RE-2012-MIT-Market Timing, Investment Adn Risk Management
RE-2012-MIT-Market Timing, Investment Adn Risk Management
RE-2012-MIT-Market Timing, Investment Adn Risk Management
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Citation Bolton, Patrick, Hui Chen, and Neng Wang. “Market Timing,
Investment, and Risk Management.” Journal of Financial Economics
109, no. 1 (July 2013): 40–62.
As Published
Firms face uncertain financing conditions, which can be quite severe as exemplified
by the recent financial crisis. We capture the firm’s precautionary cash hoarding and
market timing motives in a tractable model of dynamic corporate financial manage-
ment when external financing conditions are stochastic. Firms value financial slack
and build cash reserves to mitigate financial constraints. The finitely-lived favorable
financing condition induces them to rationally time the equity market. This market
timing motive can cause investment to be decreasing (and the marginal value of cash to
be increasing) in financial slack, and can lead a financially constrained firm to gamble.
Quantitatively, we find that firms’ optimal responses to the threat of a financial crisis
can significantly smooth out the impact of financing shocks on investments, marginal
values of cash, and the risk premium over time. Thus, a firm may still appear un-
constrained based on its relatively smooth investment over time despite significant
underinvestment. This smoothing effect can be used to disentangle financing shocks
from productivity shocks empirically.
We are grateful to Viral Acharya, Michael Adler, Aydogan Alti (AFA discussant), Nittai Bergman,
Charles Calomiris, Doug Diamond, Andrea Eisfeldt, Xavier Gabaix, Zhiguo He, Jennifer Huang, David
Hirshleifer, Dmitry Livdan (AEA discussant), Stewart Myers, Emi Nakamura, Paul Povel, Adriano Rampini,
Yuliy Sannikov, Antoinette Schoar, Bill Schwert (Editor), Alp Simsek (NBER discussant), Jeremy Stein,
Robert Townsend, Laura Vincent, Jeffrey Wurgler, two anonymous referees, and seminar participants at
2012 AEA, 2012 AFA, Columbia, Duke Fuqua, Fordham, LBS, LSE, SUNY Buffalo, Berkeley, UNC-Chapel
Hill, CKGSB, UCLA, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Theory Workshop on Corporate
Finance and Financial Markets (at NYU), and Minnesota Corporate Finance Conference for their comments.
Columbia University, NBER and CEPR. Email: Tel. 212-854-9245.
MIT Sloan School of Management and NBER. Email: Tel. 617-324-3896.
Columbia Business School and NBER. Email: Tel. 212-854-3869.
The financial crisis of 2008 and the European debt crisis of 2011 are fresh reminders that
corporations at times face substantial uncertainties about the financing conditions. Recent
studies have documented dramatic changes in firms’ financing and investment behaviors
during such crises. For example, Ivashina and Scharfstein (2010) document aggressive credit
line drawdowns by firms for precautionary reasons. Campello, Graham, and Harvey (2010)
and Campello, Giambona, Graham, and Harvey (2010) show that the financially constrained
firms planned deeper cuts in investment, spending, burned more cash, drew more credit from
banks, and also engaged in more asset sales in the crisis.
Rational firms will adapt to fluctuations in financing conditions by hoarding cash, post-
poning or bringing forward investments, timing favorable market conditions to raise more
funds than they need in good times, or hedging against unfavorable market conditions. How-
ever, there is little theoretical research that tries to answer the following questions. How
should firms change their financing, investment, and risk management policies during a pe-
riod of severe financial constraints? How should firms behave when facing the threat of
financial crisis in the future? What are the real effects of severe financing shocks when firms
prepare for future shocks through cash and risk management policies?
The main results of our analysis are as follows. First, during a financial crisis, the firm
cuts investment, delays payout, and sometimes engages in asset sales, even if the productivity
of its capital remains unaffected. This is especially true when the firm enters the crisis with
low cash reserves. These predictions are consistent with the stylized facts about firm behavior
during the recent financial crisis.
Second, during favorable market conditions (a period of low external financing costs), the
firm may time the market and issue equity even when there is no immediate need for external
funds. Such behavior is consistent with the findings in Baker and Wurgler (2002), DeAngelo,
DeAngelo, and Stulz (2010), Fama and French (2005), and Huang and Ritter (2009). We
thus explain firms’ investment, saving, and financing decisions through a combination of
stochastic variations in the supply of external financing and firms’ precautionary demand
for liquidity. The market timing option is more valuable when the firm’s cash holdings are
low, and when the firm faces fixed external financing costs it can cause firm value to become
convex in financial slack. As a result, investment can be decreasing in financial slack, and
the firm may gain by engaging in speculation so as to increase its market timing option
value. These results contradict the predictions of standard models of investment and risk
management for financially constrained firms.
Third, along with the timing of equity issues by firms with low cash holdings, our model
also predicts the timing of cash payouts and stock repurchases by firms with high cash
holdings. Just as firms with low cash holdings seek to take advantage of low costs of external
financing to raise more funds, firms with high cash holdings will be inclined to disburse
their cash through stock repurchases when financing conditions improve. This result is
consistent with the finding of Dittmar and Dittmar (2008) that aggregate equity issuances
and stock repurchases are positively correlated. They point out that the finding that increases
in stock repurchases tend to follow increases in stock market valuations contradicts the
received wisdom that firms engage in stock repurchases because of the belief that their
Fifth, due to the presence of aggregate financing shocks, the firm’s risk premium in
our model has two components: a productivity risk premium and a financing risk premium.
Both risk premia change substantially with the firm’s cash holdings, especially when external
financing conditions are poor. Quantitatively, the financing risk premium is significant for
firms with low cash holdings, in particular in a financial crisis, or when the probability of a
financial crisis is high. However, the firm’s precautionary motive also makes the financing
risk premium on average low for the majority of the firms.
Our results thus brings out the sophisticated dynamic interactions between firm savings
and investment. Typically, we expect that higher cash holdings or lower expected future
financing costs will relax a firm’s financial constraints. Hence, investment should increase
with cash (or other financial slack measures such as credit) and decrease with expected
financing costs. This is true for dynamic models without stochastic financing conditions.
However, with stochastic financing opportunities, investment is no longer monotonically
increasing in cash, nor is it monotonically decreasing with expected financing costs. The key
to these relations lies in the optionality of market timing and the time-varying behavior of
the marginal value of cash.
Our analysis shows that first-generation static models of financial constraints are inad-
equate to explain corporate investment policy and how it responds to changing financing
opportunities. Static models, such as Fazzari, Hubbard, and Petersen (1988), Froot, Scharf-
stein, and Stein (1993), and Kaplan and Zingales (1997), cannot explain the effects of mar-
ket timing on corporate investment, since these effects cannot be captured by an exogenous
change in the cost of external financing or an exogenous change in the firm’s cash holdings in
the static setting. Market timing effects can only appear when there is a finitely-lived win-
dow of opportunity of getting access to cheaper equity financing, and such effects interact
in a complex way with the firm’s precautionary cash management and investment policies.
More recent dynamic models on investment with financial constraints include Gomes (2001),
Hennessy and Whited (2005, 2007), Riddick and Whited (2009), and Bolton, Chen, and
Wang (2011), among others. However, all these models assume that financing conditions are
Our work is also related to two other sets of dynamic models of financing. First, DeMarzo,
Fishman, He, and Wang (2011) develop a dynamic contracting model of corporate invest-
ment and financing with managerial agency, by building on Bolton and Scharfstein (1990)
and using the continuous-time contracting methodology of DeMarzo and Sannikov (2006).
These models derive optimal dynamic contracts and corporate investment with capital ad-
justment costs. Second, Rampini and Viswanathan (2010, 2011) develop dynamic models of
collateralized financing, in which the firm has access to complete markets, but is subject to
endogenous collateral constraints induced by limited enforcement.
By construction, the productivity shocks in our model are i.i.d. Thus, firms that time
equity markets are ones with low cash holdings as opposed to ones having better investment
opportunities.1 DeAngelo, DeAngelo, and Stulz (2010) find that many firms issuing equity
Time-varying investment opportunities may also play a significant role on cash accumulation and external
financing. Eisfeldt and Muir (2011) empirically document that liquidity accumulation and external financing
look as if they are cash constrained. Our model shows that their finding is consistent with
both market timing and precautionary motives. Testing of our market timing hypothesis
would ideally look for firm behavior not only in equity issuance, but also in investment,
and hedging decisions. Under favorable equity market conditions, corporate investment for
cash-strapped firms may increase as the firm’s cash dwindles (and gets closer to the issuance
Our paper is one of the first dynamic models of corporate investment with stochastic fi-
nancing conditions. We echo the view expressed in Baker (2010) that supply effects (of equity
in favorable equity markets) are important for corporate finance. While we treat changes
in financing conditions as exogenous in this paper, the cause of these variations could be
changes in financial intermediation costs, changes in investors’ risk attitudes, changes in mar-
ket sentiment, or changes in aggregate uncertainty and information asymmetry. Stein (1996)
develops a static model of market timing, and Baker, Stein, and Wurgler (2003) empirically
test this model. To some extent, our model can be viewed as a dynamic formulation of
Stein (1996), where a rational manager behaves in the interests of existing shareholders in
the face of a market that is subject to potentially irrational changes of investor sentiment.
The manager then simply times the market optimally and issues equity when the financing
condition is favorable. What is more, markets then tend to under-react to the manager’s
timing behavior, causing favorable financing conditions to persist as in our model.
each other.
