Risk Assessment For Acoustic Glass Panel

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Job Safety Analysis Document Ref.

H&S Management Revision 00

Instructions for completing Job Safety Analysis (JSA) form

Section I -Enter general information about the site and job task.
Section II - Determine whether any of these operations apply to the job task to be performed. Make note of any special training, permit, certification, and
risk assessment requirements.
Section III - Identify any human/organizational factors that could impact the ability to perform the work safely.

1. Break the job down into steps - Be as specific as possible. Write each job step in a new row of column A (Activity/Step). It’s a good idea to leave
an extra row between steps in case you need them later. Add additional rows to the table as needed, or if completing the JSA on paper, print
additional copies of the sheet to accommodate all job steps.
2. Determine the hazards associated with each job step and write them in column B (Hazards). Use the examples of hazards provided below to
trigger your thinking about different types of hazards and energy sources.
3. List any control measures that will be taken to ensure that step is done safely in column C (Control Measures). Use the control measure
examples and hierarchy provided to trigger your thinking about different types of controls and their effectiveness at reducing risk. Controls
toward the top of the table tend to be more effective at minimizing the severity and/or likelihood of an event than the controls toward the
bottom of the table. If this job involves a Life Crucial Operation, continue to step 4. Otherwise, repeat steps 2-3 for each of the job steps
identified, then proceed to step 8.
4. Considering the hazards involved and the control measures that will be in place, determine the worst credible severity of an incident that could
result from this job step. Use the severity table provided. Write the severity number in column D (Severity).
5. Considering the hazards involved and the control measures that will be in place, determine the likelihood that an incident will result from this job
step. Use the likelihood table provided. Write the likelihood number in column E (Likelihood).
6. Multiply the severity number by the likelihood number and enter the product in column F (Risk).
7. Consider the risk rating against the thresholds provided in the Overall Risk Ratings.
i. Very low and low risk ratings of 1-3. This level is generally considered acceptable provided that all control measures are applied.
ii. Medium risk ratings of 4-6. Medium risk requires a planned approach to control the hazard and applies additional controls if required. Action
taken must be documented on the risk assessment form.
iii. High and Very High-Risk ratings of 8-24. For all high and very high risk, Column G (Additional control measures) must be implemented to
further reduce the risk to a medium or low level. Such activities shall not be proceeded until applying additional control measures. The
Construction Director/Manager or facility Manager must personally review the activities with a High or Very High residual risk score and
approve additional control measures by signing off the JSA.
8. Repeat steps 2-7 for each of the job steps identified.

Section IV - Provide the name, company, and title of those who prepared and reviewed/approved this form in the signature box provided. The Construction
Director/Manager or facility Manager must review and approve the additional control measures that have a High or Very High-Risk rating before proceeding
the task. Additional space is also provided for crew members to sign the JSA if desired.

Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column B – Hazard)
Biological & Electrical Chemical Gravity/Height Mechanical & Motion
Environmental Arc Flash Air Emissions Equipment Being Thrown Off/Under
Altitude Buried Utilities Chemical Products Tipping/Collapsing Equipment
Animal Bite/Sting Damage to Leads/Cables  Carcinogenic Excavation/Trench Disintegration of Moving
Blood-Borne Pathogens Damage to Switches  Combustible/Flammable Falling Objects Components
Contaminated Energized  Explosive Floor Openings/Edges Driving/Vehicle Traffic
Food/Water Circuits/Conductors  Toxic Grating Removed Ejection of Workpiece/Debris
Insect-Borne Disease Inadvertent Energization  Corrosive Inadequate Support Entanglement
Pests Lack of Isolation/Grounding  Reactive Lack of Access Friction
Poisonous Plants Missing/Damaged Insulation Client/Process Chemicals Ladders/Stairs Movement/Shifting
Precipitation Overhead Lines Lack of Containment Suspended Load Moving Parts
Temperature/Humidity Overload of Circuits Leakage/Spills Unstable/Insecure Pinch/Crush Points
Unsanitary Conditions Stored Energy Material Incompatibility Materials Projectiles
Weather (Batteries/Capacitors) Produced/Disturbed by Work Work Above/Below Others Rotating Equipment
Wind/Turbulence Water Near Electrical  Asbestos Work at Height/Fall Sharp Edges, Corners, or
Pressure Conductors  Lead Hazards Points
Abrasive Blasting Work Environment  Silica Walking/Working Surface Shearing
Compressed Gases Cluttered  Welding Fumes  Slippery Stored Energy
High Pressure Fluid Confined Space  Dust  Uneven (Springs/Accumulators)
Pressure Testing Damaged Tools/Equipment Water Discharges  Obstructed Striking
Pressure Entrapment Wastes Generated  Steep Trapped Between Equipment
Washing/Blasting Erosion  Hazardous  Moving/Swaying/ and Fixed Structures
Radiation Hazardous Atmosphere  Non-Hazardous Pitching Unexpected/Uncontrolled
Intense Light  Oxygen Rich/Deficient Sound  Insufficient/Unstable Movement
Lasers  Contaminants Continuous Noise Ergonomic
Microwaves Ignition Sources Intermittent Noise Awkward
Naturally Occurring Inadequate Ventilation Extreme Noise Postures/Movement
Radioactivity Radioactive Poor Lighting/Glare Impact Noise Excessive Force/ Exertion
Material Restricted Access/Egress Heavy/Awkward Load
X-Rays Runoff Repetitive Motion
Same Position

