EB8 HI1 EYAnnexure Risk Assessment
EB8 HI1 EYAnnexure Risk Assessment
EB8 HI1 EYAnnexure Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
1 Safety Management Plan
During construction, erection, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance, the
manpower, materials and machines are the basic inputs. The proposed development of
multi-product SEZ/Industrial Park at Gopalpur area generally has problems related to
occupational health and safety. Hence management proposes to take steps to minimize the
impacts from the proposed development of industrial parkto ensure appropriate
occupational health, safety including fire plans by adapting occupational health &safety
measures as per standard procedures &local guidelines. All these activities again may be
classified based on activities which needs attention during construction, erection, operation
and maintenance phases.
Over-exertion, ergonomic injuries and illnesses caused due to repetitive motion and
manual handling are among the most common during construction. The proper steps for
their prevention and control include:
Training to be given to the workers regarding the lifting of materials &handling,
placement of weight limits, planning of work, selection of tools and
implementation of administrative controls in the site for the development.
Implementation of good house-keeping practices, such as the sorting and placing
loose construction materials or demolition debris in identified areas away from
foot paths.
A fall protection plan will be implemented for the persons who will work in
heights and also depending on the nature and aspects of the fall hazard.
Appropriate techniques and measures will be taken for the prevention and
control of hazards caused by the objects and moving machinery in proposed site
during constructional phase.
Suitable dust suppression techniques will be implemented like water spraying to
minimize dust from vehicle movements and also proper Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) used at excessive levels.
a) Policy
The employees safety policy includes the following:
Contact their immediate supervisors according to individual department policies.
What happened will be sorted out through the accident reporting and
investigation process.
The supervisor or employee should cause the following to be completed:
a. Obtain the names, addresses, and phone numbers (work and home) of any
witnesses. Interview the witnesses and prepare a report including statements from
the witnesses. The report should include any suggestions to prevent a similar
accident or incident from occurring in the future.
Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, Hyderabad. Page 1
Proposed Multi-product SEZ/Industrial Park at Gopalpur, Odisha by M/s Tata Steel SEZ Limited
b. Take photographs of the property damage or defect. A sufficient number of photos
should be taken to fully describe the damage to a person who has not been at the
c. Prepare a report of the incident with all necessary information. The reports should be
prepared to reflect the seriousness of the incident.
d. Fill appropriate forms for future use.
e. If individual department procedures include all of the information required by this
policy, that document can be utilized to fulfill these requirements.
f. This policy is in addition to a worker’s compensation reporting requirements.
To control communicable and vector-borne diseases attributable in the proposed site are
not potentially serious health threat to project personnel and residents of local
communities. The investigation facilities are available to monitor all the employees for
the occupational health diseases expected due the production activities in the Industrial
Parkpremises and also maintaining periodical check-up of our all workers from certified
Industrial & Occupational Health physician. The industrial park will maintain the first aid
box with sufficient medicines to face any emergency in the industrial premises.
The problem of occupational health in the operation and maintenance phase of member
industriesis due to noise hearing losses. The personal protective equipment will be given to
all the workers.
The working personnel are given the following personnel protective equipment as
appropriate to their working environment.
Industrial safety helmet
Face shield with replacement acrylic vision
Zero power plain goggles with cut type filters on both ends
Welders equipment for eye and face protection
Ear muffs
Canister gas mask
Self-contained breathing apparatus
Leather apron
Full body safety harness
Leather hand gloves
Acid/Alkali proof rubberized hand gloves
Emergency medical facilities are available round the clock for attending emergency arising
out of accidents, if any. All working personnel are medically examined at least once in every
year and at the end of his term of employment.
b) Safety Plan
Safety of both men and materials during construction and operational phases is of concern.
The preparedness in the proposed site for the occurrence of possible disasters is known as
emergency plan. The disaster in the proposed site may be possible due to leakage of
hazardous fuels like HSD, collapse of structures and fire/explosion etc.
Keeping in view the safety requirement during construction, operation and maintenance
phases, developer/common facilitator propose to formulate the safety policy and the same
will be further strengthening after establishment of theproposed SEZ/Industrial Park
2 Safety Organization
Construction and Erection Phase
A qualified and experienced safety officer shall be appointed by the member industries and
for the entire Industrial Park. The responsibilities of the safety officers include identification
of the hazardous conditions and unsafe acts of workers and advice on corrective actions,
conduct safety audit, organize training programs and provide professional expert advice on
various issues related to occupational safety and health. He is also responsible to ensure
compliance of safety rules/statutory provisions. In addition to employment of safety officer
by industry every contractor, who employs more than 250 workers, in the proposed site for
the industrial park/member industry shall also employ one safety officer to ensure safety of
the worker, in accordance with the conditions of contract.
