2024 Momentum Students
2024 Momentum Students
2024 Momentum Students
Income of less than
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medical scheme
This brochure is a focused marketing aid for international full-time students. It includes details of the benefits available on the Ingwe Any hospital and Ingwe
Active Network Option. It provides examples of the benefits available and does not replace Momentum Medical Scheme’s full marketing brochure or member
Please note that Momentum Medical Scheme’s 2024 benefits and contributions amendments have been submitted to the Council for Medical Schemes, and
the Scheme awaits approval by the Registrar. Therefore, the proposed changes are subject to such approval by the Registrar.
Superior benefits in 2024 Major Medical benefits
Any private hospital or day hospital
Remember that you Unlimited cover at any private hospital or day hospital
need to contact us to
request pre-authorisation 100% of the Momentum Medical Scheme Rate for operations, procedures and admissions
Why Momentum Medical Scheme’s Ingwe Option? before using your hospital
benefits. You can request Netcare 911 for unlimited medical emergency transportation – contact 082 911
pre-authorisation via the
Momentum App, or Casualty/emergency benefits - 1 visit per person or 2 visits per family per year for emergency/casualty and out-of-network
Trusted partner with IEASA relationship WhatsApp or call us on doctor visits. You pay the first R105 of the visit. Remember, Hello Doctor is available 24/7 and you can also use your 3
0860 102 493 virtual consultations per beneficiary per year if you need medical advice
Momentum Medical Scheme has been the approved and accredited
medical aid partner of the International Education Association of South
Africa (IEASA) for the past 23 years, with more than 33 years’ experience
taking care of students’ healthcare needs.
Day-to-day benefits
Your Ingwe Active Network provider is your first point of call
Largest student medical aid provider in SA to access your out-of-hospital benefits.
Refer to studenthealthcare.co.za for detailed benefit brochures.
Momentum Medical Scheme is the 3rd largest open medical aid in
South Africa and the largest provider of healthcare cover for local and Ingwe Active Network providers
international students studying in South Africa. Guaranteed peace of mind
comes standard when you choose Momentum Medical Scheme, giving Doctor Unlimited - You may visit ANY doctor on the Ingwe Active Network. You also get 3 virtual doctor consultations per
you access to the best healthcare providers and the backing of a respected consultations beneficiary per year from the GP Virtual Consultation Network, which includes Hello Doctor. Consultations include scripting of
brand. medication where required
medicine Unlimited as prescribed by your network doctor. Subject to a list of medicine called a formulary
Registered with the Council for Medical Schemes
plus Department of Home Affairs approved and Chronic medicine If you have a chronic condition, you can ask your network doctor to register you for chronic benefits - we cover 26 chronic
accredited conditions, such as diabetes or epilepsy. Subject to a list of medicine called a formulary
Specialist / 2 specialist consultations per family per year, limited to R1 290 per visit and up to a maximum of R2 580 per family per year.
Apart from being accredited by all international institutions in South Africa Your network doctor needs to refer you to the specialist and the benefit is subject to pre-authorisation.
as the medical aid option of choice, we also have strong relationships with You can choose to use your specialist visits to go to a physiotherapist
all SA embassies and missions abroad to facilitate and support the study
Blood tests We cover specific blood tests. Ask your network doctor for referral and visit studenthealthcare.co.za for the list of tests
visa application and verification process.
X-rays We cover specific x-rays. Ask your network doctor for referral and visit studenthealthcare.co.za for the radiology list of
Digital expertise
Our digital support channels range from the Momentum App to an online
Dental care
web chat facility and live help through WhatsApp. You also enjoy access to Visit the network dentists for an annual dental check-up. The benefit covers you for the consultation, cleaning, fillings and extraction
virtual help sessions and even a digital membership card. of teeth. For more details, visit studenthealthcare.co.za
Eye care to help The benefit is available from your network optometrist every 2 years. If your refraction measurement is more than 0.5,
you see clearly we cover standard clear or bifocal lenses and you can choose from a specific range of frames covered on the Ingwe Option. To
Tailor-made benefits for students check whether we will cover your bill, ask the optometrist for a quotation and submit it to us
Some medical schemes group benefits under one limit. They might argue Out-of-network 1 visit per person or 2 visits per family per year and this includes your emergency/casualty visits. You pay the first R105 of
that it gives you flexibility, but it also limits your benefits. The Ingwe Option doctor visits the consultation cost and you need to call us on 0860 102 493 within 72 hours after your visit. Remember, Hello Doctor is
offers separate benefits for out-of-network/emergency visits, optometry, available 24/7 and you can also use your 3 virtual consultations per beneficiary per year if you need medical advice and
cannot visit your network doctor
dentistry, specialists, pathology and radiology.
Preventative care 1 health assessment per year, which includes a blood pressure test, blood sugar and cholesterol finger-prick tests, as well as
height, weight and waist circumference measurements. You can do the assessment at any contracted pharmacy clinic
Pap smear benefit: Women 15 and older can have a pap smear consultation with a nurse or their network doctor as well as a
standard pap smear pathology test once a year. Women aged 21 to 65 can choose to have an HPV PCR screening test every
3 years instead of the standard pap smear test
NINE healthcare tips and your role as a Member
Tip 1 Tip 6
We have agreements in place with network WhatsApp or call us on 0860 102 493 to request
providers to ensure that your benefits last as long authorisation for hospital admissions, specialist
as possible and give you more value for your money. referrals, emergency/non-network doctor consultations
Please ensure that you visit these network providers and all GP visits from the 11th visit onwards.
only for your out-of-hospital benefits to avoid paying the
treatment cost from your pocket.
Visit studenthealthcare.co.za or call us on
Tip 7
0860 102 493 to find out where your closest Ingwe Your medical cover starts on the 1st of the month, as
Active Network provider is. stated on your membership confirmation letter, and not
when you enter South Africa or start your studies.
Tip 2
If you need medication, visit your Ingwe Active
Tip 8
Network doctor, instead of the pharmacy. This may save For any membership terminations and refunds,
you from having to pay for medication from your pocket. please remember to give us 30 days’ notice. You will
need to submit specific documentation.
Tip 3 Go to studenthealthcare.co.za, select the
Downloads button and then Forms to view the details
Your emergency/non-network doctor visits are of the requirements on the Bank details for contribution
limited – use them wisely. If you need to use the benefit refunds form.
remember to phone us within 72 hours after the visit.
You also have 3 free virtual consultations per beneficiary
per year through the GP Virtual Consultation Network,
Tip 9
which includes Hello Doctor. In addition, you have Download the Momentum App on Play Store,
unlimited free access to Hello Doctor throughout the the App Store or AppGallery to access and better
year for medical advice. understand your unique benefits. Remember to ensure
that we have your latest email and cellphone number,
Tip 4 as we need these details to authenticate you on the
Momentum App.
Visit the Downloads section on
studenthealthcare.co.za for detailed information on
your benefits and procedures to follow.
Tip 5
We issue digital membership cards. You will
receive a link in your welcome letter. Follow the Lifestyle benefits
authentication steps to access your membership card. that include digital
access and innovation
from Momentum