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Term paper on Consumer satisfaction in Super Shop.

Course Title: Research Methodology for Business

Course code: MGT441

Submitted To:

Nazia Nabi

Lecturer of school of Business

Faculty Member of (UITS )

University of Information Technology & Sciences

Date of Submission: 11th August 2011

Submitted By:

(1) Abul Asad Saimon ID :08310125

Letter of Transmittal

11th Auguest 2011

Nazia Nabi

Senior Lecture

University of Information Technology and Sciences

Baridhara Campus, Dhaka

Subject: Request to accept the Research Paper on Consumer satisfaction in Super Shop.

Dear Madam,

It is a great pleasure for us to submit our research paper on Super Shop. We have prepared this paper as a partial fulfillment of the course Research Methodology for Business. We have learnt a lot while gathering the information to prepare this paper.

In preparing this report, we have tried our level best and worked with most sincerity the information and make it as well structured as possible. We will be obliged, if you kindly accept this Term paper. We are ready to make you clear regarding any confusion or further clarification from this report.

Sincerely yours,

Abul Asad Saimon


Compiling a Research paper is a rewarding task that requires both mental stamina and attention to detail. The varied nature of the matters dealt with has entitled references too many sources, starting from books, Internet and to all of these we gladly acknowledge our indebt ness for the ideas and information they have provided.

First of all, we would like to thank almighty Allah, who gave us the ability and strength to carry out this report. Then we would like to convey my gratitude to Nazia Nabi our course instructor, for instructing us to do this report in proper way.

We are also very grateful to our families who always give us constant support and encouragement. Not to mention our friends who also inspired and helped us to finish our work.

Executive Summary

Super Store business is one of the popular businesses in the world. People are considering frequent shopping through them. So in course of time and with the growth rate of population and also appeal for high standard living, Super Shop business is growing in a high pace. The purpose of this report is to determine the consumers cognitive behavior and attitude towards different Super shop. We present of our data analysis in graphical presentation .At last we present conclusion & recommendation



1.1. Introduction

1.2. Research Objective

1.3. Research Methodology

1.4. Limitations


2.1. An Overview of Agora

2.2. An Overview of Meena Bazar

2.3. An Overview of Nandan

2.4. An Overview of PQS


3.1 Data Analysis


4.1 Recommendations

4.2 Findings


5.1. Conclusion

5.2 Reference


1.1 Introduction:

Super Shops play an important role in our life. We have to buy our necessary things from a super shop. A super shop, also called a grocery store, is a self-service store offering a wide variety of food and household merchandise, organized into departments. It is larger in size and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store and it is smaller than a hypermarket or superstore.

The super Shop typically comprises meat, fresh produce, dairy, and baked goods departments along with shelf space reserved for canned and packaged goods as well as for various nonfood items such as household cleaners, pharmacy products, and pet supplies. Most super Shop also sell a variety of other household products that are consumed regularly, such as alcohol (where permitted), household cleaning products, medicine, clothes, and some sell a much wider range of nonfood products.

1.2 Research Objective:

Customers are not much happy with the collection of various products. Thy also want the well organized physical environment in super shop, and our main concern is to find out the physical environmental factors and which factors are more important for target customers. We are also trying to find out for which factors are more important for selecting a super shop.

1.3 Research Methodology:

Primary Data: In our paper we used Excel for data analysis and made a questionnaire for survey within 30 peoples. We have analyzed our data with 30 peoples given information.

Secondary Data: Secondary date we are help on past research and internet.

1.4 Limitations:

We faced several problems while preparing this report. Some of those as follow -

Unavoidable conditions: Some of the unavoidable conditions might have a deterring effect on preparing the report. (Like, strikes, timing with the group members etc.)

Restriction within the problem: Non-cooperation from the customers in filling the survey forms, hiding information might be the restrictions within the problem.

Absence of some information regarding data collection: While making the survey for data collection, some of the information, which was really essential, might be hard to collect.