A training center shall be set up at the proposed SEZ/Industrial Park. Safety training shall be
provided by the safety officer with the assistance of external faculty members called from
professional safety institutions and universities. In addition to regular employees, contract
labors shall also be provided safety training. To create safety awareness safety films shall be
shown to workers and leaflets etc.
The objective of the study is to assess the likely hazards and risk associated with process
and preparation of preliminary Disaster Management Plan (DMP).These guidelines would
be in addition to the guidelines issued by the National Disaster Management Authority
(NDMA) which are available athttp://ndma.gov.in/ndma/guidelines.html.The main
objectives of DMP are:-
To control and contain the incident/accident and if possible, eliminate it.
To minimize the effects of the incident on persons, property and environment.
On-site Disaster
If an accident/incident takes place within the proposed project site and its effects are
confined to the premises, involving only the persons working in the proposed project
siteand the property inside the proposed project site, it is called as on-site disaster.
Off - siteDisaster
If the accident is such that its affects inside the proposed project siteare uncontrollable
and it may spread outside the premises, it is called as off-site disaster.
- On-Site Disaster Management Plan
Main Elements of On-site Emergency Plans
- Leadership and administration.
- Role and responsibilities of key personnel.
- Emergency action.
- Light and power.
- Source of energy control.
- Protective and rescue equipment.
- Communication.
- Medical care.
- Public relation.
- Protection of vital records.
- Training.
- Periodical revision of plan.
a) Control Centre
This is the main center from where the operations to handle the emergency are directed
and coordinated. Facilities to be made available in the control centre are:-
The system will be designed as per the recommendations of Tariff Advisory Committee of
Insurance Association of India. Applicable codes and Standards of National Fire
Prevention Association (NFPA), USA, would also be followed.
Hydrant System
A ring header, hydrants and hose stations will provide general plant protection.
c) Assembly Points
A safe place should be pre-determined as assembly point where in case of emergency
personnel evacuated from the affected areas are to be assembled. The workers, contract
workers and visitors should assemble in assembly point in case of emergency and the
time office clerk should take their attendance so as to assess the missing persons during
ii. Exercise and direct operational control over areas other than those affected.
iii. Maintain a continuous review of possible development and assess in consultation with
work incident controller and other key personnel.
iv. Liaison with police, fire service, medical services, factory inspectorate and other Govt.
v. Direct and control rehabilitation of affected area after emergency.
vi. Intimate off-site emergency controller if the emergency spreads beyond the factory
premises and likely to affect the surrounding area.
vii. Ensure that evidence is preserved for enquiries to be conducted by statutory
The works main controller will declare the emergency and he will instruct gate office to
operate the emergency siren after assessing the gravity of the situation.
work incident controller about the situation and requirement of outside help like state
fire service and other members. At the site, the entire fire squad member will respond to
the advice and information given by the works incident controller. The security will
control the visitors and the vehicle entry.
d. Medical Officer. Medical officer with his team will report to the works incident
controller on hearing the fire/emergency siren immediately. The ambulance will be
parked nearest to the site of incident. Name of injured and other casualties carried to the
Hospital will be recorded and handed over to works incident controller. The ambulance
will carry the injured to the nearest hospital for treatment.
Alarm System
Alarm system varies and will depend on the size of the works area - simple fire bell, hand
operated siren – break open type, fire alarm etc. Automatic alarm may be needed for
highly hazardous nature of industries in the IA.
Communication System
Communication is a key component to control an emergency. The following
communication system may be provided in the project
Telephone (internal & external).
Cell phone.
Runners (verbal or written messages).
Escape Route
The escape route from each and every plant should be clearly marked. The escape route
is the shortest route to reach out of the plant area to open area, which leads to assembly
point. This route should be indicated on the layout plan attached to the on-site
management plan.
All non-essential staff should be evacuated from the emergency site. As soon as the
emergency siren rings the workers have to shut down the SEZ/IP and move to the
assembly point. The shutdown procedure in case of emergency should be prepared and
kept ready and responsible persons should be nominated for the purpose.
Counting of Personnel
All personnel working in the SEZ/IP should be counted. Time office persons should collect
the details of personnel arriving at the assembly point. These should be checked with the
attendances of regular workers, contract workers present in the site on the day of
emergency. The accident control should be informed and arrangement should be made
for searching missing persons in the emergency affected area. The employees address,
contact number of next to kin should be maintained in the time office so that during
emergency relatives of those affected due to emergency may be informed accordingly.
