VIPSWeekly Volume 003 Issue 003
VIPSWeekly Volume 003 Issue 003
VIPSWeekly Volume 003 Issue 003
explaining about “Performing Arts”. To give some more insight to media was ‘Performance ideology one finger gets injured, we become
She went ahead and explained the attendees, she shared her life and Yet Performance Evaporation.’ dysfunctional. Dr. Charulata
how performing arts are divided experience and lessons. She did a Furthermore, YouTube videos Singh Ma’am, the Dean of VSJMC,
into four categories: Adhbut Kala folk media on Water. She explained of CNP NGO (of which Dr. Jafa concluded the informative session
(martial art), Lok Natya Kala, Lok how her group of painters and is a member of) were shown to with her kind remarks.
As Pulchritudinous as a Photograph
It was the day of spot counselling last year, to see me growing more. He wanted to see
to get into one of the colleges affiliated my gallery and all the achievements that
to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha I have had so far. After going through my
University (GGSIPU) when I had to work and portfolio, he offered me that if
go to the main branch of Indraprastha I would like to give my photographs for
University based in Dwarka. I had missed an upcoming calendar of Indraprastha
the initial deadlines of depositing the University to publish it. I instantly said yes
amount for taking up the admission due to without giving a second thought! And that
some technical issues. After going through was how my photograph got published.
all the formalities at last hour of filling up Unfortunately, after some days I received a
the forms at Public Relation Office (PRO), text from him saying that the calendar print
I met the officer of PRO who casually asked has been cancelled by the government due
me about me and my work. Completely to pandemic reasons. I sobbed, unknown
unknown to me, I told him generally that that it is just a test of patience as I received
I’m into photography and filmmaking, we another call after a month that the calendar
exchanged some words for few minutes is going to be published, as government
and then he wanted to see some of my nodded a go ahead with the calendar thing.
photographs just as a gesture of interest. I I would like to give here a short narrative
showed him my photographs and instantly to the reader- If you do things that you
he was impressed. He appreciated me and like doing and especially the part that
thereafter we built a good relationship. you like the most, you get beyond your
We exchanged contacts and after few days expectations, it might not be the thing that
I randomly received a call from him to you precisely wanted but somehow these
meet. I went to the place again and visited happenings will let you achieve the desired
him. Realizing after some time that this results that you wanted when you started
meeting turned out to be one the greatest off with. Dreams do come true; everything
in recent years. He told me that he wants takes time and a test of patience.
deceive someone, often by and it only shows the dynamic nature of of 382.3 million dollars globally (source:
audience in entertainment sector. Online, with a whooping amount
confusing them . streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon of subscribers hitting millions in India
prime, Hotstar saw a big boost in their only. Other streaming sites also gathered
audience during 2020, with many big a large amount of viewers and money,
Synonyms: hoax, perplex, productions deciding to put their content assuring that people are accustomed to
mystify, on these platforms, catering to the dearth online streaming than watching on TV.
of audience in cinema because of the Though old programs like Ramayana and
ongoing pandemic. And it did succeeded, Mahabharata was a successful attempt in
Sentences: as OTT platforms have officially taken keeping the audience at home entertained,
over the mainstream audience. The rise other TV shows seem to have face a loss
1. She was bamboozled of OTT platforms can be dated from because of the hiatus of shooting during
into telling them her credit back in 2017, when television channel 2020. Big production houses have also
creators started putting their shows on the took their attention to the OTT platforms,
card number. channel based websites, and some part of now releasing movies on these platforms
2. He bamboozled the young audience started consuming for the ease of audience. It also profited
web series content and older audience them with the censorship, as there is not
Canada’s largest banks in a often used the streaming platforms to re- much censorship on digital releases than
massive counterfeit scam. watch their favorite TV shows, or watch on cinema. Also, many producers and
missed episodes. It was pretty clear in actors got a lot of appreciation from the
- NAKUL MOURYA end 2019 that streaming platforms would digital releases and web series, as finally the
Soaring High
Hofstadter an experimental physicist unparalleled intellect. Hofstader has a
portrayed by Johnny Galecki, Astronaut much kinder view of the world. However,
Howard Joel Wolowitz an Aerospace both of them have trouble interacting with
Engineer portrayed by Simon Helberg and neurotypical people, particularly women.
With 5G
Dr Rajesh Koothrapali an Astrophysicist Throughout the series, partners and
portrayed by Kunal Nayyar. The Show friends bring Hofstader, Cooper and their
also involves 3 female Leads, Penny earlier friend’s astrophysicist Raj Koothrappali
a cheesecake factory waitress but then a and engineer Howard Wolowitz out of
salesperson in a pharmaceutical company their respective shells. The catalyst for this
also an actress portrayed by Kaley Cuoco, introduction to the outside world is Penny, FIROJ KHAN
Dr Amy Farrah Fowler a Neurobiologist the boys’ neighbour who lives across the Airtel claims that its new 5G network will provider in the country to successfully
deliver 10x speeds with 10x latency and “demonstrate and orchestrate” live 5G
100x concurrency compared to existing service. The demonstration took place in
technologies. With 325 million subscribers, the city of Hyderabad. Airtel has tested the
Bharti Airtel is the world’s third-largest new 5G network over its existing liberalised
mobile network operator in the world. spectrum in the 1800 MHz band through
They operate in more than 19 countries the NSA (non-standalone) network
worldwide and recent launch in Africa technology. Using dynamic spectrum
continent has taken them to this feat. They sharing, Airtel claims it has seamlessly
launched their 4G services in India and operated 5G and 4G connections from
they have coverage of 4G LTE in India in 18 within the same spectrum block.
circles. They are facing a stiff competition “We believe India has the potential to
from Reliance Jio, the latest entrant with become a global hub for 5G innovation. To
direct & only offering 4G services. Moving make that happen we need the ecosystem
on, Airtel will be one among the first to come together – applications, devices
cellular service provider to come up with and network innovation. We are more than
5G network. Bharti Airtel has announced ready to do our bit,” Gopal Vittal, MD &
that it has become the first telecom service CEO, Bharti Airtel said.
portrayed by Mayim Bialik and at last hall in their apartment building. The
Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski a aspiring actress and waitress make friends
Microbiologist portrayed by Melissa easily, and her proximity to the scientists
Rauch. There are a total of 12 seasons. helps to drag them out of their cloistered
In season 1 there were only five primary and academic existence. The Show is
characters, After that, the following new reviewed as one of the best show’s with
characters have been introduced in the a 4.8-star rating. I want to thank all the
story and there have been various turns scriptwriters, artists, producers, directors,
in the story. Creator’s of this remarkable actors & every individual who worked
series is Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. The so hard in making Big Bang Theory &
series has been awarded by a Golden Globe delivering such a refined comic drama of
with other 75 wins and 252 nominations. 279 episodes, portraying scientists as the
The story of The Big Bang Theory takes actual heroes and making all scientific
place in Pasadena, almost entirely confined terms and subjects sound interesting and
to a few apartments. It centres around enlightening scientific facts to us.