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H&S Management Revision 00

Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column C – Control Measure)
Controls Examples
 Remove a dangerous machine from
Elimination  Make connections at ground level before
(Remove the hazard erecting a structure to eliminate work at
 Provide power outlets to avoid trailing
altogether) height
 Use latex rather than oil-based paints
(Replace the
 Reduce energy, such as speed, force, amperage, pressure, and temperature
material/process with a less
 Use water-based detergents instead of organic solvents
hazardous one)
 Isolate hazardous energy
Engineering/Isolation  Ventilation
sources  Secondary containment
(Design effective control  Machine guarding
 Interlocks  Barriers
measures to protect people  Enclosures
 Platforms and guardrails  Improve lighting
and the environment)  Circuit breakers
 Exclusion zones
Warning  Signs  Horns  Labels
 High visibility paint
(Alert people to the hazards)  Backup alarms  Beepers  Tags
Administrative  Work rotation to minimize exposure
(Provide training, procedures,  Inspect safety equipment  Training and supervision
etc.)  Good housekeeping practices
Least  Safety glasses  Fall harness and lanyards  Respiratory protection
(Personal protective
Effective  Hearing protection  Gloves  High visibility vests

Reference Table in completing Section III –

Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column D –Severity)
Job Safety Analysis (Column E – Likelihood)
Impact On Likelihood Chances of
Severity Level Probability
People Environment / Community Equipment / Property Level Occurrence
 Long-term (multi-year) impacts to
 Extensive losses of high
air, surface/ground water, or soil;
value equipment/property
Critical / Single /  Loses exceeding Expected to
 Widespread areas including Very
Catastroph 6 Multiple $1,000,000; or 4 occur in most 1 in 100
offsite area/community affected; Likely
ic fatalities  Major unplanned impact circumstances
on project budget and
 Some adverse publicity/media
 Lasting (up to one year) impacts
 Losses of
to air, surface/ground water, or
Injury or equipment/property that
soil; or
illness cannot be readily
 Offsite area/community affected; Strong possibility
resulting in replaced; or
Major 4 or Likely 3 the event will 1 in 1,000
permanent  Losses exceeding
 Events that are reportable to occur
total or partial $100,000; or
regulatory authorities; or
disability  Significant unplanned
 Potential for adverse
impact on project budget
publicity/media coverage
Injury or  Temporary (up to one month)
illness impacts to air, surface/ground  Loss of equipment that
resulting in water, or soil limited to the can be readily replaced; or
medical project site; or  Losses exceeding Possibl The event might
Moderate 2 2 1 in 10,000
treatment or  Breach of regulatory requirement $10,000; or e occur
temporary or limit; and  Minor impact on project
disability/loss  No potential for adverse budget
of function publicity/media coverage
 No impact on equipment
 No direct impact to air,
Injury or functionality
surface/ground water, or soil; or Highly unlikely
illness  Minor, cosmetic damage;
 Effects restricted within buildings Unlikel but may occur in 1 in
Minor 1 requiring first- or 1
or containment structures; and y exceptional 1,000,000
aid treatment  Repair costs easily
 No potential for adverse circumstances
only covered by normal project
publicity/media coverage
operating budget

Reference Table in completing Section III – Job Safety Analysis (Column F – Risk)

Risk Matrix Overall Risk Ratings

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
Severity Very
Unlikely Possible Likely 1 2-3 4-6 8-18 24
1 2 3

Critical - 6 6 12 18 24

High and Very High-Risk ratings of 8-24.

