Koch Otto York

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Type BR PREIL | 126 1a K€ KOCH-OTTO YORK’ — Why Entrainment Occurs In any process where ga nd iui come in cont, he sil enti some hei. This exrinnent generat bye ase mechanisms: mechanical action condensation {nd chemealreton, “The dope sv can otenbe estimated with pod act: For intial evalaton, expen shows tha erepets ‘ererated by mechinicl reas are mainly over 510 in ‘ameter Entrainment from bingo bubbling iid ‘arfae wll ore dope down o jst a ew meron in ‘rameters crefal consideration o performance ‘requirments mus be given fo equipment such 95 ‘Srapoators, tay columns and seam boilers. Enainment snap off he soo of packing the srice sist mostly of lively rz tray fine eisinment ‘ape as ina compressor vere lubiating is aly Ite and vaporize and ten quel condenses causing ‘vay fing “lus smoke” eatin ‘When wo gases such 50 an water sso form gid prodct ulead this egies hgh iene separation RD.CHEVIOW it tne se ala aR Benefits of Using a Mist Eliminator To reduce loss of valuable chemicals is cliinators can make ce yet amine or solent onsumpicn in absorber and stilton owes. To increase throughput capacity yer ane andi come at contain process ‘Supers wgifcant locity nreanes wl be ade pile bpraling sist ciate To improve product purity nist climinaors can povet contamination of ie deans and ‘reread in efit atnespherc and vac owes and ‘ter dtilaton conn, To eliminate contamination ris limiters can point oiscring expense downstream ‘aly. They provide ber fed water quay condensate Trem evaporator overheats To provide equipment protection of molecular sieve dryers prevent corosion of ucteck and heat exchangers, bine and compressor blades, cimiating serious maintenance problems. To prevent air pollution it timinaos bly vdect dope ison te envio mmentalyacepabie level BS Sivmaming sock onateqdt aren peeg. bes reely = ‘Types of Mist Eliminators Almost al mist inintion equipment ils it our ls: ‘ane ssomblis of chon shaped las, cyclones, kite Imesh pes and bers, ‘When the vest! sizsis nat at by the mist eliminator, sect eapsed orig ein tn cacao Drove high separation efficiency athe lowest installed the ist conains sold paricles,vseus, sticky luis, ‘or lage lus of Heid cout the olin resistant, FLEXICHEVRON® mst clinnuor or, incxteme anes, Angel lt multrecloncs, ny oe ster late. ‘These concerns have mae his cape he standard sting pot in indus We olf & ps production. Where he vessel sie st byte mis limit, hen the eet ph capac FLEXICHEVRON mist imitans er Spealo/™ Cyclore mit lito cold tthe mat ted Mash Vin Crone Fat con + & ee [Beemer Sige Bees ena ees For aplctonsmelving bce prices, FLEXIFIBER rat climinatrs provide excllew sons. While these comments help lant selection, your final selection sould be made oly afer reviewing yor “plication wih an equpmest designer of proven expertise KOCH-OTTO YORK. provides an enormous rescue o tp you make the best choice for your particular aplication sae sa os eee ie SS: Heras SS BQeaie K@ KOGH-OTTO YORK’ Serananone were — ESS DEMISTER® Mist Eliminators The DEMISTER® mist lini is an assembly of YORKMESH™ kaied ms supported on, al eld down Lyi open area grid. Tis made to aay sie and shape Stailss sts an exe lly ate ly anne 0 provide masini comosi anc. High capsty DEMISTER® _— YoRK EVENFLOWn ps dheebution devise ‘When a vapor steam caring enrane iid oles pss trough a DEMISTER® pa he vapor moves ely Trou he YORKMESH™ hte mesa bu he ern fhe doles eames thers conta the wire suse, foalesce, a uiately din as ge dope. [DEMISTER mist clininnors re vase inal 30 and 400 seis SS, Alleys 200,40, 600,800, et Alloy 20, ttn atu, alumioun, cope. ptypronyees, “ein Haar abd Kyat and mor than 80 eter met nd 30 non-metal. Forexangle, Ally 651s pial ‘sign material extend sersice sn sles plas. + Tet ea eit ade of I Dat de Nemo {fa peed wader of Aun ‘iste dock of EI Ache, Design Parameters Fe gonoa sigh, Euston I has boon used asa velocity fsidsine for many ya ‘K [(pt - pyy/pv J avon Mating V =dssgn velocity “msee— ee =liqud density” Kym v= vpordensiy Keim? I Ke-capeciyficer msec sce “Te recommended alc of °K" vars depending on sve system facto, ieuding gud Viscosity, sre tension, ‘raiment odin, content of dissolved at suspended Solids, andthe operating pressure. Rewormended"K" values ‘eae highly depend! onthe mes sacs. For over 40 gears, the ndusty has used K~ 0.107 mee (038 fe) a tana gudline fr caleultions sed on ttaonl KOCH-OTTO YORK" ss ce Table 3) which Ive become the worldwide standard inthe cham process induses. Exclem performance is obtained from 80-1105 ofthe cleared vale. Operating presse