Mark 7372 Fall 06 Brown

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MARK 7372 Marketing Services Fall 2006 Professor: Steven P.

Brown Office: Melcher 385H Phone: (713) 743-4560 e-mail: Required Texts: Lovelock, Christopher and Jochen Wirtz, Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 5nd ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Grubbs-West, Lorraine, Lessons in Loyalty: How Southwest Airlines Does It An Insiders View, Dallas, TX: Cornerstone Leadership Institute. Course Description This course focuses on issues and strategies that apply specifically to the marketing of services. Most businesses in the global economy are in fact service businesses, and to be fully effective managers need to understand how marketing services differs from marketing tangible goods. Principles and practices of services marketing are also important in many industries in which bundling service together with tangible goods is an important way of differentiating products and achieving competitive advantage. We will discuss the many ways in which marketing services differs from marketing tangible goods and consider how the traditional marketing mix needs to be adapted and expanded for effective marketing of services. Instructional Approaches The course is interactive and focused on active learning. We will follow the textbook (i.e., Lovelock and Wirtz, 5th ed.) closely throughout the semester, and you will be expected to read the assigned chapters, readings, and cases prior to coming to class. Class time will be divided among lecture, discussion of assigned readings, case analysis, class exercises related to the assigned readings, and guest speakers. These approaches are designed to accomplish the following objectives: (1) convey important concepts clearly, (2) relate concepts to the real world of services marketing, and (3) connect concepts to your personal experience and career objectives. It is important for you to work toward these objectives as you study the material and participate in class. Course Grades Overall course grades will be determined by performance on the following criteria: Office Hours: 2 3 Thurs. or by appt. Classroom: Melcher 120 Class Hours: Thurs. 6 9 PM

2 tests @ 25% each = Class participation Group case analysis Service diary Leader interview/article report Total

50% 15% 15% 10% 10% 100%

Final course grades will be determined according to the following distribution: Final Average 92 100 90 91 88 89 82 87 80 81 78 79 72 77 70 71 68 69 62 67 60 61 Attendance It is very important for you to attend class. When circumstances make an absence unavoidable, it is important for you to notify me ahead of time. Exams There will be two in-class exams. The format of the exams will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer/essay questions. Each exam will cover all material assigned or discussed in the sessions leading up to the exam. The second exam is not comprehensive; it will only cover the material subsequent to the first exam. Class Participation Active learning approaches only work to the extent that students come prepared and willing to engage in thoughtful discussion of assigned topics. In this class, we will be discussing a number of cases from the textbook that present real world service problems and call for analysis and decisions regarding courses of action that might be taken. These can be great learning experiences, but only if you have read the case and thought about the issues enough to participate meaningfully. We will also do a number of exercises in class that require your focused attention. Your participation grade will be based upon the quality and consistency of your contributions to class discussion during Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D D-

the semester. In this evaluation, quality of participation counts for more than quantity, although consistent participation is expected. To make the best contributions to discussion, you need to (1) prepare the assignments and focus your thinking on the topics being discussed, (2) listen carefully to what others say and then advance the discussion accordingly, and (3) offer your comments clearly and succinctly. On one hand, it is possible to over contribute (i.e., talk too much), whereas, on the other hand, you cannot contribute to the discussion at all if you are unwilling to talk. I will cold call if individuals dont volunteer to contribute (e.g., to case discussions) and otherwise attempt to encourage participation by all. A diversity of thoughtful viewpoints is greatly encouraged. Group Case Analysis For this assignment, you will work in teams of from 2 4 members. I will distribute a case to be analyzed and written up and submitted by the date when the final exam would be scheduled. The case analysis should not exceed 8 double spaced pages with 12-point type font, exclusive of exhibits. Exhibits should only be included to the extent that they present information that clarifies or supports arguments and analyses presented in the text of the paper. It is important to take a position on issues presented in the case and support this position using analyses of information presented in the case. Papers will be evaluated based on the strength of the position taken and the arguments and information used to support it, as well as on the clarity and effectiveness of the written presentation. Service Diary This project involves keeping a diary of a weeks worth of service encounters that you experience as a consumer. We are involved in service encounters many times a day, and the idea here is to use them as data for better understanding what organizational, personal, and situational factors make for good and bad service. It is important to analyze the factors and circumstances that you believe led to the experience being what it was, and, if the encounter was negative, to suggest what you think might have been done to avoid it or might be done to resolve a service problem and make sure that it does not recur. You will need to record three service encounters based on your first-hand experience. The encounters may be positive, negative, or neutral in terms of generating satisfaction. Each entry should briefly describe the service encounter in terms of: factual details what happened, when, where, the nature of the transaction, at what sort of business your response feelings, actions taken (if any) your analysis of the situation (why it was positive/negative/neutral) and your diagnosis of the causes and suggestions for what actions might have been or might be taken to avoid or improve negative situations. For positive encounters, analysis might focus on best practices resulting in good service.

