional sections of SOX require timely monitoring and response to issues that
may materially affect data used or relied upon to generate public financial reports
Company must log and audit access to financial data and critical files used in the
preparation of public financial reports
12. Written usage policies by system type (laptop, Desktop, server ... )
13. Physical removal tracking and policy of all systems and data (including
removable media).
14. Create an “exact copy” backup prior to being moving data or systems.
15. Logout/disconnect inactive sessions
Organizations must monitor and report any access to the files, folders or databases
that contain consumer financial information
Ensure that all electronic cyber-assets are secure via user account management,
equipment, password management, and secure networking policies.
Utilities must ensure the physical security of all critical cyber-assets by:
Ensuring that there is a physical security perimeter around all critical cyber-
All physical access points to critical cyber assets must be identified and
An access log must be maintained for all critical cyber-assets, via keycards,
video or manual log.
Everyone who has access to critical cyber assets, including utility personnel,
contract workers and vendors, must be trained in cyber-security.
Each person who accesses critical cyber assets, including the utility's personnel,
contract workers and vendors, must be investigated to assess the risk that he or
Sarbanes-Oxley was enacted after several major accounting scandals in the early
The law mandates, strict reforms to improve financial disclosures from corporations
and prevent accounting fraud
Though Sarbanes-Oxley does not call out any specific IT requirements, the law
does have a great impact on information systems – and in particular the security of
those systems
Also known as public company accounting reform and investor protection Act
It is a United States federal law that requires financial institutions to explain how
they share and protect their customers’ private information
Communicate to their customers how they share the customers’ sensitive data
Inform customers of their right to opt-out if they prefer that their personal data
not be shared with third parties
The primary data protection implications of the GLBA are outlined its safeguards
rules, with additional privacy and security requirements
It requires for the financial institutions to establish standards for protecting the
security, integrity and confidentiality of their Non-public personal information (NPI)
Complying with the GLBA puts financial institutions at lower risk of penalties or
reputational damage caused by unauthorized sharing or loss of private customer
Privacy and security benefits required by the GLBA Safeguards Rule for customers:
User activity must be tracked, including any attempts to access protected records.
Compliance with the GLBA protects consumer and customer records and will
therefore help to build and strengthen consumer reliability and trust.
Customers gain assurance that their information will be kept secure by the
Amends both the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the Public
Health Service Act (PHSA)
(HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect
sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s
consent or knowledge.
HIPAA applies to healthcare, medical records, insurance, and other medical related
Health Plans
Health Clearinghouses
It ensures that individual health-care plans are accessible, portable and renewable
It sets the standards and the methods for how medical data is shared across the
U.S. health system in order to prevent fraud
It was originally published in 1995 written by the British Standards Institute (BSI).
The primary focus of NERC is to provide standards for supervisory control and data
acquisition devices and networks.
Reliability Standards;
PCI specifies different merchant levels from 1-4 (1 being the highest), based on the
number of transactions per year, and has increased security requirements at each
higher level.
PCI specifies security standards for “Any system that stores, processes, or
transmits cardholder data”
Unlike SOX and GLBA, The PCI standard is quite straightforward and IT specific.