B Tech (EE) Course Effective From AY 2020-2021

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APPENDIX: 2.1 Teaching Scheme of B. Tech.-I (Semester I & II) DIVISION - A, B, C, D&E SEMESTER - I No. Subject Code Scheme | Credit 1 | Mathematics-1 MA 101 St 31-0 04 2. | Physics-1 PH 102 Si 3-0-2 04 3. | Branch Specific Course-I XXXX 103 $1 3-1-0/3-0-2 | 04 4. | Applied Chemistry cy 104 si/s2 30-2 04 5 | Engineering Drawing CEME 105S1/S2| 2-0-4 04 6 cae Environmental CEME 106 $1/S2 3-0-2 04 7, [fiaistic Empowerment and Human | roy sen ann aa 20-2-1 27 20-1-1: ae Total * Audit Course (attendance would be compulsory as per institute norms SEM! pg no. Subject Code Scheme | Credit 1 | Mathematics-I1 MA 112 S2 3-1-0 04 2_| Physies-11 PH 113 S2 4-0-0 04 3 | Branch Specific Course-II xxxx 11482 | 3-1-0/3-0-2 | 04 4 | Engineering Mechanics AM 108 S2/S1 3-0-2 04 EN ee eee cs 109 s2/st 3-0-2 04 6_| Enalish & Professional HU 110 $2/S1 3-0-0 03 7 | Workshop Practice ME 111 $2/S1 0-0-4 o2 [ ; ~ totar| 18°2°85297 | 5 S1 = Semester-1, S2 = Semester-2 ‘pplied Mechanics, CH = Chemical, CE = Civil, CS = Computer, lechanical, EE = Electrical, EC = Electronics, hysics, CY = Chemistry, MA = Mathematics, HU = Humanities Branch Specific Course: First two letters indicate branch for which the course Is offered and the last two letters indicate the department which is offering the course Teaching Scheme of B. Tech.-I (Semester I & IT) DIVISION - F,G,H,1&J SEMESTER — 1 a Subject Code Scheme | Credit 1 | Mathematics-1 MA 101 $1 3-1-0 04 2. | Physics-1 PH 102 Si 3-0-2 04 3 | Branch Specific Course-I XXXX 103 Si 3-1-0/3-0-2 | 04 4 | Engineering Mechanics AM 108 S2/S1 3-0-2 04 5 eet of Computers. cs 109 52/S1 3-0-2 04 De eer HU 110 $2/S1 03 7 | Workshop Practice ME 111 $2/S1 02 Total 25 SEMESTER ~ II er Subject cote | Scheme | Creait 1 | Mathematics-11 MA 112 2 3-1-0 04 2_ | Physics-I1 PH 113 S2 4-0-0 04 3. | Branch Specific Course-II XXXX 114 82 3-1-0/3-0-2 | 04 4 | Applied Chemistry cy 104 s1/s2 | 3-0-2 04 5 | Engineering Drawing CEME 105 $1/S2) 2-0-4 04 6_| Energy and Environmental CEME 106 $1/S2| 3-0-2 04 7. [felt Empowerment and Homan [wy y97 sien 300 oo Total | 21-28531/ | 24 * Audit Course (attendance would be compulsory as per institute norms S1 = Semester-1, S2 = Semester-2 ‘AM = Applied Mechanics, CH = Chemical, CE = Civil, CS = Computer, Mechanical, EE = Electrical, EC = Electronics, hysics, CY = Chemistry, MA = Mathematics, HU = Humanities Branch Specific Course: First two letters indicate branch for which the course is offered and the last two letters indicate the department which is offering the course ) Branch Specific Courses for Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department EEEE 103 S1 L | T | P | Credit ECEE 103 S1 ‘Scheme | 3 MAGNETIC CIRCUIT AND ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION (08 Hours) Amperes circuital law, analogy between electric & magnetic circuits, fringing, leakage, series, parallel, series-parallel circuits, Faradays law, Lenz law, selfinductance, mutual inductance, coefficient of mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, inductance in series, parallel, series-parallel, Analysis of ‘coupled coils, dot rule, conductively coupled equivalent circuit, SERIES AND PARALLEL AC CIRCUITS (06 Hours) ‘Complex algebra and its application to circuit analysis, RL, R-C, R-L-C series and parallel circuits, series and parallel resonance. ELECTRICAL NETWORKS ANALYSIS (10 Hours) Kirchhoff"s Voltage Law, Kirchhof?’s Current Law, independent and dependent sources, Mesh current and Nodal Voltage analysis, Super position theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton's theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem, POLYPHASE CIRCUITS (06 Hours) Balanced three phase systems, star and mesh connections, calculations for balanced and unbalanced three phase networks, polyphase vector diagram, and measurement of power in three phase circuits ‘SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMERS (04 Hours) Principle of transformer, construction - shell type, core type, transformer on no-load, with load, phasor diagram for transformer under no-load and loaded condition (with unity, lagging power factor load) equivalent circuit, open circuit and short circuit test, losses in the transformer, efficiency, voltage regulation, ‘THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS (04 Hours) Rotating magnetic field, types of induction motor, Principle of operation, slip, different power stages, efficiency of the induction motor. ELECTRIC WIRING AND ILLUMINATION (04 Hours) uits in domestic wiring, simple control circuit in domestic installation, Types of lamps, fixtures & reflectors, illumination schemes for domestic, industrial & commercial premises, Lumen requirements for different categories, working principle of tube light (fluorescent tube) , LED. ‘Tots jecture Hours: 42 List of Practical Power measurement in single phase R-L series circuit I 2. Power measurement in single phase R-C series circuit, 3. To study the working principle of tube light and fan. 4, Hysteresis loop on CRO. 5. Study the different types of wiring in electrical engineering. 6. Determination of single phase transformer equivalent circuit parameters using open-circuit and short circuit test. 7. Load test on single phase transformer. 8, Three phase power measurement using two wattmeter method, 9. Star- delta connection of three phase circuit, BOOKS RECOMMENDED: |. V..N. Mittle and Arvind Mittal, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2008. 2. Ediinister Joseph A., “Electrical circuits", Schaum’ outline series, McGraw hill, 2nd edition, 1983 3. B.L. Theraja and A. K, Theraja, “A text book of Electrical Technology: Volume I: Basic Electrical Engineering”, S. Chand, 2013. 4. Kothari Nagrath, “ Basic Electrical Engineering”, 2" edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2007. 5. A. chakrabarti, M. L. Soni, P.V. Gupta, U. S. Bhatnagar, “Power System Engineering”, Dhanpatrai & Co., Second edition, 2013. 6. AChakrabarti, * Circuit Theory”, Dhanpat Rai & Co. , Sixth edition, 2012 Branch Specific Courses for Computer Engineering Department Electrical Networks L|T | P | Credit CSEE 103 S1 Scheme | 3 | 0 | 2 04 * AC FUNDAMENTALS AND CIRCUITS (07 Hours) Alternating voltages and currents through purely resistive inductive and capacitive eireuits, R-L, RC, R-L-C series circuits, impedance and admittance, circuits in parallel, series and parallel resonance, Complex algebra and its application to circuit analysis, Circuit Transient, Initial and Final Value Theorem, DC and Induction Machines, Electrical Measurements, Power System + POLYPHASE CIRCUITS AND TRANSFORMES (04 Hours) Balanced three phase systems, Star and Mesh connections, Relation between Line and Phase quantities, Measurement of power, Principle of transformer, construction, transformer on no-Ioad with load, phasor diagram for transformer under no-load and loaded condition with unity, lageing Power factor load) equivalent circuit, open circuit and short circuit test, efficiency, voltage regulation + NETWORK CONCEPTS (04 Hours) Network element symbols and conventions, Active element conventions, current and voltage conventions, loops and meshes, Nodes, coupled circuits and Dot conventions, © MESH CURRENT AND NODE VOLTAGE NETWORK ANALYSIS (07 Hours) Kirchhoff's Voltage Law, Kirchhoff Current Law, Definitions of mesh current and nodal voltage, Choice of mesh currents or nodal voltages for network analysis, Self and mutual inductances, Mesh Equation in the Impedance Matrix Form by inspection, Solution of Linear Mesh Equations, Nodal Voltage Analysis Nodal Equations in the Form of Admittance Matrices by inspection Solution of Linear Nodal Equations, + NETWORK THEOREMS AND GRAPH (07 Hours) Linearity and Superposition, Independent and Dependent Source and their Transformations, ‘Thevenin, Norton, Reciprocity and Maximum Power