Information in respect of emergency should be given to the media and other agency.
Emergency facilities
The following facilities should be provided to tackle any emergency at any time.
Fire protection and firefighting facilities
Emergency lighting and standby power
Emergency equipment and rescue equipment
Breathing apparatus with compressed air cylinder
Fire proximity suit
Water gel Blanket
Low temperature suit
The composition of the District Crisis Group has been prescribed under the
chairpersonship of District Collector and Local Crisis Group under the chairpersonship of
Sub-Divisional Magistrate. The District Crisis Group shall meet every forty five days and
send a report to the State Crisis Group. The Local Crisis Group shall meet every month
and forward a copy of the proceedings to the District Crisis Group.
The off-site emergency plan shall be prepared by the District Magistrate in consultation
with the factory management and Govt. agencies. The plan contains up-to-date details of
outside emergency services and resources such as fire services, hospitals, police etc. with
telephone number. The district authorities are to be included in the plan area.
a. Police Department
b. Revenue Department
c. Fire Brigade
d. Medical Department
e. Municipality
f. Gram Panchayat
g. Railway Department
h. Telephone Department
i. Factory Department
j. Electricity Department
k. Pollution Control Department
l. Explosive Department
m. Press and Media
Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, Hyderabad. Page 13
Proposed Multi-product SEZ/Industrial Park at Gopalpur, Odisha by M/s Tata Steel SEZ Limited
Mock exercises on off-site plan should be carried out at least once in a year to train the
employees, up to date the plan, observe and rectify deficiencies.Each industrial unit or
group of units should prepare separate emergency preparedness and DMP which will be
in sync with the main DMP of industrial parkincorporating details of action to be taken in
case of any major accident/disaster occurring within the unit. The plan should cover all
types of major accident/occurrences and identify the risk involved in the industry. Mock
drills on the plan should be carried out periodically to make the plan foolproof and
persons are made fully prepared to fight against any incident in the industry. The plan
will vary according to the type of industry and emergency.
4 Inventory at Site
The inventory at the project site is given in the Table 1
Table 1
Storage Capacity in Project Site for theProposed SEZ/IndustrialPark
No. of Capacity of
Name of Hazardous Materials & Nature of
S.No. Storage storage
Location Hazard
Units (kilo liters)
HSD (High Speed Diesel) Fire & 50
1 2 No (40 MT)
Stored at Utilities Department Explosion
Table 2
Summary Table on the Inventories
Codes/ LEL UEL
Chemical TLV FBP MP FP
Label %
(High Speed 800 ppm 215 - 3760 C NA 320 C 0.6 6.0
TLV : Threshold Limit Value FBP : Final Boiling Point
MP : Melting Point FP : Flash Point
UEL : Upper Explosive Limit LEL : Lower Explosive Limit
Table 3
Properties of Fuel Employed
S.No. Raw Material Nh Nf Nr
1 HSD (High Speed Diesel) 1 2 0
From the above table it can be inferred that HSD falls under the category of “moderate”
category of flammability index with Nf being 2.
Schedule III gives a list of hazardous chemicals with their threshold quantities. In
this schedule different chemicals are classified into distinct groups viz. Group 1 -
Toxic substances, Group 2 -Toxic substances, Group 3 -Highly reactive substances,
Group 4 -Explosive substances and Group 5-Flammable substances.
Schedule IV of the rules indicate various operations which are hazardous during
production, processing or treatment of organic and inorganic chemicals.
Indicative Criteria for Identification of Toxic, Flammable and Explosive Chemicals (MSIHC
Rules 1989) is given in Table 4
Table 4
Indicative Criteria for Identification of Toxic, Flammable and
Explosive Chemicals (MSIHC Rules 1989 and amended in 2000)
a. Toxic Chemicals
Chemicals having the following values of acute toxicity and which, owing to their
physical and chemical properties, are capable of producing major accident hazards
S. Degree of Medium lethal dose Medium lethal dose by Medium lethal
No. Toxicity by the oral route the dermal route concentration by
(oral toxicity) LD (dermal toxicity) LD inhalation route
50 (mg/kg body 50(mg/kg body weight (four hours) LC50
weight of test of test animals) (mg/l inhalation in
animals) test animals)
1. Extremely 1-50 1-200 0.1-0.5
2. Highly 51-500 201-2000 0.5-2.0
b. Flammable Chemicals
i. Flammable gases: Chemicals which in the gaseous state at normal pressure and
when mixed with air become flammable and the boiling point of which at normal
pressure is 20oC or below;
ii. Highly flammable liquids: Chemicals, which have a flash point, lower than 23 oC
and the boiling point of which at normal pressure is above 20 oC.
iii. Flammable liquids :Chemicals which have a flash point lower than 650C and
which remain liquids under pressure, where particular processing conditions,
such as high pressure and high temperature, may create major accident hazards
c. Explosives
Chemicals which may explode under the effect of flame, heat or photo-chemical
conditions or which are more sensitive to shocks or friction than dinitrobenzene.
