DS Bits Mid-2 Exam

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Subject: Introduction to Data Science Branch: AI&ML

Examination: BITS Year&Sem: III-I

Duration: 30 Mins Max Marks: 10

Fill in the blanks

1. A __________is a data structure which has components of mixed data types.

2. To remove an element from a specified index, we will assign it a ______value.
3. The ________function takes the list as a parameter and change into a vector.
4. A ___________is a two-dimensional array-like structure.
5. The data frames are created with the help of _________function of data.
6. We can extract the specific columns from a data frame using the__________.
7. In__________, relational operators such as ">" or "<=" are used to compare values and
determine the relationship between them.
8. When working with relational operators and_________, relational operators play a
crucial role in comparing elements, helping to identify relationships within the vector.
9. ___________are used to perform logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT on
boolean values, aiding in decision-making processes in programming.
10.____________are essential in programming to control the flow of execution based on
specified conditions.
11.__________is required to run a block of code multiple times.
12.A __________is a control statement that allows multiple executions of a statement or a
set of statements.
13. A ___________is a block of code which only runs when it is called.
14. Information can be passed into functions as____________.
15. ____________contains all the set of statements that defines what actually the function
16.The ___________is a signal processing technique that transforms linear signals.
17. ____________decreases the data set size by eliminating irrelevant or redundant
18.The best and worst attributes are generally determined using tests of______________.
19.____________analysis is used to predict the value of a variable based on the value of
another variable.
20. _____________models are generally assumed to be parametric, where the model is
described as a nonlinear equation.
1. List
2. Null
3. unlist()
4. data frame
5. frame()
6. column name
7. conditional statements
8. vectors
9. Logical operators
10. Conditional statements
11. control structure
12. Loop
13. Function
14. Arguments
15. Function Body
16. discrete wavelet transform
17. Attribute subset selection
18. statistical significance
19. Linear regression
20. Nonlinear regression
Multiple choice questions

1. Which type of visualization is most suitable for displaying

hierarchical relationships among different elements in a dataset?
a) Scatter plot b) Bar chart c) Tree map d) Line
2. Common types of Data Visualisation?
a) Charts b) tables c) Infographics d) All of the
3. Which of the following lists names of variables in data.frame?
a) par() b) names() c) quantile() d) barchart()
4. Which of the following determine the least-squares in regression
a) histo() b) lm c) barlm() d) col.max(x)
5. Which of the following is tool for checking normality?
a) lm() b) qline() c) qqline() d) anova()
6. Which method shows hierarchical data in a nested format?
a) Area charts b) scatter plots c) Treemaps d) none
7. Data Visualisation tools provide an accessible way to see and
understand _________ in data.
a) Patterns b) trends c) outliers d) all of the above
8. What are the benefits of data visualization?
a) Better analysis b) identifying patterns c) Exploring
business insights d) all of the above
9. Which of the following techniques would perform better for reducing
the dimensions of a data set?
a) Removing columns that have too many missing values
b) Removing columns that have high variance in data
c) Removing columns with dissimilar data trends d) none
10. Increasing the sample size has the following effect upon the
sampling error?
a) It increases the sampling error b) It reduces the sampling error
c) It has no effect on the sampling error d) none
11. Sample is regarded as a subset of?
a) Data b) Set c) Distribution d) population
12. The difference between a statistic and the parameter is called:
a) Non-random b) Probability c) Sampling error d) Random
13.Which of the following statements is true for correlation analysis?
a) bivariate b) multivariate c) univariate d) none
14.If the values of two variables move in the opposite direction,
a) linear b) positive correlation c) negative correlation
d) none
15. Which of the following techniques is an analysis of the relationship
between two variables to help provide the prediction mechanism?
a) Standard error b) correlation c) Regression d) none
16. The independent variable is used to explain the dependent variable
in ________.
a) Linear regression b) multiple regression
c) non-linear regression d) none
17. Clustering is a _______________
a) Supervised learning b) Unsupervised learning
c) Reinforcement learning d) none
18. Which version of the clustering algorithm is most sensitive to
a) K-means b) K-modes c) K-medians d) none
19. For clustering, we do not require ____________
a) Labeled data b) Unlabeled data c) Numerical data d)
20.On which data type, we can’t perform cluster analysis?
a) Time series b) text c) multimedia d) none

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. A
13.A & C

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