Black Holes, Wormholes Time Machines by Jim Al-K
Black Holes, Wormholes Time Machines by Jim Al-K
Black Holes, Wormholes Time Machines by Jim Al-K
Wo r m h o l e s
particles that are forming from this borrowed energy are photons
(the particles of light). What’s more, photons of all energies are
being created, with the higher energy ones, corresponding to short
wavelength light, being able to stick around for much less time
than the lower energy, longer wavelength, ones. Thus at any given
moment, the vacuum contains many of these photons (and other
particles) and yet will have an average energy equal to zero since
each particle has only temporarily borrowed the energy needed
for it be created.
Casimir showed how the vacuum can be coaxed into giving
up a tiny amount of its energy permanently. This is achieved by
taking two flat metal plates and placing them up close to each
other inside a vacuum. When the distance between the plates is
not equal to a whole number of wavelengths, corresponding to
photons of a particular energy, then those photons will not be able
to form in the gap because they will not fit. This is a rather difficult
concept to appreciate, since we must consider both the wave nature
of light (wavelengths) and its particle nature (photons) at the same
time. Nevertheless, the number of photons forming in the vacuum
between the plates is less than the number on the other side of the
plates and it will therefore have a lower energy. But since the
vacuum outside the gap has zero energy already then the region
between the plates must have less than zero (or negative) energy.
This causes the two plates to be pushed together with a very
weak force that has nevertheless been experimentally measured3 .
Unfortunately, the amount of negative energy that can be made
in this way is very tiny and is nowhere near enough to keep a
wormhole open. But it’s a start.
In keeping with the spirit of this chapter, I am not proposing
that the Casimir process will one day lead to enough exotic matter
to line a wormhole’s throat, but rather that such negative energy
material, albeit very tiny and extracted from empty space, is not
ruled out by the laws of physics. In fact, some physicists have
proposed that there might be a way of squeezing the vacuum and
pumping energy out of it in a more systematic way, but this is by
no means clear yet. Just to give you a feel for the amount of exotic
3 The experimental verification of the Casimir effect is still a bit controversial.
Wo r m h o l e s