Cpar Cn. 5 8
Cpar Cn. 5 8
Cpar Cn. 5 8
Grade 12
Painting entails using various techniques and mediums, such as oil, watercolor, or
acrylic, applied to surfaces like canvas, paper, or other materials. Sculpture,
conversely, encompasses three-dimensional artworks crafted from various
materials such as stone, wood, metal, and clay.
Literature is considered to be a whole bulk of written works. However, another definition of literature
means a body of works that show "the best that has been thought and said," or works that signify the
highest achievements of a particular culture.
Contemporary Philippine literature has been described as focusing on evoking social consciousness.
Creative writing during the Martial Law era was said to be confrontational in highlighting social and
political issues. However, creative writing shifted to a steadier personal perspective when it comes to
social consciousness after the 1986 EDSA Revolution.
Creative writing also became more organized during that time. Academic institutions began offering
Creative Writing as one of their respective undergraduate degree program offerings. Organizations, such
as Unyon ng mga Manunulat na Pilipino and Pambansang Unyon ng mga Manunulat, were established.
Literary publishing and later, number of publications, proliferated. Other sectors such as women,
members of the LGBT community, peasants, and workers began writing.
Ethnic Tradition
Epic- This relates adventures of a super hero with powers and serves as a code of values of a particular
ethnic group.
Folk song- A song that is transmitted orally from one generation to another and known as awiting bayan
in Tagalog.
Proverbs- A concise statement that teach morality and tradition and usually expressed as rhyming pair
of lines that depict two different elements.
Riddles- This describes an object in a different manner or in a way that is not easily understood and may
be a question for someone to discover the meaning.
Short poems- This usually has four lines, with 5-12 syllables per line.
Poetic jousts- This may involve marriage negotiations between two families in which every region has
their own version.
Metrical romance- This focuses on chivalric, folkloric, legendary, and religious themes.
Pasyon- This is written in a stanza with 5 lines with 8 syllables per line which recounts the life of Jesus
Christ. This is useful as a source of images, stories of Jesus Christ.
Folk narrative- Any story based on real or fictional events in the past told among the people in a
Myth- This is a story that explains the origin of the world and its first inhabitants.
Legend- Heroic and historical legend tackles episodes in the lives of great men and women. Religious
legend narrates display of miracles of God and of the saints. Supernatural legend focuses on the
existence of beings from the underworld. Toponymical legend explains why a certain place has this
Folktales- These are classified into animal tales or fables, magic tales, humorous tales, novelistic tales,
religious and didactic tales.
Essay- This explains the insights or information using description, narration, and humor.
Novel- This defined as the lengthy and complex narrative of events based on the author’s imagination.
Short story- This is a concise secular narrative with romantic, realistic and radical tradition.
Komiks- This is a special form of contemporary literature which involves drawing frames showing a set
of characters with their actions and usually contains a balloon enclosed with words or dialogue
Concept note no. 7: Philippine National Artists for Visual Arts (Part 1)