Transfer Theorems, Use of these theorems in Circuit Analysis, Duality and Dual of a Planner Network, Fundamental Concepts, Definition of Graph and Various Related Terms, Paths and Circuits Connections, Tree Of a Graph, Cut Sets and Tie Sets, Non-separable Planner and Dual Graphs, Matrices of Oriented Graphs, Properties and Inter-Relationship of Incidence, Tie Set and Cut Set Matrices, Complete Analysis Using Tie Set and Cut Set Matrices. * WAVE FORM ANALYSIS BY FOURIER SERIES (06 Hours) ‘Trigonometric and complex exponential forms, the frequency spectra of periodic wave forms, the Fourier Integral and continuous frequency spectra, Fourier transform and their relationship with Laplace transform. + NETWORK FUNCTIONS AND TWO PORT PARAMETERS (07 Hours) Poles and zeros of a function, physical and analytical concepts, Terminal and terminal pairs, Driving point immitances, Transfer functions, Definitions, calculations and interelationship of impedance, admittance, hybrid and transmission line parameters forfour terminal networks. Image impedance and its calculations for symmetrical and unsymmetrical x, T and Ladder Networks. (Total Lecture Hours: 42) © PRACTICALS 1. To study Ammeter and Voltmeter for current and voltage measurement in circuit 2. To study Energy meter 3. To study Power measurement method for three phase circuits using watt meter method 4. Verification of superposition theorem for electric circuit 5. Verification of Thevenin’s theorem of electric circuit 6 1 8 9, Calculation and verification Norton’s theorem Open circuit and short circuit test for the transformers for efficiency calculation Verification of Kirchhoff's current law and Kirchhoff’s voltage law for electri circuit ‘Capacitance measurement of parallel plates 10. Calculation of efficiency of auto transformer BOOKS RECOMMENDED L. “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, W.H.Hyat, .E.Kemmerly, 8 M.Durbin, 6thEdition, TMH, 2006. 2. “Network Analysis”, Van Valkenburg ME, 3rd Edition, PHT, 2002. 3. “Network Theory, Analysis & Synthesis”, Samarjit Ghosh, PHI, 2005, 4, “Network Analysis & Synthesis”, C.L.Wadhwa, Revised 3rdEdition, New Age Intemational Publishers, 2007. 5. “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Kothari and Nagrath, 2nd edition, 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill Education. 6. “Basic Electrical Engineerin Hill Education. V.N. Mittle & Arvind Mittal, 2nd edition, 2005, Tata McGraw- S.V. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SURAT-395007. Revised Syllabus for B. Tech. II" to B. Tech. IV" year (As approved by 48" Senate Meeting held on 26" June, 2020) Sr. |B. Tech. (Branch) Page No. Number 1. | Chemical Engineering Department 1 to 127 2. |CivilEngineering Department | 128 to 312 | 3. | Computer Engineering Department _ 313 to 480 | 4. | Electrical Engineering Department _ 481 to 622 5. _| Electronics Engineering Department 623 to 752 | 6. | Mechanical Engineering Department — 753 to 895 Revised Syllabus for M.Sc. II"! to M.Sc. V" year (As approved by 48" Senate Meeting held on 26" June, 2020) | Sr. |M. Se. (Branch) 7 Page No. Number 1._ | Applied Chemistry Department 896 to 994 | 2. | Applied Mathematics & Humanities 995 to 1085 Department | 3. | Applied Physics Department 1086 to 1187 Mz at Dr. Jyo} irmay anerjee Dr. S. R. Gandhi Dean (Academic) Director Revised Syllabus for B. Tech. IInd to B. Tech. IVth year. Electrical Engineering Department Teaching Scheme of B. Tech.-I (Semester I & IT) DIVISION - XXXX(Electrical Engineering) SEMESTER - I Sr. ; - a Subject Code Scheme | Credit 1 |Mathematics-I MA 101 S1 3-1-0 04 2 ‘|Physics-I PH 102 S1 3-0-2 04 Branch Specific Course -I = 3 | (Basic Electrical Engineering) Pa rozet 3-0-2 S 4 |Chemistry ICY 104 S1/S2 3-0-2 04 5. [Engineering Drawing cme 105s1/s2] 2-0-4 04 Energy and Environmental a 6 Engineering CIME 106 S1/S2 3-0-2 04 Holistic Empowerment and Human rj Values* HU 107 S1/S2 3-0-0 00 Total} 20-1-12=33 24 * Audit Course (attendance would be compulsory as per institute norms) SEMESTER — II ae A i ae Subject Code Scheme _|Credit 1 |Mathematics-II MA 112 S2 3-1-0 04 2 = ‘|Physics-II PH 113 S2 4-0-0 04 Branch Specific Course -I1 7 B (Electronics Devices & Circuits) pe aoe 3-0-2 ce 4 = |Engineering Mechanics AM 108 S2/S1 3-0-2 04 Fundamentals of Computers & Oe Ea peace co 109 s2/st 3-0-2 04 English & Professional "7 6 Communications HU 110 S2/S1 3-0-0 03 7 |Workshop Practice ME 111 S2/S1 0-0-4 02 Total| 19-1-10=30 | 25 S1 = Semester-1, $2 = Semester-2 ‘AM = Applied Mechanics, CH = Chemical, CI = Civil, CO = Computer, ME = Mechanical, EE = Electrical, EC = Electronics, PH = Physics, CY = Chemistry, MA = Mathematics, HU = Humanities, MG = Management Page 1 of 7 481 a Teaching Scheme of B. Tech.-I (Semester I & IT) DIVISION-YYYY(Electrical Engineering) SEMESTER - I Sr. , Ne Subject Code Scheme | Credit 1 |Mathematics-I MA 101 S1 3-1-0 04 2. |Physics-1 PH 102 Si 3-0-2 04 Branch Specific Course -II ae 3 (Electronics Devices & Circuits) _|EC 144 $4 ped ee 4. Engineering Mechanics AM 108 S2/S1 3-0-2 04 Fundamentals of Computers & 5 |progamnening co 109 s2/S1 3-0-2 04 English & Professional o. 6 engin & tions HU 110 $2/S1 3-0-0 03 7 |Workshop Practice ME 111 S2/S1 0-0-4 02 Total 18-1-12=31 | 25 er = I Sr. , : at Subject Code Scheme | Credit 1 |Mathematics-II MA 112 $2 3-1-0 04 2. |Physics-I1 PH 113 $2 4-0-0 04 Branch Specific Course -I 3 | (Basic Electrical Engineering) Eee uae ca 4 |Chemistry cy 104 $1/s2 3-0-2 04 5. |Engineering Drawing CIME 105 $1/s2| 2-0-4 04 Energy and Environmental : ". 6 |Enaiceering CIME 106 $1/S2| 3-0-2 04 Holistic Empowerment and Human _ lhe HU 107 S1/S2 3-0-0 00 Total] 21-1-10=32 | 24 * Audit Course (attendance would be compulsory as per institute norms semester-1, S2 = Semester-2 Applied Mechanics, CH = Chemical, CI = Civil, CO = Computer, Mechanical, EE = Electrical, = Electronics, PH = Physics, CY = Chemistry, MA = Mathematics, HU = Humanities, MG = Management Page 2 of 7 482 ow SEMESTER ~ IIT a Subject : Code Scheme |] Credit 1 || Mathematics-111 MA217 [ 3-1-0 04 2 Electric Circuits EE201 4-1-0 05 3 [Electrica Machines I EE203 ae os 4 Digital Circuits EC211 3-1-2 oS Introduction to Data eee cs207 3-0-2, | 04 | Total || 16-4-6=26 23 | iv a Subject Code Scheme _ || Credit Engineering Mathematics 1 (to be taught by the E202 3-1-2 oS concerned Department) 2. || Electrical Machines II EE204 3-1-2 05 3 Elements of Power Systems EE206 3-1-2 os Electromagnetic Field 7 4 Theory EE208 3-1-0 04 5 || signals & Systems EE212 3-1-0 04 Total || 15-5-6=26 | 23 | ~ Page 3 of 7 483 eo SEMESTER -V fe Subject Code Scheme _ |} Credit 1 || Power System Analysis EE301 31-2 05 2. || Control Systems EE303 3-1-2 05 3. || Power Electronic Converters EE305 3-1-2 05 4 | ers-1 - 3-0-0 03 Electrical and Electronic 5. |l esen onan EE307 31-2 05 | 6 | Seminar E309 0-0-2 on Total 15-4-10=29 || 24 SEMESTER -VI Sr ; , a Subject Code Scheme || Credit Professional Ethics, 1 |) Economics and HU353 4-0-0 04 Management LL Power Electronics System . 