2 The Model
We consider a financially constrained firm facing stochastic investment and external financ-
ing conditions. Specifically, we assume that the firm can be in one of two states of the
world, denoted by st = 1, 2. In each state, the firm faces potentially different financing and
investment opportunities. The state switches from 1 to 2 (or from 2 to 1) over a short time
interval ∆ with a constant probability ζ 1 ∆ (or ζ 2 ∆).2
The firm employs capital and cash as the only factors of production. We normalize the
price of capital to one and denote by K and I respectively the firm’s capital stock and gross
investment. As is standard in capital accumulation models, the capital stock K evolves
according to:
dKt = (It − δKt ) dt, t ≥ 0, (1)
The firm’s operating revenue is proportional to its capital stock Kt , and is given by
Kt dAt , where dAt is the firm’s productivity shock over time increment dt. We assume that
where ZtA is a standard Brownian motion and µ(st ) and σ(st ) denote the drift and volatility
in state st . The firm’s operating profit dYt over time increment dt is then given by:
where Kt dAt is the firm’s operating revenue, It dt is the investment cost over time dt and
Γ(It , Kt , st )dt is the additional adjustment cost that the firm incurs in the investment pro-
Following the neoclassical investment literature (Hayashi (1982)), we assume that the
firm’s adjustment cost is homogeneous of degree one in I and K. In other words, the
adjustment cost takes the homogeneous form Γ(I, K, s) = gs (i)K, where i is the firm’s
investment capital ratio (i = I/K), and gs (i) is a state-dependent function that is increasing
and convex in i.4 We also assume that gs (i) is quadratic:
θs (i − ν s )2
gs (i) = , (4)
where θs is the adjustment cost parameter and ν s is a constant parameter.5 These assump-
tions make the analysis more tractable and our main results also hold for other functional
forms of gs (i). Our model allows for state-dependent adjustment costs of investment. For
example, in bad times assets are often sold at a deep discount (see Shleifer and Vishny (1992)
and Kiyotaki and Moore (1997)), which can be captured in this model by making θs large
when financing conditions are tough.
Finally, the firm can liquidate its assets at any time and obtain a liquidation value Lt
that is also proportional to the firm’s capital stock Kt . We let the liquidation value Lt = ls Kt
depend on the state st (where ls denotes the recovery value per unit of capital in state s).
The firm may choose to raise external equity financing at any point in time.6 When doing
so it incurs a fixed as well as a variable cost of issuing stock. The fixed cost is given by φs K,
Note that we allow the adjustment costs to be state dependent.
For notational convenience we use the notation xs to denote a state dependent variable x(s) whenever
there is no ambiguity.
In the literature, common choices of ν s are either zero or the rate of deprecation δ. While the former
choice implies zero adjustment cost for zero gross investment, the latter choice implies a zero adjustment
cost when net investment is zero.
For simplicity, we only consider external equity financing as the source of external funds for the firm.
We leave the generalization of allowing the firm to also issue debt for future research.
where φs is the fixed cost parameter in state s. We take the fixed cost to be proportional
to the firm’s capital stock K, as this ensures that the firm does not grow out of its fixed
costs of issuing equity. This assumption is also analytically convenient, as it preserves the
homogeneity of the model in the firm’s capital stock K. After paying the fixed cost φs K the
firm also pays a variable (state dependent) cost γ s > 0 for each incremental dollar it raises.
We denote by:
1. H – the process for the firm’s cumulative external financing (so that dHt denotes the
incremental external funds over time dt);
4. U – the firm’s cumulative non-decreasing payout process to shareholders (so that dUt
is the incremental payout over time dt).
Distributing cash to shareholders may take the form of a special dividend or a share
repurchase.7 The benefit of a payout is that shareholders can invest the proceeds at the
market rate of return and avoid paying a carry cost on the firm’s retained cash holdings. We
denote the unit cost of carrying cash inside the firm by λdt ≥ 0.8
If the firm runs out of cash (Wt = 0), it needs to raise external funds to continue operating
or its assets will be liquidated. If the firm chooses to raise new external funds to continue
operating, it must pay the financing costs specified above. The firm may prefer liquidation
We cannot distinguish between a special dividend and a share repurchase, as we do not model taxes.
Note, however, that a commitment to regular dividend payments is suboptimal in our model. We also
exclude any fixed or variable payout costs so as not to overburden the model.
The cost of carrying cash may arise from an agency problem or from tax distortions. Cash retentions
are tax disadvantaged because the associated tax rates generally exceed those on interest income (Graham
(2000)). Since there is a cost λ of hoarding cash the firm may find it optimal to distribute cash back to
shareholders when its cash inventory grows too large. If λ = 0 the firm has no incentives to pay out cash
since keeping cash inside the firm does not have any disadvantages, but still has the benefit of relaxing
financial constraints. We could also imagine that there are settings in which λ ≤ 0. For example, if the firm
may have better investment opportunities than investors. We do not explore this case in this paper as we
are interested in a trade-off model for cash holdings.
if the cost of financing is too high relative to the continuation value (e.g. when µ is low).
We denote by τ the firm’s stochastic liquidation time.9
We can then write the dynamics for the firm’s cash W as follows:
where the firm term is the firm’s cash flows from operations dYt given in (3), the second
term is the return on Wt (net of the carry cost λ), the third term dHt is the cash inflow from
external financing, and the last term dUt is the cash outflow to investors.10 Note that this
is a completely general financial accounting equation, where dHt and dUt are endogenously
determined by the firm.
There are two different sources of systematic risk in our model: a) a small and continuous
diffusion shock, and b) a large discrete shock when the economy switches from one state
to another. The diffusion shock in any given state s may be correlated with the aggregate
market, and we denote the correlation coefficient by ρ. The discrete shock can affect the
firm’s productivity and/or its external financing costs.
How are these sources of systematic risk priced? Our model can allow for either risk-
Note that τ = ∞ means that the firm never chooses to liquidate.
Thus (dHt − dUt ) denotes the net cash flow from financing.
See Riddick and Whited (2009) for an intertemporal model of a financially constrained firm with de-
creasing returns to scale.
neutral or risk-averse investors. If investors are risk neutral, then the prices of risk are
zero and the physical probability distribution coincides with the risk-neutral probability
distribution. If investors are risk averse, we need to distinguish between physical and risk-
neutral measures. We do so as follows.
For the diffusion risk, we assume that there is a constant market price of risk η s in
each state s. The firm’s risk adjusted productivity shock (under the risk-neutral probability
measure Q) is then given by
where the mean of productivity shock accounts for the firm’s exposure to the diffusion risk:
and ẐtA is a standard Brownian motion under the risk-neutral probability measure Q.12
A risk-averse investor will also require a risk premium to compensate for the discrete risk
of the economy switching states if these discrete shocks coincide with jumps in the stochastic
discount factor. We capture this risk premium through the wedge between the transition
intensity under the physical probability measure and the transition intensity under the risk-
neutral probability measure Q. Let ζ̂ 1 and ζ̂ 2 denote the transition intensities under the
risk-neutral measure from state 1 to state 2 and from state 2 to state 1, respectively. The
risk-neutral intensities are then related to their physical intensities ζ 1 and ζ 2 as follows:
where the parameters κ1 and κ2 capture the risk premium required by a risk-averse investor
for the exposure to the discrete risk of state switching. A positive (negative) κs implies
that ζ̂ s > (<)ζ s , so that the transition intensity is higher (lower) under the risk-neutral
In the appendix, we provide a more detailed discussion of systematic risk premia. The key observation
is that the adjustment from the physical to the risk-neutral probability measure reflects a representative
risk-averse investor’s stochastic discount factor (SDF) in a dynamic asset-pricing model.
probability measure than under the physical measure. As we show in the appendix, κs is
positive in one state and negative in the other. Intuitively, this reflects the idea that a
risk-averse investor captures the risk premium associated with a change in the state s by
making an upward adjustment of the risk-neutral transition intensity from the good to the
bad state (with κs > 0) and a downward adjustment of the risk-neutral transition intensity
from the bad to the good state (with κs < 0). In sum, it is as if a risk-averse investor were
uniformly more ‘pessimistic’ than a risk-neutral investor: she thinks ‘good times’ are likely
to be shorter and ‘bad times’ longer.
The firm chooses its investment I, cumulative payout policy U , cumulative external financing
H, and liquidation time τ to maximize firm value defined as follows (under the risk-neutral
measure): Z τ Rt Rτ
− ru du − ru du
0 e 0 (dUt − dHt − dXt ) + e 0 (Lτ + Wτ ) , (9)
where ru denotes the interest rate at time u. The first term is the discounted value of payouts
to shareholders, and the second term is the discounted value upon liquidation. Note that
optimality may imply that the firm never liquidates. In that case, we simply have τ = ∞.
3 Model Solution
Given that the firm faces external financing costs (φs > 0, γ s ≥ 0), its value depends on
both its capital stock K and its cash holdings W . Thus, let P (K, W, s) denote the value of
the firm in state s. Given that the firm incurs a carry cost λ on its stock of cash one would
expect that it will choose to pay out some of its cash once its stock grows large. Accordingly,
let W s denote the (upper) payout boundary. Similarly, if the firm’s cash holdings are low,
it may choose to issue equity. We therefore let W s denote the (lower) issuance boundary.
in the interior regions, P (K, W, s) satisfies the following system of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
(HJB) equations:
σ 2s K 2
rs P (K, W, s) = max [(rs − λs ) W + µ̂s K − I − Γ (I, K, s)] PW (K, W, s) + PW W (K, W, s)
I 2
P (K, W, s− ) − P (K, W, s) .
+ (I − δK) PK (K, W, s) + ζ̂ s (10)
The first and the second terms on the right side of the HJB equation (10) represent the
effects of the expected change in the firm’s cash holdings W and volatility of W on firm
value. Note first that the firm’s cash grows at the net return (rs − λs ) and is augmented by
the firm’s expected cash flow from operations (under the risk-neutral measure) µ̂s K minus
the firm’s capital expenditure (I + Γ (I, K, s)). Second, the firm’s cash stock is volatile only
to the extent that cash flows from operations are volatile, and the volatility of the firm’s
revenues is proportional to the firm’s size as measured by its capital stock K. The third
term represents the effect of capital stock changes on firm value, and the last term is the
expected change of firm value when the state changes from s to s− .