drop is ‘sally neil, 28 mm water 1" WC). For high vac plication, high perfonmaceis rowel achieved with AP ‘onthe order of 2-3 mm wate (0.1" WO), agli acne stot on | KOCH-OTTO YORK" SMO TEOROOY ES ‘The State-of-the-Art DEMISTER? Mist Eliminator ‘verte pst scr ous, KOCHL-OTTO YORK" has developed and refined nw fly of ys, replacing he trina yee KOCH-OTTO YORK*onginaly introduced shorty fer foundingthe company in 1917. Thee ne tyes fake avartage of pened knowl boat how tener ite geometry aes cepacia performance in the same ‘yt structured parking spss dumped packing Perfomance Compas toler sie, th KKOCH-OTTO YORK" yes pid: + 20% higher design velocity, or mare 10 618% lover posure Higher efficiency at design vee *Egulorbtercoreson and feng esas Tobie 3 pe DNSTER Wn Em Sy pve ‘sive | sige | Ga ‘oan an [ats] osm | sm | Sgt tana az [| oan | em | Utena son | >20n | om | gy tema, ee igh ecency design ‘at_[ 2 | 208 | oom | eon nme sor [roe] ozs | oom | ttre camry) rt er rece ou Come for wpe ot res! Bitar srr arm spey sare 20 0 20 40 Pressure Drop, mm Water (+254 = Inches HO} "aa at Factor, Vtp,= p,)/Pylmis0 (3:28 tise) ‘=DasgnPtt Ug onang 0.0 mmm gue 3. Pen ov Capon tt Fr particular euipmest and poceses, KOCHOTTO YORK" engines so ule special families of mesh slyles based on years of seta inplant performance ‘expeinceo meet eastomerefiency requires Benefits of DEMISTER* Mist Eliminators + Ean to natal in al proses gupment 1 Mou cost effective sain wen eqaiment ‘Sues arent hy oer oqurements. 1g etsy wt low ree drop. + Emegansy delivery avilable 4 KOCH-OTTO YORK’ SRAcoeTOOT aS FLEXIFIBER® Mist Eliminators FLEXIFIBER’ mist clint consi of pach er bed eawecn eter wo coment scrers or twa ft pal, screns Depending upon design parent se mis ci ats oles po 99 95% or peter fal sabi guid paces. Benefits of FLEXIFIBER® ‘Mist Eliminators + Reduce or eliminate vie tack gs plumes + Provide unlimited tumdovn from dein epi. + Acie gure esse drop kth 0m (1 + ateinuchangsle wih iting ter bd expen. + Cape submiron is ices 0.1 microns or smaller. ror ee ms\ eee mit ter een veo go et FLEXIFIBER’ mis limintors are estom signed and ib ‘emed wih cages made fom a wievarey af malas Thema et plastics o FRE The pak bes bas we nade of spec eloss, cami, obyupene, PTFE er payee ibe ‘hs syle a ms ciate proven al ore le nic thr phosgbos ad pa sere nd aer ‘hic plans palpi eat mills aspat stor food __ procenng epee: chrome pang processes tin ibe “atk ens: angen ating operons, Spit ‘xen fiber medi wala for those spine ‘Typical FLEXIFIBER® Installations Figure 5 shows apical FLEXIFIBER* mist liminator lnstlation,Rasie components ofthis sytem ae the FLEXIFIBER: element and vesil. The element consis of two concorrc cial sree entinny packed hers into annul space. The sees ste connected to lange ‘the op of he slmen nd an etd plate on the bottom af ‘he clement. The Mange, i un i bolted tothe vessel tbe sheet. Mist aden gases pass horizontally trough the ier ‘od. Separate iui dain downer om the inside sure ofthe elmer, dough the dri eg and re ‘collected a the Botom of the vessel, Clean pes ent tthe top ofthe vessel ons EERE tit tno ome Gore tw wy Qfeleec| 3 pommel sx [ea umcegee tomer K€ KOCH-OTTO YORK” FLEXIFIBER® ‘Type BD FLEXIFIBER® ‘Type IP (Impaction (Brownian Diffusion) Mist Eliminator Panel) Mist Eliminator Ling he rows Dison mest the Type BD cle TPP ber hese lomo ommenly we a ale trot ae nace clecion scence opin 2% plats Uilising primary te impaction mechan, aac of pin 899% Stardom cinco OP wr ce me aba enel ee No a ml TOOK dl paring te ras 5 mun Type BD chet ar nara dl in hw aon al parca tod mins aad So So OS prose opsaresmaly droge nhc ange of90, LO tons. Oneaing pes rope roma 12510 O00 mm e201myWO.Animeeing et ofe, ‘18 mm (3107 in) WG. emery etn FLENIMIDER' type BD wns climnatristbar wi Sead ae vee nanos mata submicron patil the cllecbon efficient ally increased slg he ps flow rats though the bei reduced, At adced gus Now racy he mint partes have 8 Tenge idence i nthe ier bee This provides hea cS gu prises with as erased shane t conta nil i ea (- oe ie FLEXIFIBER® ‘Type IC (impaction Cylinder) Mist Eliminator Ustzing primary te impaction mechanism, Type IC fiber ‘bdr are dened tocaptre and collet portato he {103 ‘Biron range ecoromialy Callecsonefcenies oh | ‘Biron partie wllvary rom 90% on gid mis th & posi gravity of 19 0 97% 0 gad swith a specie [i of 18. Onrsng pressre dope ae aval inthe ‘ange of 100250 mm (L102) WG. Type ICM a CK ered a combination of knited wie mesh and glss Fibers ar ao mabe These slemens re prima esd in ssc ai plats 8

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