2 | and Electric Drives eae eal 2 | Microprocessor & 3 | Microcontrollers Eos Saar e eon 4 || Instrumentation EE308 3-1-2 | 05 5. || Els-It ~ 3-0-0 03 6 | ES-1 EESAA 3-0-0 03 Total 19-3-6=28 | 25 # One hour will be engaged by the core department. Page 4 of 7 484 SEMESTER -VII a Subject Code Scheme | Credit Microcontroller and 1 | Embedded ‘c’ EE401 3-0-2 04 Programming 2 Electrical Machine Design EE403 3-1-0 04 3 ES-II EE4AA 3-0-0 03 4 ES-IIT EE4BB 3-0-0 03 5 | summer Training EE405 0-0-0 02 6 || Project Preliminaries E407 0-0-6 03 Total | 12-1-8=21 19 *Summer Training is to be organized durin: SEMESTER -VIII 19 the summer vacation after 6 Semester. ee Subject Code Scheme |] creait 1 |esav EE4XX 3-0-0 03 2 |lesv EE4YY 3-0-0 03 3 jes EE4Zz 3-0-0 03 |, |{ innovation, Incubation & 7 L = 4 || Entrepreneurship HU410 3-0-0 03 5. || Project E402 [ 0-0-12 | 06 Total | 12-0-12=24 |] 18 Page 5 of 7 485 ow ELECTIVE INTERDISCIPLINARY SUBJECTS - EIS-I (EESXX) (INSTITUTE LEVEL) Course Code Subject Name EE361__| Renewable Energy Sources EE363__| Optimization Methods EE365__| Forecasting and Planning Methods EE367 | Fundamental of Electrical Power Systems (Non-Electrical Students) EE369__| Modem Electrical Drives (Non-Electrical Students) EE371 | Introduction to Power Electronic Converters (Non-Electrical Students) EE373__| Control Systems (Non-Electrical Students) ELECTIVE INTERDISCIPLINARY SUBJECTS - EIS-II (EE3YY) (INSTITUTE LEVEL) Course Code Subject Name EE362__| Industrial Automation and Process Control EE364__| State Variable Analyses EE366__| Energy Audit and Management EE368__| Special Electrical Machines EE372__| Advanced Materials for Energy Applications E374 | Distributed Power Generation and Micro-Grids ‘CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS — ES — I (EESAA) (DEPARTMENTAL) Course Code | Subject Name EE322 _| Power Plant Engineering EE324__| Adaptive Control and Soft Computing EE326 __| Utilization of Electrical Energy EE328__| Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Machines EE332__| Random Processes EE334__| Artificial Intelligence Techniques EE336__| Switchgear and Protection CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS - ES - Il (EE4AA) (DEPARTMENTAL) Course Code | Subject Name EE421__| Power Quality Disturbances and Mitigations EE423__| High Voltage Engineering E425 __| FACTS Devices EE427__| Discrete-Time Control Systems EE429__| Restructuring and Deregulation of Power Systems EE431 | Renewable Energy Systems Page 6 of 7 486 wy CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS - ES - Ill (EE4BB) (DEPARTMENTAL) Course Code | Subject Name EE433__| Advanced Electrical Drives E435 __| Electronic Instrumentation and Control E437 Power System Transients EE439__| Advanced Industrial Automation EE441__| Reliability Evaluation of Electrical Systems EE443_| Wind and Solar Energy CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS — ES — IV (EE4XX) (DEPARTMENTAL) | Course Code | Subject Name E422 __| Electric Traction and Linear Machines E424 | EHV AC Transmission EE426__ | Advanced Power Electronics E428 __ | Nonlinear and Optimal Control E432 __| Advanced Microcontroller (Digital Signal Controller) EE434__| industrial Instrumentation EE436__ | Power System Operation and Control ‘CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS — ES - V (EE4YY) (DEPARTMENTAL) Course Code | Subject Name EE438__| Power Filler Technology EE442 ‘Smart Grid Technology _ Ee444__| HVDC Transmission EE446 | Electric Vehicles E448 _| Digital Signal Processing EE452__| Modern Materials for Electrical Engineering E454 _| Special Electrical Machines and Drives CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS - ES - VI (EE4ZZ) (DEPARTMENTAL) Course Code ‘Subject Name EE456__| Switched Mode Power Supply EE458__| Computer Methods for Power Systems EE462__| Robotics E464 | Communication Engineering EE466 | VLSI Technology _ EE468__| Antenna and Wave Propagations EE472 Cryptography and Cyber Security for Smart Grid 487 Page 7 of 7 ow SARDAR VALLABHBHAI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SURAT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING B. Tech. Programme B.Tech. 1 Semester HII a= a Examination Scheme . a Course Credits |" Theor ‘Tutorial [Term work] Practical | Total ed ices es ea |e Marig_| Marks |" Marks | Marks. | Marks T__| MA217 | Mathematies-IiT s[1]o [| 00 [3s 7 - =| 125 | 2._| EE201 | Electric Circuits 4 1 oO 05 100 25 - - 125 3._| BE203 | Electrical Machinest | 3 | 1 | 2 | 05 | 100 | 25 5 23 [175 4. | EC2I1 | Digital Circuits 3 1 2 OS 100 25 25 25 175 Introduction to Data 3. | cs207 | ame 3} 0] 2] o | 100 | 00 25 2s | 150 Total-T-P) | 16 | 04 | 06 | 23 [300 | 100 | 78 73 _| 730 Total 26 23 Semester IV rT come CLE Taamination Scheme ] gic Course Credits | Theory | Tutorial [Term work] Practical | Total Code Bs | Hrs | Hrs Marks | Marks [Marks | Marks | Marks ean | Engineering 100 | 25 25 25 | 175 1. | BE202 | sathematies 3} 4] 2 | 0s 2, | BE204 | Electrical Machines [3 [1 [2 | 05 | too | 25 25 35 [175 3. | BE206 Elements of Power 3 1 2 05 100 25 25 25 175 Systems 4. | zon | BestomaemetoFe TS | og | | - 135 cory EE2I2_[ Signals & Systems 31 [oe [oF [100 [35 5 5 125, Total(L-T-P) | 15 | 05 | 06 23, 500 125 5 75 775. Total 26 23, ~ 488 wy B. Tech. Il year, Semester III [L] T | P [Credit Mathematics-HI 3 1 0 04 MA 217 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course, the students will be able to: COi__| explain the concept of convergence and divergence of infinite series coz ‘express the periodic functions in the form of Fourier series along with different cases. ‘CO3_| compute Fourier Integral from Fourier series ‘CO4 [explain the concept of Fourier transform with their applications COS__| apply basic concept of the Linear Algebra to Electrical Engineering Problems 2. Syllabus + INFINITE SERIES (07 Hours) Introduction, Positive term series, Comparison test, Cauchy's root test, D’Alembert’s test, Raabe’s test, Logarithmic test, Integral test, Gauss’s test, Series with arbitrary terms, Rearrangement of terms. « FOURIER SERIES (07 Hours) Definition, Fourier series with arbitrary period, in particular periodic function with period 2 x. Fourier series of even and odd function, Half range Fourier series. «FOURIER INTEGRAL. AND FOURIER TRANSFORMS (07 Hours) Fourier Integral theorem, Fourier sine and cosine integral complex form of integral, Inversion formula for Fourier transforms, Fourier transforms of the derivative of a function. « MATRICES (07 Hours) Properties of matrices, Non-singular Matrices, Reduced Row-Echelon form, Systems of linear equations, Solution of system of linear equations, LU Decomposition Method EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS (07 Hours) Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Characteristic polynomials, Minimal polynomials, Diagonalizability, Triangularization, Rational canonical form, Jordon canonical form, Positive Define Matrices, Singular Value Decomposition. * VECTOR'SPACE AND SUBSPACES (07 Hours) Fields, Vector spaces over a field, subspaces, Linear independence anid dependence, coordinates, Bases and dimension, Gram-Schmidt ortho-normalization, Orthonormal basis, Orthogonal projection. Tutorials will be based on the coverage of the above topics separately (14 Hours) Total Hours: 42 ‘Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 489 3. Books Recommended: yeepe E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10" Edition, John Wiley, 2015. C.R. Wiely, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6" Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1995. ONeil Peter, Advanced Engineering mathematics, 8 Edition, Thompson, 2017. D. Greenbar Michael, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Singapore Indian Edition, 2007. Sheldon Axter, Linear Algebra Done Right, 3 Edition, Springer. 2015. y 490 : wy Semester Il L|T| P | Credit Electrical Circuits 4/1/0 05 EE 201 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: ‘COT [apply concept of graph theory for solution of AC and DC circuits. C02 | develop a mathematical model (differential equations) of a given electric circuit and solve it using technique of domain transformation. = oa COG | construct a given waveform by using set of standard function: (C04 | calculate various parameters of two port network and inter relationship between them COS | design filter circuits for given specifications. 