Cost: This report is also suffered by the cost limitation


2.1 An Overview of Agora

Rahimafrooz Superstores Ltd. (RSL) made a breakthrough in the urban lifestyles by launching the first retail chain in the country, Agora. Currently there are four Agora outlets at Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Moghbazar and Mirpurin Dhaka. With many more coming up at important locations in Dhaka andother major cities, Agora is endeavoring to fulfill the everyday shoppingneeds of the urbanites through fair price, right assortment, and best quality.Agora mainly focuses on food items ranging from a wide variety of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, bakery, dairy, and grocery it also carries a vast array of other household, grocery, personal care, and miscellaneous products. At any point in time, there are nearly 20,000 different products available at Agoras is committed to sustaining and growing as the most trusted, loved, and frequented retail chain.

Product Categories







Baby products

Basic Households

Paper accessories


Agora has four outlets all over Dhaka situated in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Mirpur, and Moghbazar. It has placed its outlets in the prime centers of city which seems to bemuch convenient to customers. Agora has also started their journey in Chittagong and Sylhet too.


Agora has some Promotional activities which maintain its appeal to the existing andpotential consumers. It has regular promotion of services, existing & new products indaily newspaper to keep consumers aware of the available products. Also Agora has some exclusive seasonal offer, price reduction, sales promotion to attract the consumers as well. Many exclusive products like perfume, households and fresh basic foods are available in Agora which is priced higher than traditional market. Mainly Agora supplies many unusual unseasonable items which they priced higher because of the product unavailability in outside.

2.2 An Overview of Meena Bazar

Meena Bazar, which started its journey in 2002, has already extended its business to Khulna. The company has taken up a three-year plan to open outlets in Chittagong and Sylhet and at eight points in Dhaka. Positive customer response is inspiring more investments in the thriving sector, said Kazi Jamil Islam, executive director of Meena

Bazar .

Product Categories:

* Beverage * Fish * Fruit * Meat * Vegetable * Basic household * Exclusive shirt, tie, shoes * Accessories * In house product like sweet, yogurt, herbal product.

Outlet :

At this moment, Meena bazaar is operating eight branches in Dhaka. InKhulna, they have opened another branch.


Meena Bazar is sometimes offering for their customer on various occasions.

2.3 An Overview of Nandan

One of them is Nandan Mega Shop. Nandan Group, with their first retailoutlet, Nandan

Mega Shop, brought the like of Sainsburys in Bangladesh in the Year 2002. From 2002 they continue running their business successfully. They have a wide product verity and also give their customer quality product and service.

Product Categories

* Meat * Fish * Fruit * Beverage * Vegetable * Basic household * Shoe * Musical CD, DVD * Medicine


The price of the product is including VAT. But sometimes they give various types of discount on the products. They follow company retail price for others goods. Sometimes sale goods below market price


They have 3 outlets in the Dhaka city. Those are Dhanmodi, Gulshan, Kakrailand Uttara.

They are going to launch their own website very soon.


To hold the present customer and catch the potential buyer, they offer various types of promotional activities. Like in Eid, 1st

boishak festival, Pujaetc. Arrange various types of festivals, weekends, 5 day long discount etc on their product.

2.4 An Overview of PQS

The first chain supermarket in Bangladesh is PQS, which was established in September 2005 at Uttara in Dhaka

On the growth of the relatively new business, PQS tries to ensure customers satisfaction from the beginning and their quality products also attract customers.

Product Categories

* Meat * Fish * Fruit * Beverage * Vegetable * Shoe * Dress

* Hand bag * Showpieces * Toys for kids


They have now five outlets at Uttara, Shanti Nagar , Dhanmondi,Gulshan andthe other one is in Elephant Road.


They make offer by colorful festoons and promotional poster hung in andoutside the shop, along with gimmicks like raffle draw in various occasion.Like Eid, puja etc.


3.1 Data Analysis

Question 1: Gender

Answer Offered Response Percentage

Male Female

13 17

43.34% 56.66%

Analysis: As we see that, approximately 57% female and 43% male respondents are cooperating with us. And females are more interested to go super shops. We have learnt from our survey that a female are not going there only for necessary goods, they also going there for cosmetics, cloths and chock lets.

