IR - Form
IR - Form
IR - Form
Section A: Background
Section B: Severity Rating (All incidents which are risk rated as a level three or four incident must be reported to the
Executive Leadership Team and the Operations and Security Manager (as soon as practical). Please select:
3. Significant impact: non-life threatening bodily harm and/or damage to the project,
Please select client or CTG reputation; significant service delivery issues
the relevant
category 2. Some impact: minor bodily harm and/or minor impact on business continuity or
1. Minor impact (no bodily harm, no impact on business continuity or service
Name Employee
Position Consultant / Contactor
Telephone Client
Email Visitor
CTG number Other: specify
CTG account manager Non Person Related
Section E: Incident reporting
Incident Reported to (indicate all whom the incident was reported to)
Section F: Description
Description of Incident
Section G: Investigation
Incident Review (Summary of findings, focus on root cause and addressing any underlying issues)
Reviewed by:
Section H: After action review (this section is MANDATORY when an incident has severity rating of 3 or 4)
Lessons learned
Positive aspects
Section I: Next Steps
Follow up actions
Action Who By Date Completed
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