2. Syllabus GRAPH THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS: (10 Hours) Fundamental concepts, definitions of a graph and various related terms, cut sets and tie sets, matrices of oriented graphs, properties and inter relationships of incidence, tie set and cut set matrices, complete circuit analysis using tie set and cut set techniques LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION (09 Hours) Laplace transform properties and theorems, Laplace transform of standard functions, Laplace transforms for periodic functions, initial and final value theorems, Inverse Laplace transform using partial fraction expansion and convolution integral methods. Waveform synthesis. NETWORK FUNCTIONS AND TWO PORT PARAMETERS (16Hours) Poles and zeros of a function, physical and analytical concepts, terminals and terminal pairs, driving point immittances, transfer functions, restrictions on locations of poles and zeros in S-plane. time domain behavior from pole zero locations in the S plane, procedure for finding network functions for general two terminal pair network, transfer immittances, two port and N-port networks, Ladder, Lattice, Pie, and Tee networks. Definitions, calculations and interrelationships of impedance, admittance, hybrid, and transmission line parameters for two port networks and their interrelations ONE TERMINAL PAIR NETWORKS. (05 Hours) Reactive networks and their properties, external and internal critical frequencies, separation property for reactive functions and its proof, TWO TERMINAL PAIR REACTIVE NETWORKS (FILTERS) (68Hours) Ladder network and its decomposition into tee, pie, and L sections, image impedance, image transfer function and applications to LC networks, attenuation and phase shift in symmetrical Tee and Pie networks, constant K-filters, m-derived filters, composite filters, lattice filters, Bartlett’s bisection theorem. Introduction to the active filters AC AND DC TRANSIENTS: (08 Hours) Initial and final conditions of networks and their S-domain equivalent circuits , R-L, R-C and R-L-C DC transients, two mesh transients, R-L, R-C and R-L-C sinusoidal transient analysis u: Laplace transform methods, two mesh AC transients, complete response of RL, RC and RLC circuits to step, sinusoidal, exponential, ramp, impulse and the combinations of these excitations. Total Hours: 56 Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours: 491 ww 3. Books Recommendes veer W. H. Hayt, J. E. Kemmerly, and Durbin S. M., Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill, 6" Edition, 2006. ME. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall, India, 3" Edition, 2002. A, Chakrabarti, Circuit Theory, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 6" Edition, 2012. A, Edminister Joseph, Electrical circuits, Schaum’s outline series, McGraw hill, 2" Edition, 1983 Charles K. Alaxander and Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of electri ‘Tata McGraw Hill, 5" Edition, 2013, oy 492 B. Tech. II year, Semester lil L | T | P |Credit Electrical Machines — I 3 1 2 05 EE203 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: [COT [explain the construction and principle of operation of the transformers and induction motors. ‘CO? | perform tests on the transformers and induction motors C03 | analyze the performance of the transformers and induction motors ‘COS | compare the performance of different types of transformers and induction motors ‘COS | select the machines for different real world applications CO6 | communicate effectively through laboratory report writing, presentation and perform task as an efficient team member 2. Syllabus . TRANSFORMERS (06 Hours) Review of equivalent circuits and vector diagram, circuit parameter determination, per unit impedance, regulation, losses, efficiency, magnetic inrush and effect of saturation, parallel operation, . POLYPHASE TRANSFORMERS (09 Hours) Standard connections phase angle difference, harmonic analysis, open delta connection, Scott connections, three-phase to six-phase conversion, three ig transforms and parallel operation. * AUTO TRANSFORMERS (02 Hours) Construction, voltage and current ratios, phasor diagram and equivalent circ * TESTS ON TRANSFORMERS (04 Hours) OC- SC tests, Polarity test, Back to back Sumpner's test. * THREE-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS (07 Hours) Review of equivalent circuit and vector diagram, performance analysis, torque-speed characteristics, no load and blocked rotor tests, circle diagram. . STARTING, BRAKING AND SPEED CONTROL (07 Hours) Double cage motors, starting problems, methods of starting, speed control methods, cascade connections, cogging and crawling, regenerative braking, plugging, ac and de dynamic (rheostatic) braking. «INDUCTION GENERATORS AND REGULATOR (03 Hours) Principle of operation, performance analysis, application, * SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS (04 Hours) le of operation, revolving field theory, cross field theory, equivalent circuit and performance ion of circuit parameters by no- load and blocked rotor test, starting methods, unbalanced operation of three phase induction motor. Total Hours:42 Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours y 493 3. List of Experiments: 1. Determination of efficiency & regulation of single- phase transformer from Open circuit and short circuit test. Determination of efficiency & regulation of single- phase transformer from Sumpner’s test. Scott connection of 1-phase transformers. Open delta connection of three single-phase transformers. Standard connections for three-phase transformer. Load test on three-phase Induction Motor. Load test on three-phase Induction Generator. Determination of the equivalent circuit parameters from No-Load and Blocked rotor tests of three-phase Induction Motor. 9. Determination of the equivalent ci I-phase Induction Motor. 10, Determination of the performance parameters of three-phase induction motor from circle diagram. 11. Induction regulator. 12. Unbalanced operation of three-phase Induction Motor. Sr avaen uit parameters from No-Load and Blocked rotor tests of 4. Books Recommended: 1, I,J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2005. 2. M. G. Say, The performance and design of alternating current machines, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1983. Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi S. K. Sen, Electrical Machinery, Khanna Pub., Delhi, 2012. Mukherjee and Chakravorty, Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi, 2005. ow 003 vay 494 B. Tech, II year, Semester IIL L | T | P | Credit Digital Circuits 3) 1/2 05 EC211 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: ‘COI | apply Boolean algebra to understand binary logic and logic circuts. ‘CO2 | formulate combinational logic problems and solve using truth table, Optimize using K-map and ‘other equivalent techniques _ COS | investigate and realize various options for implementing sequential synchronous logic ‘CO4 | explain operation of synchronous sequential circuit, counters, registers and memor (COS | formulate RTL (register transfer language) statements to describe complex digital hardware and derive or infer logic circuit from RTL Description COG | design and analyze circuits for ALU and Shifter. Design and investigate various Control unit architecture (Hardwired, Micro-program, PLA ete.) to control and sequence hardware operations 2. Syllabus: * BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND SIMPLIFICATION (08 Hours) Basic Logic Operation and Logic Gates, Truth. Table, Basic Postulates and Fundamental Theorems of Boolean Algebra, Standard Representations of Logic Functions- SOP and POS Forms, Simplification of Switching Functions-K-Map and Quine-McCluskey Tabular Methods, Synthesis of Combinational Logie Circuits « COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUITS (08 Hours) Binary Parallel Adder, BCD Adder, Encoder Priority Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer and De- multiplexer Circuits, Implementation of Boolean Functions using Decoder and Multiplexer, Arithmetic and Logic Units, BCD-To-Segment Decoder, Common Anode and Common Cathode, 7-Segment Displays, Random Access Memory, Read Only Memory and Erasable Programmable ROMs, Programmable Logic Arrays(PLA) and Programmable Array Logic(PAL) LATCHES AND FLIP-FLOPS (06 Hours) Cross