RESEARCH Chapter 1 To Appendices
RESEARCH Chapter 1 To Appendices
RESEARCH Chapter 1 To Appendices
Chapter 1
To be successful not only means achieving good grades, but it also means
learning useful concepts that will help you become academically successful. It
relationship. But most importantly, how you deal with the uncertainties positively
problems and challenges with the features and characteristics that enable
This study focused on studying the positive changes in personality that will
help the students face challenges and overcome obstacles, as well as the
traits and characteristics that can hinder the student from achieving this, putting
on the research table in the hope of finding effective solutions. In a way that
of the variables that resists the negative effects of the stressful life events that the
between resilience and academic success, the study could lead to future
The information gathered from this study could help improve the support
provided by the school, educators, and parents, who need to work together to
These studies highlight the important role of parents and advisors in enhancing
well-being. This study aims to help advisors create application tips that are
recommended for academic advisors who wish to help their students build
encourage both resilience and academic and personal success in their student
Theoretical framework
Villalobos and Cuentas' (2021) students' motivation can fluctuate, and they
may experience periods of low motivation that can make it difficult for them to
maintain effective study habits and remain on track with their studies and
stressful events and conditions in his/her academic path (Zheng et al., 2020). It is
et al., 2018).
resilience and its important role in fostering academic success across diverse
Conceptual Framework
This study will aim to determine the effects of resilience towards academic
The following null hypothesis was formulated and tested at 0.05 level of
Students. The result of this study would help them in analyzing how important
the level of their resilience is as they continue the said program up to the final
Teacher. The study may not only give the school administration information
about how resilience impacts students, but also how teacher-student interaction
advisor support will predict increased levels of resilience. Which will positively
Parents. The result of this study would help them in analyzing how important
motivation from the family is, to strengthen resilience has proven to significantly
The study focused on the students that are under the CMA department,
accounting students. The researchers will be requesting some students who are
willing to work together on answering the questions related to how resilient they
Definition of terms
operationally defined:
academic goals, and how they interpret feedback and recognition from
Chapter 2
research. The articles and studies under review pertain to the relationship
aiming to uncover their perspectives on the concept's definitions and the key
factors they believe are essential for achieving it. Some studies suggest that
uncertainties surrounding factors such as; living conditions, nature and scope of
their chosen course, which can hinder their academic success and overall
challenges are crucial for their growth and development. However, without
uncertainties and has a big role in developing student resilience which every
Academic Achievement
scores while others have defined it by various factors, including student interest
Xu, Liu & Fan (2019) study shows undergraduate accounting students in
China struggled with time management due to their heavy academic burden,
Guevarra et al., (2020) noted that the obstacles could negatively impact
pressure. Ballesteros and Maoza (2020) study found that college students had
effective study habits. The authors also emphasized the significance of offering
support services, such as mentoring and study skills training, to assist students in
students' motivation can fluctuate, and they may experience periods of low
motivation that can make it difficult for them to maintain effective study habits
and remain on track with their studies and achieve academic success. However
numerous studies demonstrate that being resilient is the best approach to deal
success. Ahinful et al., (2019) agreed that students’ learning attitude significantly
strategies to support students and assure their overall success (Lynch & Lundgrin,
2018). However, other studies revealed that certain students are facing
interactions, and even mental health issues (Happy et al., 2023). Empirical
(Happy et al., 2023). School environment impacts anxiety levels, with urban and
performance (Bihousbane & Touri, 2023; Oktavia & Syahrul, 2021; Junaid et al.,
2020; Azmi & Sham, 2018). Interestingly, moderate levels of anxiety may
sometimes enhance performance (Brooker, 2018). Social factors also play a role,
with loneliness and perceived social threats exacerbating anxiety (Cui & Yip,
2024; Refaeli & Achdut, 2020). Finally, socio-demographic realities like income
and living conditions can be contributing factors (Cui & Yip, 2024; Bihousbane &
Touri, 2023). These complex findings underscore the need for targeted
(Agalya et al., 2022; Ononye et al., 2022; Ramlal et al., 2022). Peluso and
significantly influences job happiness, trust, and success. Kamdar and Stephen
with proposals for free or debt-free college education for two and four-year
institutions (Camera, 2019; Halper, 2019). With the rising emphasis on the
issues are the high dropout rates and extended completion times that many
students face, with only 62% of students completing their bachelor's degrees
within six years or 150% of the predicted completion time (National Center for
encompasses the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity, academic
risk factors. Contante & Villa (2020) resilient students are able to maintain high
stressful events and conditions that may put them at risk of poor academic
factors. Ye et al., (2021) Bourdieu's capital theory suggests that the effects of
resources, but also of social and cultural practices. Thus, the school community
and effectively manage academic demands. This dynamic develops from the
(Yao et al., 2023). Resilience in this context encompasses the ability to reestablish
salient for international graduate students in China, where family, social systems,
and institutional support are key to resilience (Chu & Zhu, 2023). Recently, Olusoji
influences individual emotions. He/she can control their emotions and guide
their actions in any given context. Students respond differently when solving their
cognitive function and development are not impeded by stressful events and
that stimulates behavior and action in a given context (Santos et al., 2021).
