VIPSWeekly Volume 003 Issue 003

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9 Feburary 2021, Tuesday, Volume:003, Issue:003

Adroitness of Communication: Folk Media

Vivekananda Institute of Geet (folk song) and Lok Nritya performers went from one place to
manifest on topics such as voting in
Professional Studies, New Delhi, Parampara (folk dance). Moving another. Remembering her past, she
rural areas by woman and ‘Magic,
on Wednesday February 3rd forward into the session, the recalled how her colleague shared
Environment, Recycling’. The whole
2021, organised a guest lecture classical dancer, laid emphasis on that after the assassination of Sonia
idea behind this video was to create
on “Folk Art as a medium of an awareness on waste management
communication” by Dr. Navina Jafa and recycling during lockdown.
Ma’am, who is a cultural activist, The guest enthusiastically answered
heritage interpreter, academician queries of students on how to
and a classical dancer. The session promote or connect folk media
was conducted for Vivekananda to younger generation. Ma’am
School of Journalism and Mass explained that it is on us who have
Communication (VSJMC), 1st to search for artist because they
Semester students. It was held on are present everywhere. Thereafter,
Zoom platform from 2:00 PM to chairperson of VSJMC, Professor
3:00 PM and started with warm Siddharth Mishra Sir gave his
greetings by Dr. Debarati Dhar concluding remarks by sharing
Ma’am. The session was aimed at his thoughts on how sustainable
displaying not only the effectiveness development can sometimes destroy
of folk arts but also aimed at a village’s cultures. At the end Dr.
communicating the extensive Jafa ended her lecture by saying
opportunity of reconnecting with that culture is like a hand where
a market which will in future lead every finger represents a different
to the conservation of intangible the importance of dialects and how Gandhi, a woman in Bengal made a shape and function of the culture.
heritage in an innovative manner. in many regions people are unable Pattachitra where the women drew a Along with Diversity, which, is
The session started with Dr. Jafa to speak their own folk language. mosque and typewriter. Led by folk power of the hand where if even

explaining about “Performing Arts”. To give some more insight to media was ‘Performance ideology one finger gets injured, we become
She went ahead and explained the attendees, she shared her life and Yet Performance Evaporation.’ dysfunctional. Dr. Charulata
how performing arts are divided experience and lessons. She did a Furthermore, YouTube videos Singh Ma’am, the Dean of VSJMC,
into four categories: Adhbut Kala folk media on Water. She explained of CNP NGO (of which Dr. Jafa concluded the informative session
(martial art), Lok Natya Kala, Lok how her group of painters and is a member of) were shown to with her kind remarks.

Live Music Attic: A Mellifluous Trail

It is rightly said by Henry David Thoreau, Indian classical singing category. In 2019,
“When I hear music, I fear no danger. I he bagged first price in a TV show ‘Talent
am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related Ek Khoj’. He also recorded for an upcoming
to the earliest of times, and to the latest.” web series. From last two consecutive years
what do you think when you hear the he has been awarded first prize in CBSE
word music? but If you ask my classmates Indian Classical Singing. In design and
they will say Kartik Malhotra. For those graphics class our mentor, Professor Dr.
who don’t know him, he is an upcoming Praveen K. Singh sir gave us an assignment
singer. In the past year when the world of designing a creative poster on any topic
was at rest Kartik pleased our ears with and Kartik, a budding musician of section
his soulful voice. He has done diploma in E, decided to make one on himself. This in
Indian classical music of 6 years. He has turn gave him the idea to organise his very
learnt table, guitar, harmonium and piano. first zoom concert which was held on 2nd
Last year he won first prize at Delhi State February 2021, Tuesday 7:00 pm onwards.
Continued on page 2
2 9 Feburary 2021 I Tuesday