Additional control measures must be implemented to further reduce the
Major - 4 4 8 12 16 High and very high risk to acceptable level.
Note: The Construction Director/Manager or Facility Manager must
personally review the activities with a High or Very High residual risk score
Moderate - and approve suitable additional control measures by signing the JSA.
2 4 6 8

Minor - 1 1 2 3 4

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Section I – General Information

Emergency Procedures
Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Phone Number
Primary Contact Danilo Taping Primary Contact 053 575 9043

Secondary Contact Abd-Alkareem Lufti Sulaiman Obeidat Secondary Contact 059 113 9208

Program Number. P-02 Company Name Abdul Mohsen Al-Tamimi Co.

Project Name Amala Six Senses Resort – Builders Package Date 04/27/2024
JSA /Risk Assessment Title Acoustic Glass Panels Installation Category ✘ New Revised
Specific Location Six Senses Building R0 & R1

Plant Tools & Equipment Required Scaffold, Ladder & Hand Tools Area SIX SENSES / Site Wide

Work Scope/Description Transport, Storage, site preparation and installation of Acoustic Glass Panels

Section II – Does this job require any of the following operations?

 = Requires formal/special training  = Requires certification or Competent/Qualified Person designations

 = Requires a permit/form/report ∆ = Life Crucial Operations = Requires full Risk Assessment

Description Yes Description Yes

Aerial Lifts  ∆ Cranes - Critical lift    ∆
Confined Space    ∆ Hot Work  
Dismantling and Demolition  Loading/Unloading Material ∆ ✘

Electrical Hazards    ∆ Noise Exposure 

Excavation/Trenching    ∆ Powered Industrial Trucks   ∆
First Line Breaks    ∆ Radiation Area Work   
Grating/Floor Plate/ Guardrail Removal  ∆ Respiratory Hazards 
Hazardous Energy Control    ∆ Roof Work    ∆
Hazardous Materials
   Scaffolding   ∆ ✘
Asbestos & Lead Work
Hazardous Materials
  Site/Vehicle Traffic ∆
Crystalline Silica & Cadmium
Hazardous Waste Operations   ✘ Steel Erection  ∆
Heavy Equipment   ∆ Work at Height (> 6 ft)   ∆ ✘

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Rigging, & Cranes   ∆ Other

Section III – Job Safety Analysis Risk Assessment (Post Control Measures)
(A) (D) (E) (I)
(B) (C) (F) (G) (H) (J)
Activity/Step Severit Likelihoo Likelihoo
Hazards Control Measures Risk Additional Control measures Severity Risk
y d d
 Ensure all procedural
requirements are fulfilled.
 Conduct pre-task briefing and
brief crew on scope of work,
approved plans, requirements,
potential emergencies, do’s and
don’ts, during advent of an
emergency, emergency contacts,
hazards associated with the
activities and control measures.  Assign trained banksman with
 Site Induction for all crew motorized equipment and at
 Entry of un- inducted
members including operators and intersections and blind spots.
and untrained workers
drivers is mandatory. Banksman should be in high
may lead to incident.
1: Mobilization of  Only qualified and TP certified visible jacket/vest
 Movement through non
Manpower at Project. drivers be allowed to operate 4 2 8  Conduct daily TBT Training 3 1 3
designated areas to
equipment / Vehicles  Post speed limits as per project
project site may lead to
 Proper Inspection of all rules and ensure strict
equipment/vehicles. compliance.
 Slip, Trip & Fall
 Exit route and safe area to be  Housekeeping: Ensure that site
discussed in PTB area is kept clean at all times.
 All operatives shall be inducted
and trained.
 Ensure that workers are wearing
half mask face cover
 Get all project related persons
inducted before entry to site.
 Educate all workers on
100%compliance of PPEs Rules to
be observed and ensured.
2: Mobilization of material  Manual lifting heavy  LITE method must be followed all 4 4 16  Ensure work permit issued and 3 2 6
at site. (Manual & Boom loads the time and no individual would approved before starting task.
Crane)  Use of non- carry weight more than 20 Kg  Wind speed and visibility shall be
recommended, self- depending upon LITE method. monitored continuously.
fabricated and banned  Only 3rd party certified, Tested  Ensure that no safety guard is
tools / plant /Equipment and pre-inspected Equipment to removed from power tools.
may lead to personal be used.  Ensure proper supervision of each
injury and damage to  Ensure that no safety guard is activity.
Site assets. removed from tools.  Pre-task beefing (Tool Box Talk) to
 Uncertified tools and  No homemade hand tool is all involved employees.
equipment’s allowed at site.  Ensure operator and rigger
 Provide red tag and remove any competent and certified.
hand tool if it gets damaged  Safe lifting procedure shall be
during work at site. followed

