Risk Assessment For Acoustic Glass Panel
Risk Assessment For Acoustic Glass Panel
Risk Assessment For Acoustic Glass Panel
H&S Management Revision 00
Section I -Enter general information about the site and job task.
Section II - Determine whether any of these operations apply to the job task to be performed. Make note of any special training, permit, certification, and
risk assessment requirements.
Section III - Identify any human/organizational factors that could impact the ability to perform the work safely.
1. Break the job down into steps - Be as specific as possible. Write each job step in a new row of column A (Activity/Step). It’s a good idea to leave
an extra row between steps in case you need them later. Add additional rows to the table as needed, or if completing the JSA on paper, print
additional copies of the sheet to accommodate all job steps.
2. Determine the hazards associated with each job step and write them in column B (Hazards). Use the examples of hazards provided below to
trigger your thinking about different types of hazards and energy sources.
3. List any control measures that will be taken to ensure that step is done safely in column C (Control Measures). Use the control measure
examples and hierarchy provided to trigger your thinking about different types of controls and their effectiveness at reducing risk. Controls
toward the top of the table tend to be more effective at minimizing the severity and/or likelihood of an event than the controls toward the
bottom of the table. If this job involves a Life Crucial Operation, continue to step 4. Otherwise, repeat steps 2-3 for each of the job steps
identified, then proceed to step 8.
4. Considering the hazards involved and the control measures that will be in place, determine the worst credible severity of an incident that could
result from this job step. Use the severity table provided. Write the severity number in column D (Severity).
5. Considering the hazards involved and the control measures that will be in place, determine the likelihood that an incident will result from this job
step. Use the likelihood table provided. Write the likelihood number in column E (Likelihood).
6. Multiply the severity number by the likelihood number and enter the product in column F (Risk).
7. Consider the risk rating against the thresholds provided in the Overall Risk Ratings.
i. Very low and low risk ratings of 1-3. This level is generally considered acceptable provided that all control measures are applied.
ii. Medium risk ratings of 4-6. Medium risk requires a planned approach to control the hazard and applies additional controls if required. Action
taken must be documented on the risk assessment form.
iii. High and Very High-Risk ratings of 8-24. For all high and very high risk, Column G (Additional control measures) must be implemented to
further reduce the risk to a medium or low level. Such activities shall not be proceeded until applying additional control measures. The
Construction Director/Manager or facility Manager must personally review the activities with a High or Very High residual risk score and
approve additional control measures by signing off the JSA.
8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each of the job steps identified.
Section IV - Provide the name, company, and title of those who prepared and reviewed/approved this form in the signature box provided. The Construction
Director/Manager or facility Manager must review and approve the additional control measures that have a High or Very High-Risk rating before proceeding
the task. Additional space is also provided for crew members to sign the JSA if desired.
Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column B – Hazard)
Biological & Electrical Chemical Gravity/Height Mechanical & Motion
Environmental Arc Flash Air Emissions Equipment Being Thrown Off/Under
Altitude Buried Utilities Chemical Products Tipping/Collapsing Equipment
Animal Bite/Sting Damage to Leads/Cables Carcinogenic Excavation/Trench Disintegration of Moving
Blood-Borne Pathogens Damage to Switches Combustible/Flammable Falling Objects Components
Contaminated Energized Explosive Floor Openings/Edges Driving/Vehicle Traffic
Food/Water Circuits/Conductors Toxic Grating Removed Ejection of Workpiece/Debris
Insect-Borne Disease Inadvertent Energization Corrosive Inadequate Support Entanglement
Pests Lack of Isolation/Grounding Reactive Lack of Access Friction
Poisonous Plants Missing/Damaged Insulation Client/Process Chemicals Ladders/Stairs Movement/Shifting
Precipitation Overhead Lines Lack of Containment Suspended Load Moving Parts
Temperature/Humidity Overload of Circuits Leakage/Spills Unstable/Insecure Pinch/Crush Points
Unsanitary Conditions Stored Energy Material Incompatibility Materials Projectiles
Weather (Batteries/Capacitors) Produced/Disturbed by Work Work Above/Below Others Rotating Equipment
Wind/Turbulence Water Near Electrical Asbestos Work at Height/Fall Sharp Edges, Corners, or
Pressure Conductors Lead Hazards Points
Abrasive Blasting Work Environment Silica Walking/Working Surface Shearing
Compressed Gases Cluttered Welding Fumes Slippery Stored Energy
High Pressure Fluid Confined Space Dust Uneven (Springs/Accumulators)
Pressure Testing Damaged Tools/Equipment Water Discharges Obstructed Striking
Pressure Entrapment Wastes Generated Steep Trapped Between Equipment