As Pulchritudinous as a Photograph
It was the day of spot counselling last year, to see me growing more. He wanted to see
to get into one of the colleges affiliated my gallery and all the achievements that
to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha I have had so far. After going through my
University (GGSIPU) when I had to work and portfolio, he offered me that if
go to the main branch of Indraprastha I would like to give my photographs for
University based in Dwarka. I had missed an upcoming calendar of Indraprastha
the initial deadlines of depositing the University to publish it. I instantly said yes
amount for taking up the admission due to without giving a second thought! And that
some technical issues. After going through was how my photograph got published.
all the formalities at last hour of filling up Unfortunately, after some days I received a
the forms at Public Relation Office (PRO), text from him saying that the calendar print
I met the officer of PRO who casually asked has been cancelled by the government due
me about me and my work. Completely to pandemic reasons. I sobbed, unknown
unknown to me, I told him generally that that it is just a test of patience as I received
I’m into photography and filmmaking, we another call after a month that the calendar
exchanged some words for few minutes is going to be published, as government
and then he wanted to see some of my nodded a go ahead with the calendar thing.
photographs just as a gesture of interest. I I would like to give here a short narrative
showed him my photographs and instantly to the reader- If you do things that you
he was impressed. He appreciated me and like doing and especially the part that
thereafter we built a good relationship. you like the most, you get beyond your
We exchanged contacts and after few days expectations, it might not be the thing that
I randomly received a call from him to you precisely wanted but somehow these
meet. I went to the place again and visited happenings will let you achieve the desired
him. Realizing after some time that this results that you wanted when you started
meeting turned out to be one the greatest off with. Dreams do come true; everything
in recent years. He told me that he wants takes time and a test of patience.

All Aboard the Discovering Inner

Mentorship Talent
Mentorship is a strenuous yet rewarding interaction professors aren’t able to connect Creativity is inventing, experimenting, to dance , recite poetry, create funny
job, from polishing and critiquing their with most students so they can often feel growing , taking risks, breaking rules, videos and find things for which they are
mentee’s skills to watching them grow they are just talking to themselves during making mistakes , and having fun. – Mary passionate. The wave of these creators has
and improve, mentors share a special lectures which can be very demotivating Lou Cook; Life during this pandemic has established the fact that anything is possible
and close bond with their mentees. VIPS and for Students who are already reserved surely taught us a lot of things and shown if you just put your mind to it and if you are
(Vivekananda Institute of Professional and introverted in nature, online classes us the importance of time. Also during consistent with what you are doing. Never
Studies) recognizes the significance of this just adds another layer of distance for this time we saw an increase in the amount lose hope and keep doing what feels like
relationship and to strengthen it, Mentor- them in communicating their doubts and of digital content being consumed. We home to you. Love what you do and do
Mentee sessions are conducted. The session concerns. In one to one interaction mentors saw an increase in the amount of content what you love and you’ll find you’re path
is an informal interaction between the get to personally learn about each student creators who created content which was in doing so.
mentor (class professor(s)) and the mentee from their class and the students open up relatable and gave these creators the boost
(students)). It is conducted twice a semester and feel more comfortable voicing their to create more such content. These creaters
by the class professors either as a group problems in a safe and confidential space started off from making content for fun
deliberation with the class or a one-to-one with their mentors. Students also suggested and now are making a decent amount of
confidential interaction with each student. changes that were taken into account and money from it. To name some creaters
The session gives the opportunity to the in many cases implemented immediately are Agasthya Shah(18), Dev Raiyani
students to voice their concerns and find by the professor for example sharing of (18), Taneesha Mirwani (18), Rishi (15),
a solution to them through their mentors. class recordings due to glitches . The ‘new Niharika Nm(24), Divijia Bhasin(23) etc.
Earlier, sessions conducted were offline by normal’ is still a very persistently,new These content creators started off on Tiktok
their assigned professors but due to the lifestyle for all of us and it has introduced and when the Chinese app was banned in
pandemic the session this time around complications that the prior generation of India and Reels were introduced. These
was conducted in an online fashion. Wide students never faced. Online classes can creators took to Intagram to create content
ranging issues were discussed in group unfortunately create a disconnect between and eventually ended up having their own
deliberation from college related queries the professors and students and the Youtube channel which is also doing well.
like questions regarding syllabus, internal unfamiliarity of this medium of teaching These creators took an opportunity and
exams and college reopening to personal especially for first year students can be changed their lives with it. The pandemic
concerns about the issues surrounding overwhelming therefore sessions like gave such creators a chance to introspect
online classes and assignments. In online mentor mentees are the key to maintaining and utilize their time to find new talents
classes sadly students just become icons an enriching learning space and overcome and interests of their own. Many started
on the screen and with minimal class the distance created by online classes.