Since firm value is homogeneous of degree one in W and K in each state, we can write
P (K, W, s) = ps (w)K. Substituting for this expression into (10) and simplifying, we obtain
the following system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) for ps (w):
σ 2s 00
rs ps (w) = max [(rs − λs ) w + µ̂s − is − gs (is )] p0s (w) + p (w)
is 2 s
+ (is − δ) (ps (w) − wp0s (w)) + ζ̂ s (ps− (w) − ps (w)) . (11)
The first-order condition (FOC) for the investment-capital ratio is (w) is then given by:
1 ps (w)
is (w) = − w − 1 + ν s, (12)
θs p0s (w)
p0s (w) = PW (K, W, s)
The payout boundary W s and the payout region (W ≥ W s ). The firm starts paying
out cash when the marginal value of cash held by the firm is less than the marginal value
of cash held by shareholders. The payout boundary ws = W s /K thus satisfies the following
value matching condition:
p0s (ws ) = 1. (13)
When the firm chooses to pay out, the marginal value of cash p0 (w) must be one. Otherwise,
the firm can always do better by changing ws . Moreover, payout optimality implies that the
following super contact condition (Dumas (1991)) holds:
We specify next the value function outside the payout boundary. If the marginal value
of cash in state s is such that p0s (w) < 1 the firm is better off reducing its cash holdings to
ws by making a lump-sum payout. Therefore, we have
This situation could arise when the firm starts off with too much cash or when the firm’s
cash holdings in state s are such that ws > ws− and the firm suddenly moves from state s
into state s− .
Basically, if the firm is sufficiently valuable it then chooses to raise external funds through
an equity issue, so as to bring its cash stock back into the interior region. But how much
should the firm raise in this situation? Let Ms denote the firm’s cash level after equity
issuance, which we refer to the “target” return level, and let ms = Ms /Ks . Similarly, let W s
denote the boundary for equity issuance in state s and ws = W s /K. Firm value per unit of
capital in state s, ps (w), when w ≤ ws then satisfies
We thus have the following value matching and smooth pasting conditions for ws :
With fixed issuance costs (φs > 0), equity issuance will thus be lumpy. The firm first pays
the issuance cost φs per unit of capital and then incurs the marginal cost γ s for each unit
raised. Equation (17) states that firm value is continuous around issuance time. Additionally,
the firm optimally selects the return target ms so that the marginal benefit of issuance p0s (ms )
is equal to the marginal cost 1 + γ s , which yields (18).
How does the firm determine its equity issuance boundary ws ? We use the following two-
step procedure. First, suppose that the issuance boundary ws is interior (ws > 0). Then,
the standard optimality condition implies that:
Intuitively, if the firm chooses to issue equity before it runs out of cash, it must be the case
that the marginal value of cash at the issuance boundary ws > 0 is equal to the marginal
issuance cost 1 + γ s . If (19) fails to hold, the firm will not issue equity until it exhausts its
cash holdings, i.e. ws = 0. In that case, the option value to tap equity markets earlier than
absolutely necessary is valued at zero. Using the above two-step procedure, we characterize
the optimal issuance boundary ws ≥ 0.
We also need to determine whether equity issuance or liquidation is optimal, as the firm
always has the option to liquidate. Under our assumptions, the firm’s capital is productive
and thus its going-concern value is higher than its liquidation value. Therefore, the firm
never voluntarily liquidates itself before it runs out of cash.
However, when it runs out of cash, liquidation may be preferred if the alternative of
accessing external financing is too costly. If the firm liquidates, we have
ps (0) = ls . (20)
The firm will prefer equity issuance to liquidation as long as the equilibrium value ps (0)
under external financing arrangement is greater than the complete liquidation value ls .
For our later discussion it is helpful to introduce the following concepts. First, enter-
prise value is often defined as firm value net of short-term liquid asset. This measure is
meant to capture the value created from productive illiquid capital. In our model, it equals
P (K, W, s) − W . Second, we define average q as the ratio between enterprise value and its
capital stock,
P (K, W, s) − W
qs (w) = = ps (w) − w. (21)
Third, the sensitivity of average q to changes in cash holdings measures how much enterprise
value increases with an extra dollar of cash, and is given by
We also refer to qs0 (w) as the (net) marginal value of cash. As w approaches the optimal
payout boundary w, w → w, qs (w) → 0.
4 Quantitative results
Having characterized the conditions that the solution to the firm’s dynamic optimization
problem must satisfy, we can now illustrate the numerical solutions for given parameter
choices of the model. We begin by motivating our choice of parameters and then illustrate
the model’s solutions in the good and bad states of the world, respectively.
In our choice of parameters, we select plausible numbers based on existing empirical evidence
to the extent that it is available. For those parameters on which there is no empirical evidence
we make an educated guess to reflect the situation we are seeking to capture in our model.
Finally there are a few parameters we do not allow to vary across the two states so as to
better isolate the effects of changes in external financing conditions.
The capital liquidation value is set to lG = 1.0 in state G, in line with estimates provided
by Hennessy and Whited (2007).13 In the bad state the capital liquidation value is set to
lB = 0.3 to reflect the severe costs of asset fire sales during a financial crisis, when few
investors have either sufficiently deep pockets or the risk appetite to acquire assets.14 The
model solution will depend on these liquidation values only when the firm finds it optimal
to liquidate instead of raising external funds.
φB is meant to reflect the fact that raising external financing becomes extremely costly in
a financial crisis, and only firms that are desperate for cash are forced to raise new funds.
We show that even with φB = 50% firms that run out of cash in the crisis state still prefer
raising equity to liquidation.
The transition intensity out of state G is set at ζ G = 0.1, which implies an average
duration of 10 years for good times. The transition intensity out of state B is ζ B = 0.5, with
an implied average length of a financial crisis being 2 years. We choose the price of risk with
respect to financing shocks in state G to be κG = ln 3, which implies that the risk-adjusted
transition intensity out of state G is ζ̂ G = eκG ζ G = 0.3. Due to symmetry, the risk-adjusted
transition intensity out of state B is then ζ̂ B = e−κG ζ B = 0.167. These risk adjustments are
clearly significant. While we take these risk adjustments as exogenous in this paper, they
can be generated in general equilibrium when the same financing shocks also affect aggregate
investment and output (see Chen 2010).
The other parameters remain the same in the two states: the riskfree rate is r = 5%,
the volatility of the productivity shock is σ = 12%, the rate of depreciation of capital is
δ = 15%, and the adjustment cost parameter ν is set to equal the depreciation rate, so
that ν = δ = 15%. We rely on the technology parameters estimated by Eberly, Rebelo,
and Vincent (2009) for these parameter choices. The cash-carrying cost is set to λ = 1.5%.
While we do not take a firm stand on the precise interpretation of the cash-carrying cost,
it can be due to either a tax disadvantage of cash or to agency frictions. Following the tax
interpretation, with a 30% marginal tax rate and a 5% interest rate, we are in the ball park
for a 1.5% cash carrying cost. Although in reality these parameter values clearly change with
the state of nature, we keep them fixed in this model so as to isolate the effects of changes in
external financing conditions. All the parameter values are annualized whenever applicable
and summarized in Table 4.
Finally, we calibrate the expected productivity µ and the adjustment cost parameter θ
to match the median cash-capital ratio and investment-capital ratio for U.S. public firms
during the period of 1981-2010.16 We then obtain µ = 22.7% and θ = 1.8, both of which are
For the median firm, the average cash-capital ratio is 0.29, and the average investment-capital ratio is
within the range of empirical estimates documented in previous studies.17
When the firm is in state G, it may enter the crisis state B with probability ζ G = 0.1 per
unit time. As the firm faces substantially higher external financing costs in state B, we show
that the option to time the equity market in good times has significant value and generates
rich implications for investment dynamics.
Figure 1 plots average q and investment-capital ratio for state G as well as their sensi-
tivities with respect to cash-capital ratio w. Panel A shows as expected that the average q
increases with w and is relatively stable in state G. The optimal external financing boundary
is wG = 0.027. At this point the firm still has sufficient cash to continue operating. Further
deferring external financing would help the firm save on the time value of money for financing
costs and also on subsequent cash carry costs. However, doing so would mean taking the risk
that the favorable financing opportunities disappear in the mean time and that the state of
nature switches to the bad state when financing costs are much higher. The firm trades off
these two margins and optimally exercises the equity issuance option by tapping securities
markets when w hits the lower barrier wG .
Once reaching the financing boundary, the firm issues an amount (mG − wG ) = 0.128 per
unit of its capital stock. The size of issuance reflects the need to economize on the fixed cost
of issuance φG . When the firm’s cash holdings reach wG = 0.371, it pays out incremental
cash since the net marginal value of cash (that is the difference between the value of a dollar
in the hands of the firm and the value of a dollar in the hands of investors) is zero at that
point: qG (w) = 0. See Panel B.
When firms face external financing costs, it is optimal for them to hoard cash for precau-
tionary reasons. Firm value is thus increasing and concave in financial slack in most models
of financially constrained firms, causing these firms to be endogenously risk-averse. In our
0.17. The details of the data construction are given in Appendix B.
See for example Eberly, Rebelo, and Vincent (2010) and Whited (1992).
A. average q: qG (w) B. net marginal value of cash: qG (w)
1.06 0.15
1.05 0.1
← wG
← mG
1.04 0.05
← wG
1.03 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.1 −3
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
cash-capital ratio: w = W/K cash-capital ratio: w = W/K
model, while the precautionary motive for hoarding cash is still a key factor, stochastic fi-
nancing opportunities introduce an additional motive for the firm to issue equity: timing
equity markets in good times. This market timing option is more in the money near the
equity issuance boundary, which causes firm value to become convex in w so that the firm
actually becomes endogenously risk-loving as its cash holdings approach the lower barrier
wG .