and individual-level protective factors, resilient students differ from their less
well-being by Chow, Tang, Chan, Sit, and Choi (2018), while resilience is
optimism (Molinero, Zayas, González & amp; Guil, 2018), peer connections, and
spirituality (Ekwonye & DeLauer, 2019). Wills & Hofmeyr (2018) suggest, caring
resilience. Ekwonye & DeLauer (2019) add that social integration and peer
González & Guil (2018) found that optimism determines the resilience of the
resilience is age. For example, Anasuri & Anthony (2018) found a relationship
between gender and resilience levels. Lanuza, Rizal, Aligam & Uy (2020), as
with difficulties that require them to use all of their abilities; the more often a
person faces and solves challenges, the better his abilities will be (Rojas,
resulting in feelings of stress and frustration. Why these positive outcomes are
present is explained in more detail by a study that positive personality traits like
of the undergraduate students. This was supported by Salvacion, Sana & Yanilla
(2018) that there is interplay between inner strength and external support in the
experience more satisfaction with their academic lives, and have lower dropout
strain while also improving academic achievement. For example, Dwiastuti et al.
with high academic resilience had a 1.73 times higher chance of improving
academic performance than those with low resilience. This research implies that
children with higher levels of resilience are better able to persevere and
(Eisenberg et al., 2019). For example, Ramos (2019) highlighted the importance
“safety net” for students, promoting autonomy and personal growth. Universities
indicating that positive experiences with academic advising not only lead to
Ferris et al. (2018) identified four key roles for a successful advisor-student
encourages them to take on new and challenging challenges; and (4) is familiar
these procedures.
Students who met with their academic advisor at least once per
levels of perceived support than students who did not meet with their academic
and advisor empowerment (i.e. the support and guidance expected from the
While retention rates have increased over the past two decades, only
46.6% of students at four-year colleges will graduate within four years and only
63.4% will graduate within six years (U.S. Department of Education, 2022). Given
the benefits that earning a college degree brings to both individuals and society
(Long, 2018; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023), it is imperative that college
counselors know why do students leave and how does this happen? Can have
researchers built a model of student dropout that highlights three main causes:
(1) learning difficulties; (2) the student's inability to achieve his or her educational
and career goals; and (3) their inability to integrate into the intellectual and
social life of the organization (Shaw, 2018). Overall, this hypothesis shows that
students who successfully integrate into the social and academic life of their
institution are more likely to remain at that institution than students who do not.
spending less time studying, and poor use of study strategies, in addition factors
work demands, lack of connection and guidance with instructors, feelings of not
(Ridner, 2018). Such self-reported distress levels have been on the rise over the
pandemic (Burke et al., 2020; Daly & Robinson, 2021; Knapstad et al., 2021). For
example, the increase in online learning, along with the fear of losing an
psychological distress levels (Hasan & Bao, 2020). These trends are concerning
given the negative physical, mental, and academic effects increased levels of
adversity and maintain psychological well-being (Dalton & Perkins, 2020). Studies
from around the world have shown a positive relationship between resilience
and performance (Beachboard, 2022; White & McCallum, 2021; Ostrowski et al.,
2018). Asian studies also highlight resilience and show its buffering effect and its
relationship with support systems (Gopalan & Radhakrishna, 2022; Park & Chae,
2019). The Chinese context highlights the role of resilience in dealing with
competitive systems and academic pressures (Tsai et al., 2022; Demir, 2023).