Based on the indicative criteria inventory (liquids/fuels) stored in proposed site has been
analyzed for applicability of MSIHC Rules 1989and the results are summarized in Table 5
Table 5
Applicability of MSIHC Rules to Storages
Threshold Quantity
S. Chemical/ Listed in for Application of
Expected for Application
No. Fuel Schedule Rules 5,7 – 9 and 13
Quantity of Rules 10 - 12
- 15
3 (2(e)(iii),5
1 HSD 560MT 2500 MT 20,000 MT
and 6(1)(a) /)
*Expected Quantity to be Stored for a week
From the above table it can be inferred that HSD tanks does not (with capacity less
than36MT ) attract rules 2(e)(iii), 5 and 6(1)(a) and 7-15, as the stored quantities are less
than that of the stipulated threshold quantities
Table 6
Short listed Hazards
Nature Of Hazards Sources & Location
Fire Hazards HSD Storage area. Storage & handling of HSD in DG power
Explosion Hazard HSD
Fire / explosions due Spillage / transfer of HSD cause explosion due to leakage
to leakage
Accidents due to Connected with all material handling activities and equipment
material handling
Dust hazard Storage and handling of product concentrate at production
block as well in storage yard
High voltage electrical DG power house, switch yard, HT Motors/ lines
Fall from height Civil construction works, welding and other hot jobs done at
Major hazards posed by hazardous chemical storages can be identified taking recourse to
MCA Analysis. MCA analysis encompasses certain techniques to identify the hazards and
calculate the consequent effects in terms of damage distances of heat radiation, toxic
releases, vapor cloud explosion, etc. A host of probable or potential accidents of the
major units in the complex arising due to use, storage and handling of the hazardous
materials are examined to establish their credibility. Depending upon the effective
hazardous attributes and their impact on the event, the maximum effect on the
surrounding environment and the respective damage caused can be assessed.
Various models for calculating the physical effects of the incidental release of hazardous
substances are detailed subsequently. First, attention is paid to the factors which are
decisive for the selection of the models to be used in a particular situation, after which
the various effect models are discussed.
Table 7
Mathematical Models and Analytical Models for Hazard Analysis
S. No Explosions
1 Pool fire Fire ball and physical over pressure models
Table 8
Damage Criteria
Heat Radiation Explosions Toxic Gas Dispersion
Incident Peak
Flux Damage overpressure Damage
kW/m (bar)
100% lethality, The extent of damage
Heavy -
37.5 Heavy damage to 0.3 depends upon the
equipment concentration of the
50% lethality, non Damage toxic compound in
25.0 0.03
piloted ignition of glass the atmosphere. The
1% lethality, piloted Crack of relation between
12.5 0.01
ignition windows percent of injuries
Not lethal, 1st degree and the toxic load is
4.5 normally given in the
No discomfort even form of probity
1.6 function.
after long exposure
Table 9
Radiation Exposure and Lethality
Radiation Intensity Exposure Time
Lethality (%) Degree of Burns
(KW/m2) (seconds)
No Discomfort even
1.6 -- 0
after long exposure
4.5 20 0 1 st
4.5 50 0 1 st
8.0 20 0 1 st
8.0 50 <1 3 rd
8.0 60 <1 3 rd
12.0 20 <1 2 nd
12.0 50 8 3 rd
12.5 -- 1 --
25.0 -- 50 --
37.5 -- 100 --
The Health (Nh), Flammability (Nf), Reactivity (Nr), and MF (Material Factor) for HSD fuel
under consideration was derived from NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) codes.
The GPH (General Process Hazard Factor) and SPH (Specific Process Hazard Factor) was
calculated accordingly. Based on F&EI (Fire and Explosion Index), the HSD fall under light
degree of hazard category and nil toxicity.Thus Risk Assessment and Hazard analysis has
been carried out due to fire hazard for HSD storage tanks by carrying out MCA (Maximum
Credible Accident) analysis.