Part from page number 1 an interactive session. Melodius moments

The concert was attended by more than like these are cherished by people and end
100 people, one of whom was a faculty up creating memories which are loved
member of VSJMC (Vivekanada Institute and cherished by people. Scientists have
of Journalism and Mass Communication) found that music stimulates more parts of
itself (Dr. Praveen K. Singh) and president the brain than any other human function.
of Antrakshar (centralised musical society That’s why they see so much potential in
of Vivekananda Institute of Professional music’s power to change the brain and
Studies). From his hour long performance affect the way it works. Upon the ending of
some of the songs were ‘Laal Ishq’, ‘Tere the session, everyone appreciated the hour
Mere Kahani’, ‘Yaara Tere Yaari’, ‘Abhi na jao long melodius and beautiful session and
chodhkar’, ‘Perfect’, ‘Tu hi toh mannat meri’. decided that it should be done as often as
This was a breather for attendees to live in twice a month for constant comfort, cheer,
the moment and it made them smile. It was consoltation, solace and peace of mind.
9 Feburary 2021 I Tuesday 3

Radio Day: New World New Radio

Radio has stayed the most resilient and far on this day, the United Nations Radio was later embraced by the UN’s General particular topic. The meaning of the day
-reaching of medium of communication set up. The day was formally announced Assembly in 2012 as an International Day. originates from how powerful and flexible
even in the hour of incalculable online stages by the Member States of UNESCO and Consistently, the day is set apart with a the medium is. At a time, when the web
and WhatsApp. The historical backdrop of holds more priority over the radio, it
radio returns more than 110 years. World turns into even more critical to get why
Radio Day commends radio as “a feature and how its compass across all stages has
of mankind’s set of experiences”. Radio a worldwide effect. The mechanism of
has adjusted throughout the long term and Radio is appreciated by all ages from more
assumed a critical part in dispersing data to established ages who think back tuning in
individuals in distant corners of the world to their radio semiconductors as a family to
in the midst of emergency including the the more youthful age that has discovered
continuous Covid pandemic. The notoriety the appeal of radio in a hurry either in the
of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Mann vehicle or on their cell phones. In India,
Ki Baat’ demonstrates the significance radio has built up a profound association
of radio as a mode of communication. In with provincial audience members and it
any event, during the pandemic climate is the least expensive vehicle for diversion.
the radio business was tenacious and Because of this nearby associate and
discovered new structures to draw in with interface with purchaser’s publicists to
their audience members. Many developed locate this medium an extraordinary media
and held hands with OTT music stages speculation as the TG of the radio channels
and some curated their own OTT web- crowd is all around represented. RJ’s that
based features. The strength of the day remain as influencers also help in building
‘World Radio Day’ is established in how a nearby association as they communicate
powerful and adaptable the medium is. in the language of the locale and help in
At a time, when digital media holds more achieving a social change around there the
inclination over the customary mediums. It divert is available in. This year, the day’s
turns into even more applicable to get why topic is ‘New World, New Radio.’ This was
and how the medium compasses across all chosen to remember the administrations
stages having a worldwide effect. Radio the medium gave during COVID-19. The
has stayed the strongest and successful topic is partitioned into three sub-parts.
method of correspondence, which is, till Connection: the world changes, the radio
date, utilized by the dominant part for connects. This subtopic highlights radio
accepting data. Even following 110 years, services to our society: natural disasters,
Radio actually arrives at troublesome socio-economic crises, epidemics, etc.
landscapes to associate individuals. Evolution: the world changes, the radio
Radio, in its brilliance, stayed one of the evolves. This subtopic refers to the
principle wellsprings of amusement and resilience of radio, its sustainability
data for a very long time. To praise this, Innovation: The world keeps changing,
back in 2011 a Member State of UNESCO radio adapts and innovates. Radio has to
broadcasted February 13 as World Radio adapt to new technologies to remain the
Day. The day was praised as World Radio reference means of mobility, accessible
Day on February thirteenth, 1946 when everywhere and for everyone.