Pharmacy Math courses, suggesting that the impact of resilience may vary
likelihood of success and achievement in the university setting. Van Wyk et al.
resilience and its critical role in fostering academic success across diverse
high attrition rates, and psychological distress (Grøtan et al.2019). Whereas the
and the cultivation of non-cognitive factors (Mason and Sinclair, et al. 2019).
particular emphasis on academic marks and turnover intentions, has not been
clearly established.
Liew et al. (2018), suggest that childhood resilience has short- and
students. In this line, the study of Ayala and Manzano (2018) suggests that
resilience and engagement should be taken into account at the time of college
has shown that academic resilience has a causal relationship with learning
shown that emotional intelligence is the third most important predictor after
and self-concept.
students are often those who are committed to learning and who manage their
time effectively. They are disciplined in achieving their academic goals and
learning strategies, time allocation for study, access to learning resources, and
the quality of the learning environment while Resilience has been described as
involved in the development of positive psychological traits that are required for
academic success.
The study also highlights the importance of family, teacher and students
strategies for managing social life and study habits include prioritizing
study habits among accountancy students. The research findings indicate that
when communicating with others, the ability to support family in a value crisis,
loyalty to school and family, wisdom in pursuing academic excellence with the
love and support of teachers and parents, and spiritual strength based on
continue to search for solutions to address student anxiety that can impact
universities and colleges. Researchers suggest that resilience traits can benefit all
may not directly close the academic achievement gap among college
to communicate and build trust with one another, which not only promotes
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
treatment of data.
Research Design
requiring careful planning and execution to ensure valid and reliable results.
Research Environment
The school under study was built in the 1940s. It first started with a different
institution. The school primarily served working students as almost all classes in
those years were conducted at night. After three decades, the school
increased its offerings to cover other fields of specialization. After more than six
decades from its establishment, the school was bought by one of the largest
education networks in the country. Under the new management, the school
capture the students living in the eastern and western parts of the city. The
“main campus” is situated in one of the major barangays in the city while the
“other campus” is situated near the easternmost part of the city. Additionally, a
new campus has recently been established in Iligan. Moreover, the school
caters to all levels: Basic Education including Senior High School, Tertiary
Education, Graduate School, and TESDA courses. The school offers more than 20
The target respondents of this study comprised a total of 466 students from
third, and fourth years. Specifically, the second-year cohort included 159
Accounting students. The fourth-year cohort was made up of 166 students, with
12 from the Accounting program and 154 from the Management Accounting
Accounting and Management Accounting students from each year level were
The sampling technique that will be used is the census sampling technique.
In this technique researchers will collect data from every member of the school
used when the population size is manageable and the researcher aims to
obtain a complete and accurate picture of the population. Since the data
includes every individual, the results are generally more accurate and free from
sampling errors. The target respondents will be the students currently enrolled in
their academic success. Also, it may be more practical for the researcher to
reach out to a certain group of students, like accounting students, as this would
Head before conducting the said survey. In subsequent to the letter, a pre
survey will follow towards the target students. The data gathering procedure for
this research employed a census sampling technique, ensuring that data was
collected from every student within the target population. The population
To execute the census sampling, all students within these specified groups
aligned with the research objectives. The questionnaires were distributed at the
thereby eliminating sampling bias and providing a thorough dataset for the
Scoring Guideline
specific level of resilience, from very low to very high, and corresponding to a
aim to ensure that evaluations are fair, transparent, and reflective of each
Level of
Scale Range Agreement Qualitative Interpretation
Level of
Scale Range Agreement Qualitative Interpretation
answer the question proposed in the study. The statistical tools employed were
the weighted mean, standard deviation and simple linear regression. Standard
measures the dispersion of a data set relative to its mean. The standard
data point’s deviation related to the mean (Hagrave, 2021). Simple linear
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Dear Respondent,
Good day!
If you have any questions about this study, please do not hesitate to approach
the researchers.
Joven Cagape
Genevieve Alagon
Jhannel Aleria
Joel Andre Timba
Shella Mae Albaña Molina
Princess L. Adolfo