Please record only those experiences you are willing to share with the class, since you may be asked to describe one of your encounters to your classmates. Dont record more than one encounter with any one service. You should follow the basic outline suggested below. Service Encounters Diary Report Format I. Introductory Details A. Date, time, location, etc. II. Details What happened in the encounter III. How you reacted what were your thoughts and how did it affect your view of or relationship with the company IV. Analysis what factors (e.g., organizational, personal, situational) led to the encounter being what it was? What advice would you provide the organization for improving, enhancing, or maintaining their service delivery systems based on your analysis of the situation? I will circulate a sign up sheet so that you will have an opportunity to pick the week you choose for the Service Diary to be due. You can choose an early date to get it out of the way early in the semester or defer until later in the semester. We will have Service Diary reports throughout the semester. Leader Interview or Article Summary Assignment You have two options for this assignment. For either, a 2 3 page double-spaced write-up is suggested. The first is to interview an executive with responsible authority in a service business (of any size, large or small) and report on that leaders company and the issues it faces and the leaders philosophy of running the business and plans to deal with significant issues facing the company. In essence, your task would be to assume the role of a reporter for a business periodical and write an interesting and substantive story about the service leader and its management. The second option is to choose an article from the business press that illustrates issues relevant to services marketing and write a report based on it. The report should summarize the article, highlight the key issues, and indicate how the situation reported in the article reflects themes discussed in class. As with the service diary assignment, you can choose when to submit your paper, any time before or including Nov. 9.

Academic Honesty The University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy is strictly enforced by the C. T. Bauer College of Business. No violations of this policy will be tolerated in this course. A discussion of the policy is included in the University of Houston Student Handbook, Students are expected to be familiar with this policy. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities The C. T. Bauer College of Business would like to help students who have disabilities achieve their highest potential. To this end, in order to receive academic accommodations, students must register with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) (telephone 713-743-5400), and present approved accommodation documentation to their instructors in a timely manner. Schedule Date .. 8-24 Topic: Course Overview, Introduction to Services Marketing Reading: Chapter 1 8.31 Topic: Consumer Behavior in Service Encounters Reading: Chapter 2 Cases: Case 1: Sullivan Ford Auto World Topic: Positioning Services Reading: Chapter 3 and Grove and Fisk, Service as Theater Case: Case 3: Commerce Bank Topic: The Service Product Reading: Chapter 4 Case: Case 4: Giordano International Expansion Topic: Communications Mix for Services Reading: Chapter 5 Case: The Houston Comets Topic: Pricing and Revenue Management Reading: Chapter 6 and Berry, Cultivating Service Brand Equity (pp. 207-216) Case: Hospitality Research Corp. Topic: Designing and Managing Service Delivery Processes Reading: Chapter 8 Case: Getting the Bugs Out for Blueprinting Exercise






10.12 Midterm Exam 10.19 Topic: Balancing Demand and Capacity Reading: Chapter 9 and Kimes and Chase, The Strategic Levers of Yield Management, pp. 217-227. Case: The Accra Beach Hotel 10.26 Topic: Managing People for Service Advantage Reading: Chapter 11 Speaker: Lorraine Grubbs-West, Lessons in Loyalty 11.2 Topic: Managing Relationships, Customer Feedback, Service Recovery, and Building Loyalty Reading: Chapters 12 & 13 Case: Massachusetts Audubon Society Topic: Improving Service Quality and Productivity Reading: Chapter 14 Case: Measuring Quality at Disneyland Paris


11.16 Topic: Organizing for Service Leadership Reading: Chapter 15 Case: 11.23 Thanksgiving 11.30 Exam 2 12-14 Final Case Analyses due

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