Social Political Relevant Theatre

Asmita theatre group has completed its year all these place have been directed by and Nehru centre festival Mumbai bubbles sabharwal and “Untitled Solo”
26th year of social political relevant theatre. ASMITA’s resident director Arvind Gaur. This group is also active in street theatre by Lushin Dubey in collaboration with
Asmita, one of the leading Hindi theatre For ASMITA, theatre has a purpose of a on various social issues like corruption, Theatre World. Not only have these plays
groups in the country, stands committed awakening the audience to contemporary Drugs , road rage, domestic help and recieved great audience response from
to aesthetically innovative and socially issues and creating a dialogue on prevailing many more. Asmita Theatre is the important metropolis of India, “Women
relevant theatre. Since its Inception in social problems. ASMITA performed pioneer of street plays and Street theatre in black” was invited to perform in Dubai
1993, ASMITA has carved a niche for itself in all major theatre festival of India and movement in India. Asmita perform street
in the Indian theatre scene by staging plays abroad Lyon Theatre Festival France , plays on various social issues like caste
of varied socio-political interest while not NIZHNEVARTOVSK theatre festival discrimination, corruption, exploitation,
gender discrimination, communalism,
dowry, female foeticide and many more.
Asmita’s most important street play is
dastak , performed more than 6000 shows
in all over India written and directed
by Arvind Gaur. Asmita’s other popular
street play are Mard, Aajiveeka, Interfaith,
Budhapa, Garbage and many more.
One of the Solos directed by Arvind
gaur - Bhishma Sahni’s MADHAVI,
performed by Rashi Bunny received
special award for experimentation with
tradition at International Solo Theatre and “Untitled Solo” was performed in
Festival Armenia and “Colour of Nation” Chicago, Dallas, Washington DC, Boston,
award at the International Theatre Festival Rochester, San Francisco, Ohio in USA and
in Nizhnevartovsk Theatre Festival, at the Edinburgh Theatre Festival.
Russia, Recently Madhavi was performed
in Vangneray, Lyon International
Theatre Festival march 2006, France.
losing out of mass appeal. The group takes Russia, including national school of Director Arvind Gaur has also collabrated
up contemporary issues to underline the drama, (Bharat rang mahotsava), Sangeet with various Theatre Artist and groups
contours of our time while providing the natak akademi, Sahitya Kala Parishad, specially in exploring a new language for
best of entertainment. The group as 85 Nandikar and Vivachana theatre festival, Solo performances which includes Dario
productions to its credit and on an average Old world theatre festival, Muktibodh fo’s ‘Story of the Tiger’, solo by Jaimini
has been performing for about 80 Nights a natya samaroh, World Social forum Kumar Srivastava, ‘Women in Black’ by
4 9 Feburary 2021 I Tuesday

OTT Superseding TV Channels

Word of the Week
When online video watching platforms take over the television sooner, and it did producers are paying well attention to the

‘BAMBOOZLE’ like YouTube were introduced right after

the accessibility of internet to everyone
happened. In 2020, when television shows
were halted and cinema halls were closed,
new age medium of entertainment. With
the rise of digital media and accessibility
in the world, no one knew this would the streaming sites were the only place for of internet at majority of places around the
have such a big face in 2021. Now, a big the audience to find new and old content, world, OTT platforms can definitely be the
portion of the television audience have so shifting to these platforms turned
Meaning: to trick or switched on many of these platforms, natural. Netflix only gained net revenue
new normal, seeing the potential it holds.

deceive someone, often by and it only shows the dynamic nature of of 382.3 million dollars globally (source:
audience in entertainment sector. Online, with a whooping amount
confusing them . streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon of subscribers hitting millions in India
prime, Hotstar saw a big boost in their only. Other streaming sites also gathered
audience during 2020, with many big a large amount of viewers and money,
Synonyms: hoax, perplex, productions deciding to put their content assuring that people are accustomed to
mystify, on these platforms, catering to the dearth online streaming than watching on TV.
of audience in cinema because of the Though old programs like Ramayana and
ongoing pandemic. And it did succeeded, Mahabharata was a successful attempt in
Sentences: as OTT platforms have officially taken keeping the audience at home entertained,
over the mainstream audience. The rise other TV shows seem to have face a loss
1. She was bamboozled of OTT platforms can be dated from because of the hiatus of shooting during
into telling them her credit back in 2017, when television channel 2020. Big production houses have also
creators started putting their shows on the took their attention to the OTT platforms,
card number. channel based websites, and some part of now releasing movies on these platforms
2. He bamboozled the young audience started consuming for the ease of audience. It also profited
web series content and older audience them with the censorship, as there is not
Canada’s largest banks in a often used the streaming platforms to re- much censorship on digital releases than
massive counterfeit scam. watch their favorite TV shows, or watch on cinema. Also, many producers and
missed episodes. It was pretty clear in actors got a lot of appreciation from the
- NAKUL MOURYA end 2019 that streaming platforms would digital releases and web series, as finally the