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 Access the load before handling to

ensure safe grip.
 Provide adequate PPEs and
additional PPEs wherever
 Re-check the crane with checklist
prior to starts task.
 Lifting Procedure shall be made
with consultation of site engineer
 Barricade the area with proper
Project manager and safety
sign board.
 Ensure all load with the capacity
of the crane.
 Safe work load chart needs to be
 Equipment shall be allowed on
leveled and consolidated surface
 All Loads should be tagged with
tag line.
 Secure applicable work permits
before starting activity.
 Conduct pre-task briefing.
 Use Proper Manual Handling
 Back Injury  Conduct continuous Inspections of
2: Material Handling  Musko skeletal worksites
 Ensure that operatives are trained
Disorders  Ensure that all workers are using
in safe manual handling.
 Fatigues 3 2 6 PPEs 2 1 2
 Ensure that all workers are using
 Pinch Points  Keep site access free of
proper PPEs including Dust Masks.
 Respiratory disorders obstructions
 Ensure proper access to job area.
 Slips, trips & falls  Conduct daily TBTs.
 Ensure proper supervision by
competent persons at all times.
 Identify and address pinch point
 Conduct pre-task briefings
 Do Not work in LINE OF FIRE.
 Communicate MSRA with all
 Ensure that all tools are free of
 Inspect tools on daily basis.
 Only trained and authorized
 Poor Ergonomics workers shall be allowed to use  Assign competent supervisor and
 Pinch points power tools. safety officer for effective
3: Installation of Access  Caught in/between
3 3 9 monitoring of site and 2 2 4
Hatch  Improper PPEs  Maintain good housekeeping at
implementation of safe practices.
 Dust site.
 Slip, Trips and Falls  Barricade area and provide safety
 Cables should be well managed.
 Use proper PPEs
 Conduct daily TBTs
 Keep hands clear of pinching
 Coordinate with other contractors
in area for safe SMOPS

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 Activity must be performed by

 3
 rd.party certified Scaffolders.
 Scaffolding erection shall be
carried out under the 100%
Supervision of a competent
scaffolding supervisor.
 Appropriate scoff-tag shall be
installed during the erection of
 Make sure scaffold is erected on
an even surface.
 Wear safety harness with double
 Ensure three-point contact while
 Ensure at-least one hook is
 in-competent person  Wear safety harness with double
anchored at all time while
 Uneven surface could hooks.
cause imbalance of  Ensure three-point contact while
 Ensure scaffold and safety harness
scaffold. climbing.
as per standard.
 Falling hazard while  Scaffolding erection shall be
 Keep the tools safely that it
working at height could carried out under the 100%
doesn’t fall. Use tool bag while
4: Work At Height cause severe injury. 4 4 16 Supervision of a competent 3 2 6
working at height
 Falling of materials scaffolding supervisor. Scaffolds
 All workers must be competent
from height causing shall not be erected, used,
 LITE (Load, Individual, Task &
head injury. dismantled, altered.
Environment) method must be
 Defective tools  Scaffold operations adjacent to
followed all the time and no
 Slip trip and fall overhead power lines are
individual would carry weight
 Manual Handling prohibited
more than 20 Kg depending upon
LITE method.
 Tools must be inspected prior to
start of activity.
 Material must be stacked properly.
 Soft barricades shall be installed
to avoid the unauthorized entry
inside the scaffolding erection
 Area affected by the activity shall
be cordoned off and personnel not
to allow to come in the line of fire
i.e., working above and below at
the same time.
 Adequate safety signage must be
placed at site to prevent
unauthorized entry
5: Adverse Weather  Exposure to extreme  Heat stress awareness training just 3 2 6  Conduct mandatory Heat Stress 2 1 2
Conditions Hot before and during the hot summer Awareness training to all employees
months to all applicable personnel prior of deployment at site.
(who work outdoors) and those who  Provide rest shelter and water on site
manage personnel and have prior of activity at site.