Question 2: Age Answer Offered Below 20 1 20-29 30-39 40-49 20 7 1 Response 3.33% 66.68% 23.33% 3.33% 3.33% Percentage

50 Above 1

Analysis: About 67%, young ages people are main customers of super shops. And approximately 24% peoples are 30-39 ages and 3% peoples are below 20, 40-49 and 50 above. So we can see that which peoples are visit there most of them are young.

Question 3: Family Income.. Answer Offered Below 20,000 20,000-39,000 40,000-59,000 60,000-79,000 80,000 Above Response 1 7 8 10 4 3.33% 23.33% 26.68% 33.33% 13.33% Percentage

Analysis: As we see near about 33% peoples income is around 60,000-79,000 taka, and about 27% peoples income is around 40,000-59,000 taka. So we have learnt from our survey that high class peoples are main customers of super shop. Middle class peoples are also visit there but it is only 27%. 3% peoples income is below 20,000 taka, 23% peoples income is around 20,000-39,000 taka and about 14% peoples income is above 80,000 taka.

Question 4: Occupation.. Answer Offered Business 5 Service Holder House Wife Student 6 Response 16.66% 13 6 20% 43.34% 20% Percentage

Analysis: Most of the peoples (43% approximately) are service holder, 20% respondents are house wife and student, and 17% peoples are doing own business. As we see that service holder is top of the other occupation group.

Question 5: Which, if any, of the following supper shops have you visited recently for shopping? Answer Offered Agora Nondon 10 8 Response 33.33% 26.68% 4 10% 16.66% 13.33% Percentage

Mina Bazar Shopno Other 3 5

Analysis: There are various types of super shop in Bangladesh and we offered in our questionnaire only four of them. But we also offered an option if any respondents have another choice, they can write their name. Agora is one where approximately 33% respondents are going for their daily shopping.

Question 6: What was your reason to visit the supper shop?

Analysis: We have find through our survey that, all respondents are going their chosen super shops only for shopping. And all of them are finding product availability, product quality and satisfaction there. But we have found only 2 respondents (out of 30) are going there just for look around.

Question 7: How were you informed about this supper shop? Answer Offered Advertisements Website 0 Response 8 0% 19 3 63.34% 10% 26.66% Percentage

Family member/friends who have already visited this supper shop You did not have any information, just went there for shopping Brochure 0 Others 0 0% 0%

Analysis: 63% (approximately) respondents have said that, they informed about this super shop from their family member/friends who have already visited this supper shop. 27% peoples informed from advertisement and only 10% peoples did not have any information, just went there for shopping.

Question 8: Suppose one of your family members was to select a supper shop for shopping. Please rate the importance of the following factors other than the product availability in selecting a supper shop.

Location: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Less Important2 Neutral3 Important4

Response Percentage

0 0%

0 0%

2 6.66%

4 13.34%

24 80%

Analysis: 80% People have said that, the Location is very important factor other than the product availability in selecting a supper shop. On the other hand 13.34% respondents have said that Location is important and 6.66% respondents are neutral. So, we can say that the Location is very important factor for selecting a super shop.

Aesthetics: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 1 3.33% 3 10% Less Important2 6 20% 13 43.34% Neutral3 Important4 7 23.33%

Analysis: Aesthetics means beauties. Around 43% respondents have said that the aesthetics is important for super shops but only 23% respondents said that its very important for selecting a super shop. And 4% said not important, 10% said less important and 20% respondents are neutral. So, we can say that Aesthetics is important for selecting a super shop.

Convenience: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 3 10% 3 10% Less Important2 9 30% 7 23.34% Neutral3 Important4 8 26.66%

Analysis: Almost 30% peoples are neutral but 27% peoples have said that Convenience is very important for selecting super shop and 23% respondents said important. 10%

peoples have said Convenience is not important and less important for selecting a super shop.