Panel B clearly shows that firm value is not globally concave in w. For sufficiently
high w, w ≥ 0.061, qG (w) is concave. When the firm has sufficient cash, the firm’s equity
issuance need is quite distant so that the financing timing option is out of the money.
The precautionary motive to hoard cash then dominates causing the firm to behave in an
effectively risk-averse manner. In contrast, for low values of w, w ≤ 0.061, the firm is more
concerned about the risk that financing costs may increase in the future, when the state
switches to B. A firm with low cash holdings may want to issue equity while it still has
access to relatively cheap financing opportunities, even before it runs out of cash.
Given that firms face fixed equity issuance costs it is optimal for them to raise lumpy
amounts of cash when they choose to tap equity markets. Since the issuance boundary wG
and the return target cash balance mG are optimally chosen, the marginal values of cash at
these two points must be equal:
0 0
qG (wG ) = qG (mG ) = γ G . (23)
The dash-dotted line in Panel B gives the (net) marginal cost of equity issuance at wG and
mG : γ G = 0.06. One immediate implication of (23) is that Tobin’s qG (w) is not globally
concave in w.
The optimal investment rule (12) implies that investment sensitivity i0s (w) satisfies the
1 ps (w)p00s (w)
i0s (w) =− . (24)
θs p0s (w)2
Therefore, investment increases with w if and only if firm value is concave in w. For 0.061 ≤
w ≤ 0.371, qG (w) is concave and corporate investment increases with w. In contrast, in the
region where w ≤ 0.061, qG (w) is convex in w, which implies that investment decreases with
w, contrary to conventional wisdom. This surprising result is due to the interaction effect
between stochastic external financing conditions and the fixed equity issuance costs.
As the firm approaches the financing boundary wG it may choose to accelerate investment
(and thus reduce under-investment) to take advantage of the lower costs of equity issuance
in good times. This market-timing option is more valuable for lower w, since the probability
that the firm will need to raise more funds anyway is then higher. Anticipating an equity
issuance, the firm prefers to bring the time of such an issue forward by investing more
aggressively in periods when external financing costs are low. Simply put, the firm is more
willing to invest when it expects to issue a lumpy amount of equity soon. Panels C and D of
Figure 1 highlight this non-monotonicity of investment in cash. Our model is thus able to
account for the seemingly paradoxical behavior that the prospect of higher financing costs
in the future can cause investment to respond negatively to an increase in cash today.
Notice also from Panel C that investment at the financing boundary wG and the return
target mG are almost the same.18 That is, in the case of market timing, the firm holds onto
the cash raised and leaves its investment level unchanged. This result is quite different from
the case with time-invariant financing conditions, where investment rises together with the
cash holding following issuance.
A. average q: qs (w) B. net marginal value of cash: qs! (w)
1.1 25
qG (w)
1 !
qB (w)
← mB ← wB
0.8 15
← wG ← mG ← wG
0.7 10
qG (w) 5
qB (w)
0.4 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0 2
ï0.1 0
iG (w) ï2
iB (w)
ï0.4 ï4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
cash-capital ratio: w = W/K cash-capital ratio: w = W/K
We turn next to the derivation of investment and firm value in bad times (state B) and
compare these with those in good times (state G).
Figure 2 plots average q and investment for both states, and their sensitivities with respect
to w. As expected, average q in state G is higher than in state B. More remarkable is the
fact that the difference between the average q in the two states is so large especially for lower
levels of cash holdings. In our example, at w = 0, qG (0) = 1.036 and qB (0) = 0.537. This
difference in average q is purely due to differences in financing opportunities. An important
implication of this observation for a favored approach in the empirical literature on corporate
investment is that using average q to control for investment opportunities and then testing
for the presence of financing constraints by using variables such as cash flows or cash is not
generally valid. Panel C shows that investment in state G is higher than in state B for a
given w, and again the difference is especially large when w is low. Also, investment is much
less variable with respect to w in state G. It is almost as if investment were independent of
w, which might lead one to misleaingly conclude that the firm is essentially unconstrained
in state G, if one focuses only on the investment sensitivity to cash in state G.
In state B there is no market timing and hence the firm only issues equity when it runs
out of cash, wB = 0. The amount of equity issuance is then mB = 0.219, which is much
larger than mG − wG = 0.128, the amount of issuance in good times. The significant fixed
issuance cost φB = 0.5 in bad times causes the firm to be more aggressive should it decide
to tap equity markets. The amount of issuance would of course be significantly decreased in
bad times if we were to specify a proportional issuance cost γ B that is much higher than the
cost γ G in good times. Note also that, since there is no market timing opportunity in state
B firm value is globally concave in bad times. The firm’s precautionary motive is stronger
in bad times, so that we should expect to see the firm hoarding more cash. This is indeed
reflected in the lower levels of investment and the higher payout boundary wB = 0.408,
which is significantly larger than wG = 0.371.
Panel B underscores the significant impact of financing constraints on the marginal value
of cash in bad times, even though state B is not permanent. In our model, as the firm runs
out of cash (w approaches 0) the net marginal value of cash qB0 (w) reaches 23! Strikingly,
the firm also engages in large asset sales and divestment to avoid incurring the very costly
external financing in bad times. Despite the fact that there is a steeply increasing marginal
cost of asset sales, the firm chooses to sell up to 40% of its capital near w = 0 in bad times
(iB (0) = −0.4). Finally, unlike in good times, investment is monotonic in w because the
firm behaves in a risk-averse manner and qB (w) is globally concave in w.
Conceptually, the firm’s investment behavior and firm value are thus quite different in
bad and good times. Quantitatively, the variation of the firm’s behavior in bad times dwarfs
Table 1: Conditional Distributions of Cash-Capital Ratio, Investment-
Capital Ratio, and Net Marginal Value of Cash
the variation of its behavior in good times. In particular, firm value at low levels of cash
holdings is much more volatile in state B than in state G, as can be seen from Panel A. This
may be one reason why stock price volatility tends to rise sharply in downturns.
Table 1 reports the conditional stationary distributions for w, i(w), and q 0 (w) in both states
G and B. Panel A shows that the average cash holdings in state B (0.312) is higher than the
average cash holdings in state G (0.283) by about 10%. Understandably, firms on average
hold more cash for precautionary reasons under unfavorable financial market conditions in
order to mitigate the under-investment problem. Additionally, for a given percentile in the
distribution, the cutoff wealth level is higher in state B than in state G, meaning that
the precautionary motive is unambiguously stronger in state B than state G. Finally, it is
striking that even at the bottom 1% of the cash holding, the firm’s cash-capital ratio is still
reasonably high, 0.088 for state G and 0.114 for state B, which reflects the firm’s strong
incentive to avoid running out of cash.
Panel B illustrates the conditional distribution of investment in states G and B. The
average investment-capital ratio i(w) is lower in state B (16.1%) than in state G (17%),
as cash is more valuable on average in state B than in state G. Naturally, the under-
investment problem is more significant for firms with low cash holdings (at the bottom of
the distribution) in state B compared to state G. For example, the firm that ranks at the
bottom 1% in state B invests only 0.3% of its capital stock, while the firm that ranks at
the bottom 1% in state G invests 11.2%, which is about 38 times the investment level for
the firm that ranks at the bottom 1% in state B. Thus, firms substantially cut investment
in order to decrease the likelihood of expensive external equity issuance in bad times. As
soon as the firm piles up a moderate amount of cash, the under-investment wedge between
the two states disappears. In fact, the top half of the distributions of investments in the
two states are almost identical. This result is in sharp contrast to the large gap between the
investment-capital ratios iG (w) and iB (w) in Panel C of Figure 2. It again illustrates the
firm’s ability to smooth out the impact of financing constraint on real activities.
Panel C reports the net marginal value of cash q 0 (w) in states G and B. As one might
expect, the marginal value of cash is higher in state B than in state G on average. However,
quantitatively, the difference is small (0.015 versus 0.031). Firms optimally manage their
cash reserves in anticipation of unfavorable market conditions and therefore firms spend little
time around the issuance boundary. The difference between the net marginal value of cash
in states G and B is indeed substantial for the 99th percentile firms (0.11 versus 0.35), but
still much less than the extreme cases we observe in Panel B of Figure 2.
One can also see from Panel A in Figure 2 that the payout boundary in state B is significantly
larger than the payout boundary in state G: wB = 0.408 > wG = 0.371. This implies that
a firm in state B with cash holdings w ∈ (0.371, 0.408) will time the favorable market
conditions by paying out a lump sum amount of (w − wG ) as the state switches from B to
G. To the extent that the payout is performed through a stock repurchase (as is common
for non-recurrent corporate payouts), our model thus provides a simple explanation for why
stock repurchase waves tend to occur in favorable market conditions. Just as firms with low
cash holdings seek to take advantage of low costs of external financing to raise more funds,
firms with high cash holdings disburse their cash (through stock repurchases) when financing
conditions improve.
This result provides a plausible explanation for Dittmar and Dittmar’s (2008) finding
that equity issuance waves coincide with stock repurchase waves: as financing conditions
improve, firms’ precautionary demand for cash is reduced, which translates into stock re-
purchases by cash-rich firms. Note that, our model does not predict repurchases when firms
are undervalued, the standard explanation for repurchases in the literature. As Dittmar and
Dittmar (2008) point out, this theory of stock repurchases is inconsistent with the evidence
on repurchase waves. They also imply that the market timing explanations by Loughran and
Ritter (1995) and Baker and Wurgler (2000) are rejected by their evidence on repurchase
waves. However, as our model shows, this is not the case. It is possible to have at the same
time market timing through equity issues by cash-poor firms and market timing through
repurchases by cash-rich firms. These two very different market timing behaviors can actu-
ally be driven by the same external financing conditions. The difference in behavior is only
driven by differences in internal financing conditions, the amount of cash held by firms.