Coupled SR Flip-Flop Using NAND or NOR Gates, Clocked Flip-flops; D-Types and Toggle Flip-flops, Truth Tables and Excitation Tables for Flip-flop. Master Slave Configuration, Edge Triggered and Level Triggered Flip-flop, Flip-flop with Preset and Clear ¢ SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUIT (06 Hours) Introduction to State Machine, Mealy and Moore Model, State Machine Notation, State Diagram, State Table, Transition Table, Table Excitation, Table and Equation, Basic Concepts of Counters and Register, Shift Left and Right Register, Registers with Parallel! Load, Serial-in-Parallel-Out(SIPO) and Parallel-In-Serial-Out(PISO), Register Using Different Types of Flip-flop, Binary Counters, BCD Counters, Up Down Counter, Johnson Counter, Module-N Counter, Design of Counter using State Diagrams and Tables, Sequence Generators REGISTER TRANSFER LOGIC (04 Hours) Arithmetic Logic and Shift Micro-Operation, Conditional Control Statements, Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Data, Arithmetic Shifts, Instruction code and Design of Simple Computer PROCESSOR DATA PATH AND CONTROL UNIT (06 Hours) Processor Organization, Design of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Design of Accumulator, Control Organization, Hard-Wired Control, Micro Program Control, Control of Processor Unit, PLA Control 495 OY INTRODUCTION TO VHDL (04 Hours) Introduction, Gate-Level. Modeling, Data Type, Operators, Operands, Process and Behavioral Modeling, Timing Controls, Structural modeling, Registers, Flip-flop, Counter, Multiplexer, Adder/Subtractors, Tri-State Buffers TUTORIALS (14 Hours) Total Hours:42 Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 3. List of Experiments: (Following experiments are to be performed using discrete components) Introduction to variety of logic gates and digital ICs Flip-flops using NAND/ NOR Gate. Half-Adder/ Half-subtarctor Circuits using a serial Input Full-Adder/ Full-subtarctor Circuits using a serial Input. Parity checker and parity generator circt 4-Bit Gray to Binary, Binary to Gray Code convertor using Select input. Ro aay Following experiments are to,be performed on CPLD kit using VHDL) 7. Logic expression with the Help of MUX IC 74153. 8. (a) Modulo-7 Ripple Counter with synchronous reset. (b) 4-bit up/down ripper counter with asynchronous reset 9. 4-Bit Shift LefvRight Register. 10. Sequence Generator using LFSR method. 11. Excess-3 BCD Adder/ Subtractor with Select Input. Books Recommended: 1. Mano Mortis, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Education, 4" Edition, 2006. 2. Anand Kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, PHI, 4" Edition, 2016 3. R.P. Jain and M. H. S. Anand, Digital Electronics Practices using Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill, 1" Edition, 2004. Lee Samual, Digital Circuits and Logic Design, PHI, 1* Edition, 1998. Floyed Thomas L. and R. P. Jain, Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 8" Edition, 2006. Brown S. and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamental of Logic with Verilog Design, Tata McGraw Hill, Ist ae 496 mester IIL L | T | P |Credit B. Tech. II year, Introduction to Data Structures 3 | 0)2) 04 S207 Scheme 1. Course Qutcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: COi | recognize the need of different data structures and understand its characteris CO2 | apply different data structures for given problems. ‘COS | design and analyze different data structures, sorting and searching techniques. ‘CO4 | evaluate data structure operations theoretically and experimentally. ‘COS | solve for complex engineering problems. 2. Syllabus * BASICS OF DATA STRUCTURES (02 Hours) Review of Concepts: Information and Meaning, Abstract Data Types, Internal Representation of Primitive Data Structures, Arrays, Strings, Structures, Pointers. «LINEAR LISTS (06 Hours) Sequential and Linked Representations of Linear Lists, Comparison of Insertion, Deletion and Search Operations for Sequential and Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Lists, Lists in Standard ‘Template Library (STL), Applications Of Lists. «STACKS (06 Hours) Sequential and Linked Implementations, Representative Applications such as Recursion, Expression Evaluation Viz., Infix, Prefix and Postfix, Parenthesis Matching, Towers of Hanoi, Wire Routing in a Circuit, Finding Path in a Maze. * QUEUES (06 Hours) Operations of Queues, Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Dequeue, Applications of Queues, Simulation of Time Sharing Operating Systems, Continuous Network Monitoring System Ete, * SORTING AND SEARCHING (04 Hours) Sorting Methods, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort, Dictionaries, Hashing, Analysis of Collision Resolution Techniques, Searching Methods, Linear Search, Binary Search, Character Strings and Different String Operations. TREES (08 Hours) Binary Trees and Their Properties, Terminology, Sequential and Linked Implementations, Tree Traversal Methods and Algorithms, Complete Binary Trees, General Trees, AVL Trees, Threaded ‘Trees, Arithmetic Expression Evaluation, Infix-Prefix-Postfix Notation Conversion, Heaps as Priority Queues, Heap Implementation, Insertion and Deletion Operations, Heapsort, Heaps in Huffman Coding, Tournament Trees, Bin Packing. MULTIWAY TREES (04 Hours) Issues in Large Dictionaries, M-Way Search Trees, B Trees, Search, Insert and Delete Operations, Height of B-Tree, 2-3 Trees, Sets and Multisets in STL. GRAPHS (06 Hours) Definition, Terminology, Directed and Undirected Graphs, Properties, Connectivity in Graphs, Applications, Adjaceney Matrix and Linked Adjaceney Chains, Graph Traversal, Breadth First and 497 wy Depth First Traversal, Spanning Trees, Shortest Path and Transitive Closure, Activity Networks, Topological Sort and Critical Paths ‘Total Hours: 42 3. List of Experiments: (Problem statements will be changed every year and will be notified on website.): Implementation of Array and its applications Implementation of Stack and its applications Implementation of Queue and its applications Implementation of Link List and its applications Implementation of Trees and its applications Implementation of Graph and its applications Implementation of Hashing functions and collision resolution techniques Mini Project (Implementation using above Data Structure) eI auRENnH— Books Recommended: 1, Trembley and Sorenson, An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications, 2 Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991. 2. Tanenbaum and Augenstein, Data Structures using C and C++, 2 Edition, Pearson, 2007. 3. Horowitz and Sahani, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, 2" Edition, Silicon Press, 2007. 4. T.H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, 3 Edition, MIT Press, 2009. 