Mastering Personal Management
Mastering Personal Management
Mastering Personal Management
We all strive for happiness, and we all wish to get rid of the clutter but
usually go about it the wrong way. We plan the nitty gritty of our day-to-
day routine but forget the bigger picture. It should be the other way round.
We first need the big picture to ascertain the priorities and accordingly
plan our routine tasks. These four critical rules of self-management will
help you control your life and work towards your life purpose.
1. Map out your life
This rule will let you understand about yourself—who you are,where you
are coming from, and where you are going. You cannotfind the directions
if you are not aware of the starting point and thedestination. Hence, this is
vital. So, grab your journal and map it out.
3. Organize yourself
As mentioned earlier, we all wish to get rid of the clutter, but this is not
possible without self-organization. Make your life easier by removing
that which does not serve you by organizing not just your priorities and
tasks but also things that you may have accumulated over the years, such
as clothes, stationary, utensils, etc. that may not be serving you anymore.
Without decluttering and self-organization, our journey toward our
purpose will be burdensome, even if we possess the critical skills.
Key Takeaways:
• Personal or self-management involves planning, organizing,
directing, and coordinating.
• These processes revolve around the aspects of your life and take you
closer to your life's purpose.
• We must plan our life and accordingly plan our routine tasks.
• Our “Will” is the capacity to make decisions and implement them.
• The basis of efficient personal management involves setting a
priority level for your life. You should develop self- management—
the ability to manage various tasks and things in your life.
• Time management is a conscious effort to plan, manage and control
time spent on various activities.
• Self-discipline is crucial for effective time management.
"Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself
with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action."
- Steve Maraboli
You will come across many challenges as you go about your life purpose.
To overcome and prevail, you will need to maintain a strong will and
self-confidence. You will also need to develop new skills throughout the
journey. Resilience is the skill of bouncing back when we fall, and often
involves a hopeful attitude and positive mindset. This strengthens our
attitude and will. We embrace our challenges looking for the positive
within so setbacks can become valuable life lessons.
Negative emotions, self-doubt, desire to give up are sure to cross your
path at some point. But which battle worth winning was ever easy?
Staying focused on the positive and pulling on our willpower motivated
by our purpose will ensure resilience. Like a tree in the wind, we may
sway but firmly rooted in our purpose, we hold our ground and remain
standing, fortified by every challenge.
Science has made great progress in helping us understand how our brain
functions under stress. Our brain affects our determination and our ability
to perform in adverse times. Some parts of our brain produce the
hormones responsible for our happiness levels, others boost the feeling
of fear.
Stress and fear are wired into our system for survival so when in far
history you were chased by a mammoth, the oxygen would be redirected
from your head to your heart to enable you to run like the wind, hence
escaping danger. Nowadays, however, most of the things that we fear and
stress about have nothing to do with needing to run, but they still trigger
the same primitive response in our body. Consequently, having our brains
less oxygenated helps us think less not better. Flight or Freeze. So, we
mostly freeze and get confused and even more stressed.
Take Control
It is important that we understand that our future will not be the same as
our past or present. We have the power to transform our future by
changing our mindsets. Our journey may not be smooth sailing, but we
can always enjoy the ups and downs with a light heart and mind. Like the
famed Indian warrior Arjuna from the pages of the ancient Mahabharata,
who had a razor-sharp focus on hitting the eye of the bird with his arrow,
we can never be dejected by transitory obstacles if we have a razor-sharp
focus on our life's purpose.
Setbacks are a part and parcel of life. What is important is the ability to
being resilient and to bounce back from these setbacks. The tools
mentioned below are known to enhance your resilience levels.
- Positive affirmation
As mentioned before, it is important to change your outlook if you are
dealing with unfavorable life situations. Incorporating positive
affirmations can help you do that. You need to harness the power of
positive words. Remember, whatever you think and speak becomes
reality. So, when you talk to yourself, make sure your self-talk is making
you feel worthy. When you talk to others or to yourself, make sure you
are talking positively or don’t talk at all.