Local Acceptance: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 4 13.34% 6 20% Less Important2 9 30% 5 16.66% Neutral3 Important4 6 20%

Analysis: 30% respondents are totally neutral for supporting Local Acceptance. But 20% peoples are saying less important and another 20% peoples are saying very important. We can see in our graph majority is in neutral, so we can say that Local Acceptance is not much more important and not less important for selecting a super shop.

Shopping Equipments: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 1 3.34% 0 0% Less Important2 3 10% 9 30% Neutral3 Important4 17 56.66%

Analysis: 57% respondents think that shopping equipments is very important and 30% think that shopping equipments is only important for selecting a super shop. 10% peoples are neutral and only 3% peoples said that shopping equipments are not important for selecting a super shop.

External Outlook: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Less Important2 Neutral3 Important4

Response Percentage

0 0%

0 0%

10 33.33%

14 46.66%

6 20%

Analysis: External Outlook is only important, 47% peoples have said that. And only 20% peoples said External Outlook is very important and 33% peoples are neutral. So we can say that External Outlook is important for selecting a super shop.

Parking: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 4 13.33% 3 10% Less Important2 6 20% 7 23.34% Neutral3 Important4 10 33.33%

Analysis: Parking is moderately important for everyone. 33% respondents said very important and 23% respondents said only important. On the other hand 14% respondents think Parking is not important and 10% respondents think less important and 20% respondents are neutral.

Question 9: Please rate the importance of the following factors other than the above factors, which you want satisfactorily while shopping in a supper shop.

Employees Uniform: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 7 23.34% 5 16.66% Less Important2 2 6.66% 9 30% Neutral3 Important4 7 23.34%

Analysis: Here we can see that 23% have said Employees Uniform is not important and on the other hand 23% respondents have said it is very important. But 30% respondents have said Employees Uniform is important. So, through our survey we can say that Employees Uniform is important for customers satisfaction.

Reasonable Price: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 0 0% 0 0% Less Important2 0 0% 1 3.33% Neutral3 Important4 29 96.66%

Analysis: Every customer wants to buy product in Reasonable Price and thats why 97% people said that Reasonable Price is very important in super shops product for their satisfaction. And only 3% respondents said Reasonable Price is important.

Baby Care: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 7 23.34% 1 3.34% Less Important2 8 26.66% 8 26.66% Neutral3 Important4 6 20%

Analysis: Through our survey we have found that 27% people said Baby Care is important and 27% peoples are neutral. On the other hand 23% people said Baby Care is not important and 20% people said it is very important for their satisfaction. So we can say that Baby Care is moderately important for everyone.

Signs (name plate, exit, and entrance): Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response 1 0 Less Important2 0 13 Neutral3 Important4 16







Analysis: Sign means name plate, exit and entrance symbol. 53% respondents think Signs are very important and 43% respondents think it is only important for their satisfaction. S0, signs are important for super shops customers.

Security: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 0 0% 0 0% Less Important2 0 0% 8 26.66% Neutral3 Important4 22 73.34%

Analysis: 73% respondents think Security is very important for shopping in a super shop. And only 27% respondents think it is only important. So, through our survey we can say that Security is very important for everyone.

Salesman Attitude: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 0 0% 0 0% Less Important2 0 0% 13 43.34% Neutral3 Important4 17 56.66%

Analysis: 17 respondents (out of 30) have said Salesman Attitude is very important and its frequency is 57%. On the other hand 43% peoples said it is important for their satisfaction.

Interior Decoration:

Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 1 3.34% 0 0%

Less Important2 8 26.66% 15 50%

Neutral3 Important4 6 20%

Analysis: 50% people said Interior Decoration is important and 20% said it is very important but 27% respondents are neutral. So, it is clear that Interior Decoration is important for every respondent.

Billing Statements: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 1 3.33% 1 3.33% Less Important2 3 10% 7 23.34% Neutral3 Important4 18 60%

Analysis: Billing Statements is very important 60% respondents have said that and 23% have said it is only important but 10% respondents are neutral. Through our survey it clear that Billing Statements is very important for all super shops customers.