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responsibilities for establishing heat

stress mitigation measures.
 Ensure required rest period, and
minimum water needed.  HSE Dept. to monitor on daily basis
 Provide own calibrated data logging for the weather condition at site.
Temperature and Humidity monitor  HSE Dept. to identify the Heat Index
to ensure timely determination of danger category on daily basis.
weather condition.  A standby qualified first aider/site
 Danger category color coding shall Nurse and first aid kit must be
be per the heat index. available at site.
 Take appropriate action upon  Ensure supply of water daily, to
developing symptoms of heat provide abundant supply of water at
cramps, heat exhaustion or heat site.
stroke.  Ensure site with proper monitoring
 Ensure designated rest shelter have and using kestrel equipment heat
sufficient drinking water station. stress program.
 Administrative controls like
acclimatization, temperature, and
humidity monitoring, flagging system
etc. should be in place.

 Ensure appropriate PPE’S to be use
 Exposure to extreme  Ensure all workers follow the use of
when temperature working to
Cold clothing when temperature working
to outside
Administrative controls like 3 2 6 2 1 2
 Ensure site with proper monitoring
acclimatization, temperature, and
and using kestrel equipment heat
humidity monitoring, flagging system
stress program.
etc. should be in place
 Work is strictly prohibited during
 Lighting /thunderstorm lightning and project personnel are
 Ensure all workers working at site
not allowed to stay outdoor.
with proper shelter in place.
 If safe building structures are not
 Stop work immediately if Lighting
accessible, employers should guide
/thunderstorm and notify the
workers to hard-topped metal
transport foreman for the standby of
vehicles with rolled up windows.
3 2 6 BUS as shelter at site. 2 1 2
Remain in the vehicle for at least 30
 In any case of emergency, a standby
minutes after hearing the last sound
vehicle at site radio or cell phone to
of thunder.
contact directly.
After hearing thunder, do not use
All emergency contact list must provide
corded phones, except in an
to all driver/s.
emergency. Cell phones and cordless
phones may be used safely.
 Heavy Rain  Ensure work is strictly prohibited 3 2 6  Ensure all workers working at site 2 1 2
during heavy rains and project with proper shelter in place during
personnel are not allowed to the rain.
work/stay outdoor.  Always be vigilant of the flooding in
 If water accumulated or the area is the area, look for the high location if
flooding due to rain, wait to subside flooded or call for an emergency.
before resuming the work.  Ensure on any presence of water in

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 If water is present in the excavation,

de-watering shall be performed by
installing submersible pumps or excavated area don’t allow any
equivalent should land survey work is worker/s to resume the works.
urgent. Provide appropriate protection for the
If raining, sandbag shall be positioned excavation to prevent erosion of
on the surrounding of the excavation to excavated works.
prevent rainwater flowing in the
excavated area.
 Ensure all workers working at site
 Sandstorm
with proper shelter in place during
 Work is strictly prohibited during sandstorm.
sandstorm and project personnel are  Provide appropriate wearing of face
not allowed to stay outdoor. mask during sandstorm at site
 Wear medical facemasks or use wet otherwise stop the work and wait for
towel or gauze during sandstorms further notice to proceed.
outdoors.  Provide appropriate use of safety
 Wear eyeglasses preferably airtight glasses, contact lenses are not
goggles or face shield to protect your allowed during working at site.
eyes from blowing dust or sand.  Ensure all workers to stay indoor (car
 Avoid wearing contact lenses in areas or office building) unless it is
prone to sandstorm. necessary to go out.
 Avoid rubbing eyes to prevent eye 3 2 6  Conduct maintenance of office and 2 1 2
infection. If eyes become irritated, accommodations to sealed properly
rinse with water. and prevent sands enter inside the
 Stay indoor (car or office building) room/office,
unless it is necessary to go out.  Drive with caution or stop on the
 Ensure office and accommodations if shoulder of the road until the
sandstorm proof (properly sealed). sandstorm remain calm.
 When driving, drive slowly with  Be vigilant of another vehicle near
caution when visibility is very low. you during the zero visibility on roads
 Pull over completely to a safe place at site.
off the paved portion of the roadway  Ensure you parked in right place
during low visibility. during this sandstorm to prevent any
collision with other oncoming
6: Housekeeping  Poor Housekeeping.  Remove banding, crate material, 2 2 4  Ensure all unwanted materials to be 2 1 2
nails, paint bottle, etc. and dispose disposed properly on designated
 Lack of proper planning of properly. location skip bins.
 Proper planning and look ahead by  Prioritize the housekeeping scheduled
 Lack of housekeeping Discipline Supervisor/Foreman. on or before the activity on daily
resources  Prior to commencing work, as part basis on site.
daily progress, he shall plan for: Construction Team shall be accountable
 Housekeeping resources - hauling for all the materials and pre-arranged
equipment (loader / dump truck / staging location area to prevent any
forklift) and dedicated crew. materials scattered on the
 Regular collection of rubbish, every surroundings.
end of shift at minimum
 Waste skips / covered metal trash
bins / disposable trash bags, etc.

