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B Bankkof Baroda Re-KYCForm for Non-Individuals

Date :
Account particulars
Customer ID Account No.
CKYC Number (Non Mandatory)
Title of the account (Please leave space between two words)

Nature of activity
Any changes in the nature of activity Yes No If Yes, document submitted


Association of personbody of individual Artificial lability partnership Central/state govt deptvagency Section 8 companies
International organisation or Foreign embassy
Sole Proprietorship Partnership Private Ltd CoO Public Ltd Co LLP HUF Other Financial Institution Society Trust/Ciub
Publc'Sector Bank Pivate Sector Bank OGovt/Semi Govt Local Bodies" Artficlal Juridical Person Liquidator |
Others (Pl. Specity). Incase of Savingsaccount, Kindly attach authority of Government.PAN#FORM60
Any changes in the resolution ofthe account Yes No Resolution document submitted
Excepted turnover in the account Lacs. Mode of operation
* PAN S mandatorY for company &partnership. It ls necesary that the authority glven by the resolution shallbe in sccordence with the powers provided by Aticle of Ass0ciation of the company/partnership
deed/LLP agreementtrust deed/By-Laws.

Entity details (whichever details are available) Date of incorporation Place of Incorporation Country of Incorporation
LEIN ist of documents Submitted 1...

'Address field is mandatory

Address :Firm/Company ete Registerd ODce DBusinessFactorylMailing
Flat No. I Building Name
Street/ Road
Area / Locality / Land Mark
City and District
State and Country
Pin Code
Tei No (with STD Code)
Fax No.
Website Address/URL
Social Media ID

Allrelated party to submit individual Re-KYC &detailed Fom 60 (if applicable):
. Iheretby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowiedge and belief and Iundertake to inform you of any changes
therein, immediately.
Ihereby consent to receiving information from CKYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above ragistered numberlemail address.
The information of credit facility availed is attached as annexure-2
/ we solemnly decdare that details of entity is upto date andcorrect, Incase any of the information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or
misrepresenting, Iam aware that I may be held iable for it

Kindly afix Kindiy affix Kindiy affix Kindy aix

photograph of photograph of photograph of phoiograph of
Authorized Authorzed Authorized Auihorzed
Signaiory 1 Signatory 2 Signatory 3 Signatory 4

Signature with Starnp Signature with Starmp Signature with Stamp Signatu with Stamp

Risk Category.... .Recieved at branch By on Verified at branch By on

[Customer Acknowledgement]
Title of account... Account no Application received on.
Application received by.... on .Verified at branch by. ...on
Authorized Signatory Details

Authorized Signatory 1
Father's Name
Nationallty. Passport No.
Mother's Name Designation
Date of Birth
Cument Address

Country. PIN Code

District State
Mobile Email

If yes, Percentage share OVD

BeneficiaiOwner (refer BO definition overleaf)
is up to date and correct. Iaccept all the
I do hereby solemnly declare that the information provided above
Terms and Conditions mentioned overieaf. Signature

Authorized Signatory 2
Father's Name

Mother's Name Designation _Nationality_ Passport No.

DIN / DPIN Date of Birth

Current Address

District State Country. PIN Code

Mobile Email PAN

Benefial Owner (refer BO definition overilea)Yes No If yes, Percentage share OVD

Ido hereby solemnly declare that the infornation provided above is up to date and correct. I acceptallthe
Terms and Conditions mentioned overleaf. Signature

Authorized Signatory 3
Name Father's Name
Mother's Name Designaton Nationality Passport No.

DIN / DPIN Date of Birth DDMY

Current Address

District State Country PIN Code_

Mobile Email PAN

Beneficial Owner (refer BO definition overlea) If yes, Percentage share OVD

Ido hereby solemnly declare that the information provided above is up to date and correct. I accept all the
Terrns and Conditions mentioned overleaf. Signature

Authorized Signatory 4
Name Father's Name

Nationality Passport No.