The effect of changes in the duration of state G. How does the transition intensity
ζ G out of state G, which implies a duration of 1/ζ G for state G, affect firms’ market timing
behavior? Consider first the case when state G has a very high average duration of 100
years (ζ G = 0.01). In this case, the firm taps equity markets only when it runs out of cash
(wG = 0), and to economize the fixed cost of issuance, the firm issues a lumpy amount
mG = 0.118. Firm value qG (w) is then globally concave in w and iG (w) increases with w
everywhere. Essentially, the expected duration of favorable market conditions is so long that
the market timing option has no value for the firm.
A. net marginal value of cash: qG (w) B. investment-capital ratio: i G (w)
0.14 0.22
0.12 0.2
0.1 0.18
0.08 0.16
0.06 0.14
0.04 0.12
ζG = 0.01
0.02 0.1 ζG = 0.1
ζG = 0.5
0 0.08
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
cash-capital ratio: w = W/K cash-capital ratio: w = W/K
Figure 3: The effect of duration in state G on qG (w) and iG (w). This figure plots the
net marginal value of cash qG 0 (w) and investment-capital ratio i (w) for three values of transition
intensity, ζ G = 0.01, 0.1, 0.5. All other parameter values are given in Table 4.
With a sufficiently high transition intensity ζ G , however, the firm may time the market by
selecting an interior equity issuance boundary wG > 0. In that case the firm also equates the
net marginal value of cash at wG with the proportional financing cost γ, qG (wG ) = γ = 6%,
as can be seen from Panel A. Since the net marginal value of cash at the return cash-capital
ratio, mG , also satisfies qG (mG ) = 6%, it must be the case that for wG ≤ w ≤ mG , the net
marginal value of cash qG (w) first increases with w and then decreases, as Panel A again
When ζ G increases from 0.1 to 0.5, the firm taps the equity market even earlier (wG in-
creases from 0.027 to 0.071) and holds onto cash longer (the payout boundary wG increases
from 0.370 to 0.400) for fear that favorable financial market conditions may be disappearing
faster. For sufficiently high w, the firm facing a shorter duration of favorable market con-
ditions (higher ζ G ) values cash more at the margin (higher qG (w)) and invests less (lower
iG (w)). However, for sufficiently low w, the opposite holds because the firm with a shorter
lived market timing option taps equity markets sooner, so that the net marginal value of cash
is lower. Consequently and somewhat surprisingly, the incentive to under-invest is smaller
for a firm with shorter-lived timing options and its investment is actually higher, as Panel
Table 2: Fixed Cost of Equity Issuance
φG mG − wG average cost wG wG
0 0.000 0.060 0.092 0.357
0.5% 0.128 0.099 0.027 0.370
1.0% 0.153 0.126 0.013 0.375
2.0% 0.176 0.174 0 0.380
5.0% 0.189 0.324 0 0.388
10.0% 0.199 0.563 0 0.394
B illustrates.
We note that both investment and the net marginal value of cash are highly nonlinear and
non-monotonic in cash despite the fact that the real side of our model is time invariant. Our
model, thus, suggests that the typical empirical practice of detecting financial constraints
is conceptually flawed. Using average q to control for investment opportunities and then
testing for the presence of financing constraints by using variables such as cash flows or
cash (which is often done in the empirical literature) would be misleading and miss the rich
dynamic adjustment that the firm engages in order to balance the firm’s market timing and
precautionary saving motives.
The effect of changes in issuance cost φG . Table 2 reports the effects of changing the
issuance cost parameter φG on the issuance boundary wG , the issuance amount mG − wG ,
the average issuance cost, and the payout boundary wG .
As the issuance cost φG increases, the issuance boundary wG decreases, the payout bound-
ary wG increases, the amount of issuance mG −wG increases, and the average cost of issuance
increases. As expected, the more costly it is to issue equity, the less willing the firm is to
issue and hence the lower the issuance boundary wG , the longer the firm holds onto cash
(higher payout boundary wG ), and the more the firm issues (larger mG − wG ) when it taps
the equity market. While a firm with a larger fixed cost issues more, the average issuance
cost is still higher. Without the fixed cost (φG = 0), the firm issues just enough equity to stay
away from its optimally chosen financing boundary wG = 0.092, and the net marginal value
of cash at issuance equals qG (w) = γ = 6%, so that the average issuance cost is precisely
6%. In this extreme case, the marginal value of cash qG (w) is monotonically decreasing in
w, and firm value is globally concave in w even under market timing.
When the fixed cost of issuing equity is positive but not very high (consider φG = 1%),
the firm times equity markets at the optimally chosen issuance boundary of wG = 0.013, and
issues the amount mG − wG = 0.153. Neither the marginal value of cash nor investment is
then monotonic in w in the region wG ≤ w ≤ mG , as we have discussed earlier. Moreover,
higher fixed costs lead firms to choose larger issuance sizes (mG − wG ). Notice also that
wG = 0 when φG = 2%. This result shows that market timing does not necessarily lead to
a violation of the pecking order between internal cash and external equity financing, and
importantly that wG > 0 is not necessary for the convexity of the value function. Finally,
when the fixed cost of issuing equity is very high (not shown in the graph), the market timing
effect is so weak that the precautionary motive dominates again, so that the net marginal
value of cash is monotonically decreasing in w.
Having determined why the value function may be locally convex, we next explore the
implications of convexity for investment. Recall from equation (24) that the sign of the
investment-cash sensitivity i0s (w) depends on p00s (w). Thus, in the region where pG (w) is
convex, investment is decreasing in cash holdings w.
There may be other ways of generating a negative correlation between changes in invest-
ment and cash holdings. First, when the firm moves from state G to B, this not only results
in a drop in investment, especially when w is low (see Panel C in Figure 2), but also in an
increase in the payout boundary, which may explain why firms during the recent financial
crisis have increased their cash reserves and cut back on capital expenditures, as Acharya,
Almeida, and Campello (2010) have documented. Second, in a model with persistent pro-
ductivity shocks (as in Riddick and Whited (2009)), when expected future productivity falls,
the firm will cut investment and the cash saved could also result in a rise in its cash holding.19
This mechanism is captured in our model with the two states corresponding to two different values for
Is it possible to distinguish empirically between these two mechanisms? In the case of
a negative productivity shock, the firm has no incentive to significantly raise its payout
boundary, as lower productivity lowers the costs of underinvestment, hence reducing the
precautionary motive for holding cash. This prediction is opposite to the prediction related
to a negative financing shock. Thus, following negative technology shocks we will not see
firms aggressively increasing cash reserves. In fact, firms that already have high cash holdings
will likely pay out cash after a negative productivity shock, but hold on to even more cash
after a negative financing shock.
Another empirical prediction which differentiates our model from other market timing
models concerns the link between equity issuance and corporate investment. Our model
predicts that underinvestment is substantially mitigated when the firm is close to the eq-
uity financing boundary. Moreover, the positive correlation between investment and equity
issuance in our model is not driven by better investment opportunities (as the real side of
the economy is held constant across the two states); it is driven solely by the market timing
and precautionary demand for cash.
Several empirical studies have attempted to measure the impact of financing shocks on
corporate investment by exploiting the recent financial crisis as a natural experiment20 A
central challenge for any such study is to determine the degree to which the financial crisis
has been anticipated by corporations. Indeed, to the extent that corporations had forecasted
an impending crisis, the real effects of the financing shock would already be present before
the realization of the shock. And any real response after the shock has occurred would only
be a ‘residual response’. Our model is naturally suited to contrast the impact of anticipated
versus unanticipated financing shocks on investment and firm value.
the return on capital µs .
See Campello, Graham, and Harvey (2010), Campello, Giambona, Graham, and Harvey (2010), Duchin,
Ozbas, and Sensoy (2010), and Almeida, Campello, Laranjeira, and Weisbenner (2012).
A scenario where shocks are anticipated does not necessarily mean that the firm knows
exactly when a financial crisis will occur. It simply means that the firm (and everyone else
in the economy) attaches a certain probability to the crisis. We contrast this scenario with
one where shocks are “unanticipated”, meaning that the firm is effectively blind to the risk
of an impending crisis. That is, in this latter scenario the firm takes the probability of a
change in financing condition to be close to zero. In our benchmark model the firm solves
the value maximization problem in the good state, assuming that ζ G = 0.1. We refer to
this benchmark as the scenario where the firm “anticipates” the negative financing shock.
In contrast, under the “unanticipated” shocks scenario, the firm assumes that ζ G = 0.01.21
As one might expect, a fully anticipated shock would lead firms to endogenously respond
to the threat of a crisis by adjusting their real and financial policies. For instance, firms might
choose to hold more cash, adopt more conservative investment policies, and raise external
financing sooner, etc. As a result, the ex-post impact of “anticipated” financing shock on
investment and other real decisions can appear to be small due to the fact that the shocks
have already been partially “smoothed out”through risk management.
Figure 4 illustrates this idea. The two solid lines plot the investment-capital ratio in the
case of “anticipated shocks,” with ζ G = 0.1. Under these parameter choices the firm factors
in a 10% probability that a financial crisis will occur within a year. We contrast this to the
case of “unanticipated shocks,” where ζ G = 0.01 (dotted lines).
A comparison of these two scenarios demonstrates that risk management smoothes out
financing shocks in two ways. First, a heightened concern about the incidence of a financial
crisis pushes firms to invest more conservatively in state G most of the time. Second, a firm
anticipating a higher probability of crisis also holds more cash on average, which further
reduces the impact of financial shocks on investment.22 Figure 4 illustrates the size of the
investment response to a financing shock at the average cash holdings in state G. With
To have the crisis be fully unanticipated, we ought to set ζ G = 0. However, our numerical solution
technique requires us to choose a positive ζ G . This approximation has no significant effects on the substance
of our analysis. Moreover setting ζ G = 0 is less realistic. In both the “anticipated” and “unanticipated”
scenarios, we fix the transition intensity in the bad state at ζ B = 0.5.
Note that the investment response in state B is similar when shocks are anticipated and when not.