Washing/Blasting Erosion Hazardous Moving/Swaying/ and Fixed Structures
Radiation Hazardous Atmosphere Non-Hazardous Pitching Unexpected/Uncontrolled
Intense Light Oxygen Rich/Deficient Sound Insufficient/Unstable Movement
Lasers Contaminants Continuous Noise Ergonomic
Microwaves Ignition Sources Intermittent Noise Awkward
Naturally Occurring Inadequate Ventilation Extreme Noise Postures/Movement
Radioactivity Radioactive Poor Lighting/Glare Impact Noise Excessive Force/ Exertion
Material Restricted Access/Egress Heavy/Awkward Load
X-Rays Runoff Repetitive Motion
Same Position
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Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column C – Control Measure)
Controls Examples
Remove a dangerous machine from
Elimination Make connections at ground level before
(Remove the hazard erecting a structure to eliminate work at
Provide power outlets to avoid trailing
altogether) height
Use latex rather than oil-based paints
(Replace the
Reduce energy, such as speed, force, amperage, pressure, and temperature
material/process with a less
Use water-based detergents instead of organic solvents
hazardous one)
Isolate hazardous energy
Engineering/Isolation Ventilation
sources Secondary containment
(Design effective control Machine guarding
Interlocks Barriers
measures to protect people Enclosures
Platforms and guardrails Improve lighting
and the environment) Circuit breakers
Exclusion zones
Warning Signs Horns Labels
High visibility paint
(Alert people to the hazards) Backup alarms Beepers Tags
Administrative Work rotation to minimize exposure
(Provide training, procedures, Inspect safety equipment Training and supervision
etc.) Good housekeeping practices
Least Safety glasses Fall harness and lanyards Respiratory protection
(Personal protective
Effective Hearing protection Gloves High visibility vests
Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column F – Risk)
Critical - 6 6 12 18 24
Minor - 1 1 2 3 4
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Secondary Contact Abd-Alkareem Lufti Sulaiman Obeidat Secondary Contact 059 113 9208
Program Number. P-02 Company Name Abdul Mohsen Al-Tamimi Co.
Project Name Amala Six Senses Resort – Builders Package Date 04/27/2024
JSA /Risk Assessment Title Acoustic Glass Panels Installation Category ✘ New Revised
Specific Location Six Senses Building R0 & R1
Plant Tools & Equipment Required Scaffold, Ladder & Hand Tools Area SIX SENSES / Site Wide
Work Scope/Description Transport, Storage, site preparation and installation of Acoustic Glass Panels
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Section III – Job Safety Analysis Risk Assessment (Post Control Measures)
(A) (D) (E) (I)
(B) (C) (F) (G) (H) (J)
Activity/Step Severit Likelihoo Likelihoo
Hazards Control Measures Risk Additional Control measures Severity Risk
y d d
Ensure all procedural
requirements are fulfilled.
Conduct pre-task briefing and
brief crew on scope of work,
approved plans, requirements,
potential emergencies, do’s and
don’ts, during advent of an
emergency, emergency contacts,
hazards associated with the
activities and control measures. Assign trained banksman with
Site Induction for all crew motorized equipment and at
Entry of un- inducted
members including operators and intersections and blind spots.
and untrained workers
drivers is mandatory. Banksman should be in high
may lead to incident.
1: Mobilization of Only qualified and TP certified visible jacket/vest
Movement through non
Manpower at Project. drivers be allowed to operate 4 2 8 Conduct daily TBT Training 3 1 3
designated areas to
equipment / Vehicles Post speed limits as per project
project site may lead to
Proper Inspection of all rules and ensure strict
equipment/vehicles. compliance.
Slip, Trip & Fall
Exit route and safe area to be Housekeeping: Ensure that site
discussed in PTB area is kept clean at all times.
All operatives shall be inducted
and trained.
Ensure that workers are wearing
half mask face cover
Get all project related persons
inducted before entry to site.
Educate all workers on
100%compliance of PPEs Rules to
be observed and ensured.
2: Mobilization of material Manual lifting heavy LITE method must be followed all 4 4 16 Ensure work permit issued and 3 2 6
at site. (Manual & Boom loads the time and no individual would approved before starting task.
Crane) Use of non- carry weight more than 20 Kg Wind speed and visibility shall be
recommended, self- depending upon LITE method. monitored continuously.
fabricated and banned Only 3rd party certified, Tested Ensure that no safety guard is
tools / plant /Equipment and pre-inspected Equipment to removed from power tools.
may lead to personal be used. Ensure proper supervision of each
injury and damage to Ensure that no safety guard is activity.
Site assets. removed from tools. Pre-task beefing (Tool Box Talk) to
Uncertified tools and No homemade hand tool is all involved employees.
equipment’s allowed at site. Ensure operator and rigger
Provide red tag and remove any competent and certified.
hand tool if it gets damaged Safe lifting procedure shall be
during work at site. followed
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Note: Insert additional rows or print additional sheets as necessary to accommodate all job steps.
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