Table 10
F&EI of Fuels Used for the Proposed SEZ/Industrial Park
NFPA Classification F&E
Chemical/Fuel GPH SPH *F&EI
Nh Nf Nr MF Category
HSD 1 2 0 10 1.8 2.83 50.89 Light
*FEI = MF *(1+GPH) * (1+SPH)
9.1 Damage Distance Computations for MCA (Maximum Credible Accident) analysis
The major hazard scenarios identified for the possibility of occurrence are mainly
concerned with HSD Storage tanks.The Maximum capacity of the storage of HSD will be
2×50 kl. The most credible failure is the rupture of the largest pipe connecting to the
storage tank. As worst case, it is assumed that if 50 kl HSD is leaked and the entire
contents leak out into the dyke forming a pool, which may catch fire on finding a source
of ignition.
A perusal of the above table clearly indicates that 37.5 kW/m2(100% lethality occurs
within the radius of the pool which is computed at 13 m tank on pool fire. This vulnerable
zone will damage all fuel storage equipment falling within the pool radius.
Similarly the threshold limit for first degree burns is 1.6 kW/m2, this vulnerable zone in
which the thermal fluxes above the threshold limit for first degree is restricted to 86m in
case fuel storage area catches pool fire. The risk contours are given below in Figure 1 & 2
Threat Modeled: Thermal radiation from pool fire
Red : 13 meters --- (37.5 kW/ (sqm))
Red : 18 meters --- (25 kW/ (sqm))
Orange: 29 meters --- (12.5 kW/ (sqm))
Orange: 51 meters --- (4.5 kW/ (sqm))
Yellow: 86 meters --- (1.6 kW/ (sqm))
Natural disasters can neither be predicted nor prevented. The problem before us is how
to cope with them, minimizing their impact. Increase in urban population coupled with
the construction of man-made structures often poorly built and maintained subject cities
to greater levels of risk to life and property in the event of earthquakes and other natural
hazards. One of the main objectives is to reduce the risk of loss of human life and
property and to reduce costs to the society. We have to recognize that in such cases of
natural disasters, we deal with phenomena of enormous magnitude that cannot be
controlled by any direct means of human intervention. But what we try to do is to reduce
the impact on human beings and property.
Odisha is vulnerable to multiple disasters. Due to its sub-tropical littoral location, the
state is prone to tropical cyclones, storm surges and tsunamis. Its densely populated
coastal plains arethe alluvial deposits of its river systems. The rivers in these areas with
heavy load of silt have very little carrying capacity, resulting in frequent floods, only to be
compounded by breached embankments.
Though a large part of the state comes under Earthquake Risk Zone-II (low damage risk
zone), the Brahmani Mahanadi graben and their deltaic areas come under Earthquake
Risk Zone-III (moderate damage risk zone) covering 43 out of the 103 urban local bodies
of the state. Besides these natural hazards, human-induced disasters such as accidents,
stampede, fire, etc., vector borne disasters such as epidemics, animal diseases and pest
attacks and industrial/chemical disasters add to human suffering.
The Odisha State has a history of recurring natural disasters. While the coastal districts of
Odisha are exposed to floods and cyclones, western Odisha is prone to acute droughts; a
large section of the state is also prone to earthquakes. In addition, the State is also
affected by disasters like heat waves, epidemics, forest fire, road accidents etc. The
history of disasters substantiates the fact that about 80% of the state is prone to one or
more forms of natural disasters. Odisha has a history of recurring natural disasters.
The seismic zoning of Odisha falls between zones I to II i.e. low damage risk zone and
moderate damage risk zones. The parts of districts coming under moderate risk zones
are: Sundergarh, Jharsuguda, Bargarh, Sambalpur, Deogarh, Angul, Dhenkanal, Jajpur,
Cuttack. Khurda, Puri, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Bhadrak, Mayurbhanj&Balasore. While
districts coming under low damage risk zones are Malkangiri, Koraput, Rayagada,
Gajapati, Ganjam, Kandhamal, Nawarangpur, Kalahandi, Nuapada, Bolangir, Sonepur,
Boudh, Nayagarh and Keonjhar.
There has been an alarming increase in the number of road accidents in the state in
recent years. Poor road conditions, weak enforcement of laws, disregard for safety
values, mechanical failures and lack of road awareness are the main causes of road
10.3 Cyclone
Due to Odisha’s sub-tropical littoral location, the state is prone to tropical cyclones,
storm surges and tsunamis. Most of the cyclones in Bay of Bengal occurring frequently
during the northeast monsoon (october to december) cross the Odisha coast that too
specifically near Goapalpur compared to their landfall in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
The strong wind, associated with storm surge and flooding in coastal areas due to heavy
rainfall causes massive destruction. Cyclones over the Bay of Bengal mostly move
westward, northwestward or northward and cross the east coast of India or Bangladesh.