5. Robert L. Kruse, C. L. Tondo and Brence Leung, Data Structures and Program Design in C, 2"! Edition, Pearson Education, 2001. ow 498 B. Tech, Il year, Semester 1V L|T/ P | Credit Engineering Mathematics 3/1) 2 05 EE202 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: COT | Explain various numerical methods, ‘CO2 | Compare their convergence rate, errors and propagation of error. (CO3 | Implement the algorithms through software like on C/C+/MATLAB. [CO4 | Apply the numerical methods for solving problems related to electrical engineering. | ‘COS | Modeling various systems and perform regression analysis 2. Syllabus: « ERRORS IN NUMERICAL COMPUTATION AND THEIR ESTIMATION —_(04 Hours) Introduction, Taylor Theorem Revisit, Measuring Errors, Sources of Error, Binary Representation, Floating Point Representation, Propagation of Errors. Application: errors in electrical measurements and instrumentations « SOLUTION OF TRANSCENDENTAL AND POLYNOMIAL EQUATIONS (07 Hours) Bisection method, Secant Method, False position method, Newton Raphson method for Polynomial and transcendental equations, system of nonlinear equations, rate of convergence, conditions for convergence + SOLUTION TO SYSTEM OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS (08 Hours) Gauss elimination method, Gauss Jordon Method, LU decomposition, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel Iteration methods, conditions for convergence Applications: solution to mesh and nodal analysis of electrical networks, solution to power load flow, operation of different electrical applications * INTERPOLATION AND REGRESSION (11 Hours) Direct method of interpolation, Linear interpolation and higher order interpolation using Lagrange’s and Newton's forward, backward and divided difference formulae, linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic regression, adequacy of regression models. Applications: prediction of the performance of electrical motors and generators from their practical data, application to load forecasting and generation scheduling, prediction of solar intensity and wind velocity. « NUMERICAL INTEGRATION (03 Hours) Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules and Errors Applications: average, RMS quantity determination of electrical measuring quantities, load demand calculations. . * SOLUTION TO ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, (09 Hours) Taylor series, Euler's method, Euler's predictor corrector method, Runge-Kutta method of Second and Fourth Order, higher order/coupled ordinary differential equation Applications: DC and AC transients of electrical networks, solution for generators oscillations Total Hours: 42 ‘Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 499 wy 3. List of Experiments: The programmes are to be executed in C++/MATLAB 1. To find the roots of the polynomial using bisection, false position, Newton-Raphson, secant methods .. To find the solution of set of nonlinear equations using Newton-Raphson method 3. To find the numerical integration suing trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 and Simpson's 3/8 method 4, To find the interpolating polynomial using and divided difference methods 5. To find the solution to set of linear simultaneous equations using Gauss el Jordan, Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods 6. To find the solution to ordinary differential equations using Euler’s, modified Euler's, Runge-Kutta 2™ order and 4" order methods 7. To regress a given set of data using polynomial, exponential and logarithmic regression formulae ear, Lagrangian, Newton's forward, backward ination, Gauss- 4. Books Recommended: 1. S.S. Shastri, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall Ltd., 4" Edition, 2005. 2. M. K. Jain, M. K. Iyengar and S.R.K., Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engine ‘Computation, 4" Edition, 2003, New Age international Publishers, Pvt. Lid. 3. S.A. Teukolsky W. T. Vetterling, W. H. Press and B. P. Flannery, Numerical recipes in *C’, 2 Edition, Foundation Books Pvt. Ltd., 2001. 4. RS. Salaria, Numerical methods: A computer oriented approach, BPB Publications, 1996 5. S. D. Conte and Carl de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis- An Algorithmic Approach, 3 Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1980. ow 500 B. Tech. II year, Semester IV. L | T | P |Credit Electrical Machines — IT oe Blea) 05 EE204 Scheme 1. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): At the end of the course the students will be able to: CO] explain the construction and principle of operation of the DC machines and synchronous machines CO2 | perform tests on the DC machines and synchronous machines CO3 | analyze the performance of the DC machines and synchronous machines C04 | compare the performance of different types of DC machines and synchronous machines ‘COS | select the machines for different real world applications GO6-| communicate effectively through laboratory report writing, presentation and perform tsk as an efficient team member 2. SYLLABUS « DIRECT CURRENT MACHINES (09 Hours) Construction, armature windings, simple lap and wave windings, armature reaction, demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere-tums, compensating winding, commutation, commutation time and type, reactance voltage, inter-poles, ampere-tums for inter-poles, self and separate excitations, shunt, series and compound motors and generators, magnetization characteristics, performance charact of DC generators and motors. « STARTING, SPEED CONTROL AND BRAKING OF DC MACHINES (06 Hours) Starting problems, methods of starting, starters, methods of speed control, methods of braking. TESTING OF DC MACHINES (05 Hours) ‘Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson’s test, separation of core losses, retardation test, series field test. «BRUSHLESS D.C. MACHINES (03 Hours) Construction, equivalent circuit, performance analysis. « SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES Construction, cylindrical-and. salient pole type, basic principles, armature (04Hours) windings, distributed winding, full pitched windings, chording, EMF equation, distribution and pitch factors, excitation system, armature reaction, synchronous machine impedance, SCR, equivalent circuit, (0SHours) phasor diagram, voltage regulations, synchronous impedance method, MMF method, ZPF method, operating characteristics *V" and inverted ‘V’ curves, power angle characteristics, power flow equation for (05 Hours) salient and non-salient pole type synchronous machines, salient pole synchronous machine - two reaction model, phasor diagram, power angle characteristic, hunting, damper winding, parallel operation of (0SHours) altemators, starting methods of synchronous motors, synchronous condenser, synduction machines Total Hours: 42 Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 501 wy 3. LIST OF EXPERIMI 1. Speed control of de shunt motor. 2. Swinburne’s test 3. Speed torque characteristic of a D. C. Shunt motor. 4. D.C. Series motor, Speed -torque characteristic. 5. External & Internal characteristics of PD. C. separately excited and Shunt generator. 6. 7. 8 Regulation of an alternator by synchronous impedance method "V' and ‘inverted V' curves of a synchronous motor. ., Regulation of an alternator by zeto power factor method Fi 9. Regulation of an alternator by MMF method. 10. Synchronization of an alternator with infinite bus bar. 11. Power factor improvement using synchronous motor. 12, Hopkinson’s Test on DC machines. 13. Retardation Test on DC Shunt motor. 14, Separation of core losses of DC machines. 4. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1, Nagrath and Kothari, “Electric Machines”, TMH, New Delhi, 2005. 2. M. G, Say, The performance and design of alternating current machines, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1983. 3. A.E. Clayton and N. M. Hancock, The Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines, CBS Publishers, 2004. 4. P. K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravorty, Electrical Machines, Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi, 2005. 5. Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003. Oo 502 B. Tech. II year, Semester IV L | T | P |Credit Elements of Power Systems 3 1/2 05 EE206 Scheme Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: COI | classify and analyze the electrical power transmission and distribution. ‘C02 | compute the cost of power generation and the cost of electricity. ‘CO3 | design the transmission line and analyze the performance of transmission lines. | ‘C04 | analyze the performance of the underground cable. ‘COS | Simulate/model the power system components in MATLAB/ETAP platforms and analyze the numerical results. 