Parking: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Response Percentage 4 13.33% 3 10% Less Important2 4 13.33% 9 30% Neutral3 Important4 10 33.34%

Analysis: More then 60% (30%+33%) respondents have said that Parking is very important and more then 10% (13%+10%) respondents have said it is not important. So, Parking is moderately important for everyone.

Expert Salesman: Answer Offered Not Important1 Very Important5 Less Important2 Neutral3 Important4

Response Percentage

0 0%

0 0%

4 13.33%

10 33.34%

16 53.33%

Analysis: Most of the people have said that Expert Salesman is very important and its frequency is 53%. On the other hand 33% people said it is only important and 14% peoples are neutral. So Expert Salesman is important for everyone.

Question 10: Have you ever find any complaint to super shop management? Answer Offered Yes NO 8 22 Response 26.66% 73.34% Percentage

Analysis: 73% respondents have no any complaints to their selecting super shops management but 27% said they have complaints. So, majority of our survey is saying that respondents have no any complaints to their selecting super shops management.

Question 11: Would you recommend this super shop your friends? Answer Offered Never May be 4 13 Response 13.34% 43.33% 43.33% Percentage

Definitely 13

Analysis: Approximately 43% respondents have said that, they recommend this super shop for their friends. Also 43% respondents said may be, but only 14% said never. It means that which respondents said definitely or may be they get better service from their chosen super shop and which respondents said never they get lower service from their chosen super shop.


4.1 Recommendations:

The goal of a super shop is to give the consumers good services. But in today we are not getting that kind of services from all the shops. Some of the super shops have achieved goodwill for doing better work. Like Agora, Nondon, PQS, Mina Bazar etc. The other shops can follow their strategy.

Some super shops service is so bad and this information we gathered from our respondents. One of them Shopno, their product quality and service is not so good and thats why they cant earn customer satisfaction. So we are suggest and recommend all super shops management if they are improve their super shops physical environment they can archive success.

4.2 Findings

After analyzing data we find various problems and their solution, such as:-

Females are more interested to go super shops

We find that which peoples are visit there most of them are young

We have learnt from our survey that high class peoples are main customers of super shop

We find that service holder is top of the other occupation group

Agora is one where approximately 33% respondents are going for their daily shopping

We have find through our survey that, all respondents are going their chosen super shops only for shopping

63% (approximately) respondents have said that, they informed about this super shop from their family member/friends who have already visited this supper shop

80% People have said that, the Location is very important factor other than the product availability in selecting a supper shop. We can say that the Location is very important factor for selecting a super shop.

Around 43% respondents have said that the aesthetics is important for super shops

Convenience is not much important for selecting a super shop

30% respondents are totally neutral for supporting Local Acceptance

57% respondents think that shopping equipments is very important

We can say that External Outlook is important for selecting a super shop

Parking is moderately important for everyone

Through our survey we can say that Employees Uniform is important for customers satisfaction

Every customer wants to buy product in Reasonable Price and thats why 97% people said that Reasonable Price is very important in super shops product for their satisfaction

Baby Care is moderately important for everyone

Sign means name plate, exit and entrance symbol. 53% respondents think Signs are very important

Through our survey we can say that Security is very important for everyone

Interior Decoration is important for every respondent

Billing Statements is very important for all super shops customers


Location Very Important Male Female 11 13 1 1 Neutral 0 0 Not Important

Reasonable Price Gender Male Female Very Important 13 16 0 0 Neutral 0 0 Not Important

External Outlook Very Important Male Female 3 2 5 4 Neutral 0 0 Not Important

Signs Very Important Male Female 8 8 0 0 Neutral 0 0 Not Important

Interior Decoration Very Important Male Female 3 3 0 0 Neutral 0 1 Not Important

Signs Very Important Male Female 8 8 0 0 Neutral 0 0 Not Important

Interior Decoration Very Important Male Female 3 3 0 0 Neutral 0 1 Not Important


5.1 Conclusion:

Super Shops is a most important part in our daily life. People are more easily shopping through them. Super Shop business is growing in a high pace But they are maintain quality.

5.2 Reference


Past Survey report

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