HLTAAP001 Workplace Assessment Booklet
HLTAAP001 Workplace Assessment Booklet
HLTAAP001 Workplace Assessment Booklet
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.
Student Name
I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.
Student Signature
Assessment Task Satisfactory Satisfactory Date Signature
Workplace project
Date: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all parts of your journal or did not get your supervisor’s
sign off, you will be asked to fix the errors and resubmit.
You will need to complete this task in your workplace.
You will need to choose two different clients to work with. Talk to your supervisor for advice as to which clients
might be appropriate for this task. You must obtain permission from your supervisor and each client to
participate in the task – see the permission forms provided at the end of this task.
You will work with your clients and a colleague (or your supervisor if applicable) by going through Parts A–D.
Make two copies of each journal template (see the end of this task) – one for each client.
Note: Please do not identify your clients by name – you should refer to each client as ‘the client’ or ‘Client 1’
and ‘Client 2’ than use their name.
You should conduct this task twice, working with each client separately.
You must get each part of your journals signed by your supervisor before you submit them for assessment.
Observe the following physical health checks being performed by a qualified member of staff. The physical
health checks will need to be performed on both clients you spoke to in Part A above.
Health checks must include:
▪ Temperature
▪ Pulse
▪ Respiration
▪ Blood pressure
▪ Bowels opened
▪ Client-specific observations as applicable (for example, blood sugar test, visual observation, weight check,
check of ankles for swelling, etc).
Make a record of the findings in your journal in the Part B template.
Using the information you have gathered in Part A and Part B, interpret it and answer the two questions in the
journal in the Part C template.
Based on the health information you gathered during this task for each client, gather some information (fact
sheets, brochures, websites etc) that you could potentially give each client to help them maintain good health,
and other colleagues in the workplace so they can promote healthy body function.
You may be able to locate good information within your workplace, at the local GP or health centre, on the
Internet and so on.
Write down the information you gathered in your journal in the Part D template, and show the information to
your supervisor. They will sign Part D of your template to indicate that the information you gathered was
relevant to the needs of the client, and it would be suitable to share with others.
<Client’s name>.
Supervisor’s name: _________________________________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________
<Client’s name>.
Supervisor’s name: _________________________________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________
Client 1 permission
I, __________________________________________________________________________________________ ,
<client name> approve ______________________________________________________________________
<student’s name> to undertake this project, which will involve access to my health information and
observations of health checks being performed on myself by a member of staff.
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________
Client 2 permission
I, __________________________________________________________________________________________ ,
<client name> approve ______________________________________________________________________
<student’s name> to undertake this project, which will involve access to my health information and
observations of health checks being performed on myself by a member of staff.
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________
Complete this journal for the client you have chosen to work with. Make sure you get your supervisor to sign off each entry.
Note: to preserve confidentiality, you must not include any information that could identify your client. Use ‘the client’ rather than the client’s name.
Describe the information that you JJ comes to see you to ask advice. Her mother has recently died of complications from type 2 RR
diabetes. Jemima is now worried about her risk of becoming diabetic.
learned about your client’s physical You ask for the history of the mother’s illness and find out the following:
health status by reviewing their Her mother developed diabetes in her early 50s.
medical record/care plan. She never managed to control her blood sugar levels.
She was obese and lived a sedentary life.
She developed heart disease in her 60s and died at 65.
Pulse normal RR
Interpret the information you obtained in Part A and Part B and answer the following questions.
Does your client have any indicators having high BP and palpitation feeling anxious- RR
client is feeling fatigue
that there is a variation from normal
wanting to eat some thing unhealthy - quick bites
client is breathing heavily , feeling tired to walk , clients cardio is reflecting fast heart beat
Explain your answer and discuss the since client is bit obese client is feeling to not flexible to exercise muscular system is not not highly functional in movement
body systems involved that a
contributing to a variation in healthy
How will this information be shared? recorded in casenotes, have spoken to supervisor to come up with plan to make client work on healthy eating habits and RR
introudce exercise routine
Based on the information you have gathered about each client, document here the sources/information that you have gathered that you would potentially share
with your clients and others in the workplace.
Information for Client 1: client to follow dietician chart, start doing regular exercise using personal trainer and go to gym regularly , refer to updated care plan with person centred
approach to reach the goals
Support that can be provided toencourage health exercise – includinguse of both The five tips to improve emotionalwellbeing
active and passive exercise • It’s all a matter of balance
There are few different exercises that older people cando while sitting down or • Keep yourself physically strong to bolster
watching television. Theexercises are: your emotional resilience
• Improves both strength and balance (side leg • Be authentic, especially to yourself
raises) • See yourself as capable
• Improves leg strength (half squats) • Reward is important
• For strength and balance (heel raises)
• Moderate fitness activities
• Strength activities
Information for Client 2: • Flexibility activities • Balance activities • Stretching and balance exercises
I confirm that the information gathered by the student was relevant to the needs of each client and from current and reputable sources, and could be provided to
both clients and staff to keep them educated and aware of the importance of healthy body functioning.
Complete this journal for the client you have chosen to work with. Make sure you get your supervisor to sign off each entry.
Note: to preserve confidentiality, you must not include any information that could identify your client. Use ‘the client’ rather than the client’s name.
Pulse RR
Respiration RR
Blood pressure RR
Bowels opened RR
Client-specific observations RR
Interpret the information you obtained in Part A and Part B and answer the following questions.
Based on the information you have gathered about each client, document here the sources/information that you have gathered that you would potentially share
with your clients and others in the workplace.
I confirm that the information gathered by the student was relevant to the needs of each client and from current and reputable sources, and could be provided to
both clients and staff to keep them educated and aware of the importance of healthy body functioning.