∆i = −4.03%
investment-capital ratio: is (w)
0.16 ∆i = −0.96%
i G (w)
i B (w)
i G (w) (ζG = 1%)
i B (w) (ζG = 1%)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
cash-capital ratio: w = W/K
Figure 4: Impact of Financing Shocks on Investment. This figure plots the response in
investment when the financing shock occurs.
Importantly, a small observed response to a financing shock does not imply that financing
shocks are unimportant for the real economy. As Figure 4 illustrates, when a higher risk
of a crisis is anticipated the firm responds by taking actions ahead of the realization of the
shock. Thus, the firm substantially scales back its investment in state G when the transition
intensity ζ G rises from 1% to 10%, which is a main contributor to the overall reduction in
the firm’s investment response. The ex-ante responses of the firm in state G, such as lower
levels of investment, higher (costly) cash holdings, earlier use of costly external financing,
are all reflections of the impending threat of a negative financing shock and are all costs
incurred as a result of the deterioration in financing opportunities.
responses to financing shocks in the two cases. The average investment reduction following
a severe financing shock is 1.78% when ζ G = 10%, compared to 6.59% when shocks are
effectively unanticipated (ζ G = 1%). The median investment decline is 0.76% for ζ G = 10%,
which is much lower than 3.66%, the median investment drop when ζ G = 1%. Moreover, in
the scenario where the financing shock comes as a big surprise, the distribution of investment
responses also has significantly fatter left tails. For example, at the 5th percentile, the
investment decline is 23.66% when financing shocks are unanticipated (ζ G = 1%), which is
much larger than the drop of 6.49% when shocks are anticipated (ζ G = 10%). Intuitively,
when a financial crisis strikes, firms that happen to have low cash holdings will have to cut
investment dramatically.
This result is consistent with the findings of Campello, Graham, and Harvey (2010).
They report that during the financial crisis in 2008 the CFOs they surveyed planned to cut
capital expenditures by 9.1% on average when their firm was financially constrained, while
for unconstrained firms they planned to keep capital expenditures essentially unchanged (on
average, CFOs of these firms reported a cutback of investment of only 0.6%). In addition, our
scenario with anticipated shocks matches the average investment response observed in the
recent financial crisis. As Duchin et al. (2010) have found, corporate investment on average
declined by 6.4% from its unconditional mean level before the crisis, which translates into
a 1% decline in the investment-capital ratio for our model (the average investment-capital
ratio in our model is 17%).
Our results further demonstrate that the fraction of firms that have to significantly cut
investment (e.g., by over 5%) following a severe financing shock decreases significantly as
the probability that firms assign to a financial crisis shock rises.
While firms can effectively shield investment from financing shocks by hoarding more
cash, there is little they can do to avoid cuts in investment when they are hit by shocks to
expected productivity. To illustrate and contrast the effects of shocks to expected productiv-
ity with the effects of financing shocks, we carry out the following experiment. Holding the
financing cost constant (φG = φB = 0.5% and γ G = γ B = 6%), we instead assume that the
Table 3: Distribution of Investment Responses
In summary, the effects of financing shocks on a firm’s investment policy crucially depend
on two variables: (1) the probability that the firm attaches to the financing shock, and (2)
the firm’s cash holding. A relatively small rise in the probability of a financing shock can
already cause firms to behave more conservatively in good times. The result is that the
average impact of financing shocks ex post is small. However, it will vary significantly across
firms with different cash holdings. In contrast, there is little risk management that a firm
can do in anticipation of a sudden shock to expected productivity, which is why there will
be little heterogeneity in how firms adjust their investment policies following such shocks.
In this section, we explore how aggregate financing shocks affect the risk premium for a
financially constrained firm. Without financing constraint, the firm in our model will have a
constant risk premium. When the firm’s financing conditions remain the same over time, a
conditional CAPM (capital asset pricing model) holds in our model, where the conditional
Beta is monotonically decreasing in the firm’s cash-capital ratio. In the presence of aggregate
financing shocks, however, the volatility in stock returns tends to rise sharply in state B,
as can be inferred from Figure 2. This suggests that the conditional risk premium will be
determined by a two-factor model, which prices both the aggregate shocks to profitability
and the shocks to financing conditions.2324
of the HJB equations under the physical and risk-neutral measures P and Q. Let the firm’s
conditional risk premium in state s be µR
s (w). We may then write the HJB equation under
σ 2s 00
rs + µR max [(rs − λs ) w + µs − is − gs (is )] p0s (w) +
s (w) ps (w) = p (w)
is 2 s
+ (is − δ) (ps (w) − wp0s (w)) + ζ s (ps− (w) − ps (w)) , (25)
where µs and ζ s respectively denote the expected return on capital and the transition inten-
sity from state s to s− under the physical probability measure. By matching terms in the
HJB equations (11) and (25), and using the risk adjustments specified in (7) and (8), we
then obtain the following expression for the conditional risk premium:25
The first term in (26) is the productivity risk premium, which is the product of the
firm’s exposure to aggregate (Brownian) productivity shocks ρs σ s p0s (w)/ps (w) and the price
of Brownian risk η s (where ρs is the conditional correlation between the firm’s productivity
shock dA and the stochastic discount factor in state s). This term is positive for firms whose
productivity shocks are positively correlated with the aggregate market.
The second term is the financing risk premium, which compensates risk-averse investors
for the firm’s exposure to aggregate financing shocks. Financing shocks will be priced when
their arrival corresponds to changes in the stochastic discount factor. As seems empirically
plausible, we suppose that the stochastic discount factor jumps up when aggregate financing
conditions deteriorate, that is, κG = −κB > 0 in our two state model. In other words,
investors will demand an extra premium for investing in firms whose values drop (rise)
during times when external financing condition worsens (improves) (pG (w) > pB (w)).
In the first-best setting where a firm has free access to external financing, its risk premium
The same expression can also be obtained via the standard covariance between return and stochastic
discount factor derivation. See Appendix B for details.
is constant and can be recovered from (26) by setting η, ρ, and σ to constants and dropping
the second term. We then obtain the standard CAPM formula:
µF B = ηρσ . (27)
qF B
Constant equity issuance costs: When financing opportunities are constant over time,
financial constraints only affect the cost of capital by amplifying (or dampening) a
firm’s exposure to productivity shocks. This effect is captured by the productivity
(diffusion) risk premium in (26). As the cash-capital ratio w increases, the firm tends
to become less risky for two reasons. First, if a greater fraction of its assets is cash,
the firm beta is automatically lower due to a simple portfolio composition effect. As
a financially constrained firm hoards more cash to reduce its dependence on costly
external financing, the firm beta becomes a weighted average of its asset beta and the
beta of cash, which is equal to zero.26 Second, an increase in w effectively relaxes the
firm’s financing constraint and therefore reduces the sensitivity of firm value to cash
flow, which also tends to reduce the risk of holding the firm.
Time-varying equity issuance costs: Time-varying equity issuance costs affect the cost
of capital for a financially constrained firm in two ways. First, the firm’s exposure to
productivity shocks changes as financing conditions change, as the marginal value of
cash p0s (w) and firm value ps (w) both depend on the state s. Second, when external
financing shocks are priced, investors demand an extra premium for investing in firms
that do poorly when financing conditions worsen. These firms expose investors to
higher stock-return volatility in state B. This effect is captured by the second term in
(26). Note that (ps− (w) − ps (w)) /ps (w) gives the percentage change of firm value if
financing conditions change, and this term measures the sensitivity of firm value with
In particular, with a large enough buffer stock of cash relative to its assets, this firm may be even safer
than a firm facing no external financing costs and therefore holding no cash.
A. productivity risk premium in state G B. financing risk premium in state G
0.022 0.03
ζG = 0.01 ζG = 0.01
ζG = 0.1 0.025 ζG = 0.1
0.02 ζG = 0.5 ζG = 0.5
0.014 0.005
0.012 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.15
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
cash-capital ratio: w = W/K cash-capital ratio: w = W/K
Figure 5: The effects of stochastic financing conditions on the cost of capital. This
figure plots firm risk premium in state G and B for the case where G is transitory. We consider
three levels of transition intensity from G to B: ζ G = 0.01, 0.1, 0.5.
respect to changes in w. Intuitively, the financing risk premium is larger the bigger
the relative change in firm value due to a change in external financing conditions.
Figure 5 Panel A plots the productivity risk premium (the first term in 26) in state
G as a function of the cash-capital ratio w. This premium is generally decreasing in the
cash-capital ratio, except near the financing boundary. In the benchmark case (ζ G = 0.1),
the risk with respect to higher future financing costs generates market timing behavior
and non-monotonicity in the marginal value of cash (Figure 1, Panel B), which in turn
may cause the productivity risk premium to be locally increasing in w for low levels of
w. As the non-monotonicity in the marginal value of cash is partially offset by the asset
composition effect, the non-monotonicity in the productivity risk premium is relatively weak.
Similarly, holding w fixed at a low level, market timing can lower p0G (w) as the transition
intensity ζ G increases. This explains why the productivity risk premium may be decreasing
in the transition intensity for low w. When the transition intensity is sufficiently low (e.g.,
ζ G = 0.01), the non-monotonicity in the productivity risk premium disappears.
Second, Panel B plots the financing risk premium. The size of this premium depends on
the relative change in firm value when external financing conditions change. It is increasing
in the transition intensity ζ G , but decreasing in w. Intuitively, when cash holdings are low,
a sudden worsening in external financing conditions is particularly costly; but when cash
holdings are high, the firm is able to avoid costly external financing by cutting investment,
engaging in asset sales, and deferring payout, all of which mitigate the impact of the financing
In Panel C and D, both the productivity risk premium and financing risk premium in
state B are monotonically and rapidly decreasing in the firm’s cash holding. When w is
close to 0, the annualized conditional productivity risk premium can exceed 80%. The high
premium and sharp decline with w mirror the rapid decline in the marginal value of cash (see
Figure 2, Panel B): high marginal value of cash in the low w region can dramatically amplify
the firm’s sensitivity to productivity shocks. The productivity risk premium eventually falls
below 2% when the firm is near the payout boundary. Similarly, the conditional financing
premium can exceed 30% when w is close to 0; this is due to the large jump in firm value
when the financing state changes (see Figure 2, Panel A).
