Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Arab Mohammed Shamiulla
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Arab Mohammed Shamiulla
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Arab Mohammed Shamiulla
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a buzz word in the It can be in the form of malicious software, phishing,
cyber world. It is still a developing science in multiple facets password attacks, drive by downloads by using hyperlinks,
according to the challenges thrown by 21st century. Use of AI has virus attacks etc. As per the latest survey by the SSL Store,
become inseparable from human life. In this day and age one
cannot imagine a world without AI as it has much significant
cyber crimes will generate 1.5 trillion profits in the year
impact on human life. The main objective of AI is to develop the 2018. There is a high chance that the actual figures may be
technology based activities which represents the human more.
knowledge in order to solve problems. Simply AI is study of how
an individual think, work, learn and decide in any scenario of Table-1.1: Various revenue sources of cybercrimes
life, whether it may be related to problem solving or learning new Crime Annual Revenues in $
things or thinking rationally or to arrive at a solution etc. AI is in Illegal Online Markets $860000000000
every area of human life, naming a few it is into gaming,
language processing, speech recognition, expert system, vision Trade Secret, Intellectual $500000000000
system, hand writing recognition, intelligence robots, financial Property Theft
transactions and what not, every activity of human life has Data Trading $160000000000
become a subset of AI. In spite of numerous uses, AI can also Crime Ware / CaaS $16000000000
used for destroying the human life, that is the reason human
inference is required to monitor the AI activities. Cyber crimes
Ransomeware $10000000000
has become quite common and become a daily news item. It is Total Cyber Crime $1500000000000
not just a problem faced in one country, it is across the world. Revenues
Without strong security measures, AI is meaningless as it can be *Source: Re-Hashed: 2018 Cybercrime Statistics
easily accessible by others. It has become a big threat for
governments, banks, multinational companies through online
attacks by hackers. Lot of individual and organizational data is Cyber security holds a very significant part in the field of
exploited by hackers and it becomes a big threat to the cyber information technology. When someone comes across with
world. In this connection research in the area of AI and cyber a fraud, then cyber security comes into our mind. Protecting
security has gained more importance in the recent times and it is our own information on net has become a biggest challenge.
ever lasting also as it is a dynamic and sensitive issue linked to The immediate word we get in our mind after hearing cyber
human life.
security is cyber crimes. Governments are taking numerous
Key Words: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Online security measures to prevent cyber crimes, in spite of that;
attacks, Hackers, Human life cyber crime rate is increasing rapidly. In this paper an
attempt is made to know the various challenges faced by
I. INTRODUCTION cyber security and also the latest technologies which prevent
cyber attacks.
Cyber security is not just a problem of IT field. In fact its
scope is very vast. Today everyone is familiar with internet.
Table-1.2: Revenue from Ransomeware statistics
Even illiterate people are using smart phones and it has
Ransomeware Year Revenues in $
become indispensable from their day to day life. It is not an
exaggerated statement that if someone says people are living CryptoLocker 2013 $300000
on the internet today. Over a period of time internet has CryptoWall 2014 $1800000 - $32000000
become the indispensable part of human life. Without proper Locky 2015 $780000 - $1500000
knowledge and awareness, everyone is using AI in their
Cerber 2016 $690000
daily walks of life. This is the golden opportunity for
hackers to deceive the people easily. At times, hackers are WannaCry 2016 $55000 - $140000
also cheating the people who are having sound knowledge Petya/NotPetya 2016 $10000
on AI. There for cyber security is a mutual problem across *Source: Re-Hashed: 2018 Cybercrime Statistics
the globe. Hackers are becoming smarter day by day and
they are more innovative in creating malicious software to The fact is over 50% of cyber crime revenues are from
exploit the vulnerable data of individuals, organizations and online markets. It is astonishing truth Ransomeware made
governments. Cyber attacks are increasing rapidly despite of $10000000000 with in a period of just three years i.e. from
enough security measures. 2013-2016.
To avoid from all these cyber crimes/attacks, an
Revised Manuscript Received on November 30, 2019. organization must have sound cyber security measures.
* Correspondence Author
Dr. Arab Mohammed Shamiulla*, Associate Professor, School of
Hence, cyber security is the need of the hour. The emerging
Law, Presidency University, Bangalore, India. technologies like cloud computing, mobile computing,
internet banking, electronic and mobile commerce also need
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and cyber security.
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license
Today, people are living in cyber world where total data or Dr. Arab Mohammed Shamiulla, Associate Professor
information is maintained in digital/online form. The School of Law, Presidency University, Bangalore,
information may be related to personal life, financial India Email ID:
transactions, intellectual property or any other official Contact Number: 7702277901
information which is important in nature. Even lot of
information has been posted on social networking sites
without knowing the safety measures. This is the fruit for
cyber criminals as the information is in open access. Cyber
security is not only a problem related to a person. It is even
for an organization and for a government also. Not
necessary that each time one can protect data or
information on social networking sites but also the
information related to bank transactions must have enough
security measures. There are several techniques available
to protect information on net naming a few are password
security, authentication of data, malware scanners,
firewalls, antivirus software etc. By implementing proper
cyber ethics, majority of cyber attacks can be prevented. In
a nut shell, computer security is a very broad area which is
becoming significantly important as the world itself
turning into digital mode with networks being used to
carry out vital transactions. Cyber crimes or attacks are
also continuing to diverge down various paths time to
time. There is no perfect solution or universal remedy for
cyber crimes/attacks as they are unprecedented in nature,
but latest tools are used on par to minimize them in order
to have a safe and secure future in cyber world.