This section describes the possibility of occurrence of Cyclone and the related high wind
speed, the expected storm surge along the coastal region due to the passage of Cyclone
and also the impact in case of occurrence of tsunami. The possible periodicity of the
occurrence, intensity of occurrence, impact on the coastal form and people, the risk
assessment and the disaster management plan are enumerated.
Storm Surge
Occurrence of storm is a common phenomenon in Bay of Bengal during northeast
monsoonparticularly in September, October and December. The region near Gopalpur is
prone tofrequent passage of cyclone and the associated storm surge. Based on the data
published byIMD in, ‘The tracks of storms and depressions in the Bay of Bengal and the
Arabian Sea-1877to 2014’, fifty five storms had occurred in the vicinity of Krishnapatnam
in 138 years, i.e.from 1877 to 2014. Referring to below Table 12, it can be seen that the
occurrence of cyclones ismore frequent in the month of September andOctober (11),
followed by august (10). If acyclone with a wind speed exceeding 180 kmph develops, it
brings heavy rain with a stormsurge > 3 m.
Table 12
Track of Storms and Depressions (From 1877 – 2014)
Month Crossed in the Vicinity
January -
February -
March -
April -
May 1
June 7
July 5
August 10
September 11
October 11
November 7
December 3
Total 55
In Ganjam district alone 2812 villages have been affected. Apart from loss of life,
powersupply, water supply system and communication system were totally disrupted
Rainfall: During Phailin cyclone occurred in october 2013, it caused very heavy to
extremelyheavy rainfall over Odisha coast leading to floods, and strong gale wind leading
to largescale structural damage and storm surge leading to coastal inundation over
Odisha.Maximum rainfall occurred over northeast sector of the system centre at the time
oflandfall. Maximum 24 hour cumulative rainfall of 38 cm was reported over Banki in
Cuttackdistrict of Odisha.
The Gopalpur port breakwaters were totally shattered and partially submerged.
Somedamage to the infrastructure close to the beach at the tourist location of Gopalpur
on seawas also noticed. The Pudumpetta fishing village at north of Rushikulya mouth was
moreaffected due to its close proximity to the beach. Houses with thatched roofs and tin
sheetroofs suffered heavy damages especially those located near Gopalpur port. The
damage wasminimal beyond Puri beach.It was noted that the impact of the cyclone and
inundation to interior regions were reduceddue to the existence of the high level sand
dunes. The inundation line due to the Phailincyclone is shown in Fig. 36. The water line
entered about 60 m into the shore.However the inundation was low due to the presence
of high sand dunes in this region.Therefore it is imperative to stabilize the dunes as it
forms a natural protection to minimizedamages along the coast during any cyclone.
10.4 Tsunami
Tsunami is a series of wave train generated in the ocean by a hydraulic impulsive force
that vertically displaces the water column. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions,
explosions and even the impact of cosmic bodies taking place in the ocean can generate
Tsunami waves with long periods (≈ 30 min), long wave length (≈ 100 km) with a high
velocity of propagation (≈ 700 km/hr).
Tsunamis are shallow water waves which propagate with phase velocity equal to the
square root of the product of the acceleration due to gravity and the water depth. For
example, in the Pacific Ocean, where the typical water depth is about 4000 m, the
tsunami wave travels at about 700 km/hr. Because the rate at which the wave loses its
energy is inversely related to its wave length, tsunami not only propagates at high speed,
but it can also travel great transoceanic distances with limited energy losses and reach
the large vertical movements of the earth's crust is more predominant and it can occur at
tectonic plate boundaries. The plates that interact along these boundaries are called
faults. Around the margins of the faults, the denser oceanic plates slip under the
continental plates in a process known as subduction. Such subduction earthquakes are
particularly very effective in generating the devastating tsunamis.
The energy flux due to tsunami is proportional to its velocity of propagation and height
and it remains nearly constant till reaching the coast. Consequently, the velocity of
propagation gets retarded when it enters shallower water and its height gets amplified.
Because of this shoaling effect, the tsunami that is imperceptible at Deep Ocean close to
centimeter height may rise up to several meters near the coast called run up.
When Tsunami finally reaches the coast, the crest of the wave appears as rapidly risen
water mass gushing into the coastline as a bore with a crashing velocity of 700 km/hr for
more than 10 - 30 min. The trough of the wave will appear as the withdrawal of water
mass with same speed back into the ocean swallowing everything on the land and
dragging back into the ocean.
Possible intensity of tsunami In worst case, if a tsunami occurs due to the movement of
Andaman and Indonesian plate then there will be surging of tsunami waves with a speed
of > 60 kmph into the shore and the run-up will be > 4 m. The gushing of water will
sweep and flood the areas having elevation < 3 m MSL.