Mother's Name Designation_
DIN /DPIN Date of Birth

Current Address

Country PIN Code

District State
Email PAN

Beneficial Owner (refer BO definition overleaf) Yes No yes, Percantage share OVD

I do hereby solemnly declare that the informatlon provided above is up to date and corect. I accept all the
Terms and Conditions mentioned overieaf. Signature
Declaratlon cum Undertaking for Opening/Continuing Current Account
(Annexure to Current Account Opening Form)
Do you have any CC/OD (Cash Credi/Overdraft)
facility (ies) with any bank including BOB? Yes or No

If yes, opening/continuance» of current

account is not permissible as per RBI
instructions. If No, please proceed to
2 Have you availed any credit facility(ies )
than CCIOD) with any Bank including BOB?(other Yes or No

Ifyes, than proceed to SI.No.3

If No, youcan open/continue* current
3 If the answer to the
You can open/continue* current account,
question no. 2 is Yes, subject to the following undertaking.
Please select the range of
Amount availed under
Credit Facility (ies\(Other A. IWe undertake to inform you immediately
than CC/OD ) For if and
Instance. Credit Facility (ies) Credit when the Sum of my / our availed
Facility (ies) becomes Rs. 5 Crore
with any Bank
or more.
including BOB I
Less than Rs. 5
WWe understand that if and when the sum
of my/ our availed Credit Facility(ies)
Bank Fund Non
becomes Rs. 5 Crore or more, my / our
Current account shali be governed by the
Based Fund
like based
provisions of Para 3 (B) or 3 (C) of this
TL/DL like Declaration cum undertaking, as the case
may be.
Bank Whether availed any of these Credit
1 B. Facility (ies) from BOB?
2 Credit Facility (ies) Yes or No
Total with any Bank
including BOB Rs. If Yes, Current account can be
5 Crore or more but
Add additional rows if Less than Rs. 50 opened/continued* with BOB.
required Crore If No, only acollection account can be
opened now continued* with BOB. You
can only open/now continue with a
collection account with B8OB.
In such a collection account.

Only Credits willbe allowed in these

collection accounts and debits in these
accounts shallbe limited to the purpose of
remitting the proceeds to the curent
accountwith the Lender Bank of the Credit
Facility (ies), at agreed intervals$$. Thus,
while there will be no prohibition on
amount or number of credits, debits in this
account shall be limited to the purpose of
remitting the proceeds to the said Current

Balances cannot be used as margin

for availing any non-fund based credit
Whether availed any of these Credit
Facility (ies) from BOB.
Yes or No
Credit Facility (jes) a. If No. current account cannot be
with any Bank opened/continued" wit BOB.
including BOB Rs. b. If Yes, BOB is either your Escrow
50 Crore or more
managing Bank or the sole
lender, for the Credit Facility
Yes or No

If answer to question (b) is (Yes) , then

Current Account can be
opened/continued* with BOB.
If the answer to question (b) is (No), you
can only open/now continue with* a
collection account with BOB.
In such a collection account.

Only Credit will be allowed and debits

shallbe limited to the purpose of remitting
the proceeds to the escrow account with
the Escrow Managing Bank of the Credit
Facility (ies), at agreed intervals$$.
Thus while there will be no prohibition on
amount or number of the credit, debits in
this account shall be limited to the purpose
of remitting the proceeds to the said
escrow account.
Balances cannot be used as margin for
availing any non-fund based credit
(Credit facility is sanctioned credit facilityl limits)
IWe undertake to inform BOB in case of any changes in the above declaration cum undertaking
regarding myl our CC/OD Other credit facilities. We also understand that it will be mylour sole
responsibility to infom BOB regarding any changes to the above factslaspects stated by us, by medium
of the above declaration cum undertaking. IWe also agree to provide fresh declaration cum undertaking
in case of any changes to the above factslaspects stated by us in the above declaration cum
undertaking and/or in case a fresh declaration cum undertaking is warranted in view of applicable
law/regulation. IWe also agree to close the current account as and when demanded by BOB.

Signature of Customer(s) Authorized Representative(s)

*Please strike off the inapplicable option.
$$Customer to advise thefrequency (daily/weeklylmonthly etc.,) through aleter signed by authorized
signatory (ies)

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