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 Temporary staging area of scrap

 Pre-arranged staging area for
construction materials, tools /
 Access for personnel and equipment
Barricades / signs required
 Debris and other unnecessary
materials shall be discarded from  Ensure all waste materials to be
site. disposed properly on timely manner
 Empty drinking bottles and wet especially the hazard materials.
garbage from excess food should be  A designated garbage bins to be
Wet Garbage. properly disposed at designated bins provided for segregated waste are to
Accumulation attracts and hauled out daily. be followed.
disease carrying  Portable Toilets should be maintained  Assigned Housekeeper to ensure
2 2 4 2 1 2
insect and animals on Daily Basis. Toilets are maintained with checklist
Not sanitized Toilets  Trash and garbage shall only be on daily signed by his supervisor.
Environmental damaged disposed of at approved sites as  Ensure approved third-party garbage
designated by RED SEA or local collector to be collected on site.
municipality. Any hazard materials on site especial
 All unwanted materials at the site care for the environmental impact and
should be disposed of especial disposed properly.
hazard materials.
7: Emergency  Lack of proper planning  Proper planning and look ahead by 4 2 8  Ensure proper planning and look 2 1 2
Preparedness / emergency readiness / Discipline Supervisor. Prior to his ahead by construction team of any
awareness of safe activities he shall: activity at site.
evacuation procedure.  Familiarize himself and his team with  Ensure to comply with RED SEA TRS-
the site-specific emergency HS-ADM-0007 (Emergency
procedure. Preparedness and Response) of any
 Know the actual locations of nearest emergency protocol.
safe assembly areas.  Follow the STOP Work or Evacuation
 Conduct toolbox talk with his crew on Alarm, as an instruction from Site ERT
emergency procedure. / HSE, of any emergency protocol.
 See to it that safe access route is  Conduct emergency training drills in
available from work area towards the coordination with RED SEA/PMC for
nearest safe assembly area. the awareness by all workers on site.
 Be familiar with the prevailing wind  Ensure emergency contact list to be
against the locations of nearest safe posted at site and keep up to date
assembly points. At least 2 safe the contact list.
assembly points in opposite  Provide training to all workers on how
directions shall be known to the crew to contact the details in the
from each work location. emergency contact list.
 Be familiar with site specific
Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and
requirements of this document.
 Understand / comply with RED SEA
TRS-HS-ADM-0007 (Emergency
Preparedness and Response).
 Upon hearing site STOP Work or

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Evacuation Alarm, or receipt of an

instruction from Site ERT / HSE,
Discipline Supervisor shall lead his
crew to ensure following actions are
 Stop work
 Alarm others
 Shutdown all machines e.g.,
generator, welding machines, etc.
 Check wind direction
 Proceed to nearest safe assembly
area in cross wind direction.
 Participate in the headcount, report
missing person (if any)
 Stay at safe assembly area, remain
attentive, do not engage in any
unauthorized activity, wait for further
 All site personnel to participate in
training drills. Conduct emergency
training drills in coordination with
 Maintain emergency contact list in
each work area.
 Call Project Nurse or Site Safety
Manager for medical emergencies,
include 24/7 emergency contact
details in the emergency contact list.

Note: Insert additional rows or print additional sheets as necessary to accommodate all job steps.

Section IV – Approval and Signatures

Prepared by Company Position
Hamza Nazeer Abdul Mohsen AlTamimi Deputy H&S Manager

Reviewed and Approved by Company Position


Danilo Taping Abdul Mohsen Al-Tamimi H&S Representative

High and Very High residual risk rating (8-24)
Note: All High and Very High residual risk ratings (8-24) require review and approval by Construction Director/Manager or Facility Manager before starting work to ensure that the additional controls are adequate
to execute the task safely.
Reviewed and Approved by Company Position
Construction Director/Manager or Facility Manager

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Job Safety Analysis Document Ref. AMA-HS-FRM-
H&S Management Revision 00

Reviewed by Crew Company Position

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