Quantitatively, the level and variation of the conditional risk premium generated by
financing constraint should be interpreted in conjunction with the stationary distributions
of cash holdings in Section 4.4. Because the firm’s cash holdings will rarely drop to very low
levels, its risk premium will be small and smooth most of the time in our model.
Our model has several implications for expected returns of financially constrained firms.
Controlling for productivity and financing costs, the model predicts an inverse relation be-
tween returns and corporate cash holdings, which has been documented by Dittmar and
Mahrt-Smith (2007) among others. Our analysis points out that this negative relation may
not be due to agency problems, as they emphasize, but may be driven by relaxed financing
constraints and a changing asset composition of the firm.27
A related prediction is that firms that are more financially constrained are not necessarily
more risky. The risk premium for a relatively more constrained firm can be lower than that
for a less constrained firm if the more constrained firm also holds more cash. This observation
may shed light on the recent studies by Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and Zhang (2006) documenting
that stocks with high idiosyncratic volatility have low average returns. In our model, firms
that face higher idiosyncratic risk will optimally hold more cash on average, which could
explain their lower risk premium.
With time-varying financing conditions, our model can be seen as a conditional two-
factor model to explain the cross section of returns (we provide details of the derivation
in the Appendix). A firm’s risk premium is determined by its productivity beta and its
financing beta. Other things equal, a firm whose financing costs move closely with aggregate
financing conditions will have a larger financing beta and earn higher returns than one with
financing costs independent of aggregate conditions. Empirically, this two-factor model can
be implemented using the standard market beta plus a beta with respect to a portfolio that
is sensitive to financing shocks (e.g. a banking portfolio). This model, in particular, shows
how a firm’s conditional beta depends on the firm’s cash holdings.
We have thus far restricted the firm’s financing choices to only internal funds and external
equity financing. In this section, we extend the model to allow the firm to engage in dynamic
hedging via derivatives such as market-index futures. How does market timing behavior
interact with dynamic hedging? And, how does the firm’s dynamic hedging strategy affect
When heterogeneity in productivity and financing costs is difficult to measure, it is important to take
into account the endogeneity of cash holdings when comparing firms with different cash holdings empirically.
A firm with higher external financing costs will tend to hold more cash, however its risk premium may still
be higher than for a firm with lower financing costs and consequently lower cash holdings. Thus, a positive
relation between returns and corporate cash holdings across firms may still be consistent with our model
(see Palazzo (2008) for a related model and supporting empirical evidence).
its market timing behavior? These are the questions we address in this section. We denote
by F the index futures price for a market portfolio that is already completely hedged against
financing shocks. Under the risk-neutral probability measure, the futures price F then
evolves according to:
dFt = σ m Ft dẐtM , (28)
where σ m is the volatility of the market index portfolio, and {ẐtM : t ≥ 0} is a standard
Brownian motion that is correlated with the firm’s productivity shock {ZtA : t ≥ 0} with a
constant correlation coefficient ρ.28
We denote by ψ t the fraction of the firm’s total cash Wt that it invests in the futures
contract. Futures contracts require that investors hold cash in a margin account. Thus, let
αt ∈ [0, 1] denote the fraction of the firm’s total cash Wt held in the margin account. Cash
held in this margin account incurs a flow unit cost ≥ 0. Futures market regulations typically
require that an investor’s futures position (in absolute value) cannot exceed a multiple π of
the amount of cash αt Wt held in the margin account. We let this multiple be state dependent
and denote it by π(st ). The margin requirement in state s then imposes the following limit
on the firm’s futures position: |ψ t | ≤ π(st )αt . As the firm can costlessly reallocate cash
between the margin account and its regular interest-bearing account, it optimally holds the
minimum amount of cash necessary in the margin account when > 0. Without much loss of
generality, we shall ignore this haircut on the margin account and assume that = 0. Under
this assumption, we do not need to keep track of cash allocations in the margin account and
outside the account. We can then simply set αt = 1. We provide a detailed derivation of
firm value and optimal hedging policy in the Appendix D, where we establish that:
−ρσ B
ψ ∗B (w) = max , −π B .
wσ m
Note that the futures price F follows a martingale after risk adjustment. The interesting case to consider
is when the index futures is imperfectly correlated with the firm’s productivity shock.
hedge ratio: ψs (w)
5 ψG (w)
ψB (w)
← wG ← w̃ G
← mG wG →
← wB ŵ B → ← mB wB →
Figure 6: Optimal hedge ratios ψ ∗ (w) in states G and B when state B is absorbing.
The parameter values are: market volatility σ m = 20%, correlation coefficient ρ = 0.4, margin
requirements π G = 5 and π B = 2. All other parameter values are given in Table 4.
We choose the correlation between index futures and the firm’s productivity shock to be
ρ = 0.4 and a market return volatility of σ m = 20%. The margin requirements in states G
and B are set at π G = 5 and π B = 2, respectively. All other parameter values are the same
as in the previous sections.
Optimal hedge ratios ψ ∗s (w). Figure 6 plots the optimal hedge ratios in both states:
ψ ∗G (w) and ψ ∗B (w). First, we note that for sufficiently high w, the firm hedges in the same
way in both states. Hedging is then unconstrained by the firm’s cash holdings and costless.
The firm then chooses its hedge ratio to be equal to −ρσσ −1
m /w so as to eliminate its exposure
to systematic volatility of the productivity shock. This explains the concave and overlapping
parts of the hedging policies in Figure 6.
Second, for low w hedging strategies differ in the two states as follows: in state B the
hedge ratio hits the constraint ψ ∗B (w) = −π B = −2 for w ≤ 0.12. In state G on the other
hand, the firm issues equity at wG = 0.0219 and firm value is convex in w (due to market
timing) for w ≤ w̃G = 0.0593 (where p00 (w̃G ) = 0). In other words, for w ∈ (wG , w̃G ) firm
value is convex in w and the firm does the opposite of hedging and engages in maximally
allowed risk taking by setting ψ ∗G (w) = π G = 5 for w ∈ (0.0219, 0.0593).
When cash holdings w are sufficiently high, hedging lowers the firm’s precautionary hold-
ings of cash and hence lowers its payout boundary wG from 0.3703 (no hedging benchmark)
to 0.3548. For sufficiently low cash holdings, the ability to speculate lowers the firm’s is-
suance boundary wG because the marginal value of cash for a firm with speculation/hedging
opportunity is higher. The ability to increase the volatility of the cash accumulation process
makes the equity issuance option more valuable and hence causes the issuance boundary wG
to be lowered from 0.0268 (no hedging/speculation benchmark) to 0.0219.
Froot, Scharfstein, and Stein (1993) argue that hedging increases firm value by mitigating
its underinvestment problem. However, we show that this result does not hold generally in
a dynamic setting. For sufficiently high cash holdings, hedging indeed mitigates the firm’s
under-investment problem by reducing exposure to systemic volatility. However, when the
firm’s cash holdings are sufficiently low, the firm optimally engages in speculation to take
advantage of its market timing option.
Rampini and Viswanathan (2010) show that more financially constrained firms hedge
less and may not engage in any form of risk management at all. The reason in their model
is that the firm’s financing needs for investment override hedging concerns. There is thus
an important link between firm financing constraints and risk management: both involve
promises to pay by the firm that are limited by collateral.
8 Conclusion
There is mounting evidence of large market-wide swings in the valuation of stocks. What is
more, in rare episodes of financial crises primary markets essentially shut down. In addition,
firms have become increasingly aware of the risks and opportunities they face with respect
to these external financing costs, and they do appear to ‘time equity markets’ as Baker
and Wurgler (2002) have shown. However, despite the rapid growth in empirical research
on the effects of shocks to the supply of capital on firms’ corporate policies (see Baker and
Wurgler, 2011, for a survey of the literature), very few theoretical analyses are available on the
implications of changing external financing costs for the dynamics of corporate investment
and financing. This study aims to close this gap by taking the perspective of a rational
firm manager seeking to maximize shareholder value by both timing favorable equity market
conditions, and shielding the firm against crisis episodes through precautionary cash holdings.
Throughout most of our analysis, we have assumed that firm managers know the true
probability distribution of financing shocks. An interesting question for future research is to
extend our analysis along the lines of Bloom (2009) and consider how (time-varying) uncer-
tainty about the probability distribution of financing shocks may also affect firm decisions.
In his model, Bloom (2009) allows for uncertainty shocks on productivity for a financially
unconstrained firm. It would be interesting to contrast his study with a model with un-
certainty shocks about external financing shocks and how this affects corporate policies of
financially constrained firms.
Table 4: Summary of Key Variables and Parameters
This table summarizes the symbols for the key variables used in the model and the parameter values in the benchmark
case. For each upper-case variable in the left column (except K, A, and F ), we use its lower case to denote the ratio of this
variable to capital. Whenever a variable or parameter depends on the state s, we denote the dependence with a subscript
s. All the boundary variables are in terms of the cash-capital ratio wt .
