Report To Madam June

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Notes Payable 11,500,000.00 52,000,000.00 -

FT From 46,500,000.00 35,500,000.00 3,000,000.00
Customer Payments 34,278,310.47 - 6,581,805.14
BROKER (Payment) 150,000.00 387,082.03 183,102.75
Check Issuances- Others 2,263,684.00 1,510,335.13 3,050,000.00
CREDIT CARD -Check Issuance 626,573.30 82,505.04 535,289.01
FT To 41,000,000.00 23,000,000.00 3,500,000.00
Payments-BIR 249,327.12 - -
Payments-Mandatory Benefit 121,591.41 - -
Payments-Suppliers 60,439.50 19,443.20 85,523.02
PAYROLL 277,633.00 - -
PETTY CASH FUND -Check Issuance - - 186,858.19
PN Interest 1,161,137.17 1,584,134.25 -
PN Payments 11,250,000.00 37,325,000.00 -
Security Agency Fee - 30,853.32 30,847.98
TR Interest 4,320,838.49 197,450.59 -
TR Payments 106,300,000.00 12,156,714.00 -
Credit Memos - 5,333.32 1,294,000.00
Interest Income 21,259.26 - -
REFUND (2% CWT) 111,237.36 - -
FT FROM E2 76,500,000.00 - -
Bank Guarantee Fees - 2,750.00 -
Custom's Tax - 6,051,518.82 -
Debit Memos 30.00 100,153.50 1,663.71
LC Opening Charges-IMP - - 53,382.42
LC Opening Charges-Local Purchases 879,820.00 - -
TR Booking Fees - 25,450.00 -
Withholding Tax2 4,251.85 - -
Withholding Tax - - -
DST ON LOAN AVAILMENT 42,935.00 59,178.09 -
DST ON LOAN EXTENSION - 101,573.62 -
INSURANCE-IMP - 5,559.26 -
Insurance-LOCAL LC 3,760,767.00 - -
Payments- CAR LOAN 20,424.00 - -
341,400,258.93 170,145,034.17 18,502,472.22
LANDBANK total Beginning Cash 128,518,276.73
47,000,000.00 110,500,000.00
13,000,000.00 98,000,000.00 Loan Availed 110,500,000.00
- 40,860,115.61 Customer Payments 40,860,115.61
- 720,184.78
- 6,824,019.13
- 1,244,367.35
45,500,000.00 113,000,000.00
- 249,327.12
- 121,591.41
- 165,405.72
- 277,633.00
- 186,858.19
800,986.67 3,546,258.09
47,000,000.00 95,575,000.00
- 61,701.30
- 4,518,289.08
- 118,456,714.00
- 1,299,333.32
7,967.99 29,227.25
- 111,237.36
- 76,500,000.00
- 2,750.00
- 6,051,518.82
- 101,847.21
- 53,382.42
- 879,820.00
- 25,450.00
- 4,251.85
1,593.60 1,593.60
188,040.00 290,153.09
- 101,573.62
- 5,559.26
- 3,760,767.00
- 20,424.00

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