Development of sand dunes along the coast with shrubs or Casuarina trees
forstabilization of the sand dunes (Tsunami Mound).Raising the ground level (above the
design water level) with natural beach sand so asto rehabilitate the coastal
region.Development of coastal forest (green belt) by planting casuarinas and coconut
treesalong the coastline to cover minimum of about 500 m width of the beach.Adopting
natural beach nourishment to create steep beach face.Creation of sandy ramps at close
intervals along the coast.
Preparedness Plan
The preparedness plan shall contain details about:
Precautionary measures to be taken. The following measures are the key aspects in
thepreparedness plan.
Tsunami waves do not induce high surface elevation in deep ocean and hence
theirpresence is not felt in deep ocean until they reach the shallow water close to coast.
If anysmall yet potentially significant sea level change is noted following a seismic
activity, thedata are transmitted acoustically to the surface buoys and relayed by
satellites to thewarning stations. Computer modelling converts the data into a prediction
of potentialdamages for the use of the members of the network.
National: After the 2004 tsunami affected the Indian sub-continent, the
followingorganizations are involved on watch and cautioning the government and public
in the eventof possibility of occurrence of tsunami. As a part of tsunami hazard
mitigation, warningsystems have been established in India by the coordination of the
following organizations.
The contact details of international and national agencies are given in Table 13
Table 13
Contact Details of International and National agencies
Organization Address Email ID Contact Number
Ocean Valley,
Pragathi Nagar (BO), +91 - 40 -
INCOIS www.incois.gov.in
Nizampet (SO), 23895002
Hyderabad – 500090
NDMA Bhavan,
A-1 Safdarjang Enclave, +91 - 11 -
NDMA www.ndma.gov.in
New Delhi, 26701700
DL 110029.
Mausam Bhavan,
Lodi road, +91- 11 -
IMD www.imd.gov.in
New Delhi, 24699216
DL 110033.
Velachery -
main Road, +91 - 44 -
NIOT www.niot.res.in
Narayanapuram, 66783300
Chennai 600100.
1401, Constitution
NOAA NW. Room 5128, www.noaa.gov -
Washington, USA.
DC 20230
Andaman Andaman & Nicobar
Nicobar Administration o/o
+91- 3192 -
Administration secretary (GA), webmaster.and@nic.in
Port Blair.
Indian Navy Port Blair +91 - 3192 -
Detachment, hqancpro@rediffmail.co 232012
Port Blair. m +91 - 3192 -
Andaman Chief Engineer &
Harbour works, Administrator office, +91 - 3192 -
Port Blair. Post Box No:161, 232864
Port Blair 744101.
District District Collector
dm-ganjam@nic.in 06811-263700
Ganjam District
Odisha State.
INCOIS in collaboration with NIOT has deployed DART buoys at 3 locations in the deep
oceanalong the fault plane of Andaman plate and Indonesian plate. The data
transmission systemhas been effectively linked through satellite with 24 hours online
monitoring at NIOT,Chennai.
There are a variety of evacuation notification systems in case of cyclone, tsunami and
stormsurge. They include sirens, weather radio, emergency alert system, telephones,
emergencyweather information network etc. In each system, it should be noted that the
applicationand message is consistent as well as continuous with repetition of messages
with periodicityat short time interval. It should be ensured that the warning reaches
immediately to allpeople prone to the devastation.
The vigilant team should have proper knowledge about the warning systems and
shouldhave attended the training programs conducted by the tsunami warning centres.
Thetraining should be given periodically to update the system and methods of warning.
Theteam should take the responsibility of giving immediate warning to the people in
andaround the power plant in case of Tsunami and they have to undertake the
EmergencyPreparedness Action. Safety drills should be conducted periodically.
Emergency Evacuation
Evacuation of people from risk areas is the first priority when early warning is received
orthe natural warning sign indicates the immediate arrival of cyclone, tsunami wave or
rise ofstorm surge.
Evacuation plan describes the time span available before and during the tsunami or
stormsurge event. When facing local threat, evacuation procedures most possibly will
have thecharacter of a ‘runaway effort’ and people should not expect to receive much
institutionalsupport. The primary objective should be bringing as many people as
possible out of thereach of the wave’s impact to safe or ‘relatively safe’ areas. Therefore
necessary steps haveto be taken in advance to enable and support the community at risk
to protect themselvesat any time.