2. SYLLABUS: «* SUPPLY SYSTEMS (04 Hours) ‘AC and DC power supply systems, comparison of ac and de transmission, advantages of high transmission voltage, various systems of power supply, comparison of conductor materials in overhead system and underground cable system, economic choice of conductor size and economic choice of voltage. «D.C. AND A. C, DISTRIBUTION (06 Hours) Types of de distributors, de distribution calculations, ac distributor, fed at one and fed at both the ends with concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads, ring distributors with inter connectors, current distribution in three wire and four wire ac systems, overview of distribution automation. « ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF POWER SYSTEM (06 Hours) Power factor improvement, Tariff structure, ABT, Economic aspects of power generation. « UNDERGROUND CABLES (05 Hours) Underground cables, construction of cables, classification of cables, cables for three phase services, insulation resistance of a single core eable, capacitance of a single core cable, dielectric stresses in a single core cable, most economical conductor size in a cable, grading of cables, capacitance grading and inter-sheath grading, capacitance of three core cable and measurements of capacitances, dielectric loss and tan(8) measurement, ' « CALCULATION OF LINE PARAMETERS (09 Hours) Conductors, types of conductors in use, bundled conductor, spacing of conductors, symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing, equivalent spacing, transposition, transmission line constants, calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance for simple arrangements and multi-circuit lines, symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing, concept of self GMD, mutual GMD and their uses in calculations of parameters of overhead lines, skin and proximity effects. « CHARACTERISTICS AND PERFORMANCE OF POWER (12 Hours) ‘TRANSMISSION LINES Short and medium transmission lines, Line performance, effect of capacitance, charging currents, short ‘and medium fines, calculation by nominal-T, nominal-z and end-condenser method, regulation and efficiency, Concept of ABCD constants, the long transmission line- rigorous solution, evaluation of ABCD constants, interpretation of long line equation, surge impedance and surge impedance loading, 503 Y the equivalent circuit of a long transmission line, power flow through a transmission line, circle diagrams, Ferranti effect. Reactive power compensation, transmission line transients, concept of travelling waves, reflection and refraction coeffi Total hours: 42 ‘Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 3. List of Experiments: The experiments are based on the MATLAB/ETAP simulations of power system components and hardware experiments and a substation/power plant visit. 1. Demonstration visit of 66 kV/22 kV SVNIT sub-st Study of single line diagram of Power System. Power factor improvement of load. Performance calculation of short and medium transmission lines. Performance calculation of long transmission lines. String efficiency calculation of suspension type insulator. avape 4. Books Recommended: 1. W.D. Stevenson, Element of Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill, 4" Edition 1982. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, Power System Engineering, 4" edition, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Company Ltd, 2014. 3. A, Chakrabarti, M. L. Soni, P. V. Gupta and U. S. Bhatnagar, A Text Book on Power System Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2 Edition 2001. 4. Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis. 5" reprint, TMH publishing Company Ltd, 2004. 5. Arthur R. Bergen, Vijay Vital, Power Systems Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2" Edition 2000. wy 504 B. Tech. I year, Semester [V L | T | P |Credit Electromagnetic Field Theory 3) 1/0] 04 EE208 Scheme Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course the students will be able to: COI | describe various theorems related to vector analysis CO2 | differentiate different types of coordinate systems and use them for solving the problems of electromagnetic field theory ‘CO3 [explain concepts, theories and laws of electrostatios, magnetics, electromagnetics, electromagnetic wave propagation and transmission lines CO4] analyze problems of electrostatics, magnetics, electromagnetics and electromagnetic wave COS | apply theories and laws of electrostatics, magnetics and electromagnetics to solve electrical | engineering problems CO6 | deduce the electromagnetic wave propagation from Maxwell's equations 1. Syllabus: « VECTOR ANALYSIS: (08 Hours) General Treatment on Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical and general curvilinear co-ordinate systems with reference to vectors, operation of gradient, divergence, curl, Laplacian. Gauss’s Divergence theorem, Stoke’s theorem, * ELECTROSTATICS: (09 Hours) Review of electric field quantities and their definitions. Gauss's flux theorem, Poisson's Equation and Laplace Equation, uniqueness theorem, Green’s theorem, Coulomb's law, dipole moment. Electrostatic Field in Dielectric: Polarization, electric flux density, boundary conditions, capacitor and capacitance, electrostatic shielding, energy stored in electric fields. « MAGNETIC FIELDS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION: (10 Hours) Magnetic flux and flux density, static currents in conducting media, Ampere’s law, Biot-Savart law, boundary between magnetic media, forces between currents, magnetic potentials, magnetic torque and moment, Dipole, Energy stored in magnetic field. Faraday’s law of induction (transformer and motion), Inductor and Inductances (self and mutual). * | MAXWELL’S EQUATIONS & ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES: (09 Hours) Maxwell’s equations - Equation of continuity - Displacement current - Maxwell's equation in point and integral forms ,Time-varying potentials, wave equations, plane waves in Losses Dielectrics, Free space & Good conductors, Poynting vector and Theorem. «TRANSMISSION LINES: (06 Hours) Line equations, input impedance, SWR and power, smith chart, some applications of Transmission lines. Total hou ‘Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours ow 505 2. Books Recommended: 1. W.H. Hayt, J. A. Buck, and M. Jaleel Akhtar, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, 8" Edition, McGraw Hill Publication 2. David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4"" Edition, PHI, 2013. 3. S. P. Seth, Elements of Electromagnetic Fields, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 4" Edition, 2012. 4. C.L, Wadhwa, Engineering Electromagnetics, New Age International Publishers, 3" Edition, 2012. 5. Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Electromagnetics for engineers, Pearson education, first Indian reprint,2005. or 506 B. Tech. II year, Semester IV L T P | Credit Signal and Systems 3 {1 ]0 | 04 EE212 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): At the end of the course students will be able to: CO1_| classify various signals and their mathematical representation ‘CO2_| develop insights into discrete-time systems and their realization CO3 | analyze the characteristics of LTI systems with the help of impulse response and convolution ‘CO4_| design the system properties in frequency domain COS__| analyze random signals and justify their usefulness in engineering systems 2. Syllabus: SIGNALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES (08 Hours) Classification of Signals, continuous-time and discrete-time signals, deterministic and random signals, periodic signals, even and odd signals, exponential and sinusoidal signals, unit step and unit impulse signals, systems with and without memory, time-varying, time-invariant, stationarity, causality, homogeneity, linearity, stability of systems LINEAR TIME INVARIANT SYSTEMS (08 Hours) Properties of linear time-variant systems, continuous-time [TI systems, relationship between linear differential equations with constant coefficients, transfer function, state space models, convolution integrals from transfer function and state space models, discrete-time LTI systems, relationship