Bazinga, The Comedy

Art of the Week
Bazinga! To a few this word may look the misadventures of physicists Leonard A combine piece of art, with the moon
familiar because it’s from one of the best Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper. Cooper night effect at the back ground with a
American sitcoms THE BIG BANG is a theoretical genius who has trouble beautiful qoute at front presenting the
THEORY. The plot of this incredible series grounding himself in the real world. At dream and instapics formulation telling
revolves around four friends and scientists, the beginning of the series, he holds an the basics of attributes to be adopted in
Dr Sheldon Cooper a theoretical physicist incredibly condescending view of non- dreamjob motivating oneself
portrayed by Jim Parsons, Dr Leonard scientists and believes himself to be an

Soaring High
Hofstadter an experimental physicist unparalleled intellect. Hofstader has a
portrayed by Johnny Galecki, Astronaut much kinder view of the world. However,
Howard Joel Wolowitz an Aerospace both of them have trouble interacting with
Engineer portrayed by Simon Helberg and neurotypical people, particularly women.

With 5G
Dr Rajesh Koothrapali an Astrophysicist Throughout the series, partners and
portrayed by Kunal Nayyar. The Show friends bring Hofstader, Cooper and their
also involves 3 female Leads, Penny earlier friend’s astrophysicist Raj Koothrappali
a cheesecake factory waitress but then a and engineer Howard Wolowitz out of
salesperson in a pharmaceutical company their respective shells. The catalyst for this
also an actress portrayed by Kaley Cuoco, introduction to the outside world is Penny, FIROJ KHAN
Dr Amy Farrah Fowler a Neurobiologist the boys’ neighbour who lives across the Airtel claims that its new 5G network will provider in the country to successfully
deliver 10x speeds with 10x latency and “demonstrate and orchestrate” live 5G
100x concurrency compared to existing service. The demonstration took place in
technologies. With 325 million subscribers, the city of Hyderabad. Airtel has tested the
Bharti Airtel is the world’s third-largest new 5G network over its existing liberalised
mobile network operator in the world. spectrum in the 1800 MHz band through
They operate in more than 19 countries the NSA (non-standalone) network
worldwide and recent launch in Africa technology. Using dynamic spectrum
continent has taken them to this feat. They sharing, Airtel claims it has seamlessly
launched their 4G services in India and operated 5G and 4G connections from
they have coverage of 4G LTE in India in 18 within the same spectrum block.
circles. They are facing a stiff competition “We believe India has the potential to
from Reliance Jio, the latest entrant with become a global hub for 5G innovation. To
direct & only offering 4G services. Moving make that happen we need the ecosystem
on, Airtel will be one among the first to come together – applications, devices
cellular service provider to come up with and network innovation. We are more than
5G network. Bharti Airtel has announced ready to do our bit,” Gopal Vittal, MD &
that it has become the first telecom service CEO, Bharti Airtel said.
portrayed by Mayim Bialik and at last hall in their apartment building. The
Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski a aspiring actress and waitress make friends
Microbiologist portrayed by Melissa easily, and her proximity to the scientists
Rauch. There are a total of 12 seasons. helps to drag them out of their cloistered
In season 1 there were only five primary and academic existence. The Show is
characters, After that, the following new reviewed as one of the best show’s with
characters have been introduced in the a 4.8-star rating. I want to thank all the
story and there have been various turns scriptwriters, artists, producers, directors,
in the story. Creator’s of this remarkable actors & every individual who worked
series is Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. The so hard in making Big Bang Theory &
series has been awarded by a Golden Globe delivering such a refined comic drama of
with other 75 wins and 252 nominations. 279 episodes, portraying scientists as the
The story of The Big Bang Theory takes actual heroes and making all scientific
place in Pasadena, almost entirely confined terms and subjects sound interesting and
to a few apartments. It centres around enlightening scientific facts to us.


Design and Layout by KHUSHI JAIN

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