The mitigation measures to be taken normally vary according to the local site
conditions.Accordingly, in general case, the following mitigation measures are seen to be
effective forthe proposed project:
Bio shield
Construction of tsunami mound
Construction of tsunami/cyclone shelter
Bio Shield:It is a general belief that natural formations such as coralreefs, grass beds,
coastal vegetation such as mangroves,estuaries and deltas of river mouths and flood
plains play animportant role in dissipating the forces of tsunami waves.
A bio-shield formed by planting a vegetation belt along coastlines would protect the
regionagainst coastal storms, cyclones and tsunamis. The plantations could absorb the
force ofsevere storms and tsunamis, and it could act as a 'carbon sink' by absorbing
emissions ofthe greenhouse gas. The coastal vegetation also has a very important role in
stabilizing andtrapping marine sediments and forming a protective buffer between the
land and the sea.
Planting of Casuarinas:
Casuarina equisetifolia is the most popular farm forestry tree in thecoastal lands of
mainland India. The Casuarinas planted along the east-coast protected theregion from
cyclone in November, 1999. Planting Casuarinas along the coastal front wouldprovide
substantial protection to the project region from the impacts of storm surges
andtsunami. Hence the water level rise during a tsunami or storm will not have any
majorimpact in this region.
Construction of Tsunami Mounds: One of the natural methods of protecting the shore
from the natural disasters like tsunamiand storm surge is to construct tsunami mounds
which will effectively help to dissipate theenergy of tsunami surge and protect the
leeward side. The shorefront of the project regionhas rows of elevated sand dunes > 8 m
and it can serve in the place of the construction oftsunami mounds.
Tsunami/Cyclone Shelter: The warning and disaster evacuation system is the most
important element in ensuring thepublic’s safety. Suitable shelter must be constructed in
order to evacuate the people in caseof emergency.
The time of arrival provides only a limited time for people to move safely to the shelter.
Twocyclone shelters per cluster must be provided along the region of TSL. After
thewarning/siren is given, the government authorities will start the evacuation and the
peopleliving in the interior area will have to be moved to the cyclone shelter built along
the coastalstretch.
The location of the shelter must be chosen such that it is easily accessible for workers
inindustries and for the public living in the vicinity. Maintenance of these shelters and
theaccess roads and keeping them in good condition throughout the year to its
functionalrequirements is very important.The shelter should be equipped with water
supply, toilets, first aid centre, generators,ration storing rooms and minimum cooking
facility. The shelters should be designed to bearthe workers in the industry and the
people living in the vicinity. The stairway should be wideenough (>3 m) for the rushing
people to climb the top without confusion and struggle. Itshould have an elevated
handrail with proper light and ventilation. There should not be anywindows on the
seaward side to avoid the entry of water due to rising tsunami wave. Butenough
windows and other ventilation measures must be provided on the leeward side
Escape Routes: The availability of safety zones that can be used as evacuation sites
withinwalking distance must be inspected. People can be evacuated to hills over ten
metres in elevation or the deep inland (>1 km) out of coastal inundation. Good elevated
roads shouldbe laid along the escape route to safe places which can be waded even
during flooding.
Figure 3
Health & Safety Policy of M/s Tata Steel SEZ Limited
Table 14
Occupational Health Hazards with Permissible Limits and Mitigation
Permissible Exposure
S.No. & Safety Measures Adopted at Site
Level (PEL)
2 mg/m3 in closed work
zone, 500 µg/m3 in open Dry fogging, preventing leakages,
1 Dust Level work zone Cr+6 ≤ 5µg/m3. conducting environmental audits and strict
Total Cr ≤2 mg/Nm3 as per adherence to pollution control measures
OSHAS 2006 guidelines
2 Noise 85 db(A)/ 8 hours duration Ear Plugs & Ear Muffs
Reducing the time spent holding vibrating
Exposure action value
3 Vibrations equipment or work pieces. Hand gloves,
(EAV) - 2.5 m/s2 A(8)
fibre handles
Ansel Nitrile chemical resistant gloves,
Recommended Exp.Limit
4 Kerosene chemical resistance gloves, 3m Disposable
(REL) : 100 mg/m3 TWA
Ansel Nitrile chemical resistant gloves,
Threshold Limit Value
5 Diesel chemical resistance gloves, 3m Disposable
(TLV) :800 ppm
Threshold Limit Value
6 LPG 3m Disposable Respirators
(TLV) :1000 ppm TWA
7 Acetylene 14 mg/ cum of air 3M Disposable Respirators
Figure 4
Environmental Policy
Figure 5
Quality Policy
Ensure implementation of R&R in the project as planned
Plan, organize, implement the social and peripheral development activities in
thenearby vicinity