between linear difference. equations with constant coefficients, pulse transfer function, diserete-time state space models, convolution sum from transfer function and state space models, connections between time- invariance, causality, stationarity. FOURIER SERIES REPRESENTATION AND FOURIER TRANSFORM (05 Hours) Fourier series representation of continuous-time periodic signals, Parseval formula for continuous-time periodic signals, continuous time Fourier transform, discrete-time Fourier transforms, connection between the Fourier transform and Laplace transform, connection between the z-transform and discrete- time Fourier transform. THE LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE (06 Hours) Definition of the Laplace transformation, the need of the Laplace transformation, region of the convergence of the Laplace transform of signals, properties of the Laplace transform, the Laplace transforms of test signals and practically useful signals, unilateral Laplace transform and bilateral Laplace transforms, THE Z-TRANSFORMATION TECHNIQUE (06 Hours) Definition of the z- transformation, the need of the z- transformation, region of the convergence of the z- transform of signals, pulse transfer function, stability of systems using the z-transform. The z- transforms of test signals and practically useful signals, unilateral z transform and bilateral z transforms FEEDBACK CONCEPTS (09 Hours) Physical representation of network, general restrictions on physical network characteristics Feedback, mathematical definition of feedback, stability and feedback realizability, contour integration and Nyquist criterion for stability, physical representation of network, general restrictions on physical network characteristics Total Lectures: 42 ‘Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 30; oY 3. Books Recommended: 1. A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Wilsky and S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems, Pearson India Education Services Private limited India, 2nd Edition, 2016. 2. R.A. Gabel and R. A. Robert, Signals and Linear Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 1987. 3. B. P. Lathi, Principles of Linear Systems and Signals, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2009. . C. T. Chen, Systems and Signal Analysis - A Fresh Look, Oxford University Press India, 3rd Edition, 2004. 5. S.T. Alan, Introduction to Signals and Systems, Thomson India Edition, 1* Edition, 2007. ew 508 SARDAR VALLABHBHAI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SURAT DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING B. Tech. Programme B.Tech. 1 Semester V. = Tce LT TF Tanination Serene re arse Course Credits | Theory | Tutorial [ferm work] Practical | Total Bo ecete) Marks Marks, Marks Marks | Marks |" L._| EE301 | Power System Analysis | 3 1 a 05 100 25 25 25 175 2,_ [E303 | Control Systems 32 | 0s] 100 | 25] 25 | 25 | 175 3. | E305 | Power Electronic 3{1]2] 05 | 100 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 15 Converters 7 [4 [_~ EIS s[o[o} 3 | 10 | - é = _[ci00 | Elect | and 5. | BE307 | Electronic 3 1 2 05 100 25 25 25 175 Measurements . 6. | BE309 | Seminar ofo{2>o | - : 20 | 3030 Total (C-T-P)| 1504 | 10 | 24 | 500 | too | 120 | 130 | 850 Total 29 24 ELECTIVE INTERDISCIPLINARY SUBJECTS -EIS-I (EE3XX) (INSTITUTE LEVEL) Course Code | Subject Name EE361___ | Renewable Energy Sources EE363__| Optimization Methods EE365__| Forecasting and Planning Methods Fundamental of Electrical Power Systems BES67 | (Non-Electrical Students) ata eaeial E369 _ | Modem Electrical Drives (Non-Electrica Students) pear) | introdu (Non-Electrical Students) 373 __ | Control Systems (Non-Electrical Students) ow 509 Semester VI | eos Course TE cretts [Thary | Taort [Term mark Praia | Toa a Code etre} ese see Marks | Marks Marks Marks | Marks Professional Ethics, 1. | HU306 | Economics and 4 0 0 04 100 - : - 100 Management# Power Electronics 2. | BE304 | Systemand Electric | 3] 1 | 2} 05 | 100 | 25 25 25 | 175 Drives 7 Microprocessor and 3. EE306 Microcontrollers 3 1 2 05 100 25 25 25 175 4. EE308 _| Instrumentation 3} 142 05 100 25 25 25 175 5. = EIS-IL 3 0 oO 03 100 - : : 100 6._| EESAA_[ES1 3 [0 [0 | 03 | 100 [= E 5 100 Total C-1-P)| 19 | 03 [06 | 25 | 600 | 75 a 75__| 925 Total 28 25 # One hour will be engaged by the core department. ELECTIVE INTERDISCIPLINARY SUBJECTS -EIS-II (EE3YY) Course Code (INSTITUTE LEVEL) Subject Name BE362, Industrial Automation and Process Control BE364 State Variable Analyses E366 Energy Audit and Management EE368 Special Electrical Machines EE372 ‘Advanced Materials for Energy Applications EE374 Distributed Power Generation and Micro- Grids CORE ELECTIVE SUBJECTS - ES ~ I (EE3AA) (Departmental Electives) Course Code Subject Name BE322, Power Plant engineering EE324 ‘Adaptive Control and Soft Computing EE326 Utilization of Electrical Energy EE328 Modeling and Simulation of Electrical Machines BE333, Random Processes EE334 Artificial Intelligence Techniques BE336 Switchgear and Protection 510 B. Tech, III year, Semester V L | T | P [Credit] Power System Analysis 3 1 2 05 EE301 Scheme 1. Course Outcomes (Cos): oN At the witd of the course students will be able to: COI] explain the concept of per unit system and its application in power ‘CO2 "| analyze symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault conditions in electrical power systems. (CO3 | discuss, analyze and compare different methods of power flow analysis in power system and estimate economic load dispatch, C04 ‘classify power system stability, and its importance in power system operation COS _| illustrate using software tools (MATLAB, ETAP etc.) to examine system performance with reference to fault, load flow and stability and analyze the results 2. Syllabus: ’ * REPRESENTATION OF POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS (04 Hours) Introduction, single phase solution of balanced three phase networks, the one line diagram and the impedance or reactance: diagram, per-unit (pu) system, complex power, synchronous machine, representation of loads. + , LOAD FLOW STUDIES (08 Hours) ‘Network model formulation, formation of Y bus, power flow problem, different types of buses, approximate power flow, Gauss Seidel method, Newton-Raphson method, Decoupled Power flow studies, Fast Decoupled power flow studies, comparison of power flow methods. * ECONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH _(04 Hours) Economie dispatch of thermal units and methods of solution, Transmission losses, B/ matrix loss formula, Composite generation production cost function-solution by gradient search techniques, Nonlinear function optimization «SYMMETRICAL FAULT ANALYSIS (08 Hours) Introduction, transient on a transmission line, short circuit ofa synchronous machine on no load, short circuit of @ loaded synchronous machine, balanced three phase fault, short circuit capacity, fault analysis using bus impedance matrix, selection of protective equipment. : . UNSYMMETRICAL FAULT ANALYSIS vas “g (08 Hours) Symmetrical component analysis of unsymimettical fats, single line to ground (LG) fault, line to line (LL) fault, double line to ground (LLG) fault, open’éonductor faults, bus impedance matrix method for analysis of unsymmetrical faults, * + POWER SYSTEM STABILITY (10 Hours) Importance of stability analysis in power system planning and operation - classification of power system stability - angle and voltage stability ~ simple treatment of angle stability into small-signal and large-signal (transient) stability Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system: Development of swing equation - equal area criterion - determination of critical clearing angle and time by using modified Euler method and Runge-Kutta second order method. Algorithm and flow chart. Total Hours:42 Tutorials will be conducted separately for 14 hours 511 wy

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