A. Baseline model
Capital stock K Riskfree rate r 5.0%
Cash holding W Rate of depreciation δ 15%
Investment I Mean productivity shock µ 22.7%
Cumulative productivity shock A Volatility of productivity shock σ 12%
Investment adjustment cost Γ Adjustment cost parameter θ 1.8
Cumulative operating profit Y Center of adjustment cost parameter ν 15%
Cumulative external financing H Proportional cash-carrying cost λ 1.5%
Cumulative external financing cost X Proportional financing cost γ 6%
Cumulative payout U Correlation between ZtA and ZtM ρ 0.4
Firm value P Price of risk for technology shocks η 0.4
Average q q
Net marginal value of cash q0 State transition intensity ζs 0.1 0.5
Payout boundary w Capital liquidation value ls 1.0 0.3
Financing boundary w Fixed financing cost φs 0.5% 50%
Return cash-capital ratio m Price of risk for financing shocks κs ln(3) − ln(3)
Conditional risk premium µR
B. Hedging
Hedge ratio ψ Market volatility σm 20%
Fraction of cash in margin account α
Futures price F Margin requirement πs 5 2
Maximum-hedging boundary ŵ
Speculation boundary w̃
Our analysis in the text focuses on the special case of two states of the world. However, it is
straightforward to generalize our model to a setting with more than two states, denoted by
st = 1, · · · , n. The transition matrix in the n-state Markov chain is then given by ζ = [ζ ij ].
The n-state Markov chain can also capture both aggregate and firm-specific shocks, and also
productivity and financing shocks. In sum, the firm’s expected return on capital, volatility,
and financing costs may all change when the state changes in the general formulation of the
To make the adjustments for systematic risk in the model, we assume that the economy is
characterized by a stochastic discount factor (SDF) Λt , which evolves as follows:
dΛt X
eκ(st− ,st ) − 1 dMt t− t ,
(s ,s )
= −r (st− ) dt − η (st− ) dZtM + (29)
Λt− s 6=s t t−
where r(s) is the risk-free rate in state s, η(s) is the price of risk for systematic Brownian
shocks ZtM , κ (i, j) is the relative jump size of the discount factor when the Markov chain
switches from state i to state j, and Mt is a compensated Poisson process with intensity
ζ ij ,
(i,j) (i,j)
dMt = dNt − ζ ij dt, i 6= j. (30)
In equation (29), we have made use of the result that an n-state continuous-time Markov
chain with generator [ζ ij ] can be equivalently expressed as a sum of independent Poisson pro-
cesses Nt (i 6= j) with intensity parameters ζ ij (see e.g., Chen (2010)).29 The above SDF
More specifically, the process s solves the following stochastic differential equation, dst =
P (st− ,k)
k6=s − δ k (st− ) dNt , where δ k (j) = j − i.
captures two different types of risk in the market: small systematic shocks generated by the
Brownian motion, and large systematic shocks from the Markov chain. We assume that dZtM
is partially correlated with the firm’s productivity shock dZtA , with instantaneous correlation
ρdt. Chen (2010) shows that the SDF in (29) can be generated from a consumption-based
asset pricing model.
The SDF defines a risk neutral probability measure Q, under which the process for the
firm’s productivity shocks becomes (6). In addition, if a change of state in the Markov chain
corresponds to a jump in the SDF, then the corresponding large shock also carries a risk
premium, which leads to an adjustment of the transition intensity under Q as folows:
ζ̂ ij = eκ(i,j) ζ ij , i 6= j.
Under the first best, the HJB equation for the n-state model is as follows,
1 2 X
rs qsF B = µ̂s − iFs B − θs iFs B − ν s + qsF B iFs B − δ + ζ̂ ss0 qsF0 B − qsF B ,
2 s0 6=s
qsF B = 1 + θs iFs B − ν s .
While there are no closed form solutions for n > 2, it is straightforward to solve the system
of nonlinear equations numerically.
With financial frictions, the HJB equation is generalized from (11) as follows:
σ2K 2
rs P (K, W, s) = max [(rs − λs ) W + µ̂s K − I − Γ (I, K, s)] PW (K, W, s) + s PW W (K, W, s)
I 2
ζ̂ ss0 P (K, W, s0 ) − P (K, W, s) ,
+ (I − δK) PK (K, W, s) + (32)
s0 6=s
degree one in W and K in each state, so that
rs ps (w) = max [(rs − λs ) w + µ̂s − is − gs (is )] p0s (w) + s p00s (w)
is 2
+ (is − δ) (ps (w) − wp0s (w)) + ζ̂ ss0 (ps0 (w) − ps (w)) . (34)
s0 6=s
The boundary conditions in each state s are then defined in similar ways as in Equation
B Calibration
We use annual data from COMPUSTAT to calculate the moments of the investment-capital
ratio and cash-capital ratio for our model calibration. The sample is from 1981 to 2010
and excludes utilities (SIC codes 4900-4999) and financial firms (SIC codes 6000-6999). We
require firms to be incorporated in the United States and have positive assets and positive
net PPE (property, plant, and equipment). In addition, since our model does not allow
for lumpy investment, mergers and acquisitions, or dramatic changes in profitability, we
eliminate firm-years for which total assets or sales grew by more than 100%, or investments
exceeded 50% of capital stock from the previous year.
Capital investment is measured using capital expenditure (CAP Xt ). Since our calibrated
model does not allow for short term debt, we measure cash holdings as the difference between
cash and short-term investments (CHEt ) and average short-term borrowing (BASTt ). Cap-
ital stock is the total net PPE (P P EN Tt ). Then, the cash-capital ratio for year t is defined
as P P EN Tt
, while the investment-capital ratio for year t is P P EN Tt−1
. We first compute
moments for the cash-capital ratio and the investment-capital ratio at the firm level, and
then calibrate the model parameters to match the moments of the median across firms.
C Beta Representation
As indicated by the SDF Λt in (29) with n = 2, in state s, the price of risk for the technology
shock (risk premium for a unit exposure to the shocks) is λTs = η s , whereas the price of risk
for the financing shock is λFs = − (eκs − 1). Thus, we can rewrite the risk premium using
the Beta representation:
s (w) = β s (w)λs + β s (w)λs ,
p0s (w)
β Ts (w) = ρs σ s (35)
ps (w)
ps− (w) − ps (w)
β Fs (w) = ζ s (36)
ps (w)
are the technology Beta and financing Beta respectively for the firm in state s. The tech-
nology Beta will be large when the marginal value of cash relative to firm value is high; the
financing Beta will be large when the probability that financing conditions will change is
high, or when the change in financing conditions has a large impact on the firm value.
Since there are two sources of aggregate shocks in this model, the CAPM does not hold.
Instead, expected returns reflect aggregate risk driven by a two-factor model. We thus
assume that there are two diversified portfolios T and F , each only subject to one type of
aggregate shock, a technology or a financing shock. Suppose their return dynamics are given
as follows:
dRtF = (rs + µFs )dt + eκ1 − 1 dMt1 + eκ2 − 1 dMt2 . (38)
Then, the stochastic discount factor (29) implies that
µTs = σ Ts η s ,
µFs = ζ s (eκs − 1) (eκs − 1) . (39)
We can now rewrite the risk premium in (37) and (38) using Betas as follows:
µR T F
s (w) = β s (w)µs + β s (w)µs ,
ρs σ s p0s (w)
β Ts (w) = (40)
σ Ts ps (w)
ps− (w) − ps (w)
β Fs (w) = (41)
ps (w) (eκFs − 1)
are the technology Beta (Beta with respect to Portfolio T ) and financing Beta (Beta with
respect to Portfolio F ) for the firm in state s. The technology Beta will be large when the
marginal value of cash relative to firm value is high; the financing Beta will be large when
the probability that financing conditions will change is high, or when the change in financing
conditions has a large impact on firm value.
D Dynamic Hedging
We now derive the optimal hedging policy in detail for Section 7. The firm’s cash holdings
thus evolve as follows:
dWt = Kt [µ(st )dAt + σ(st )dZt ]−(It + Γt ) dt+dHt −dUt +[r(st )) − λ(st )] Wt dt+ψ t Wt σ m dBt , (42)
where |ψ t | ≤ π(st ). To avoid unnecessary repetition, we only consider the case with positive
correlation, i.e., ρ > 0. We consider first the crisis state.
In state B. Given that firm value is always concave in cash in state B (PW W (K, W, G) <
0), the firm in state B faces the same decision problem as the firm in BCW. BCW show that
the optimal hedge ratio (with time-invariant opportunities) is given by
−ρσ B
ψ ∗B (w) = max , −π B . (43)
wσ m
Intuitively, the firm chooses the hedge ratio ψ so that the firm only faces idiosyncratic volatil-
ity after hedging. The hedge ratio that achieves this objective is −ρσ B σ −1
m /w. However, this
hedge ratio may not be attainable due to the margin requirement. In that case, the firm
chooses the maximally admissible hedge ratio ψ ∗B (w) = −π B . Equation (43) captures the
effect of margin constraints on hedging. Because there is no hair cut (i.e., = 0), the hedge
ratio ψ given in (43) is independent of firm value and only depends on w. We next turn to
the focus of this section: hedging in state G.
In state G. Before entering the crisis state, the firm has external financing opportunities.
Moreover, the margin requirement may be different (i.e., π G > π B ). In state G, the firm
chooses its investment policy I and its index futures position ψW to maximize firm value
P (K, W, G) by solving the following HJB equation:
subject to |ψ| ≤ π G .
When firm value is concave in cash, we have the same solution as in state B, but with
margin π G . That is,
ψ ∗G (w) = max −ρσ G σ m −1 /w, −π G .
However, market timing opportunities combined with fixed costs of equity issuance imply
that firm value may be convex in cash, i.e., PW W (K, W, G) > 0 for certain regions of w =
W/K. With convexity, the firm naturally speculates in derivatives markets. Given the margin
requirement, the firm takes the maximally allowed futures position, i.e. the corner solution
ψ G (w) = π G . Note that the firm is long in futures despite positive correlation between its
productivity shock and the index futures. Let w
bG denote the endogenously chosen point at
which PW W (K, W, G) = 0, or p00G (w
bG ) = 0. We now summarize the firm’s futures position in
state G as follows:
max {−ρσ σ −1 /w, −π } , for w≥w bG ,
∗ G m G
ψ G (w) = (45)
πG , for wG ≤ w ≤ wbG .
Note the discontinuity of the hedge ratio ψ ∗G (w) in w. The firm switches from a hedger to a
speculator when its cash-capital ratio w falls below w
bG .
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