- Choose to bounce
Life is never easy. We all have different issues and concerns, but what is
important is that we all have to accomplish our purpose irrespective of
our surroundings. Always choose to bounce back. With strong willpower,
we can conquer any situation.
Key Takeaways:
2. Purposeful Communication
Purposeful conversations and discussions are needed to move forward in
honesty and integrity. Your coach or mentor is the one you are free to be
totally honest with, revealing your biggest dreams, your worst fears, your
doubts, and frustrations. This helps the mentor/coach know and
understand you so they can provide the right tools or knowledge. This
should all be based on respect and openness.
3. Empowering
A coach/mentor often sees things in you that you had not and that is
tremendously empowering. A ‘why not’ approach which liberates you
from all the limiting beliefs you may have accumulated so far. The aim
of all sessions is not to make you dependent on your coach/mentor but on
the contrary to empower you to see all of who you are. The tools you will
have acquired can then also be transferred to other domains of your life.
4. Trust
Trust is the base of every relationship and certainly applies here. The trust
must be mutual. You build a strong relationship which builds a safe space
for you to open up and share.
5. Flexibility in Approach
We all have different situations and challenges in our life. The process
should be flexible enough to address each individual’s life situations,
knowing they are unique for each person depending on the various
aspects and circumstances of their lives.
Taking care of the physical body is critical and you can do this by eating
nutritious food, exercising enough, spending time outdoors and getting
adequate rest. Not everyone enjoys working out, but you can also walk,
cycle and choose the stairs instead of the lift. There are enough studies
out there showing that people who exercise are less likely to develop
depression or anxiety.
That which goes on in our minds. Our mental muscles need exercise to
be healthy, just like the rest of us do. School, university, and all other
sources of learning keep us healthily active, and we develop. But later on,
when there are so many more demands in our time, we tend to drop that
side of our development, often barely having the time to even read. Our
passion for learning new subjects often dwindles with age. We tend to be
less curious than we were. Our skills such as creative writing andanalytical
thinking also deteriorate with time if not used. Continuous learning is
vital for our mental wellbeing.
Spiritual Dimension
In today’s world, this is often a component which is greatly left out which
is the cause of many confusions, frustrations and even illnesses in the
world today. As French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said:” We
are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual
beings having a human experience”. The spiritual dimension is what
helps us make sense of our whole being and does not need to mean
religion. It is the connection to something greater than us which brings
serenity, overall well-being, and quality of life.
This is the aspect that inspires us toward finding life's purpose. Spiritual
well-being helps us remain calm and resilient during adverse times and
trust that good will prevail. It is about reviewing and practicing core
beliefs and values vital for attaining a purposeful life. Meditation, Yoga,
self-growth, inquisitiveness, etc., are some ways of exercising our
spiritual well- being.
If you want to stir your inner soul and find your true passion, you need to
develop your inner fundamental capabilities. This way, you can focus on
your true calling and avoid wasting your potential on insignificant things.
There are so many things pulling on our energy, if we are not focused our
energy will spread itself thinly all over the place leaving us frustrated.
This is why it is so important to spend time thinking about what really
matters to you. Instead of chasing fleeting desires in your personal and
professional life, spend time with yourself asking those meaningful
questions. What is missing in your life? What do you want more of? Less
of? Brainstorm possible solutions open-mindedly. Complete what needs
finishing, start less and finish more and search for things that really excite
you. Ponder on your life choices and try to align things when required.
Of course, we do not always have to understand everything, sometimes
our gut and our intuition know more than what we rationally think.
However, it helps to take time to understand your decisions and reflect
upon them.
Determining your interests and passion in life will help you channel your
energy into the right things and accomplish the goals which really matter
to you. The most important thing to remember is that you already have
everything inside you that is needed for your success.
Key Takeaways: